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Hooked Page 1

by A. M. Hargrove


  A Wilde Players Dirty Romance

  A M Hargrove

  Terri E Laine

  Wicked Truth Publishing, LLC





























  Sneak Peek from Sidelined

  Sneak Peek from Fastball

  About The Authors

  Stalk Terri E. Laine

  Stalk A.M. Hargrove

  HOOKED: A Wilde Players Dirty Romance

  Copyright © 2016

  Wicked Truth Publishing, LLC

  By A.M. Hargrove & Terri E. Laine

  All rights reserved.

  This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the author, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at [email protected]

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to peoples either living or deceased is purely coincidental. Names, places, and characters are figments of the author’s imagination, or, if real, used fictitiously.

  Photo by Perrywinkle Photography

  Cover by Michelle Catalano Creative




  Spending the summer in the mountains of Western North Carolina is my favorite thing to do. Living in California puts us so far away from all our relatives. My twin brother, Ryder, and I always look forward to going to my cousins’ Fletcher and Chase’s every year. My parents do it so we stay close. It was a decision they made when my dad’s job took him to the West Coast.

  This summer has been different. Ryder is letting me hang out with the guys, and Fletcher’s friends are amazing. But there’s this one. Mark James. Dark and manly. Or at least I think he’s manly. He acts more like a grown-up than the other boys. He wears his hair really cool, too. It’s short all over, except it’s a bit longer and messy on the top. It hangs over his forehead, drawing attention to his blue-gray eyes. They are large, and beautiful, so clear, yet framed by a ridiculously thick fringe of lashes. And every time I check him out, he’s staring openly at me, not even trying to hide it. Just the other day, we were all eating the sandwiches my aunt had prepared, and when I reached to grab the extra-large bag of chips, they accidentally spilled everywhere. His arm brushed against mine as he helped me gather the chips, and the shivers that sped up my back had my head jerking toward him. He didn’t utter a word, only slid his teeth over his bottom lip, and his mouth quirked.

  Trying to pretend I don’t care if he’s here or not isn’t easy. The last thing I want is for Ryder to know. The teasing would be endless, and I’m not up for that. Knowing him, he’d blabber about my crush to Fletcher, and then Chase, and before I’d know it, I’m sure there’d be a news reporter knocking on the front door.

  But my days are numbered. In less than a week, we leave for California. Home. And I won’t see Mark until next summer. And that’s if we even return next year. I overheard my parents talking. Fletcher will graduate next year, which means he’ll be in college playing football. I almost didn’t come this summer because of golf. Ryder only came because he was able to play on a baseball summer league team here. Next year will be different for all of us. And that means after this week, I’ll never see Mark again.

  The day we’re leaving, my bags are packed and everyone is hanging around. Mom, Dad, and my aunt and uncle are discussing things in the kitchen, so I decide to hang out on the tire swing outside. The noise of tires on gravel alerts my attention, and I look up to see Mark getting out of his car. He notices me and walks over.

  “What are you doing out here? Is Ryder or Fletcher around? Fletcher asked me to meet him here.”

  I shrug. “I haven’t seen either of them in a while. I think they walked out back somewhere.”

  He nods. “Okay, then.”

  For a moment we just look at each other. He shoves his hands into his pockets. “I guess I’ll go find them.”

  He starts to walk off.

  “Hey, wait up. Do you want some company?”

  He shrugs again, so I catch up.

  “I hear you are leaving,” he finally says.

  “Today, actually.”

  Something feels off. It’s weird between us, and I don’t know why. We walk in silence until we’ve made it behind the barn. He uses a hand to shield his eyes as he looks off into the distance.

  “Do you see them?” I didn’t, but I didn’t know what else to say.

  “No.” He faces me, blocking the sun with his height. I rub my palms on my shorts, suddenly nervous. He licks his lips, and I wish like hell I had the nerve to kiss him.


  His eyes are glued to mine, and a strange ache grows in my belly.


  “I’m kinda glad Fletcher or Ryder isn’t around.”


  He doesn’t speak for the longest time.

  “I’m just going to say it.”

  “What?” I ask.

  “All summer.” He pauses and he must believe I know how that sentence ends because his eyes continue to bore into me. He shakes his head as if to clear it. “All summer, I’ve wanted to kiss you and now you’re leaving.”

  “Kiss me?”

  My stomach flutters with a gazillion butterflies, because, yeah, when a guy like him says something like that, it’s an off-the-charts diary-worthy moment.


  His one word answer has me as tongue-tied as I’ve ever been and I hate myself for it.

  “Okay.” Now’s the time I should be saying things like how much fun I’ve had hanging with him this summer, and how I hope we can talk, blah, blah, blah. But no. It’s as if someone has duct taped my mouth shut.

  He takes my hand in his.

  “I’ve wanted this since I first saw you, since the beginning.”

