Beat of the Heart rt-2

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Beat of the Heart rt-2 Page 11

by Katie Ashley

  Holy shit! My shock sent me into a choking fit. I’d just recovered when my phone rang. I didn’t have to guess who it was. Without even a hello, I hissed, “I cannot believe you just sent me a dick picture!”

  AJ’s deep chuckle echoed through my ear, warming me in places it shouldn’t. “Even though you could probably make a lot of money off that, I hope you keep it to yourself.”

  “You have nothing to worry about on that one.”

  “Good idea. It makes more sense to keep it for yourself to get you through the lonely nights.”

  “Do you have a point? I mean, besides sexually harassing me at work.”

  “Yes, I do, actually. First, I wanted you to know that I did really miss you. This weekend was…off the charts amazing and fantastic.”

  Fighting to catch my breath, I tried to play off the intense feelings ricocheting through me. “Yes, it was nice.”

  AJ snorted. “Nice? You call multiple orgasms until you could barely walk just nice?”

  I laughed. “Okay, okay, I agree that amazing is a better adjective. Now what’s your second point?”

  “I wanted to know if you were free Friday night.”

  “Yes, I am. Why?”

  “The guys and I are playing a reunion show at the bar where we got started. I thought since you’ve never heard us—or me for that matter—you might want to come?”

  Holy shit. He not only wanted to see me again, but he wanted to share the biggest part of his life—his music—with me. That fact alone had to mean our little weekend tryst was more than just mind-blowing sex to him. I couldn’t even begin to fathom the thought that AJ Resendiz, drummer for Runaway Train, sex-on-a-stick personified with thousands of women just waiting to take care of his needs, would want to be with me again.

  “Mia?” AJ questioned, through my self-deprecating tirade.

  “Sorry. Oh, um, yeah, that sounds nice.”

  “There you go with that ‘nice’ word again.”

  I laughed. “I’m sorry. It’s just you kinda caught me off guard.”

  “I guess it’s hard to focus on anything once I’ve assaulted you with a cock pic before noon, huh?”

  “You could say that.”

  “I’ll remember that next time.”

  “Yes, save the dick pics until at least late afternoon. Evening might be best.”

  AJ chuckled. “I’ll note that one for sure.”

  “Seriously though. I would love to see your band and you live in action.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. Our set starts at eight, and things will be pretty crazy before then. I hate to not come pick you up, but do you think you could meet me there?”

  “Sure, that’ll be fine.”

  “Great.” A long pause came on the line before AJ spoke again. After clearing his throat several times, he asked, “You think you’d wanna have dinner before then?”

  The room seemed to tilt and then spin around me. He wanted to see me before the weekend? Surely, it was only about sex and not about getting to know me better. That had to be it. Trying to play the strictly physical card, I replied, “Guess you really are missing me bad if you can’t wait until the weekend.”

  “Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of dinner—somewhere nice and fancy like we did before.”

  “Oh,” I murmured.

  “Being on the road so much, you enjoy when dinner doesn’t come out of a box or from some seedy diner.”

  My heartbeat thrummed wildly in my chest. Okay, he wanted dinner and conversation, not straight sex. When I finally found my voice again, I replied, “Sure, I’d love to do dinner again. Well, as long as it’s not Mama Sofia’s. I mean, if we show up there again, they’ll have us already engaged.”

  With a laugh, AJ replied, “I think that can be arranged.”

  “I’m off tomorrow night.”

  “Then tomorrow it is.” At the sound of voices in the background, AJ gave a frustrated grunt. “I have to go, Mia. I’ll see you tomorrow at seven?”

  “Sounds good.”



  Long after he hung up, I sat dazed and staring at my phone. I only glanced up when Dee burst into the room. “Sorry, I’m late,” he said breathlessly, as he eased himself into the chair beside me.

  “It’s okay. I was hungry, so I started without you.”

  “I see how it is.”

  I grinned as I passed him the bowl of grilled chicken salad. Leaning over me, Dee reached for a bottle of water from my bag. Before I could close my texts, he gasped and grabbed my phone. His dark eyes bulged. “Dayum, look who is getting sexts so early in the day!” He glanced up from the phone. “You must’ve made a helluva impression if he’s sending you this.”

