Snow Bound: MMF Bisexual Romance

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Snow Bound: MMF Bisexual Romance Page 11

by Bianca Vix

  Mykayla and Linc are still asleep. I ease my way out from under the heavy blanket that’s covering us and go over to the window. I squint against the bright light. Yes. It’s stopped snowing. The sun’s out. Small droplets of water are even falling from the roof. The snow’s really starting to melt. Unreal.

  After staring outside for a couple minutes to make sure I’m not imagining any of it, I head for the kitchen. The food situation’s still dire, but we’re doing okay since we’ve started to be careful. Still, it’s worrying.

  Something’s different about the kitchen. It’s not just the streams of sunlight pouring in from the window on the side. It takes a moment for me to realize what it is. When I do, I can’t help but grin.

  The lights are on. Bright lights are shining down from the ceiling.

  Holy fuck. The power’s back on.

  Yes. That instantly means we have more food. There’s tons of supplies in here for making something good that couldn’t be done without an oven. I opt for the only recipe I know from memory. Plus it’s quick and easy.

  Finding a big mixing bowl at the back of one of the cupboards, I get the flour and sugar out too. Then something else strikes me. There’s something we’ve all been missing for who knows how long now.


  I stop what I’m doing and immediately go to the coffee machine. The coffee they brought up for the retreat is really high end. Perfect for what I’m making.

  By the time I’m slipping the pan into the oven, the coffee’s ready. I pour myself a full mug and drink it straight.


  I never thought I’d miss coffee so much. I can’t stop drinking until I’m done. I refill my mug and sit down to enjoy this one a lot more slowly while I wait for the over timer to go off. I don’t want to wake the others yet. Not until everything’s ready for them. This will be the best surprise they’ve had since we got here.

  Well, maybe the second best. Aside from all of us getting together, that is.

  I savor another sip of coffee. It’s really great stuff. I’m thinking that just the right amount of sugar will really bring out its true flavour.

  I add a tiny amount and test. Not quite.

  The next bit does it. Yes. This is like liquid heaven.

  I can’t help but wonder about what’ll happen when we get out of here. Linc says he’s come around to the idea of the three of us trying out a relationship together. It’s easy to think that way now. But everything will be different once we get out of here. We’ll all be back to work. Back to our own lives. Can we make it work outside of this cocoon we’ve been in?

  I want to believe that we can. I so hope we’ll be able to pull it off. But being in a threesome relationship can be complicated. I’m not totally convinced it can happen.

  The timer sounds, breaking me out of my thoughts. Grabbing a pair of oven mitts, I take the pan out and test to see if it’s done. Yes. This oven works really well. I could do with one like this at home.

  I pour out three mugs of coffee and fill a plate with my creation. It’s nothing fancy, but I think they’ll like it. My stomach growls as I set everything I need onto a tray. If they don’t like it, I’ll eat it all myself. I should’ve doubled the recipe, but I didn’t think of that in time.

  Both Mykayla and Linc are stirring when I get to the living room.

  “Good morning.” They’re barely awake, and it takes a moment for them to register what’s on the tray I set down in front of them.

  Mykayla blinks hard. “What? You’ve got chocolate cake? I must be dreaming.”

  “You’re not.” I pick up a piece and hold it close so she can take a bite.

  Linc’s already drinking. “How do you have coffee too?”

  “I made it. The power’s back on.”

  His eyes widen. “Seriously?”

  “Where on earth did you find this cake? I thought we got out all the food we could find when we were planning how to ration it.” Mykayla takes the piece from my hand.

  “Yes, we’ve really got power now. I used it to make the cake. You like it?”

  “Like it? It’s fabulous. I’ve never tasted anything this good.”

  “We’ve not only got power, but it’s stopped snowing. It’s even starting to melt already.” I pick up my coffee mug and a piece of cake to try out. It did come out well, especially considering how fast I made it.

  “So, we can cook now. We’re better off for food again. Or we could just live on cake.” Mykayla tries the coffee. “This is so good too. Jase, you should be a chef.”

