Home > Romance > BOMBSHELL > Page 11

by Xyla Turner

  I moaned continuously because he was fucking the shit out of me, balls deep. Suddenly he stopped and commanded, “Baby, grab your ankles.”

  I stood from the couch, slowly bent over to grab my ankles and held on tightly. I knew he was about to lose it.

  “Fuck, you have a gorgeous ass.” He put his finger in my pussy, dragged the juices to my exposed asshole and slid it in. I moaned as the blood rushed to my head.

  “I’m going to fuck you like this with my finger fucking your ass. Balls deep. Hold on mama.”

  He replaced his finger with his thumb in my ass and I moaned. He spread my lips and he plunged in my willing pussy. He fucked me like a crazy man. He growled, then I swear he howled to the damn moon. I started coming from the various sensations and he grew wilder. He pulled his thumb out of my ass and gripped my thighs so tight, I knew I’d be bruised. “Come baby, come for daddy.” He growled again. He started pulsating in my tight pussy. I screamed my release, then he pulled out and continued to come all over my ass near my tight hole.

  “Let go.”

  I let go of my ankles and he slowly helped me up. Careful to let the blood flow slowly to the rest of my body so I didn’t become light-headed. Once I was standing straight up, he guided me to his room, then to the bathroom where he turned on the shower. As he tested the water temperature, I took an opportunity to look at the humongous room. I think it was made of white marble. He had huge twin sinks, a giant shower which could easily fit eight people, a Jacuzzi that could fit fifteen people, and a toilet that had no visible handles. In one word, it was exquisite.

  He guided me into the shower which had water spurting from every wall. This was something you would only see in a magazine. “Hands on the wall,” he whispered near my ear.

  I turned towards the wall and placed my hands near my head, as water sprayed me at every angle. I felt Joshua run a loofa over my back, over my ass, down my thighs and ended at my feet. I turned and looked to see him squatting to clean my feet. It made my heart warm to see this powerful man taking care of me like this. He started to come up the front of me with the loofa, rubbing it all over my body until he got to my breasts. Before he cleaned them, he turned me around so my back was against the wall and he started sucking on my hard nipple. He did the same for the next nipple, then rubbed the loofa over them with such gentleness. I moaned and arched my back towards him. He continued to wash my neck, shoulders and under my arms. Once I was rinsed off, he grabbed the Summer’s Eve, which had better be brand new and put some in his hand, while he washed my genital area from front to back. He lathered it up, so I was nice and sudsy, and then he washed it away with a portable shower hose. It felt so good. I went to gather the soap for him, but he pinned my arms against the wall and whispered, “Not now baby. If you touch me, I’m going to take you again in this bathroom and I don’t want you to get chaff, start to get an outbreak and then we’ll be out of commission for a few days.”

  I stopped struggling and asked, “How do you know so much about herpes?”

  “I have a company that’s sole purpose is to find a cure for herpes. So, I know a lot about it. Also, my mom had it when she met my dad and she acted like it was the bane of her existence, when in actuality, it didn’t really impact her at all. Once in a blue moon, she would get an outbreak, but that was it. My dad told me when I got older, but he never cared. Loved her no matter what and did change the order of operation because of it. He used to tell me all the time, find the woman you love and take her just like she is – fuck everything else. He loved my mom and they had three beautiful kids and a very healthy sex life, which I unfortunately heard throughout my adolescent years.”

  I smiled, “Wow, no wonder you don’t care.”

  “That’s not why I don’t care, but right now I want you to rest, until we can get some lube and fuck all night if you want.”


  Chapter 13: Going Public


  I quickly washed myself while she played with one of the shower heads between her legs. I dried us both off, put her in another t-shirt and we crawled into bed. She wasn’t tired, so I rubbed her clit until she went into an orgasmic slumber. I woke up at 5 AM like always and pulled her close to me. She looked so peaceful while she was asleep and not like a hell raiser who drove me crazy. I had my secretary bring some clothes that would fit her from one of my stores, along with underwear and shoes. I’d have to introduce her to Samantha so she’d know who she could call and so Karen would know to give her full access to whatever or me whenever.

