The Lost Treasure Map Series

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The Lost Treasure Map Series Page 71

by V Bertolaccini

  “Well?” he continued. “I was looking for the treasure after finding the map!”

  She seemed to start over again and started checking his clothes, and asked, “You look as though you’ve been living funnily!”

  “Did I drink a lot of beer before?” he asked, curiously, trying casually to answer another unanswered question.

  “As far as I know you never! You must have picked up the habit somewhere! There are some cans in the fridge!”

  Cameron gasped, feeling an intense thirst, and marched over and went into her kitchen and got them out of her fridge, and rushed back with them, and she smiled as he poured one down his throat ecstatically until he had finished.

  “I found somewhere I think there might be something!”

  “Whereabouts?” she asked, confused.

  He was determined to bring someone else into it, and never knew anyone else to trust.

  “It’s in an ancient cellar and I’m sure there might be more!”

  She just nodded in agreement, and wondered what he wanted to do, and knew he had a plan and it might be worth going along with, and she nodded again.

  “Have you any objections of going down a sewage pipe?”

  She laughed and looked startled, and asked, “No! Is that where you ended up?”

  He nodded firmly, and she examined him strangely.

  “You’re still in the army?” she giggled, and laughed wildly. “How did that happen? You must have really damaged yourself?”

  “I’m still visiting an army psychiatrist ...”

  She inhaled some smoke and started laughing.

  Chapter 15

  The Cellar

  Through plumes of smoke she resolutely analyzed him in the sewage pipe, slightly startled, trying to put sense to something she had heard and seen, while trying to suppress laughter with blank and confused faces, not knowing entirely what they were doing.

  “Well! This is a magnificent treasure hunt?” she explained, and laughed at the surrounding sewage pipe.

  She stared at him with astonishment, and looked at him at various angles and shook her head, not fully confirming something, and quietly announced, “You’ve a vague look of someone else! That I can’t identify!”

  Cameron ignored it and eyed up her figure in her explorer gear, with her backpack, and torch on her belt, and they began moving away from the sewage pipe opening above.

  He went first with his bright torch examining how different it now looked in the bright light.

  Now he seemed to recognize the sewage pipe but he was not being taken along it by himself, but he never knew why, but as though his brain had stopped him receiving information on what it was, and while he was thinking it over he decided to start to move faster, and she joined in and they moved off splashing through the sewage water, smelling the stink, and he occasionally wondered if he had become mad in places.

  He was surprised when he had a strange feeling and turned and saw another sewage pipe going sideways, and realized it was the route he had gone in and rushed along it, until they eventually reached the sewage pipe going upwards and he started climbing up its ladder.

  He suddenly came to its top and examined all of the small toilet pipes leading into it and gasped and turned and quickly removed the sewage pipe cover on the side of the pipe lower down and shifted into it.

  They both walked about the cellar and in the bright light he realized it was different now and it was clearly not someone’s building and belonged to something he could not grasp, and he examined the area around the old safe and realized it never looked like the legal place he had thought.

  He watched Dory wander around and he knew she could not grasp something and she started looking through things trying to get something that would give her a clue to the place’s identity, and Cameron realized that it had to be somewhere important and he wondered how he had originally found it.

  He swiftly removed his backpack and removed a metal detector that he had bought that day, and she smiled at it, and he started using it to examine objects everywhere that might have things hidden in them and was surprised that it detected something astounding from an area under the floor, and he believed it was the exact place he should look, and he wondered why!

  He removed two tools, a hammer and chisel, and started smashing the concrete floor away, and was surprised that it was crumbling and he started to reveal another floor below.

  “That’ll take a long time to do?” she moaned, and looked up the stairs, wondering where she was, wanting to see what they were under, and she left him and marched up the stairs to the top.

  Cameron decided it was a good idea and just to finish his work some other time.

  “What do you think this place is?” she asked, seeking facts.

  “Let’s look!”

  Cameron removed the slab above the cellar top and he entered the above cellar and he examined it trying to see if anyone had been there, and looked through all the things, and found seats and tables that might have belonged to an expensive hotel.

  “What do you think this stuff is for?” she asked.

  “It’s a load of rubbish! Let’s try upstairs!”

  She shrugged and followed him up the next stairs.

  At the top of the stairs they entered a long entirely different modern corridor and Cameron listened for anything and realized there was nobody there and marched along it to a door at the end of it and stopped, and examined a complex modern lock on the door, and spotted a set of keys with a key ring hanging on a nail on the wall and he removed it, and he stood examining numbers and passwords on the key ring and used one of the keys that fitted the lock to unlock it, and kept the keys and entered another corridor there.

  They marched along it and climbed up another set of stairs and came to a massive metal gateway, where he removed the keys, and laboriously opened fifteen locks on the gateway.