  I shrugged, trying to playing it off. “We were just joking around.”

  “This,” he said, as he waved AJ’s cock pic in front of me, “is nothing to joke about. You know we never, ever joke about prize pieces of flesh, and this is certainly one of them.” Dee brought the phone in front of his eyes again. “And hell, he’s not even hard. No wonder you’re walking kinda funny today.”

  “I’m perfectly fine, thank you very much,” I snapped.

  “Mmm, mmm, he’s missing you and that fabulous vajayjay of yours so soon, huh?”

  I laughed. “You have such a way with words.”

  “I try.”

  We fell into silence then. After swallowing a giant bite of salad, Dee grunted. “Spill it, Mimi. What’s he want?”

  When I filled Dee in on AJ’s call, his eyes lit up. “He’s got it bad for you.”

  “I’m having second thoughts.”

  “Honey, you need to set up an appointment for a MRI cause your head needs checking for sure. There’s no way in hell I could say no to that cock.”

  With a laugh, I playfully smacked his arm. “This is serious, Dee. I mean, getting back in the game was one thing, but a guy like AJ—a musician with a horde of women at his beck and call...” I shook my head. “I feel like I’m emotionally setting myself up to be a lamb to the slaughter.”

  “And then again, you could end up Mrs. AJ Resendiz.”

  I snorted. “Excuse me, but who needs an MRI now? I mean, you do remember this is me you’re talking to, right? The girl whose history with men is the figurative equivalent of the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain.”

  Dee rolled his eyes. “You and your Georgia history nerdom.”

  Leaning forward on the table with my elbows, I cocked my head at him. “You really think that after the past nine months of my life, I’m up for this?”

  “We all have our pasts and baggage, Mimi. It’s our decision whether they fuck with our future.”

  With a defeated sigh, I rubbed my eyes. “Fine, fine. Deep down, I know you’re right.”

  “Of course I am.” When I shot him a look, he grinned. “Speaking of the future, let’s talk about what hot little number you’re going to wear on Friday night to get Mr. Latin Lover’s gears grinding again.”


  Drumming my fingers on my jeans, I waited anxiously in the cramped backstage room at Eastman’s Pub—the place where Runaway Train had gotten its start years ago. It was quite a different set-up from our usual concert scene, but it still felt so freakin’ right to be back here. Outside in the bar, a sold out crowd awaited us, standing room only. But a packed house was the last thing on my mind. Instead, a tall, stacked brunette occupied all my thoughts—most of which were pretty X-rated.

  Dinner with Mia on Tuesday night led to a ‘barely make it to the bed, a path of clothes strewn up the stairs inside Mia’s house’ all night sexathon. The only thing that had stopped us from going at it all day Wednesday was that Mia had to go to work, which totally blew. Wednesday and Thursday night after she got off work, we skipped the dinner, went straight to screwing, and ordered in food only after we pried ourselves off each other.

  I didn’t want to admit it, but I was getting in fucking deep with Mia. I wanted to say it was just about
the sex, but it wasn’t. What we had outside of the bedroom was just as good. The shit we talked and laughed about over dinner, the way she rose to every little tease and challenge I gave her—it was fucking amazing.

  When I felt a hand on my shoulder, I jerked my head up. Abby stood before me—her brow lined with concern. In Spanish, she asked, “What’s up with you?”

  I shrugged. Keeping our conversation private from the guys, I replied back in Spanish, “Nothing. Why?”

  “You seem uncharacteristically quiet and mellow.”

  “Just in the zone for the show.”

  Abby eyed me suspiciously before Jake came up and wrapped his arms around her waist. “You guys shit talking me in Spanish?”

  I laughed. “Jesus, such an egomaniac.”

  Jake grinned. “Always, man.”

  A knock sounded at the door. Jeff, Frank’s temporary replacement as head roadie, opened the door. “Twenty minutes to show-time, guys.”

  “Thanks man,” Jake replied.

  “Guess we better go get our table,” Lily said, rising off of Bray’s lap. He smacked her ass playfully, which caused her to squeal. “Watch it, mister.”

  With a wink, he added, “I’d keep my eyes on you—watching only you—all night if I could.”