  My stomach was in knots this morning, but I knew it was because I was in over my damn head. Falling fast for this woman, if not already in love and refused to admit it. I wanted her to move in with me or I’d buy her a house in the suburbs, so I could marry her and plant little babies in her to raise in our suburban home. Alura had granted me the divorce with no issues. She said she knew I was in love when I started chasing after that car. My plan was to rip that door open, turn her around on that car and spank her ass until she came. I almost made my driver follow that car until Alura told me I should calm down first before speaking with her because it would only make matters worse. I did not have a tendency to listen to Alura because she didn’t really know me like that. I was not the 23 year old boy who she met in business school. I was a man who went after what he wanted. She said there used to be a day she prayed that I would look at her the way I looked at Samantha.

  I didn’t know what she was talking about, because I think I glared at Samantha the entire time we ate dinner. When I dropped her off, Alura kissed me on the side of the cheek and said, ‘I hope I didn’t cause too much trouble.’ Then she winked because she knew she had and started to walk away, but not before saying, ’She’s driven you to your knees. Good for her. Treat her right Joshua and don’t let her get away.’

  I ordered breakfast for us and soon I’d have to get her up so my driver could take her to work. I couldn’t wait until we worked together in the same building, it would make her leaving my bed less painful. Actually, her living with me might help as well.

  “What are you doing?” she hoarsely said with unfocused eyes.

  I smiled and continued to make circles on her stomach. “Nothing, just watching you sleep.”

  She grunted and tried to turn over away from me. I held her still and said, “Where are you going?”

  “To brush my teeth. Morning breath,” she mumbled in her shirt.

  I released her and swatted her ass. She giggled and ran into the bathroom and kept the door ajar. I walked to the outside of the door and asked, “What are your plans for tonight?”

  “Simon, the intern, is having a birthday bash at the Zero Lounge tonight around 8 PM. What do you have planned for tonight?”

  “I have a dinner in Virginia and I wanted you to join me.”

  “What time is the dinner?” she asked.

  “It’s at 7PM.”

  “Oh, no. I would love to go, but I was the one that made Simon celebrate his birthday. So I can’t just not go. I’m sorry.”

  “No worries.”

  The door opened and she got on her tiptoes to kiss me and said, “I’m sorry.”

  “How long will you guys be at the lounge?”

  “Probably until it closes. It’s a Friday night, so it won’t close till 3AM. He’s turning 21, so you know how that is.” She smiled.

  “Ahh, I do.” I looked into her eyes, “Do you mind if I meet you there tonight, after my dinner?”

  “No, not at all. I was going to ask if you wanted to go, since in some ways you are a colleague and all, but I wasn’t sure if it was your scene or not.”

  “Ahhh, so what if I wasn’t a colleague, would you have invited me?”

  “Probably not. I like to keep my private life separate from my professional one.”

  “You want me to be your dirty little secret,” I feigned outrage.

  “No, I just don’t want people speculating about who I’m fucking, when and on what bas

  “Babe, sorry to tell you, but that’s a part of the territory.”

  “That doesn’t mean I’m going to like it. I don’t want to be in the spotlight. I don’t want people in my business.” She emphasized.

  “I don’t want to argue with you, but I own Kelly International and I make billions of dollars doing this shit, if you think we’re going to be private, you are mistaken. Your life is no longer private. I’ll work extra hard to make sure it doesn’t interfere with your work and us, but mama, you won’t be able to hide.”

  She looked at me, like she was ready to argue, then I guess she thought better of it. She’d probably tell her friends and see what they say. Who knows? I just didn’t want to argue and I didn’t want it to fester either.

  “So,” I started, not trying to cut her off, “I got some clothes for you right there, breakfast is in the warmer, and your driver is ready to take you to work whenever you are.” I kissed her nose and walked out the door. I knew this had the potential of being a full-blown argument, but I did one of her numbers and used my escapes wisely.

