OverTime (The Dartmouth Cobras Book 9)

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OverTime (The Dartmouth Cobras Book 9) Page 18

by Bianca Sommerland

  Her heart stuttered and she fought not to lean into his touch. If he was gay, would it feel this nice to have him close to her? Would he look at her like he wanted to kiss her? This was the real world, not an anime. Shipping two guys together didn’t mean they’d end up a couple in her favorite fanfic. She wouldn’t find artists drawing romantic—or sexy—pictures of him and Dave to save on her laptop and sigh over.

  All right, she might, but she didn’t go for real people ships. Those were often intrusive and gross.

  And she didn’t want to think about Heath being into his friend.

  Not when he said he was into her.

  “This is so weird. You’re…famous.” The sun was setting as they hit the streets. She wasn’t sure where they were going, but she needed to wrap her head around him actually being with her. “I’m sure your friends warned you how overprotective my dad is. And what if we’re seen together? Your career could be—”

  Heath pulled her close, leaning her against the wall of a small café that smelled like fresh croissants. He brought his lips to hers, kissing her slowly, his hand in her hair and the other on her back to protect her from the cement wall.

  She whimpered against his lips, so overwhelmed by the heat, by the pressure, that her head spun. She clung to his shoulders, shivering as she closed her eyes, not ready for him to stop.

  The only kiss she’d ever gotten from a boy, Donny Parker, had been sloppy and kinda gross. They were outside during lunch, flirting before he pinned her against the wall. She hadn’t stopped him at first, she thought he was cool and cute and wanted him to like her.

  Then he’d put his hand up her shirt, right under her bra, and she’d punched him in the nose. When she got home, she tried to pretend everything was normal, but her father spotted a few drops of blood on her shirt and made her tell him everything.

  Next thing she knew, Donny had been suspended from school. And then transferred to another one…after moving to a city outside Toronto.

  Her father was like some kind of mega-power when he wanted to be, which was awesome and frustrating. She’d found out later that he had invested in the company Donny’s father worked for and had ‘suggested’ a position in another branch would be beneficial. Since the man had gotten a promotion, she tried not to feel too bad, but the girls at school who’d crushed on Donny told her she’d ruined his life because of her ‘rich father’.

  When Heath kissed her, she didn’t want him to stop. And he didn’t press for more. He kissed her like he’d be happy with this, like he was telling her all the things he couldn’t say with words. He brushed her hair away from her cheek as he eased away and she inhaled roughly, letting the wall support her.

  “Wow.” She ducked her head at his soft smile. “That was… Forget I asked if you like girls. I was being a headcase.”

  “It’s okay.” He took her hand as they continued walking. “I wanted to do that last time, but we never got a minute alone.”

  “I wanted you to do it then, but this…this was perfect.”

  Heath looked down, clearing his throat. “I shouldn’t be…this isn’t fair to you. If the team moves—”

  “They won’t.” She hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to her dad yet, but she would. Until then, she could help Heath not worry so much. “It takes a long time for something like that to get approved by the league, right? And Dad’s gotta talk to all his business people. Before he does, I’m gonna tell him all the reasons he should keep the Cobras in Dartmouth. But not until Madison’s better. He won’t be thinking about the move until then anyway.”

  “Your sister seems really nice.” Heath glanced over at her. “Is she doing okay?”

  “She will be, after the surgery.” Mackenzie’s cheeks heated. “She’s kinda the reason I came today. I wasn’t sure about leaving her alone, but she thought it was cool you wanted to hang out.”

  “Do you feel bad about not being with her?”

  How was he so awesome at saying exactly what she needed to hear? She rested her head on his shoulder as they continued aimlessly toward the pier. One of her favorite places to be.

  “I did, but she was right. If I didn’t get out, I’d be hovering over her. Making this harder.” She faced him as they reached the edge of the water, the setting sun glowing off the bay and making his hair glisten with the fading golden light. “You’re the perfect distraction, so thank you.”

  Heath pressed his forehead to hers, speaking softly. “Don’t thank me. Anything but that.”

