OverTime (The Dartmouth Cobras Book 9)

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OverTime (The Dartmouth Cobras Book 9) Page 2

by Bianca Sommerland

  Hadn’t worked out for the man when Ford had sold the team out from under him, but even that hadn’t seemed to deter him.

  Anthony inclined his head. “I’d planned to, and he will still inherit some of what I have if I manage to accumulate anything worth leaving him, but…” The old man sighed, leaning back in the chair, holding his grandson closer. “Oriana, I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I can’t erase what I’ve done, but—as I told you on the phone—I’m hoping I can right some of them before I’m gone. It pleases me you three are so close. I don’t want to miss out on your lives. On meeting my grandchildren. The Delgado legacy will continue with you.” He looked from Oriana, to Ford. Then finally, to Silver. “All of you. And I want that to be something you’re proud of. Because I’m prouder of you than I can say.”

  Silver’s bottom lip quivered. She sat up a little straighter as a tear spilled down her cheek. Wiping it away impatiently, she stared at their father. “That sounds good, but I hope you know it’s going to take more than some nice words to get us to trust you again.”

  With a heavy sigh, Anthony lifted Westy, placing the baby back in Oriana’s arms. He didn’t speak again until she’d taken a seat at Silver’s other side. “I respect that. And believe me, I know we have a long way to go. But you’re here. That’s a start.”

  Anne patted her husband’s shoulder. “Yes, it is.” She moved to the table, setting out the teacups. “Why don’t we all have some tea and catch up? Unless you’d like coffee? I can go make some, it won’t take a minute.”

  “Tea’s fine.” Oriana gave Anne a hesitant smile. “It’s clear you’ve taken very good care of our father. Thank you.”

  “Yes, well…I know you probably didn’t think much of us getting married. I’m only ten years older than you.” Anne poured the tea, a wistful smile on her lips. She handed Oriana the cup after preparing it exactly the way his sister liked it. “But I worked for him for a long time and we’ve been through a lot together. It was nice to have a chance to prove I could be there for him like he’s been there for me.”

  “You stuck around even after he lost almost everything.” Oriana’s smile was warm now, showing she held nothing against the woman. “That tells me a lot about you.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  Thanking Anne as she handed him a cup of tea—black, like he usually took it at the office, even though she hadn’t been there in a long time—Ford tried to keep his expression neutral. This whole thing was surreal. He could tell Oriana desperately wanted to believe in their father. She’d spent her whole childhood, and much of her adulthood, trying to be the perfect daughter. Sure, she was stronger now, had a family of her own, a career she loved, but he could practically see that little girl she’d once been, looking for her father’s approval.

  Maybe this was real. Maybe Anthony had gotten a reality check when he hadn’t been invited to Silver’s wedding. Seen that he’d end up dying alone, forgotten by the children he’d pushed away again and again. Fuck, it would be awesome to see him be the man, the father, Oriana and Silver deserved.

  But did anyone really change that much?

  By his side, Silver stared at their father, hugging herself tight, not touching her tea. She hadn’t said much, but that wouldn’t last. Oriana talking and laughing with their father had her on edge. Her expression darkened as Oriana began telling Anthony a funny story about her husband, Max Perron, bringing Westy to meet a few players during a charity event.

  “Sorry, but I can’t do this. I don’t know what you’re playing at, Dad, but I’m not here for it.” Silver stood, shaking her head when Ford moved toward her, and strode off down the hall.

  Damn it! Ford didn’t blame Silver for leaving, but he couldn’t just abandon Oriana. He stood beside her, raking his fingers through his hair, torn. Hopefully Silver had just gone down to wait in the car. They could talk to her when they got there.

  Which would be soon. Oriana being happy with all this was good, but he didn’t want her getting her hopes up. They all needed time to see if Anthony was legit interested in being the father they needed.

  That my sisters need. He was never mine. Ford’s throat tightened. He’d been useful once, but not anymore. If not for Oriana, he wouldn’t be here at all.

  He looked over at Anthony. “I’m not sure what you expected, but you’ve got a lot to prove. And she owes you nothing.”