  “Yeah, we’ve got a lot more options for food now. I mean, I don’t know any recipes off by heart except for this one. But I can remember enough to improvise. How about pancakes?”

  “Great idea.” Linc’s on his third slice of cake already. “We can both help you, any way we can. This whole not eating much thing is getting old.”

  “There’s lots of staple ingredients we have to work with. I can get the food we have to go a lot further now. And we–”

  A familiar sound cuts me off. I don’t register what it means at first. Linc’s frowning at me. It hits us at the same time.

  “My phone!” He jumps up and goes over to where it’s been sitting for days now. Plugged into an outlet that had no power. Not until now.

  Mykayla give me an excited glance. “We have a phone that works now too. And power. And the storm’s over. I can’t believe it.”

  “Things are looking up.”

  She smiles at me. “Not to mention, your spectacular cake. As long as I can eat this, I don’t need to get out of here. Not anymore.”

  Linc ends the call and comes back over to us. “That was Sam. He says he left a couple messages before, but of course they didn’t come through. He told me they’ve already been working on clearing the roads. They might even be able to get to us as early as tomorrow.”

  “Wow. That’s fast.” I take a drink of coffee.

  “Right? Apparently the blizzard’s been slowing down, and it moved away from the main roads a couple days ago. It was taking its time passing over our area, but now it’s gone and they can really get to work on these rural roads now.”

  “So we’re going to make it.” Mykayla raises her mug. “I’ll drink to that.” We click our mugs together.

  “Great way to celebrate. Cake and coffee.” Linc sets his empty mug down on the floor and leans back against the sofa. He runs his hand through his hair. “So what do we do now?”

  “Make pancakes?” I offer. I know that’s not what he means. But I don’t want to have this conversation. Not now. Even though we need to.

  He shakes his head. “I mean, what happens next? Once we’re out of here. Do we start dating? Or what? How’s this thing supposed to work?”

  Mykayla finishes chewing. “I guess.”

  They both look to me as if I have all the answers. “I’ve never done this before. I’ve wanted to, sure. But I’ve never tried. I figure we’ll do what we’d do if we were just seeing one person instead of two. You know. Go out. Stay in. Have lots of sex. Get to know each other. Have fun. Whatever we want, really.”

  “So no rules.” Linc shakes his head. “I guess we’re already throwing out the rule book by being three. Sex and fun. Works for me.”

  “What about commitment?” Mykayla asks. “I don’t want a casual relationship that doesn’t mean anything. I want it to be going somewhere, three or not. Are you guys into that?”

  I put my empty mug down next to Linc’s “Yes. That’s what I want. You know that, Mykayla.”

  But it strikes me that she’s asking the question more of Linc. He did say that he wanted to give this a try. But that was in the moment, right after the fire in her room.

  Now we’ve got cold, hard reality to face.

  Linc glances at me, then Mykayla. “I meant what I said before. I don’t want to be without you. Either one of you. Not now, and not when we get out of here. I won’t be looking for anyone else. I want a future with us.”

�Really?” Mykayla’s face is already glowing. I can’t say I’m not right there with her. What I’ve wanted for so long is happening. And it couldn’t be with two more perfect people than these two.

  “Really. Now, who wants the last piece of cake? Or should we all split it.”

  “We should split it.” She starts cutting it.

  “Those are some thin slices.” Linc examines his. “You sure you don’t want mine?”

  “Or mine?” I ask. I’ve had enough cake for now.

  “No. We need to share it.” She picks up her own sliver. “Three ways.”

  Fair enough. Linc and I grin at each other as we eat.

  This cake’s never tasted better than it does right now.

  Chapter 19


  I brush my lips over the back of Mykayla’s neck. Jase’s hand slips down to one of her breasts. His lips go to her other one as I slide my fingers between her thighs.

  Holding her from behind, I press my cock against her body. I love starting out this way. All of us naked and standing together, right before we get into bed. So good for getting a really good look at the hot bodies surrounding me, before everything gets out of control.

