Finding Valor

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Finding Valor Page 20

by Charlotte Abel

  “That ain’t much time.”

  “I know, but it’s our best opportunity to snoop around.”

  “We need to find the Book of the Dead first. Ms. Wisdom ain’t gonna be your biggest fan after you kill her sister.”

  “Let me worry about the book. Can you find Prudence or not?”

  “My momma didn’t name me Hunter for nothing. If I cain’t find her, nobody can.”

  “All I’m asking is that you try.” Josh didn’t like putting Hunter at risk, but he had to protect Channie. “Be careful. And don’t do anything stupid.”

  Hunter winked at Josh then turned and trotted towards the entrance to Freedom Ridge.


  Josh decided to give Wisdom a taste of her own medicine. He threw his shoulders back and held his chin high then marched through the crowd of people to the head of the food line. He ignored the murmurs of disapproval, knowing they’d stop when he made it clear he wasn’t trying to jump the line. He motioned for one of the kitchen workers to move the pot of mystery stew out of his way then leapt onto the serving table.

  I want my voice to carry as if I were using a microphone with the best PA system money can buy.

  “May I have everyone’s attention, please?” Josh’s voice rang out, clear, deep and loud.

  The immediate and total silence that followed buzzed with anticipation.

  “I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Valor Veyjivik.”

  No one made a sound, not even the babies. Josh hoped Vince was right about the rumors. His plan depended on people already knowing about the Book of the Dead’s prophecies.

  “I know that many, if not all of you, are bound to Wisdom by death pledges. So let me begin by saying that I don’t want anyone to do anything that might trigger the curse. This is between Wisdom and me.”

  The silence deepened. Every gaze locked on Josh’s face.

  “Wisdom, are you here?”

  She shoved her way to the front of the crowd, bristling with anger. She lowered her voice to a whisper, but that didn’t disguise the underlying fury. “What are you doing?”

  “You have, in your possession, a book that belongs to me. I want it.”

  She plastered a fake smile across her face and raised her voice. “That’s enough, Josh. Stop making a fool of yourself and get down so these people can eat.”

  “I’ll get down when you return what is rightfully mine. And you will address me by my title and with the proper respect.”

  “Oh, this is rich.” Wisdom laughed and rolled her eyes. “I thought you didn’t want to be king?”

  “I don’t.” This could backfire, but Josh refused to set himself on a throne, real or imaginary. “I only want to fulfill my duty.”

  “I refuse to let you kill my sister!”

  “Give me my book.”

  Wisdom lowered her voice. “You aren’t ready. That book will destroy you.”

  “You don’t know that.” Josh spoke quietly, but his voice still carried.

  All those hours of studying the book’s cryptic messages was about to pay off. Josh recited from memory.

  “For every choice there is a cost

  And the things you lose are forever lost.”

  Josh’s heart ached as he searched the hungry and desperate faces in front of him. This wasn’t a game. These people were counting on him. “We’ve all lost too much because of one woman’s greed and obsession with power, my grandmother, Dominance Veyjivik.”

  A few murmurs of assent broke the silence.

  “You’ve come together here at Freedom Ridge, hoping to end her reign of terror.”

  A few brave souls added their voices to the background hum. Speaking quietly in whispered voices. Nodding slowly.

  “So have I.” Josh didn’t know where the words were coming from, but he knew they were true. “The Book of the Dead burned my name upon its cover and gave me a direct order to lead all mages out of this darkness.”

  Josh closed his eyes again and unintentionally chanted the words as if he were delivering a repeat performance of his bar mitzvah.

  Son of Vengeance seeking light,

  Grasp the hilt and join the fight.

  For you were born to rule and reign,

  To save us all from ruin and pain.

  The total eclipse on solstice night

  Ordains the heir that wins the fight.

  He waited for the last echo to fade then pointed at Wisdom as if he were an avenging angel and she the devil. “Do not stand in the way of justice. Free these people from your cursed death pledge and give me my book so I might fulfill my destiny.”