  “I know that.” Anthony took a deep breath. “You should go to her, Oriana. I’m not giving up, but I don’t want to make this more difficult on any of you.” He lowered his gaze. “If you’ll give me a moment of your time, Ford, I’d like to speak to you alone.”

  Fuck no. Ford’s lips parted, but Oriana rose beside him, giving him a look that nearly broke his heart. She needed this chance. Needed the father she believed Anthony could be in her life. The way she held Westy close made it even more obvious why she’d picked up the phone when the man had called her. That little boy would never lack for love. He had Sloan and Max’s fathers to fill the grandparents’ role and a whole team’s worth of adopted uncles ready to dote on him. But Oriana wanted her son to have Anthony as well.

  If there was any chance that little boy could have his grandfather in his life, Ford would help make sure that happened.

  He sighed and nodded. “Go on. I won’t be long.”

  Oriana pressed a light kiss on his cheek, then went to her father, hugging him and holding Westy up so his grandfather could cuddle him one last time.

  Anthony’s eyes lit up. “Wait, before you rush off, I have something for him.” He reached for his cane. “I’ll be just a—”

  “Let me get it.” Anne hurried off, returning seconds later with a big, shiny blue gift bag filled with pale blue tissue and curly blue ribbons. Her cheeks were red as she returned, handing Oriana the bag. “You can open it later if you’d like. I’d planned this to go much nicer, but…” She shook her head, looking sad. “We knew it might take time to repair Anthony’s relationship with all of you.”

  “Thank you.” Oriana bit her bottom lip as Westy started to fuss. “I feel rude leaving without—”

  “Don’t, my sweet girl.” Anthony gave her another hug. “I just hope you’ll come visit with him again soon.”

  “I will.”

  “Good. Then go make sure your sister is all right. And please call me when you have a chance.” Anthony walked Oriana to the door, waving off her objections. “I’m much better. Don’t worry about me.”

  With both his sisters gone, Ford felt out of place. His only interactions with Anthony had been either on the direction of Roy Kingsley, the man who’d raised Ford as a son until the truth had been revealed, or standing by Oriana and Silver once he’d finally understood what loyalty really meant. Not giving his all to someone who considered him disposable, but caring for those who loved him, who never asked for more than they gave. People who didn’t hurt him when he didn’t serve their purpose any longer.

  Cleaning off the table, Anne shot him a sympathetic smile. “Family can be very complicated.”

  “Just a bit.” Ford shoved his hands in the pockets of his black slacks, smiling back at her. The woman seemed nice enough. Sticking with Anthony through some of the shit he’d pulled might have been questionable, but maybe her faith in him hadn’t been completely misplaced.


  Just maybe.

  Ford would reserve judgment. On them both.

  Chapter 2

  “Now then.” Anthony returned to the sitting room, his expression warm. “I think we have much to discuss, son.”

  Ford’s jaw ticked at ‘son’, but he simply inclined his head. “Should I have Silver and Oriana go on without me? I don’t want my nephew sitting in the car too long.”

  “I’d appreciate that.” Anthony settled in his chair as Ford sent Oriana a quick text, assuring her he’d get Cort or Akira to pick him up when he was done here.

  Once he’d put away his phone, Ford looked up to see Anthony watching him, a curious
expression on his face.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t ask this, but I’ve always wondered why you stayed on with the team after selling your shares.” Anthony curved both hands over the top of his cane. “The team served one purpose for the Kingsleys. I understand you wanting a legitimate career, but why involve yourself in a sport you had no interest in?”

  Returning to his seat on the couch, Ford shrugged. “I wanted to be there for my sisters.”

  “So you appreciate the value of a family business.”

  “It’s not ours anymore, Anthony. The team belongs to Keane.”

  “Not for long.” Anthony leaned forward. “The team has always been important to me. Perhaps too much so, but I don’t think any of us want to lose it. Keane has been exploring his options. Rumors have caught the attention of the media, but they’re only speculating. I’ve heard from old associates that he’s received offers that would potentially move the team to San Antonio. Or Seattle.”