  Mykayla curls her arms around Jase’s neck, leaning into him. At the same time, she sticks her ass out to grind back into my cock. She rocks against my hand as I stroke her clit. She’s soaking wet.

  Jase’s hand slides around Mykayla’s body to mine. I shift closer so I can feel his touch better. I keep kissing Mykayla, my lips tracing patterns across her shoulders and down her back. As much as I’m into this part, I’m impatient for more. We haven’t been together for the entire week, and I can’t wait to have them.


  Untangling myself from Mykayla, I take her hand along with Jase’s and lead them over to my bed.

  “Impatient much?” Jase is laughing, but I can see it in his eyes. He’s as eager as I am.

  “Yup.” No sense denying it.

  Mykayla gives a surprised yelp as I lift her off her feet and set her down on the bed. “Hey.”

  “What?” I climb on top of her and lick her nipple. “You don’t like that I can’t resist a gorgeous naked woman? One who’s taking too long to get into bed with us?”

  “No.” She kisses me. “Just didn’t expect that, is all.”

  Jase runs his hands over my back. The way he kisses me, touches me. It’s nothing like I thought it would be, with another man. It’s so much better. It’s like I can tell how much he cares about me too, just from the way his hands move.

  He starts to pay attention to my ass. He’s fondling me hungrily. I know what he wants. It’s the one thing we haven’t done yet. I have yet to give him my ass. At first I wasn’t sure I wanted to. Never done that before with anyone. But the way he acts when I’m fucking him, like he’s really into it. That’s pretty convincing.

  So I decided I’d do it. I haven’t told him yet. I was going to wait, but there’s no reason to. No better time than now. Especially now, when I’ve been missing them both so much every single day this week. Hell, every single hour. I even miss being stuck at the cabin. At least we were together all the time then.

  I sit up, moving off of Mykayla. “Something you want there, buddy?”

  Jase gives my ass a pinch. “Just admiring.”

  That’s the other reason I’m willing to try it with Jase. He’s never pushed me on it, not once. That’s what really made me come around to the idea. I trust him.

  “Yeah? Is that all you want to do?”

  A slow grin spreads across his face. “Depends. What else is possible?”

  “Everything.” I’m grinning back at him myself. I’m giving him something of myself that means something. To both of us. To me, it’s my way of committing to him. Giving him what I’ve never given anyone else. “Everything you want.”

  Mykayla distracts us by sitting up and curling her fingers around our cocks and jacking us both. “Now that would be something I’d love to watch.”

  “You got it.” I give her a deep kiss. “But there’s something else we want to do first. Something for you.”

  Jase and I exchange a look. Taking hold of Mykayla’s legs, he spreads them out for me. She rocks her hips up in an invitation I can’t resist. I dive between her thighs, my tongue slipping between her slick folds.

  The way Jase is holding her for me, his eyes glued to us, is making this situation even hotter. I’m lost in what I’m doing, Mykayla’s moans spurring me on, by the time he nudges me aside to take his turn.

  I do the same thing for him. Hold Mykayla’s thigh while he keeps her breathless. He’s toying with her clit in that way we both know she loves. My cock throbs as he’s tonguing her. I give myself a quick stroke to take the edge off before I let him know it’s my turn again.

  Mykayla’s close to coming. I want to keep her there as long as I can, but she’s almost there. Soft moans turn to groans of need and I can’t make her wait any more. With quick, short licks, I drive her right over the edge.

  I don’t let up until she’s coming down. One of the things I’ve missed most this week is the way she moves when she’s right in the middle of a powerful orgasm. The way she sounds. The way she tastes.

  Jase was kissing her all the way through it. When they stop, he catches my eye. “What do you want to do now, Linc?”

  I smirk at him. Once I commit to something, I don’t back down. “You know what I want.”

  He grins again, right before he goes for the big supply of condoms and lube I keep well-stocked in my night stand. Before he gets suited up, he stops to kiss me.

  “You guys.” Mykayla’s gazing at us as we break apart. “So sexy.”

  I stroke her thigh in response. “Do you want me too?”