  She grinned, lifting her head to steal a kiss, loving how she felt like she could. “You gonna hate it if I say you’re a nice guy too?”

  Wincing, Heath nodded. “Yes.”

  “Tough. Because you are.” Mackenzie met his troubled gaze. “Don’t worry about my dad. He doesn’t have to know yet. And when I do tell him, he’s gonna have to accept I’m not a little girl anymore.”

  “He’ll have trouble with that.”

  “Maybe.” She looked down at her hand in his, a fluttery warmth in her stomach, the whole world suddenly a lot less grim than it had been before. Maddy would be okay. Heath really liked her. Maybe things would be good with her dad too. “Or maybe he’ll just be happy for me.”

  Chapter 15

  Ford hesitated before getting out of his car, not sure he should even be here, meeting up with Luke so he’d have backup while visiting his son. That he even needed it was fucking stupid, but Cort wouldn’t let him leave the house until he’d found someone to go with him.

  He’d considered Scott, they’d grown close over the years, but Scott had his own scars. Last thing he wanted was for the man to have them torn open if Kyle did pull something. Ford had ignored all his messages over the past few days, speaking directly to Anthony instead. Kyle would be pissed and might retaliate somehow, but Ford still didn’t know how to deal with him. Or if he even should.

  This will be over soon.

  If things went well with the lawyer. Who he’d be meeting with Monday. The lawyer, Mrs. Kim Monsch, seemed to think he had a strong case, but wouldn’t tell him more until they’d gone over all the details. She had said it could take months for all the paperwork to be finalized, but the courts would look into the best interest of the child in the meantime. Kyle and Andrea had no income, no place of their own, and couldn’t provide Jaxon with any kind of stability. Anthony could, but he was an older man with limited mobility.

  Sounded good on paper, but he wasn’t waiting for legal stuff to be finalized before he saw his son. He’d already missed the first nine years of Jaxon’s life. He’d do anything to make sure he didn’t miss any more.

  A soft tap on his window brought his head up. He frowned as Jami leaned over, holding her big belly and grinning at him.

  Rolling down the window, he glanced at her stomach, even bigger than the last time he’d seen her, just a few weeks ago, then met her eyes. “I thought you were on bedrest.”

  “I’m supposed to take it easy, but still keep active. Walks every day, at least around the block.” She looked from his car to the path to her house. “I think I’m good.”

  He sighed and shook his head, stepping out of the car and to her side, not sure if he should take her arm or simply stick close. They’d dated a few years back, and had been toxic together, but had finally settled into a friendship he valued more than anything.

  Not the type of friendship where he could tell her what was going on with his father—she would stress and carrying twins was already hard enough on her—but close enough that he didn’t hesitate before asking for details about her treatment, and the issues she’d been having, and if there was anything he could do to help.

  She laughed, patting his arm as they reached the huge, gleaming wood doors of the house she shared with Luke and Sebastian. “Lots of vitamins, blood tests, checkups, and the works. Compared to what your sister went through, this is nothing.”

  “Silver’s pregnancy was easy until she gave birth to Amia. And you’ve got two in there.” He gesture
d to her belly. Damn it, she was so small, and her stomach already looked way too big for her body. She still had a few months to go. How was she going to manage if they got even bigger? “If you’re having pains already—”

  “Then my muscles are getting a bit of a strain and it’s normal. I’m not afraid, so don’t you be.” She reached for the door, sighing when he grabbed the handle and pulled the door open for her. “Besides, you have your own shit going on. You have a son and I had to find out from Luke? Really?”

  He cringed as she stepped past him. Her tone was light, but he knew her well enough to see past the front she’d put up. She’d act all tough because she was scared. And now she was hurt.

  Because of him.

  At one point, she would have been the first person he told. But life had changed. They were both in relationships, her engaged and having babies, him in a serious relationship—two of them—for the first time, trying not to fuck up too bad…

  “It took me a while to tell Akira too, if that helps—”

  “It doesn’t.” She glanced over at him, settling her hands on her stomach as she slowed a few steps down the short hall. “But I don’t blame you. Everyone is being so careful, not telling me the bad stuff, only wanting to hear how I’m feeling. It’s like being in a bubble all the time. And then the bubble pops and everywhere around me is a mess I wasn’t allowed to see.” She pressed her eyes shut. “Did you know the team might be moved?”