  Fifteen minutes later, she came out dressed in the outfit Karen got for her. It fit perfectly and she looked sexy too. She walked over to me, kissed me on the cheek and said, “Thanks for thinking of these things.”

  Ahh, look at that.

  “Anytime.” I nuzzled her cheek.

  We ate breakfast and I walked her down to the car, introduced her to Larry, her driver and made sure they exchanged numbers. I kissed her long at the car, which was on the side of the building where I get picked up. She stirred the beast with that kiss. Goddamn, now I’d have to wait until late tonight, before I could do anything about my need.

  Later that day, I met with the Chinese council and either they were in a better mood or I was in a better mood, because we actually resolved our issue. My driver, Daniel, and I drove to Vienna for the dinner and it was uneventful, but productive. I think we’ll have another contract soon. We concluded dinner around 8:30, so I arrived back to DC around 11PM. I went straight to the lounge, because I wanted to see Samantha.

  She and her crew had reserved the back of the lounge, so I was ushered there. I didn’t see her on the couches, but saw her dancing with a few other people to a familiar pop song, Happy by Pharell. She looked like she was doing ‘The Carlton.’ She was such a goof. I grabbed a drink and watched her dance, laugh and joke with her colleagues. Elliot was there, but there was no sign of Roslyn. As a matter of fact, Roslyn had been MIA in Samantha’s world. I’d have to ask her about that.

  The song changed to a hip hop song and the group dance turned into a couples dance. Some guy pulled her arms and spun her into him and that was all I had to see. I made my way across the room, gave the guy a ‘fuck with me if you want look’ and he scampered away. She looked up at me and smiled brightly. “You made it.”

  “Yeah, I’ve been here for a few minutes.”

  She screamed to Elliot, pointed at me, and mouthed, “He made it.”

  Elliot smiled and nodded at me. I knew he was in love with her, but I didn’t feel sorry for him that he did nothing about it for years. I would not forgo my happiness for him. I nodded back at him and pulled her to me. She turned her back to me and started dancing, by poking her ass into my groin and swaying them back and forth to the rhythm. I hadn’t danced in a while, but I had moves. I met her swings and turned her around so I could see her face when I tilted her back and rocked my hardness into her stomach. Her eyes became wide. I pulled her back up and kept her close to me, as we danced to the end of the song. Another fast, reggae song came on and she went wild. It was an old school song, that I knew the only way to dance to this was sit back and watch her do her thing.

  She turned around with her back to me, dropped down to her knees and made movements that brought my cock come to life. All the women were doing it, so she wasn’t alone. The guys just sat back like me and watched. Even Elliot had his eyes on Vicki, who was really moving that ass for a white girl. She must have seen him looking, because when all the women got back up, they each went to a man and Vicki went to Elliot and circled him. Just like Samantha was circling me. I smiled at her, until she started rubbing those twin girls all over me. Then she lifted one leg and wrapped it around my waist.

  Goddamn tease. Enough of this shit. I acted like I was rubbing her thighs, put my hands over her ass and lifted her so her crotch was right where I wanted. Everyone chanted for her, as I used the reggae beat to circle my hips into her gyrating center. She sang the song in my ear, as she continued to do her dance in the air, with me holding her up. After the song ended, I pulled her over to one of the couches and had her sit on my lap. I didn’t want anyone to see that she had me hard as a rock. She motioned for someone to get her some water and tried to get off my lap, but I wouldn’t let her.

  “Mama, you got me hard as a rock.”

  “Why do you call me mama?” she asked, looking amused.

  “It’s a term of endearment for you that I like. Although, I call you baby sometimes, that is usually reserved for when we are having general discussion or sex because you are being cute or I want to show you who your daddy is by making you scream. I use mama to signal maturity, respect, and more important how I see you as a partner and not someone below me. I use sweetheart as well, which shows that you are sweet and you have my heart.”

  “Wow,” she replied.