  Before I know what’s happened, warm, soft lips touch mine and then his tongue pushes its way into my mouth. Honestly, I want to curl into him and beg him to come home with me. I’ve been kissed before, but never, ever, like this. He curves his tongue around mine, and it seems as though he’s discovering as many secrets as I am. His hand slips into my hair, and I do the same to him. Our bodies are touching in all the right places, leaving no space between us for even a tiny bit of air to seep in. I feel him down in the marrow of my bones.

  “Riley.” I hear my brother’s voice out in the distance.

  The spell having been broken, we jerk apart, but there is something in his expression I can’t read, longing, wistfulness, or maybe I’m just misplacing my own feelings.

  Then Ryder’s there, and the moment is lost.

  “Mom says it’s time to go.”

  There’s an awkward moment when Ryder glances between the two of us trying to puzzle out what’s going on.

  Mark is quick with an explanation. “We were looking for you guy
s,” he says to my brother.

  “We were,” I agree.

  Ryder’s eyes narrow, but Mark takes the lead and heads back. I walk next to Ryder, but thankfully he doesn’t ask any questions. When we arrive, Mom waves Ryder inside to help get our bags. I’m left outside with Mark.

  “I wish—”

  I don’t waste time. If this is it, I want more. Cutting him off, I quickly press my lips to his one last time. Then I back away, leaving him standing there with a dazed expression on his face. But he’s done the same to me.

  Mark James has marked me, and from this moment on, I will never be the same again. But even though we’ve seen each other every year after that kiss, that special moment is lost to us. He’s had a girlfriend or I’ve had a boyfriend. He’s gone off to college, and I’ve gone to another. Then we weren’t kids anymore. So secretly, I’ve always wondered what-if with no hope of ever finding out the answer to that question.


  Mark glances at me as Gina lets out a long and loud moan. Can this get any more embarrassing? The fact that I’ve been crushing on Mark for years is bad enough. But Ryder upstairs fucking his fiancée, and by the sounds of it, doing quite a bang-up job, is even worse.

  Now I’m questioning my choice to live with my brother, an ace MLB pitcher. He has a huge condo in downtown Charlotte. You’d think the sound wouldn’t carry. Either the walls are super thin or they are super loud. I’d like to think the former. As that last thought leaves my mind, my brother lets out the longest groan.

  “What the hell are they doing up there?” I mutter.

  “I don’t know, but I sure as hell would like to find out,” Mark says, as he adjusts his pants. We’re standing next to the island in the kitchen as we debate whether or not he can be my stand-in caddie for a charity golf event I have coming up. My former caddie resigned at the end of the season, and I have yet to find a replacement. Admittedly, I’m desperate. I can’t help but stare at the bulge left of center of his crotch. It makes me squirm. All thoughts of the LPGA have flown from my mind.

  “Hey, eyes up here, Eagle.”

  Being caught red-handed isn’t something I’m proud of, especially with that smirk on his face. But damn, it’s been a while since I’ve had any, and Mark is smokin’ hot. Not only a head taller than me, with dark hair and eyes that can’t decide if they’re blue or gray, he’s beyond sexy—even more so than when we were teenagers. But his strong jaw and full pouty lips have always begged to be kissed. I do as he says, but not quickly. I take my time, letting my eyes do a little roaming from his crotch to neck as I think about what I’d want him to do to me. Crossing my legs, my attempt to ease the ache between them fails.

  “What’s the problem?” he asks.

  Gina and Ryder moan in unison, and then yell some unintelligible crap. This is too much for any sexually active—or inactive as in my case—and horny as hell woman to bear. One glance at Mark is all it takes and he grabs a fistful of my shirt. His mouth crashes onto mine, and I push him against the island, indicating I’m all in. The kiss is heated, demanding, and potent. Lust fires my veins, and there’s only one ending I have in mind. It’s a hard and fast fuck. I hope he’s into this, because if not, I’m going to have to excuse myself and take a trip to my bedroom for some vibrator time.

  When his hands latch on to my hips and push my pants down, I figure we’re on the same page. In the background, Gina and Ryder sound like they’re at a rodeo riding the bull, but I want to ride the reverse pony on Mark. Before this gets any further, I grab my pants and pull them back up.

  “Come with me.”

  “I was hoping to,” he says.

  “Such a comedian. Hurry.”

  We run up the stairs, and I push him inside the doorway of my room. Up here we get the full impact of the Gina-Ryder effect.

  “Christ. Are they always like this?” he asks.

  “I don’t know. I’m gone so much, and when I’m here, I put on my sound machine.”

  “I’ve never heard anything like it.”

  Grabbing the waist of his jeans, I unbutton and unzip them. Tugging them down at light speed, I grab his stiff cock, loving the velvety firmness of it. Not giving it a second thought, I drop to my knees and wrap my lips around it as I pull his length into my mouth. His deep moans spur me on to take him in further. But he pulls me off and strips off my pants and thong. He’s aggressive as he pushes me onto the edge of the bed and plants my feet there as he spreads me wide.