  That was what Silver had wanted him to know. Damn it, why hadn’t he just read the fucking article? He inhaled roughly as he imagined the team being moved. His family would be ripped apart. All his friends, the life he’d built here, would be gone. Cort, the man he loved, had his auto repair shop in Dartmouth, but their woman, Akira, was an Ice Girl for the team. Would the Ice Girls be moved as well? Disbanded?

  He shook his head. “We don’t have the money to make a counteroffer. If Keane decides to sell, there’s nothing we can do to stop him.”

  “Really?” Anthony’s brow rose. “Come, my boy. I’m sure, if you put your mind to it, you could come up with some way to at least delay any action by Keane.”

  Bowing his head, Ford nodded slowly. “Is that why you wanted me here? Why you put on that whole act? Oriana and Silver love the team, but they’d only go so far to save it. Me? I’m a thug. I’ll do anything, right?”

  Anthony’s lips thinned. “Come with me.”

  Jaw clenched, Ford followed Anthony to a short hall which opened into a huge, modern kitchen with a long island that cut it off from the living room. To the left was a blocky staircase, leading up to the second floor. The old man started up the stairs, glancing back once to make sure Ford was still there.

  “Having children changes a man, son.” Anthony’s lips curved slightly when Ford scowled. “Yes, I know you hate me calling you that, but you are my son. I may not have raised you, but I’ll be damned if I leave you with nothing but a bitter memory. I hope you will feel the same.”

  Grinding his teeth, Ford considered a few dozen ways to tell the man to go fuck himself. They reached a spacious landing at the top of the stairs and he blinked as he looked over the three people lounging around the open den.

  A man, a woman, on the sofa and loveseat, and a boy of about ten sitting on a beanie chain in the corner with headphones on.

  The man stood immediately and came toward him, holding out his arms. “Ford, it’s been too damn long. You look good, man.”

  Wetting his lips, Ford focused on the man in front of him. Kyle Macrae. Who Ford hadn’t seen since he was a sixteen-year-old punk in Detroit, stealing cars and giving Cort a reason to want to kick his ass almost every day. Kyle was a few years older than him, which would make him about thirty now.

  He looked it, but not in a bad way. Maturity had turned the tall, skinny kid with crooked teeth and huge glasses into a wiry man with a sexy, nerdy appeal. His light brown hair was rumpled in a just-been-fucked way, brushing the top of his stylish glasses. The smile he flashed was fucking perfect. And he’d traded in his comic tees for a blazer that had Ford thinking of a really hot teacher he’d seen somewhere.

  Maybe in a porn. Fuck, why had he started watching gay porn? That wouldn’t change years of being exclusively with women and never realizing he could fall for a guy. Had fallen for a guy. Cort, who was still trying to figure out his own shit and wouldn’t have seen that particular porn because he thought all the moaning was fake as fuck and preferred magazines.

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah. Damn, you…grew up.”

  “As did you.” Kyle arched a brow, lips slanting in amusement as he put his hand on Ford’s shoulder. He motioned to the woman who was stretched out across the plush, black leather sofa. “Do you remember my sister, Andrea?”

  “Hey.” Andrea waved at him, not looking up from the book she was reading.

  “Hey.” Ford took a deep breath, moving away from Kyle, not liking how familiar he was being, hot or not. “You were in college when me and Kyle hung out, but I think I remember you from a party at your sister’s place—”

  “Yeah, when I walked in on you fucking my sister in the pool house.” Andrea’s tone was dry. “Good times.”

  Kyle scowled at her, glancing over at the boy. “Jesus, sis. Not in front of the kid.”

  “Oh fuck off, he swears more than I do.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  Ford grinned. They sounded a lot like him and Silver. Maybe not growing up together didn’t matter so much after all. He hooked his thumbs to his belt, the tension easing out of him now that Kyle wasn’t standing so close.

  “Is Trista here too? It’s been…” He cleared his throat again. Looked at the boy again. “Been a while.”

  “Ten years.” Kyle turned, blinking fast, his smile strained. “And Trista’s dead. She was in a bad car accident…after a party. She shouldn’t have been driving, but…unfortunately, it was something she did a lot.”