  He chewed at his bottom lip, not sure what the right answer was. Probably the truth.

  She let out a rough laugh before he could say a word. “Of course you did. But I wasn’t allowed to know. The only reason I do is because Luke and Seb were talking about it when they thought I was sleeping. And I can still be sneaky, even with the kiddos making me awkward AF.”

  Lips quirking at the last, Ford nodded. “That doesn’t surprise me at all.”

  “Oh shut up.” She shoved his shoulder, then continued to the living room. “I’m also a better sidekick than Luke. You sure you don’t want me to come with you instead?”

  How the hell was he supposed to answer that? He had more history with her, but his friendship with Luke was different. He wasn’t worried about messing Luke up, but he’d already done that to Jami. She was a strong young woman, but she’d been through too much. A lot of it because of him.

  No way was he letting her near this situation.

  Thankfully, Sebastian was in the room and didn’t hesitate to intervene. He set the Saturday morning paper aside, a soft smile on his lips as he rose, flipping his long, black hair over one shoulder before crossing the room in two long strides and pulling Jami into his arms. He kissed the top of her head and whispered something in her ear.

  Her cheeks, which were already nice and round from the weight she’d gained during her pregnancy, reddened. She pressed her face against Sebastian’s chest. “You’re not playing fair.”

  Chuckling, Sebastian stroked her back, holding her close. “I don’t believe I ever have, mi cielo.” Sebastian met Ford’s eyes, nothing in his gaze indicating he was thinking of ‘The Party’, but Ford’s neck still heated, and he dropped his gaze as Sebastian’s lips curved.

  Oh shit, did I just make this awkward?

  “The scene is over, hombre.” Sebastian slid his finger under Jami’s hair, which was back to her natural light brown, save for a streak of blue. He lifted the hair from her throat, brushing his lips down the pale length, his eyes never leaving Ford’s. “Things will be normal between us.” He licked Jami’s throat. “For now.”

  Ford shivered, resisting the urge to take a step forward. Or back. He’d done things at that party that were…out of his comfort zone. And he’d fucking loved every minute.

  But it still didn’t quite fit in his head. He wanted that zone he’d found that night, the one where he didn’t have to think. Only feel.

  He didn’t want that from Sebastian though.

  He needed it from Cort.

  “Great, Seb. You broke him.” Coming up behind him, Luke gave Ford a little shove. “Pull it together, man. You want out of your head that bad, we can swing by Callahan’s on the way back.”

  Hell no. Ford shook his head and turned, blinking as he took in what Luke was wearing. “Are we going to a funeral?”

  Luke shrugged, a slanted smile on his lips. “Maybe? If the dude messes with you?”

  Jami let out a little snort.

  “Hey, my buddy here needs backup. I’ve got him.” Luke smoothed the labels of his sleek, black suit jacket. “Let’s go.”

  There was no way Ford was leaving the house with Luke dressed like that. His outfit was almost an exact match for Jason Statham’s in Crank. Like Luke was trying to come across as a tough guy. An enforcer.

  With his boyish good looks and his mussed up, badly-in-need-of-a-trim blond hair, he looked like he was dressing up for a fancy Halloween party. For a Sugar Daddy that wanted his boy toy doing some kind of weird roleplay.

  “Niño…” Sebastian sounded both amused and exasperated. “That suit is for our wedding.”

  “Well yeah, but it fits for today, don’t you think?” Luke grinned, pulling his shoulders back. “I thought the hat would be a bit much, but the rest gets the point across.” He brought his fingers to his lips like he was smoking an invisible cigar. “You mess with my friends, you mess with me.”

