A Wolf's Love (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 5)

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A Wolf's Love (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 5) Page 11

by Sarah J. Stone

  “Explain that to me,” Raul requested, brushing past the trunk of the tree on the forest border.

  “I’m not going to even mention our family. We were tight before you became Alpha.” Dean lowered his tone, as his boot sank in fresh snow. “Look at this community. It’s thriving. The people go about their business, without having to look over their shoulder for Warrick. The pack’s a little smaller than it used to be, but we can always recruit a few new members. They’re happy, though. They have to answer to a leader who understands them, not a bully that ends his every sentence with ‘or I’ll rip your throat out.’ We have an amazing thing going on here, big brother. We’re living in harmony. It’s normal for others to get jealous of it. Dominic did.”

  “Yeah, look where it got him.” Raul smirked, lengthening his strides. The cold was starting to affect him. He could feel it in his bones, and, as they approached the frozen lake, it was becoming even worse. Ice had formed in the few, clear patches of soil around them. The snow from this morning had ruined most of the smaller bushes, and the lighter branches of the trees were bending dangerously above them, barely able to take the weight. Their little stroll through Lockhart forest had to either come to an end fast, or they all had to be very careful indeed. Still, with the trees being so close to one another, the latter sounded like an impossible mission.

  The half-moon cast its light on the frozen surface of the lake, painting it a soft shade of gray, as the four of them made their way towards it. A pair of red eyes, hiding in the darkness on the shore across from them, caught the Alpha’s gaze. Tension tightened the back of Raul’s neck. Their shade was at least two shades darker than usual, a clear indication that Helena was under either a lot of stress, or in great fear. He didn’t speak. Instead, he continued right, unwilling to tread onto the ice. The last thing he wanted that night was a dive into the freezing waters.

  Helena stepped into the light, gripping the top end of her staff with both hands. The sullen look in her eyes confirmed his suspicions. Even though he was still more than fifty yards away from her, he could tell that something had been bothering her. He had seen that look so many times in the past that he couldn’t be wrong. However, Raul wouldn’t make the same mistake he did earlier. He and Dean had been speculating. Yes, he had been dying to know more about their foes, but he wouldn’t venture any more guesses.

  “I was just about to come to you,” Helena confessed, her feathery voice deepening, as she paced towards them. “You didn’t have to come here.”

  “Yeah, we did,” the Alpha disagreed, putting his hands on his waist. “What can you tell us?”

  “Well…” She sucked in a deep, cleansing breath, as Dean, Melissa and Joe gathered around her. “First and foremost, my agents have located a small building, about two miles west of here. A woman in red has been seen on the premises, and also, a man in his early thirties. They’re not alone. Two people in lab coats live and work in there. That’s not my biggest concern, though. Something dark dwells in that building, Raul. Something that’s been feeding off wildlife for a while now.”

  “What are you talking about?” The Alpha asked, his heartbeat escalating, as he leaned over her.

  “A vampire,” Helena informed him, her voice losing its nerve, as she turned her attention to Dean. “I was there, three hours ago. I didn’t get to see him. I wasn’t expecting to; vampires have no love for daylight. It can kill them. The ground around that building is littered with corpses of deer, squirrels and rabbits. They all bear bite marks on their neck. The blood has been drained from the bodies, but, other than that, they are unspoiled.”

  Another riddle: yet another puzzle to add to the frustration that had been building up inside him since the day of the memorial service. More questions than he could count immediately flooded his mind. Raul could still recall some of his grandfather’s stories about “the creatures of the night” as they were called, back in the day. According to the stories, they are strong, almost as strong as shifters themselves, and the high-ranking ones possess extraordinary abilities. But, the prospect of fighting against one of them was not enough to intimidate the Alpha. What really baffled him was the fact that a vampire was apparently working with Donna and Tom.

  “I thought vampires preferred human blood,” Joe interjected his opinion, taking a short step closer to the witch.

  “They do,” she affirmed, nodding at the same time. “Normally, they live in big cities. This lifestyle ensures anonymity. Shandaken is a small town. Hunting in there could blow his cover.”