  They moved along another corridor and up more stairs, from deep below the ground, and came to a second gateway where he undid two large locked bolts and they climbed another set of stairs. He pressed twenty numbers, marked on the key ring, to switch off the alarm systems of the third gateway, and opened it.

  After going up large staircases and along three corridors they emerged at ground level and went through a set of revolving doors and emerged at the front of the building where they heard loud cheers and action outside the building, and as they were about to look out a window, before opening a door there, Dory gasped and laughed at something next to her she recognized, and they looked out the window and realized that they were in 10 Downing Street in central London, and that they had been in hidden cellars.

  Chapter 16

  The Super Power

  Cameron entered his psychiatrist’s wearing a pristine expensive black business suit and his psychiatrist examined it in glances over the top of his glasses.

  He clearly wondered what he had been doing and when he asked he explained that he had been at a birthday celebration, and one of Dory’s friends, where he had been partying, listening to loud rock music, and it went on into the night.

  He had drank so much he had almost collapsed, and he recalled looking like a model on a magazine, with her incredible black dress, and they made their way home early in the morning.

  Everything was perfect, and even he could not imagine anything going wrong, and it had been a great night but what still annoyed him was that he did not know what she was doing at times and it was as though part of his brain would not tell him what he needed to know to grasp it, and he could not grasp what he had thought of her before then, and what their relationship was, but he was entirely glad he had told her what had happened when they had met.

  “You should cut down on the amount of drink you consume!” he finally told Cameron.

  “Why?” he replied, gasping, wondering if he thought he was drunk, as he had only taken a few drinks that morning – as he had drunk so much the night before.

  “Because!” he replied, writing something.r />

  “Because you medical examinations showed you had far higher levels of alcohol than all the other people examined there put together for the entire year!”

  “Did they find anything else?”

  “You seem healthy enough and without any other problems!”

  Cameron nodded in agreement.

  “The police seemed to have an interest in you!” he continued, and lifted a newspaper out of drawer and handed it over to him, pointing at the front page.

  Cameron read it with amazement and how cheekily the writer was claiming a David Cameron look alike had broken into 10 Downing Street and had been removed and arrested by the police, and was being questioned on the incident.

  It was incredible and they had only been caught as Dory had opened the door to wave at someone outside that she knew, where the press and television news people were, outside the door of 10 Downing Street.

  The story was exaggerated as they were not arrested and had only been kicked out of Downing Street and they clearly thought that they had been put there by people from one of the newspapers, and he had been sure some people had thought that they were up to something else in the building.

  “Do you take anything other than the drink?” he finally asked.

  Cameron nodded, and replied, “No!”

  “There’s a bottle of whisky and glasses over there if you feel better with it!” and answered, and pointed over at the top of a drink cabinet, where the whisky was shining in bright rays of golden sunshine and the glasses were sparkling, and Cameron rushed over and poured himself a drink and rushed back to his seat and started drinking it.

  “There you’re happy now! That might help you!”

  “Yes!” he replied, finishing the rest of the drink off, by pouring swiftly down his throat.

  “Have another drink if you want?” he replied, seeing Cameron sip the last drop out the glass.

  He watched Cameron leap onto his feet but tripped over the edge of a small carpet and landed head first into his wall and fell over sideways into the cabinet, smashing all the objects on it up into the air and over the floor, and he immediately started collecting the objects off the floor and standing objects back up in their original positions, and finally looked over at the aged psychiatrist staring at him insanely.

  “Sit down!” he grumbled.

  He calmly studied Cameron’s face, and gasped.

  “Well, at least you managed to recall the positions of all the items over there I see!”

  “Are you fit enough?”


  The psychiatrist started writing notes and instantly ignored him and Cameron sat and rested, still exhausted from the night before, trying to work out if it was the drink, hangover, lack of sleep, physical exhaustion, or a combination of some or all of them.

  This had to be his lucky break – and he realized that he had actually talked Sergeant Malone into arranging this whole trip to London and the appointment with the psychiatrist, and that his stay there now had been extended until further notice, and he realized that he now had a way to meet the Prime Minister when he returned by getting into Downing Street again, and that it could solve his problems and allow him to explore and meet the Prime Minister and discover if he was the Prime Minister’s twin brother, which the taxi driver had convinced him he was, which he had not been able to confirm or disprove!

  “Now tell me if you have recalled anything new from when you first lost your memory and what occurred afterwards!” the psychiatrist asked firmly.

  Cameron sat firmly and nearly groaned out loud, and he realized how many times he had actually thought of the incident, and that he had lost faith in doing it, and realized that he could have damaged his memory permanently with playing around with it! Yet if anyone could solve his loss of memory and could have a way to do it then he was sure he was at the right place, and that there had to be many other cases, and he would at least get if there was an answer to it and perhaps accept the truth.