  “Riley, I—”

  “Don’t talk. Just do it.” Wouldn’t Nike be proud of me now?

  Without further urging from me, his mouth is gentle as he runs his wet tongue—and, oh, what a tongue it is—along my slit, and I nearly buck off the bed. His hand presses me back down, keeping me steady, as he works over my open pussy. He does this little twirly thing while his finger seems to locate some secret hidden places inside me, and the orgasm that hovers over me suddenly decides to present itself in full force.

  Unfortunately for Mark, my thighs clamp together, and I may or may not have squished his head a bit. One thing I did do was moan very loudly. Probably loud enough to rival Gina and Ryder. They don’t notice, and from the sounds of it, they’re still at it like two hounds chasing a fox.

  Mark stands and grabs his wallet out of his pants pocket. He finds a condom and holds it up. “Are you in for this, too?”

  “Oh, hell yeah.” No way would I miss out on the grand finale.

  My eager eyes watch him as he rolls on the latex, and it’s super hot. But what he does next is even hotter. He grabs his cocks and strokes himself, up and down, making me swallow as drool threatens to run out of my mouth.

  “Jesus, that’s hot,” I say.

  “Not compared to what I’m looking at.”

  We stare at each other for a while until I say, “You either need to do something or I’m going to have to take things into my own hand.”

  His teeth glide over his lower lip, and a raspy chuckle escapes from him right after the headboard from Ryder’s room starts banging on the wall, accompanied by some ughs and ahhs.

  “Think you can rival that?” I challenge.

  “Only one way to find out.”

  He crawls onto the bed and pushes me back. Then my legs end up on his shoulders as his tip hovers at my opening. He slides his cock around, up and down, and pushes it in, slowly. Then backs out. He repeats, and I’m hypnotized by his actions. The routine is heating my veins, igniting my blood on fire. When he finally pushes in and is seated deep, he pulls out, and then slams back in, hard and fast, ripping the breath right out of me. Heart thumping in my throat, nails scoring his shoulders, I hang on for the ride of my life. And what a ride it is. My climax sends me soaring and screaming for joy. But he’s not done. He flips me like a flapjack and continues to pound into me, never breaking stride. I’m stretched out, flat on my stomach, one of his arms under my hips as he pumps into me. I arch my back with each thrust, accepting what he’s willing to give.

  His warm breath is on my neck, followed by his lips and tongue, and tremors vibrate up and down my spine. Every nerve ending tingles, and I know I’m going to come again. His hand migrates to my core, and his thumb places a gentle pressure on my clit. That’s all it takes to eke another orgasm out of me. My inner muscles clench, and I can feel him pulsate inside of me as he groans out his own climax.

  When we finish, he rolls me over and situates me on top of him. Our mouths press together in scorching kisses, and we have a nice little make-out session. His scruff rubs my cheeks tender in a few spots, and it makes me giggle.


  “I didn’t think we’d end up doing this today,” I admit.

  “Me neither. But I have to say, I’m pretty damn happy about it.”


  “Yeah. What about you?” he asks.

  “I’m okay with it.”

  “Okay with it? Hmm. That doesn’t sound too good to me.”

  “No, it’s good.” I don
’t want to give everything away here. If he knows that I’ve been crushing on him, then he’ll have the upper hand, and that won’t work at all. Besides, if he’s going to work for me, I have to maintain some kind of authority here.

  “Good?” he repeats.

  Now he sounds hurt, and that’s not what I intended.

  “It was really good.”

  “I get the feeling you’re not okay with this. And you can be honest with me,” he says.

  “That’s not it.” How can I say this? “Here’s the deal. If you come work for me, then we have to be professional.”

  He bursts out laughing. “Is that what this is all about?”

  “Yeah.” But it kind of pisses me off. “And it’s not funny.”

  “Your attitude about it is. Riley, I’m a grown man. To say I can’t act professional is ridiculous.”

  “You can’t say that. I’ve seen people much older than you walk away from situations because of crazy things.”

  He nods. “You’re right. But I would hope you and I could be bigger people.”

  “I would hope that, too.”

  A banging on the door interrupts us. “Ri, is that you?” Ryder asks.

  “Who else would be in my room?” I can’t help the snarky reply that comes out of my mouth.

  “Who’s in there with you?”

  “Hey, since when did that become any of your business?” I retort.

  “Since I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Seriously, you are not asking me that.”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “Ryder, go back to your room.”

  “I can’t believe him,” I mumble to Mark.

  “He’s only being a good brother.”

  “Is that Mark?” Ryder asks.

  “Oh, my, God! Are you standing out there listening?”

  “Where do you think I am? In the kitchen?”

  Jumping out of bed, I throw on my clothes and yank the door open. “I can’t believe you. You’re an ass. That’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.”


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