  I laughed at her and asked, “So, are you really okay with us going public?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Because we just got finished doing a dirty dance in a public place, you are sitting on my lap and I’m about to kiss you.”

  “Well, what are you waiting for?”

  I pulled her neck around so I could take her lips into mine. Ahh, she felt like home. She sucked on my tongue, the sensation going straight to my cock that was already hard. She started rocking on my lap, so I had to hold her still before I completely embarrassed myself.

  “Baby, slow down.”

  She stopped and looked into my eyes. “Sorry.”

  I put my forehead to hers and said, “We’ll have plenty of time for this later.” I put my hand under her dress and touched her soaked panties and asked, “How’s my tight pussy feeling today?”

  She squirmed and said, “it’s feeling a little sore, but not raw.”

  “Good,” I said, “I have lube and more clothes for you at the penthouse.”

  “You didn’t have to do that. I could have brought some clothes over,” she said, looking puzzled.

  “Samantha, its fine. I wanted to do this. I want to take care of you, okay?” He sighed, “I want you with me.”

  “Okay,” she acquiesced.

  “Okay?” I asked.

  “Yes, okay,” she repeated.

  “You are not going to fight me on this?” I asked, knowing I was stupid for not thanking my lucky stars I dodged the scuffle.

  “No, it’s what you want, and I need to pick my battles. Everything isn’t a battle, so you buying me clothes shouldn’t be, even though you know I value independence. You know I don’t want you to feel like you have to buy me anything. I’d never want you to think I’m with you because of what you can do for me. Which is the basis for why I don’t want you to do for me. However, that also needs to be reconciled with you as a provider, alpha and being a dominant man. You need certain things and I just need to pick my battles. Having my very own driver was on the line of a major argument, I was ready to argue that point and dodge him at every second, but I realized that you need for me to be safe. So, thus far – we’re good. I won’t argue about you getting me clothes.”

  I looked at her and I swear if I didn’t bite my tongue, I would have told her I loved her.

  “Also,” she continued, “my friend who’s an alpha like you, helps me understand where you are coming from and what my best response should be. He’s my psychologist, until I can afford one.”

  Who the fuck was she talking about? I knew and researched all her f
riends. She damn sure wasn’t talking about Elliot, the closest he would come to being an alpha would be the actual alphabet.

  “What friend?” I tried to ask.

  “You don’t know him, he’s actually a neighbor of mine. His name is Trevor.”

  “I see and what, pray tell, does Trevor tell you about me?” I inquired.

  “He doesn’t know you, but he acts like you. He can be very domineering, persuasive and seductive. He just tells me your side of things when I explain it to him.”

  “Why are you discussing our personal lives with someone else?” I asked.

  “Because I needed help navigating these waters with you. I’m not sure if you know this, but if it wasn’t for Trevor, we wouldn’t be here together tonight. There would be no us and that would have ended effectively when I got into the Uber car. It was him who explained what made no damn sense to me.”

  “I don’t give a fuck, who is this damn guy? Why are you talking to him? You know he just wants to push you away from me so he can have his turn. That’s how men operate. Believe me I know.” I knew I was losing my shit. Someone was trying to come in on my territory, right under my nose.

  Son of a bitch.

  She looked up at me, shifted so she was straddling me. She put her forehead to mine and said, “You’re jealous, Joshua? You don’t need to be. I only have eyes for you.”

  Damn, she gutted me right here is this fucking lounge. She lowered her mouth on mine, then she moved to my neck and started sucking on it. She was going to give me a hickie to show her possession. I would return the favor, just for the neighbor. All over her neck every fucking week. I think I need to pay him a visit.

  “Only for me?” I asked.

  She stopped sucking, looked down at me and said, “You’re the only one I crave.”

  “Home, now!” I commanded.

  She laughed. “Joshua, it’s not over.”

  I grounded out, while picking her up off of me, “I don’t give a fuck, home, now.”

  She stood up and said, “Come on, you can wait another hour or two.”


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