  “How can a witch, a vampire and a human be connected?” Raul wondered, curiosity written all over his face. “What do they have in common? And how can we be sure Ray’s in the building?”

  “He is,” Helena retorted, as her eyes glimmered with hope. “He’s being held in the basement. But…” she faltered. “Getting him out of there will not be a picnic. I examined a few of the corpses in the afternoon. I found no fibers in their nails, or on their fur. No skin. No hair, either. I also checked the area around the building for footprints. No animal even attempted to go back in the direction it had come from. That vampire has…”

  “Super speed,” Raul finished her sentence, as he dragged his gaze away from her. “His kills are ultra-fast.”

  “Correct,” Helena gave a sad nod. “But, since vampires’ hearts are dead, they cannot sustain that sort of speed for long. Quite literally, their blood would boil. They’re dangerous over short distances, but that’s about it.”

  “How do you suggest we do this?” Raul sighed, unable to stop picturing his brother, locked up in a cage.

  “My niece and that scumbag are after you and me,” Helena groaned, as her eyes darkened with rage. “We show up together, just the two of us, make them think they have the upper hand. That building is buried deep into the forest. There are plenty of places for the pack to hide. We must do this before the crack of dawn. Sunlight can be a valuable ally.”

  “Agreed,” the Alpha gave an emphatic nod, as he turned to his brother. “Dean, you and Melissa go notify the pack. Tell them to meet us at ‘Joe’s’ diner; 6 a.m.”

  Alas, the commanding tone of voice, and the stiffness of his face were merely an act. Why? Because Raul was afraid for his brother’s life, from the moment Helena mentioned the presence of scientists in that building. Who knows what they could have been doing to him? For all he knew, Ray, the brother he had known and loved all his life, could be a whole different person right now. They could have easily brainwashed him, or run horrible experiments on him. Still, the Alpha couldn’t let those ugly thoughts affect him. Dean, Melissa and his entire pack looked up to him. They expected their leader to be fearless, not crack under pressure. Raul had to put on a brave face for all of them, especially Ray, the brother who needed him more than ever.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Much to Raul’s content, upon his return to his cabin, he realized that Monica’s friends were all alone in their living room. Burdened with pondering the ideal approach to his foes’ estate, he wasn’t in the mood for much, other than a good night’s rest. Still, he couldn’t avoid a discussion with Julia. As Ray’s mate, she had to learn more about what they had decided to do. But, Raul dreaded the notion of that particular conversation. It was guaranteed to be loud, but disrupting Monica and Helena’s sleep was the least of his concerns. He was positive that Julia would want to participate in the rescue operation. Although he did comprehend why, there was always a chance that she might get hurt. She had no experience in situations like these, and he had to keep an eye on her. Nevertheless, watching over her would distract him; distractions are never good in the heat of battle.

  “They’ve been upstairs for a while now,” Kate informed him, as his front door clicked shut behind him. “Your little girl is a handful, you know that? The minute Mon puts her in her bassinette, she wakes up. She won’t stop screaming, until she picks her back up.”

  “The kid’s got attitude. She takes after her godmother,” Julia teased,
flashing a smile at her. “Please, tell me you have good news,” she requested, tearing her gaze from Kate, to look up at Raul.

  “We know where he is being held,” he admitted, his voice dropping down an octave, as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

  “When are we doing this?” she asked, her tone firm, as she jumped from her seat.

  “I’m in a tough spot here, Julia,” Raul stated, clenching his jaw. “I get it; you want to help us save him, but…”

  “Please!” she interrupted, her voice shattering, as she started towards him. “My life’s been a living hell since I lost him. Ray means the whole world to me. I have to do this. What good are these powers, if I can’t put them to good use?”

  “He’s never going to forgive me, if anything bad happens to you!” His stentorian voice roared like thunder, as he narrowed his eyes down at her. Still, his glare and his tone had absolutely no effect on her. Julia maintained eye contact with him, as her slow footfalls led her closer to him.

  “I’m a big girl, Raul,” she whispered, her lips quivering, as tears pooled in her eyes. “I know what I’m getting myself into. I just want to be there for the man I love.”