  Her eyes glitter. “I always want you, Linc.”

  My heart thumps. I can’t resist giving her a quick kiss before I hurry to get a condom on.

  Gathering Mykayla in my arms, I move on top of her. My cock finds her entrance easily and our lips are locked together as I slide deep inside.

  Jase positions himself behind me. I suck in my breath as the cool lube hits me. His finger is next, toying with me before he slips a single finger into my hole.

  It’s an odd sensation, but I’m liking it. By the time he adds a second one, I’m used to it. And wanting more. I keep up a steady rhythm with Mykayla as she wraps her arms around my neck.

  “This is going to be so hot.” Her voice is low. “I can’t wait.”

  “Ready, Linc?” Jase’s hands are on my ass. “Let me know if you need to stop.”

  “I’m ready.” My words come out in a growl. “If I want you to stop, you’ll know it.”

  I stop moving when I’m buried deep in Mykayla. She gives me a wicked grin and her muscles tighten around my cock. I’m about to say something to her when my breath gets taken away.

  It’s Jase’s hard cock. Nudging at my hole. I hold still while he pushes forward. He’s going slow, easy, but it’s a lot to take. He’s big. But it’s not just that. It’s a lot more intense than I thought it would be. Unfamiliar sensations are coursing over my entire body. And he’s only just begun.

  “You alright?” He stops moving, holding his position.

  “Fine.” I catch myself grinding my teeth. Mykayla strokes my cheek and I lean down to kiss her. We’re still locked together as Jase starts up again. Before I know it, he’s all the way in.

  And it’s not bad at all. It takes some getting used to. But I’m liking it. I push back against Jase and he gets the message. He pulls back, so slowly, then rocks forward. Once he’s got a rhythm going, I start to move, trying to match him. Mykayla’s hands are on my arms and we’re all in this together.

  “It’s like I can feel you both,” she says. “And it feels amazing.”

  I’m right there with her. Only I can’t speak. The pleasure’s overwhelming. I can hardly think. All I can do is keep moving. Rocking between Jase and Mykayla, totally connected to both of them. It’
s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Like we’re going to be locked together forever.

  My body’s a live wire as Jase picks up his pace. I match him, working my cock into Mykayla in time with Jase fucking me. I don’t know how I’m going to survive this. I switch up my angle so I’m rubbing Mykayla’s clit. She thrusts her hips up, meeting me stroke for stroke. As if everything else wasn’t already too much, her sweet gasps are shoving me dangerously close to the edge.

  I slip my hands under her ass, pulling her up to me. This is amazing. Incredible. I can’t even describe the way it feels. Whatever it is, it’s all-consuming.

  Jase leans down to kiss my back. I can’t say anything to him, not over the way I’m panting. His cock throbs inside me and he starts to pound my ass.

  We’re all getting close. I don’t want this to end, not ever. Mykayla decides for me by losing control. She writhes underneath me and her muscles clamp down. There’s no way I can survive this.

  My cock pulses hard and I erupt as if I haven’t had sex in ages. I lose track of just how many times I shoot into Mykayla. It’s like my orgasm overtakes my entire body. Like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

  And just like Mykayla clenches me tight, my ass is contracting around Jase. He groans and clutches my hips so hard, I’m sure there’ll be bruises.

  “Fuck!” He’s pounding me hard, thrusting as he explodes deep inside of me. My arms go shaky and I can barely support myself, but I don’t collapse. I’m taking everything he’s got and I still want more.

  I’m still gasping for breath by the time Jase eases out of me carefully. It’s almost funny after the pounding he just gave me, but I like the way he can be rough and laid back too.

  Mykayla gives me a hug as I start to pull out of her. “How was that?”

  I discard the condom before I answer her. I need a moment to think. And still, I’ve got nothing.

  “Beyond.” I shake my head. It’s all I can come up with. But as she catches my eye, I can see that she knows what I mean. Because she’s right there too.

  Jase throws his arms around my chest, pulling me back into him. I do the same to Mykayla, and we’re locked together like we just were. Somehow this is just as good. Really different.


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