  Rhys made a gagging noise next to me. “Jesus, between the two of you and Abby and Jake, you’re killing me.”

  “You’re just jealous that your ugly mug is all sad and alone,” Bray replied.

  With a little swagger in his step, Rhys replied, “I won’t be alone for long tonight.”

  “Especially if the blonde barracudas show up,” Lily said, with disgust.

  Rhys grinned. “I certainly hope they do.” He smacked my arm. “Don’t you?”

  “Uh…yeah. I guess.”

  Rhys gave me a ‘what the fuck?’ look as Abby and Lily went out the door. Once they were gone, he asked, “Is your lack of enthusiasm for guaranteed ass because you’re betting on Kylie being here tonight?”

  Oh shit. “She’s coming?” I asked in a strangled voice.

  With a bob of his head, Rhys replied, “Lily’s mom has the kids tonight. But I would’ve thought she would have let you know that via sext or some shit.”

  “I’m not expecting to hook-up with Kylie tonight.” My gut told me if Mia and Kylie met, I was fucked and not in a good way.

  Jeff sauntered back in the room. “Got Abby and Lily to their table. You guys need anything?”

  Rising out of my chair, I went over to him. “Yeah man, I’ve got a girl waiting outside for me. She’s supposed to check in at the bar. Can you bring her back here, so I can see her before the show?”

  “No problem.”

  After Jeff shut the door behind him, a low whistle echoed through the room. I whirled around to see the guys staring at me. “What?” I snapped.

  “You invited a chick to our show?” Jake asked.

  “I wouldn’t exactly call Mia a chick—she’s more of a woman.”

  Rhys’s eyes widened. “Holy shit, dude, you’re seeing her?”

  “I told you I was taking her out.”

  “Yeah, I thought for the night, but that was a week ago.”

  Jake and Brayden exchanged puzzled looks. “Who the fuck is Mia?” Jake questioned.

  With a grin, Rhys replied, “She’s the chick, er, woman...nurse I was telling you guys about who knocked the drink over on AJ and almost made him blow his load in his pants.”

  “Oh yeah,” Brayden chuckled. “Nice one.”

  I shrugged. “I like her, okay?”

  Jake snorted. “No shit, Sherlock. You’ve never invited anyone but your family to our shows before.”

  Rhys bobbed his head in agreement. “This is epic.”

  “Would you guys get off my dick about Mia please?” I growled, before collapsing on the sofa.

  A knock on the door sounded, and Jeff poked his head in. “I found her.”

  A chorus of kissy noises echoed around the room as Mia appeared in the doorway. I shot the guys death glares before turning my attention back to her. At the sight of me, a beaming smile curved on her lips. “Hi,” she said.

  “Hi Mia,” the guys replied in perfect sing-song unison.

  She jumped and glanced over at them. “Oh, um, hi.” Her startled gaze focused on the smirking faces of the guys before it came back to mine.

  “Douchebags,” I muttered under my breath before rising up off the couch. I closed the distance between us. Wrapping my arms around her, I smiled. “I’m glad you made it,” I said, trying to tune the guys out.

  “Me too.”

  When I brought my lips to hers, applause broke out. Without breaking the kiss, my hands rose off Mia’s waist to double flip off my asshat band mates. They laughed heartily. Pulling away, I motioned to them. “I guess now is the best time to introduce you to these dickheads.”

  Brayden stepped forward and offered his hand to Mia. “I’m Brayden.” Once they shook, he smiled and said, “You’ll have to excuse our behavior. We’re not used to seeing AJ with a girl.”

  She tilted her head thoughtfully at him. “Really? I’d think you’d be more than used to seeing him with tons of girls.”

  With a bob of his head, Bray replied, “Let me rephrase that. We’re not used to seeing AJ quite so serious enough to bring a girl to one of our shows.”

  “Ah, I see.” Mia shook Bray’s hand. “Nice meeting you. What do you do in the band?”

  “Guitar and back-up vocals.”

  “You write the songs, too, right?”

  As Bray nodded, I eyed Mia with pride that she had remembered that little tidbit I’d told her before. Rhys stepped forward next. “I’m Rhys. We met the other day at the hospital.” At the mention of the hospital, he had to bite his lip to keep from laughing.