  “You don’t,” Raul shook his head sideways, as his voice softened. “I didn’t either until a few minutes ago. There’s a vampire out there, Julia. He’s working with Donna and Riker, and he’s a fast son of a bitch. He could kill any one of us, before we could say ‘aah.’ Now, I’m going to ask you one last time. Are you sure about this?”

  “Yes.” Her immediate answer came as no surprise; yet, it didn’t help him make up his mind any sooner. Raul’s heart told him to accept her helping hand, but his mind strongly objected. A tear raced down her cheek, intensifying the frustration that had been festering within him. For some reason he couldn’t fathom, the air around him became too thick to breathe. Julia’s sob tore the silence, as she dropped her head into her hands.

  “I’d do the same, if I were her.” Monica’s voice snapped him out of his thoughts. In his confusion, he had failed to catch her scent. Before he knew it, she was climbing down the stairs, her gaze fixed on him. “Put aside your hesitation, my love. Julia’s wolf is just as strong as most of the wolves in your pack, and there will be a dozen individuals, ready to provide a helping hand out there. You cannot deny this to her.”

  His mate’s voice was merely pointing out the obvious, except for one thing: he had the power to deny her anything. But, Raul was never the oppressive Alpha his predecessor had been, and he certainly wasn’t going to pull rank on the woman his brother loved.

  “Ok,” he said on an exhale, as his face fell. “You’re free to tag along.”

  “Oh, thank you so much,” Julia sighed in relief, as she threw her arms around him.

  “The pack will be in ‘Joe’s’ diner at 6 a.m.” Raul announced, as Monica joined them downstairs. “Be there.”

  “I will,” Julia nodded, as she eased back. “Thanks again.”

  “I guess we’d better head home,” Kate said with a smile, as she padded towards them. “Have a good night, kids.”

  “Goodnight, guys,” Monica returned the smile, as her friend brushed past her mate. Part of Raul was still questioning his decision. However, he quickly came to push doubt out of his mind, and not because Julia had insisted, or because the love of his life had supported her. The redhead was a headstrong woman. She had proven that by pursuing Ray for months. Even if he did say “no” to her, most likely, Julia wouldn’t stay put. She would have found a way to follow them. It was a lot safer for him to keep her in his sights, than let her do whatever came to mind.

  “A vampire?” Monica’s brows shot up, as they found themselves alone in the kitchen. “Did I hear that right?”

  “Yeah,” Raul sighed, as he tipped his head back. “Helena’s found evidence of a vampire around the building Ray’s being held. Animal corpses are all over the place. They’ve all been bled out.”

  “Have you ever…” she faltered, as tension crept into her voice, “…fought against one?”

  “No, but it’s not the vampire I’m worried about,” Raul muttered, pressing his lips together. “He’s strong, sure, but there’re going to be fourteen of us out there, Ray included. He may be fast, but he doesn’t stand a chance against us. The witch’s tricks are a far bigger threat.”

  “That may be, but, don’t forget you have a witch on your side as well.” Monica said in a sweeter voice, as she raised her hands up to his chest. “Helena is older, more experienced, and her cause is righteous. She’s fighting for the right to have a family. She’s not honoring some…” She paused, “…business partnership.”

  “Speaking of which, you’re not having second thoughts about you-know-who, are you?” He asked, snaking his arm around her waist to pull her near.

  “No,” Monica’s response came fast, even faster than he anticipated. “Do you remember what you told me, the first time we were in your grandfather’s sanctuary?”

  “Doc…” Raul snorted in amusement, as his lips curled into a broad smile. “I said a lot of things that day. You’ll have to be more specific.”

  “We were in the hallway, I was…” she faltered, as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “I was crying, when you turned to me, and said: ‘We make our choices, and we live by them.’ I couldn’t agree more. Tom has made his choice.”