  Wisdom’s chest heaved six times before she answered him with a single word. “Fine.”

  She planted a foot on the table and hitched up her skirts, revealing a heavily bandaged leg. As she unwound the bandage a box-shaped lump took shape on her inner thigh. She held it in place as she removed the final wraps then handed it, bandages and all, to Josh.

  He dropped the bandages and found a small, wooden box with a hinged top. A golden glow seeped between the cracks. He hopped off the table and set the box down. “I want everyone to stay back. This thing’s dangerous.”

  He waited for the sound of shuffling feet to cease then lifted the lid. The words ‘Valor Veyjivik’ were barely visible on the stained and cracked leather cover of an ancient book. It was about the size of a small diary. As soon as he touched it, a brilliant light shot out of the letters forming his name, temporarily blinding him.

  A distant howl of agony rent the air.

  Prudence knows the rightful owner has reclaimed the book. Josh heard the words in his mind, not with his ears. It sounded as if a hundred people spoke in unison.

  Josh blinked until his vision cleared. No one else reacted to the heart-wrenching cries that continued to echo off the cliffs surrounding Freedom Ridge. No one else can hear it.

  He suspected his sudden insight and enhanced hearing came from the Book of the Dead.

  Open the book.

  Josh would have preferred to open it in private, but it didn’t seem wise to disobey a direct order. Especially when his name on the cover was pulsing like a ticking bomb.

  He lifted the book out of the box and let it fall open in his hands. Flames danced across the fragile pages without consuming them or producing any heat. When the magic burned itself out, it left behind a new set of instructions. Josh knew without being told that he needed to share it with everyone. Besides, he didn’t believe in doing anything half-assed. He’d started this show, he needed to finish it.

  He jumped back onto the table, the book in his hands, and read it out loud.

  Evil born of a righteous heart

  Remains as it was from the start.

  Coercion devours the best intent

  And leaves all souls broken and spent.

  Loyalty pledged under duress

  Will falter and fail when put to the test.

  Free the people bound by Wisdom,

  And unite them all within one kingdom.

  Cleanse your heart of spite and hate.

  When the hour draws nigh, don’t hesitate.

  Forgive and set free the one burdened with guilt.

  There’s mercy in death, when righteously dealt.

  The road is rocky. You’re bound to stumble.

  Trust yourself. Be strong, yet humble.

  Keep your mind open, there’s much you don’t know.

  Seek out your clan, and the gifts they bestow.

  Gather your army and feast on their power.

  You must prepare for the final hour.

  You’ve been warned before, our patience wears thin.

  Solstice approaches. It’s time to begin.

  The silence that followed Josh’s recitation pressed in on all sides. He had to force his chest muscles to expand before he could breathe. Everyone was waiting for him to say something…anything. He never expected to be let off the hook. He knew he’d have to face Dominance in December, but he’d hoped
to find something in the book he could interpret as ‘kill Prudence then go home to your wife and wait for the final battle.’

  The book agreed with the need to kill Prudence, but there was no provision for going home to Channie. Josh couldn’t postpone meeting his clan any longer. The book was clear. Obey—or suffer the consequences.


  Josh politely requested the council meet with him in his tent after eating. He wasn’t surprised when Intimidation Nesbit was the first to arrive.

  “That was really something in there. I thought Wisdom was gonna piss herself, she was so mad.”

  “Careful!” Wisdom hadn’t released anyone from their death pledge yet.

  “Naw, it’s okay. Wisdom never told us we couldn’t voice our opinions. She only invokes the death pledge when it’s absolutely necessary.”

  “It’s never necessary.” Josh was adamant about that. From what little Hunter had told him about Wisdom, he was shocked that she’d resorted to such extremes. “When did she start demanding that people give her death pledges?”

  “Two days after Prudence showed up. Why?”