  “You know…” Ford tugged at the collar of his white shirt, which he was wearing with a few buttons open, paired with navy blue pants and dress shoes. Casual enough to be comfortable, but dressy enough that Anthony couldn’t complain. If he brought Luke to his father’s, looking like this, the man would know something was up. “I probably won’t be there long. Be nice to just take Jaxon out for lunch. Maybe show him the city. You don’t have to—”

  “Cool it, I’m messing with you.” Luke rolled his eyes, pulling off his jacket, then his pants, before reaching into the hall to grab a pair of black jeans he’d clearly left right there for when he’d gotten the expected reaction. “Why so serious?”

  Jami let out a strangled sound, like she was fighting back another laugh. “All right, no more movie marathons for you.”

  “Agreed.” Sebastian’s tone was firm, but there was warmth in his eyes as he watched Luke quickly don the jeans and roll up the sleeve of his black shirt. “I appreciate you trying to keep things light, Luke. But the situation Ford is in is serious. He must prove he can be a good father. His past may make this difficult.”

  “I know.” Luke expression shifted. Now, the enforcer look might have worked. His jaw hardened as he turned to Ford. “You sounded freaked out on the phone. I thought teasing you a bit would get you to relax, but I’m taking this very seriously.”

  Ford’s throat tightened. He shoved his hands in his pockets, not sure how to respond to that. Now that the ridiculous costume was gone, he saw his friend, ready to stand by his side as he faced one of the many obstacles being thrown between him and his son. If he wasn’t fucking terrified he’d fail as a father, as he’d failed at so many things before, he’d probably have laughed at Luke’s antics.

  Instead, he was wondering if not facing this alone was weak.

  If he was even strong enough to give Jaxon what the boy needed.

  “Shit, I just made things worse, didn’t I?” Luke stepped up to Ford and put a hand on his shoulder. “Listen, I’m not great at giving advice. But I can say I’m going to be a father soon and some days I look in the mirror and my stomach drops. I see me, The Mouth, the guy who’s always in trouble, and I think ‘You’re gonna be someone’s father?’” Luke inhaled roughly, squeezing Ford’s shoulder. “Then I shut down the voice in my head that’s laughing at me and remember I’m not in this alone. Every parent is clueless when they start out. They dream of that cute little baby, smiling up at them and trusting them, but they haven’t earned that trust. Not yet. A baby doesn’t know that. You’re not trying to prove to your children that you deserve their trust. You’re trying to prove it to you

  “But Jaxon isn’t a baby. He doesn’t know me, and he has every reason not to trust me. Every single person in his life has let him down.” Ford rubbed a hand over his face, tension building between his eyes. “I know what that’s like.”

  “And that’s why you’re going to be an amazing father, Ford. You know. And you’ll be kicking your own ass for the rest of your life trying to be the best. To give him what you never had.” Luke gave Ford’s shoulder one last squeeze, then lowered his hand. “Jaxon might not trust you right away. But he’ll want to. He’ll want to believe there’s finally someone that will put him first.”

  “I want to be that person. But needing to bring you along to make sure that doesn’t include blackmail is pathet—”

  “Is smart. No one gets to use that kid as a weapon. Accepting help is what’ll prove you’re willing to do anything for him. Letting Kyle manipulate you keeps you in the same life you fought to get away from.” Luke gave Ford a level look. “Do you want that to be part of the life you start with your son?”

  No, but it’s too fucking late. Ford had slipped back into his old habits by giving in to Anthony.

  Nothing could be done about that.

  But he didn’t have to sink any lower than he already had.

  “His life will never be what mine was.” Ford lifted his head, sounding more confident than he felt, but that seemed to satisfy Luke.

  “Good.” Luke crossed the room, kissing Sebastian, then Jami, then bending down to kiss her belly. Rejoining Ford, he motioned for him to lead the way. “Let’s go.”

  The drive went quickly with Luke’s tone-deaf singing keeping Ford distracted, but when he parked in the underground parking lot, everything came rushing back. He gripped the steering wheel, staring at the cement wall in front of him. He thought of Kingsley, sending his thugs to ‘teach Ford a lesson’. The man he’d seen as his father for most of his life lashing out at him again and again, the pain nothing compared to the knowledge that Kingsley could kill him on a whim without a single regret.


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