  “Shit.” Ford dropped his gaze, not sure what to say. He’d liked Trista, but they hadn’t been together long. She’d hung out at Cort’s stepfather’s club a lot, fooling around with the bikers until Ford caught her eye. Cort thought she was too old for him and seduced her away.

  He’d actually dated her for longer. Around the same time.

  Maybe he should be here.

  Ford really really wished Cort was here.

  “Ford…” Kyle pushed his glasses up, lowing his voice even though the kid couldn’t hear him with the headphones on. “Trista wasn’t doing good before…before the accident. She was always drinking and partying, going from one man to the next. Me and Andrea did what we could, but Child Services got involved. He got taken away a few times. After she died, we didn’t know what to do with him, but we didn’t want him living with strangers again. We finally got his birth certificate and…she’d never told us. I swear I would have told you if I knew.”

  Taking a step back, Ford stared at Kyle. “There’s no fucking way.”

  “Really? Because you were so damn careful?” Kyle’s eyes hardened. He looked past Ford to Anthony, who’d remained silent the whole time. “He hasn’t changed. This trip was a waste of time.”

  “It wasn’t. Give him a chance to absorb what you’re saying.” Anthony put a heavy hand on Ford’s shoulder, tightening his grip when Ford tried to jerk away. “Go look at him and tell me you don’t see it.”

  For a man who’d had a heart attack, the elder Delgado was pretty strong. He didn’t release Ford until he started moving forward on his own.

  As his shadow fell over the kid, the boy looked up. Golden eyes hard, he jerked off his headphones.

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  Holy shit.

  Ford’s lips parted. Closed. He swallowed hard. “Ah…just wanted to meet you, kid. I knew your mom.”

  “Awesome. At least one of us did.” The boy slumped on the beanbag. “You figure out where you’re dumping me off yet, Uncle Kyle? I’m fucking bored.”

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  As much as he wanted to, Ford couldn’t deny it. That dark brown hair, those eyes. That smart ass mouth. Hell, if the kid had been in a video Ford would have done a double-take, thinking he was looking at himself as a child.

  Anthony moved to Ford’s side, his tone hard. “You’re not going anywhere, Jaxon.”

  “Yeah?” The kid, Jaxon, eyed Anthony warily. “You want me to stay here?”

  “You will stay here.” Anthony’s lips curved slightly. “
Until it’s time to go live with your father.”

  Jaxon’s eyes narrowed. He looked Ford over. “This him?”

  I should say something. Ford cleared his throat again. “Your mother and I were together a long time ago—”

  “Got that. Ten years ago. I’m not stupid.” Jaxon rolled his eyes. “So you’re my mom’s sperm donor. Cool. Any reason I can’t go with you now?”

  “You can—”

  “No, he can’t,” Kyle spoke up, his voice cutting through the room as he went to stand over Jaxon, who rolled his eyes again and put his headphones back on. “I’m sorry, Ford, but he doesn’t know you. I don’t know you. Not anymore.”

  “But you know Anthony?” Ford wasn’t sure what he was going to do with a kid, but he sure as hell wasn’t leaving his…his…leaving Jaxon with the same man who’d almost destroyed both his daughters’ lives.

  Kyle glared at him. “Anthony flew all three of us down here after talking to us for weeks. He’s given us a place to stay. Given Jaxon everything he could need.”

  Weeks…Anthony had known about this for weeks? Ford rubbed his hand over his lips and laughed. “Jesus, Dad. Convenient timing, telling me about the kid now?”

  “Perhaps.” Anthony shrugged, not even bothering to deny it. “I want my team back. You want your sisters to be happy. And a chance to get to know your son.” The emphasis he put on the last word made Ford wince. Anthony gave Ford a cold smile, then continued. “If family pride isn’t enough to motivate you, maybe this will be.”

  “Why the fuck would I agree to any of this? So you’ll fake being Oriana and Silver’s father? No thanks. Better them find out how you really feel now than when they get close to you again.” Ford fisted his hands at his sides. “And he’s…he’s my son. You can’t keep him from me.”

  Anthony’s brow rose. “Really? And you think paternity will matter when I take you to court for custody? You’re in a relationship with a man who’s done jail time. Some would say your ‘unconventional’ lifestyle isn’t exactly stable.”


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