  Josh’s gaze strayed to the box on his bed. “The Book of the Dead.”

  Tim’s eyes widened. “You don’t think she was using it, do you?”

  “I have no idea. But I think just having it strapped to her leg might have been enough for it to influence her.”

  “Pardon me for asking, but what keeps it from driving you insane?”

  Wisdom entered the tent, unannounced. “The book belongs to Josh…Valor. As long as his name’s on the cover, it won’t harm him.”

  “It doesn’t seem to mind bossing me around though.”

  The corners of Wisdom’s mouth curled up in a tired smile. “I tried to warn you.”

  Josh returned her smile. She already seemed like a different person. Maybe there was hope for Channie’s mother. No. He couldn’t afford to think like that. The book said she needed to die.

  When the last council member arrived, Wisdom stood up. “I owe you all an apology. I never suspected the Book of the Dead was affecting me. I took every precaution. I never touched it with my bare skin. I cut a living branch off a cedar tree to make the box and cast protection spells on both it and myself. But it obviously wasn’t enough.”

  No one offered any ‘it’s okay we understand’ assurances. The mood was definitely tense.

  “Well, I see no reason to delay.” Wisdom motioned for Tim to come stand in front of her. They clasped each other’s wrists with their left hands and placed their right hands over each other’s hearts.

  “I hereby release Intimidation Nesbit from the pledge he swore with his life.” A small pulse of red light spilled out of Tim’s chest, but it wasn’t very impressive.

  “That’s it?” Tim arched his eyebrows and frowned. “I don’t feel any different.”

  Wisdom nodded. “Care to test it?”

  “Uh…not really.”

  “I will.” Harry leaned on his cane to pull himself to his feet.

  “No.” Tim put his hand out, blocking Harry.

  “I’m an old man, so if it don’t work, you’ll need to try it on someone else. If I survive it, you’ll know it’s safe.”

  Tim took a deep breath and locked his gaze on Wisdom. “Give me an order.”

  She didn’t hesitate. “Punch Valor in the nose.”

  Tim squeezed his eyes shut. His upper chest rose and fell as he panted, but his voice rang out loud and clear. “No.”

  Wisdom smiled. “That’s an order.”

  Tim opened his eyes and grinned at her. “I refuse.”

  Everyone heaved a collective sigh of relief.

  By the time Wisdom released the last member of the council from their death pledge, the mood in the tent was absolutely festive. Josh hated to destroy it.

  “We need to discuss what the Book of the Dead revealed.”

  They all agreed that the first two stanzas were ordering Wisdom to undo the death pledges; which she readily agreed to do. But when Josh read the third stanza and suggested that it was the book’s intent that he set Prudence free from her burden of guilt by killing her, all hell broke loose.

  “No!” Wisdom’s face contorted with fear and rage. “That was meant for me. If I’d refused to release the death pledges, then you would have had to kill me.”

  Justice, Intimidation and Vixen supported Josh’s interpretation.

  Excellence, Inheritance and Mercy did not.

  Josh’s heart ached for Wisdom. He couldn’t imagine being in her situation. He knew that he’d do everything in his power to keep anyone from hurting Elijah, even if he’d committed the most heinous crime.

  Vixen, a young woman that Josh guessed was in her early twenties, cleared her throat. She waited until she had everyone’s attention then crossed her legs, exposing way too much thigh. She wasn’t the only woman in camp wearing a skirt, but she was the only one in a miniskirt. Josh averted his gaze, but had to look away from her completely when she folded her arms under her breasts and leaned forward, putting her impressive cleavage on display. What the hell? She was obviously coming on to him. Didn’t she know he was married? Josh needed her vote so instead of turning away in disgust, he shifted his gaze to her face.

  Vixen blinked her eyes in slow motion as she blatantly checked Josh out. “Wisdom’s too close to the situation to make an unbiased decision. She should leave.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. And stop trying to seduce Valor. He’s married.”