  The psychiatrist asked many questions and Cameron continued telling him everything he could, and still avoided telling him of the army being there to investigate a suspected alien landing/crash, but he did give him the strange dream and told him he thought he was a werewolf and he was sure that the incident somehow explained something!

  Once again he realized that he should just ignore it all and let the psychiatrist and time solve the mess for him, and he should stop wasting his time, but he still wanted to find out what he had been like, what people he had known, and what life he had been living up to the incident. Why had they found the well at the location the treasure was supposed to be and why had the information he had given the three soldiers about it been enough to convince them that there was something there? Which surely was evidence enough!

  The psychiatrist examined him physically trying to find anything that had missed and was surprised that he had new bruises in weird places and that they were from him climbing around in a sewage pipe, and he kept questioning him on his living style and things he did, and he wrote stuff down.

  Then he asked, “Why were you running in a sewage pipe?”

  “My body kept on running and I couldn’t stop it!” he confessed, determined to get an answer. “I ended up there!”

  He listened, surprised and confused, and asked, “Is there anything else?”

  “The speed I ran was incredible and beyond anything I’ve seen been run!”

  “Even on television?”


  “What world records too?”

  “I’ll show you! Follow me outside!”

  Cameron took his psychiatrist through his waiting room and down the stairs, avoiding doing his clumsy trip, and he took him outside, where the road was nearly empty.

  The psychiatrist looked at him crazily, wondering what he was talking about, and went, “What’d you say you were going to do?”

  “I’m going to demonstrate what I said existed!”

  “I do not know what you actually meant!”

  Cameron just wanted him to see it and give him his thoughts about it, and he shot across the road as fast as he could towards a high building, and confirmed his incredible speed to the psychiatrist, and his body started climbing up the building like an insect, at an incredible speed, leaping up walls he had never even seen being climbed before, and in less than a minute he was standing at the top of the building waving at his psychiatrist!

  The psychiatrist stood dazed at it, at the other side of the road, and he rushed back down at a far greater speed, and ran across the road to him, where he stood with his mouth open!

  “Is that your car there?” he spoke, pointing to it, near them.

  The psychiatrist nodded in agreement.

  “If you’ll get in it and drive to the end of this road, and check how fast I run, I’ll concluded my demonstration ...”

  The psychiatrist nodded in agreement and went over to his car and started it and waved and accelerated away along the road.

  Cameron swiftly shot away and raced after it until he was running at the same speed as it and the psychiatrist started speeding up and he matched the speed, going at a hundred mph, and he slowly stopped the car and let Cameron in and drove back to the building, with his mouth still wide open, clearly still trying to grasp what he had missed!

  Chapter 17

  The New Cellar

  Hazy echoes from Cameron’s heavy breathing broke the silence in the cellar, and Dory tried to suppress giggling, and he examined the walls around him as if they had shifted, and he wondered if the air was stale and making it harder to breathe and he gasped for more air.

  “What do you expect to find in a cellar below 10 Downing Street?” she finally moaned, watching him with all his tools he had bought.

  He swiftly removed his backpack and removed a new metal detector that he had bought to replace the old one as it was far more powerful, and she smiled at it, and he started using it to examine objects, including the
safe where the treasure map had been, which might have things hidden in them and he was surprised that it detected something astounding at the area under the floor again, which was why he had returned there, and he believed it was the exact place he should look, and he expected to find something!

  He continued using his pick to smash away the concrete, and considered using a powerful workman drill, but he ignored it as it made far too much noise and going by the above corridors and rooms below Downing Street he was sure that lots of people worked there and he did not want them to get the discovery.

  He tried knocking small bits of concrete away with a hammer and chisel, and soon started smashing the concrete floor away, and was surprised when it started crumbling away.

  “That’ll take a long time to do?” she moaned, and looked up the stairs to the above cellar, seeing if there was anything new there and she left him and started examining objects on the floor.

  She examined the equipment he had brought, and considered the time and cost of the project, and started clearing away the debris he threw up and cleaned away objects around the area.

  From the edge she shifted the powerful lights he had brought, and stared at him comparing him and what he had been like, and eventually laughed.

  Dreamily he observed her as he thudded away with the pick, picking away chunks of the floor, creating a large hole the size of the above cellar entrance.

  For a second he examined the concrete he was chipping away and picked up a chunk and examined it in detail trying to see why it as actually different, and why it crumbled more, which he had thought had been damaged with dampness and had less cement in it, but it was as though it was a different form of it, and he threw it away and continued.

  From somewhere in the above building he thought he heard a noise and wondered what was happening there.


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