  The Alpha would love to voice his opinion, but, with her mouth so close to his, he had a change of heart. Monica’s lips were the magnet, and he was a 220lb piece of iron, feeling the power she had over him growing stronger, second by second. Angling them, she tilted her head up, as he flexed his arm muscles around her. Their mouths joined in a gentle, passionate kiss, as she slid her hands up his body. Gripping the firm skin of his shoulders, she pressed herself into him, as her warm breath sent waves of desire, coursing through him. Raul splayed her fingers over her back, as he lifted his hand to cup her cheek. Her response was nothing more than a reminder of the woman she had become by his side. The Alpha might have heard that before, but, in truth, he wouldn’t mind hearing those words every day, for the rest of his life. They were a testament of her willpower, her ferocity, and ultimately, her love for her own.

  “Alpha female,” he thought to himself, as he ran his thumb across her cheekbone.

  “Raul…” Monica whispered, laying a kiss on the gap between his lips and his nose. “You should rest. Go get some sleep. I’ll be right with you.”

  “Alright,” He nodded, smiling down at her. “I’ll be waiting.”

  Chapter Twenty Three

  After a good night’s sleep, Raul kissed his mate and his daughter, in the hope that this would not be the last time he ever laid eyes on them. Luckily for him, they were both sound asleep. The battle was just minutes away; he couldn’t afford to get emotional.

  The crisp night wind struck him in the face, as he left his cabin behind him. Without wasting any time, the Alpha jumped into his truck, and then drove off, eager to share his plan with his comrades. All the same, a wave of sadness washed over him, as he sped up the road. Paxton was a town of shifters, and yet, his pack was small. This time, the odds were in their favor, but extra help would be most welcome. If they were thirty strong, there wouldn’t be any doubt over the outcome of the impending fight. So, before he reached his destination, Raul made a decision: To declare to the people of Paxton that anybody could join his pack.

  Oddly enough, there were no loud voices in the air, as he arrived at the diner. His comrades were all in there, but, none of them was in the mood for their usual bantering. They were staring at one another, or into the void. Martin in particular, was sitting at the table closest to the door, lying back in his seat, his eyes barely open. There could only be one explanation for this rather pitiful image. They were still mourning. It occurred to him that he had not told them the truth about his brother. The roaring engine of Dean’s truck filled the air, as he jogged towards the staircase. Still, Raul was not going to wait for him and Julia. They
already knew. Jumping over the steps, he locked his gaze on Martin. The Alpha yanked the front door open, and stepped inside, sweeping the hall. For the first time ever, nobody even waved at him.

  “Good morning,” He spoke in a hoarse tone. “I’m going to say this once. Try to keep your voices down. Ray’s alive.”

  “It’s too early for a joke, boss,” Martin groaned, raising his eyes to meet his; “especially a bad one.”

  “Do I look like I’m kidding?” Raul continued in a firm tone, tossing a vicious glare down at him, as Dean and Julia walked through the door. “Would I ever joke about my brother’s life? We’ve been played, boys and girls,” he continued, tearing his eyes away from Martin, to gaze out at the rest of the pack. “The guy we cremated the other day looked like Ray, but it wasn’t him. A new witch is in town. She’s taken him captive. Her human accomplice tried to have Julia kidnapped in New York, but we saved her. Ray is being held in a science facility, about a mile west from here. I’d love to say to you that the witch is our only foe, but she’s not. A vampire will be waiting for us.”

  “Not bad,” Helena interjected, as a plume of smoke sprang from the ceiling of the diner, in the middle of the hall. “But, you left something out, my dear Raul. That witch is my niece.”

  Silence followed her last statement. Each and every shifter stared up at her first, and then their Alpha, clearly at a loss for words. For a moment, Raul didn’t know how to handle their disbelief. But, when the image of people in lab coats popped into his mind, he realized that he had found a way to convince them.

  “Look, I know this is a lot to take in,” he went on in a calmer tone, as he sauntered towards Helena. “We all saw Ray’s body. We all cried for him. Monica ran some tests on his blood. Don’t ask me the specifics, but she found out it was human. I’m telling you, your friend, my brother, is being held in a cage. There are human doctors in that science facility, doing God knows what to him. He is suffering. He needs our help. Before you question my story, ask yourselves this: Why would I lie to you?”


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