  Vixen pursed her lips in what Josh assumed was supposed to be a sexy pout. All it did was make him sad. What sort of parents named their daughter Vixen?

  “Look, I don’t want to kill Prudence. But I have to protect Channie. Every second she spends with that death pledge hanging over her head is putting her life at risk.” Josh raked his fingers through his hair. He didn’t want to pull rank, but they were at an impasse. “I don’t know how you ran things before I got here, but it’s clear the Book of the Dead wants me to take charge. I have to do what I believe…what I know…is the right thing.”

  “Josh, please. I’m begging you. Don’t do this.” Tears streamed down Wisdom’s cheeks. “Give me one more month to find a cure.”

  “Channie’s pregnant. She needs prenatal care. The stress she’s living under isn’t good for her or our baby.”

  Wisdom pressed her fist against her mouth and rocked back and forth. Josh cast a weak calming spell on her.

  Everyone, except Wisdom, gasped.


  Wisdom sighed and wiped the tears off her face. “It’s…offensive to use magic on someone during an argument.”

  “I’m sorry. I was only trying to help.”

  “I know.” Wisdom smiled through her tears. “When’s the baby due?”

  Josh shrugged. He was embarrassed to admit he didn’t know. “I just found out.”

  “Will you give me two weeks to work on a cure?”

  The thought of killing anyone, even a murderer that had already taken two lives and was hell bent on taking another, twisted Josh’s stomach. And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake the idea that if he killed Prudence, Channie would never forgive him.

  If there was a chance that Wisdom could cure her, he knew Channie would want him to take it. “The book told me to seek out my clan and the gifts they bestow. If you double the guard watching Prudence and reinforce the magic holding her; I’ll go to Kentucky and see if I can find some Veyjivik rebels to satisfy the book’s order to seek out my clan. When I come back, I’ll decide if the progress you’ve made justifies any further delays.”

  Wisdom threw her arms around Josh and sobbed into his chest. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “Take me to Prudence.”

  She stiffened then dropped her arms and stepped away from Josh. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “I need to see her before I leave. It’s the only way I’ll be able to tell if she’s improved when I get ba


  Josh graciously accepted the sack of dried fruit, nuts and biscuits that Harry thrust into his hands, but gave it to Tim as soon as the old man left the tent. “Be sure this finds its way back to wherever he got it.”

  Tim licked his lips and nodded. “I wish you’d let me go with you boys. Them Veyjiviks is a mean bunch. Y’all need someone to watch your backs.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I need you and Shep to keep an eye on things here at Freedom Ridge. Be sure Wisdom keeps her word and frees everyone from those death pledges. And be damn sure Prudence remains under heavy guard while I’m gone.”

  Prudence’s cage was actually a cave with a barred gate at the entrance. Wisdom, as well as the two men guarding the cage assured Josh that there was no other way in or out of the cave. As long as the gate remained locked, Prudence wasn’t going anywhere. Josh shuddered just remembering how she’d reacted to his and Hunter’s visit.

  She’d screamed, torn out fistfuls of hair and foamed at the mouth as she flung herself against the bars, trying to attack them. She cast several curses at them, but they were weak. The guards deflected them without even raising their shields. Apparently, Prudence didn’t have the patience to let her magic build to full strength. As soon as she had a little power, she’d hurl another curse.

  Josh cast a calming spell on her that should have knocked her out for days. She’d sank to the ground and wept but she still managed to utter obscenities at them. Hunter claimed that alone was proof she wasn’t herself. The woman’s power-name made any sort of swearing abhorrent to her.

  Tim puffed his chest out. “Yes, sir, Mr. Veyjivik. I’ll assign my best men to guard the prisoner.”

  Josh would have loved to take Intimidation with them. But he knew the Book of the Dead’s warning to avoid coercion applied to his recruiting methods as well as Wisdom’s. He wanted true loyalty, not false pledges made under duress that would ‘falter and fail when put to the test.’


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