  “Ah, yes, I remember you now. You got to witness my rubdown on AJ.”

  He grinned at her. “Yep. Sure did.”

  Mia laughed. “It’s nice meeting you, again.” She then turned to Jake. “And you’re Mr. Lead Singer.”

  He gave her his typical, smoldering grin. “That’s right. Jake Slater.” He shook her hand. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Um, sure,” Mia replied.

  “Can you tell me what a beautiful and intelligent woman like you is doing with my douchebag of a band mate? I mean, he’s the drummer for fuck’s sake. Everyone knows the drummer is a lame-ass.”

  “Jake,” I growled.

  He held up his hands. “I had to ask.” He jerked his chin up at Mia. “So?”

  “I guess it would be because he has a huge dick and knows how to use it,” she replied.

  At Mia’s response, Jake staggered back like he’d been kicked in the groin. Like Brayden and Rhys, he stared open-mouthed and wide-eyed at her. I mean, damn, I had the same fucking look on my face at her ballsy response. I knew she could give me hell, but I had no idea she would give it to the guys, too.

  After a small eternity, Jake’s lips curved up in a beaming smile. He turned to me. “I like this girl. She reminds me of Abby, so she’s a keeper for sure.”

  Mia laughed. “I’m glad you think so.” Stepping closer to Jake, she said, “And your statement about the drummer being a lame-ass isn’t true. If you don’t have a good drummer, your band’s whole rhythm gets shot to shit. I haven’t heard AJ play yet, but I know he has fantastic rhythm.” She patted his cheek. “Just something to remember.”

  I fought the urge to grab Mia in a giant bear hug before taking her into the next room to screw her brains out. I’d never had a woman outside of my family stick up for me to the guys—well, except for maybe Abby. It was a hell of a feeling finding a girl like her. The women I interacted with were either so caught up in my fame, or they were absorbed with themselves and the thrill of banging or dating me. Even though she doubted herself, Mia had a lot to give to me emotionally and physically.

  Jake grinned. “Yeah, I do know that about drummers. I just have to give AJ shit. I mean, he’s been my b
est friend since we were twelve. You can ask the other guys, but he’s usually on my ass constantly. I think he’s just trying to be a gentleman tonight because you’re here.”

  Rhys and Brayden nodded in agreement. “Total asshat,” Rhys replied.

  Mia laughed. “Yeah, I can see that about him.”

  I waved my hand to stop their ragging. “Whatever,” I mumbled.

  Jeff reappeared in the doorway. “Five minutes.”

  Jake nodded before turning to Mia. “Listen, why don’t I have Jeff take you to our VIP table?” His gaze flicked over at me. “That’s where Abby and Lily are. It makes sense she should sit with them.”

  Mia’s eyes widened at the realization of who she would be with. “Um, okay. Sure.”

  I nodded. “Best table in the house. It’s roped off from the audience and connected to the stage, so I can come over and talk to you during the show.”

  “Sounds good.” Without hesitation, she brought her lips to mine. When she pulled back, she gave me a beaming smile. “Good luck out there.”

  “Thanks.” When she started for the door, I smacked her ass with one of my drum sticks. She squealed and jumped. When she glared over her shoulder at me, I just winked at her.

  “I’ll get you for that one.”

  “I certainly hope so.”

  She grinned and shook her head before following Jeff out the door. As soon as she was gone, I braced myself for more shit from the guys. After sucking in a deep breath, I turned around to face them.

  Bray shook his head. “If you’re looking for a verbal smack down from me, you’re not going to get it. I agree with Jake. She’s a keeper for sure.”

  Jake snorted. “Of course you should agree with me. I’m always right.”

  We all groaned in unison. “Get over yourself, douchebag,” I replied.

  Crossing his arms over his chest, Jake added, “I’m serious. You better not fuck that one up, bro.”

  I grinned. “You were with her all of five minutes, and now you’re all Team Mia?”

  Rhys laughed. “Yep. I think I fell in love with her when she dissed your dick back at the hospital. ” He slung his arm over my shoulder. “Besides, we’re the Musketeers remember? ‘All for one and one for all’ shit? So we just wanna get on board with you cause you’re totally jonesing for her.”


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