Ripple Effect: Lantern Beach Blackout, Book 3

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Ripple Effect: Lantern Beach Blackout, Book 3 Page 15

by Barritt, Christy

  The next instant, the masked man grabbed the jump drive from her. He jammed it into her computer himself.

  He shoved her chair away, just in case Bethany considered pulling it out before it fully loaded. Bethany could hardly breathe as she watched the computer begin processing the information.

  “There. Was that that hard? Now we just need to wait.”

  Bethany’s throat tightened. She looked at the screen. Five percent had already been installed. It was going faster than she would like.

  “What is it downloading?” she asked.

  “A way for us to get into your servers. With a few little clicks on our part, we’ll be able to get into the computers for all the various people who read your magazine. If we can get into their computers, we can take over the power system.”

  “You make it sound too easy.”

  “We’ve been testing this out for years. It’s going to work.”

  “You’re the one who sent the email from my boss’s computer, didn’t you?” She tried to put the pieces together.

  Something flickered in his gaze. “As a matter of fact, yes, we were. That was just a test. When it didn’t work, we realized we had to take more drastic measures.”

  “Why did you try to take Ada? And Elise? Wasn’t it me you wanted all along?”

  “Leverage, my dear. Leverage. But now we’re impatient. We need this done. Now.”

  Bethany remembered the crash downstairs. Maybe someone nearby heard it. A security guard monitored these parking lots in the evenings. Maybe he had seen it and would report it to authorities. Bethany had to stay positive.

  “I’ve always admired you, you know. If circumstances had been different . . .”

  Bethany looked up at the man who held a gun to her and narrowed her eyes. “I don’t even want to know what that means.”

  “It means that you are an extraordinary woman, Bethany McIntyre.”

  “I’d say thanks, but I can’t.” She practically spit the words out.

  Just then, a bullet blew through the air. It hit the man beside her in the chest. He let out a gasp and clutched his chest.

  But the gun remained in his hand.

  He grabbed Bethany and put an arm around her neck. The gun went to her head, even as blood seeped from his wound.

  “Whoever you are, put down your weapon before I kill her,” the man said.

  Bethany heard the man gasping behind her. Had the bullet hit his lung? He wouldn’t have much more time. If she could just stall . . .

  But if she delayed too long, the program would continue to load.

  Griff stepped from the shadows.

  Bethany’s heart filled with relief. He was alive! Thank goodness.

  But they were far from being done with this. The gun at her temple made that entirely clear.

  “Let her go,” Griff growled.

  “I’m the one calling the shots here,” the man holding her rasped.

  “Let her go,” Griff repeated.

  “Put down your weapon or I’ll put a bullet through her head.” The man’s voice continued to weaken, and his grip around Bethany seemed to be loosening.

  Bethany glanced at the computer screen. Seventy-five percent already.

  This wasn’t good.

  She had to do something.

  Before she could second-guess herself, she rammed her elbow into the man’s chest—right in the area where the bullet had hit him. He let out a groan, and his grip on her loosened even more.

  Quickly, she turned and grabbed the gun from him. She shoved him out of the way, and he toppled to the ground. With the gun aimed at him, Bethany reached forward and pulled the jump drive from the computer.

  Eighty-one percent. She wanted to close her eyes with relief, but she had no chance for that. The download had been stopped. That was all that mattered.

  Griff took the gun from her hand.

  “You okay?” he asked, keeping one eye on the man.

  Bethany nodded, but shivers wracked her body.

  “You did good,” he said. “Real good.”

  Bethany collapsed in the chair, her legs no longer able to hold her up.

  Griff kept the gun on the man as he moaned on the floor. Sirens sounded outside. Someone must have called the police. Thank goodness.

  “Let’s see who the man behind the mask is now.” Griff reached forward.

  Bethany held her breath as she waited to see who he was.

  * * *

  Griff jerked the man’s mask off and blinked at the face he saw. “Mason?”

  The man shook his head briefly before his face twisted in pain again. “This isn’t the end, you know. The two of you aren’t going to ruin our plan.”

  Bethany stared at her neighbor in disbelief. “I can’t believe you were behind this.”

  “The two of you have been a target for a long time, you just didn’t know it. I moved in next door to keep an eye on you. When you got the job with this engineering magazine, things just fell into place. We realized that you would be the perfect person to help us enact our plan.”

  Disgust roiled in Griff’s stomach. The lengths these men would go to in order to destroy this country were astounding and desperate. How could someone hold this much hate in them?

  “Who else are you working with?” Griff demanded, still holding the gun at the man.

  “You’ll have to figure that out on your own.” Even in his injured state, Mason still sounded smug.

  “I know you’re working with someone else.” Griff leaned down, pressing the gun into Mason’s chest. “Who is it?”

  “I’d rather kill myself than tell you any more information.”

  “Maybe we can get that information out of him,” a new voice said.

  Griff glanced back and saw Cassidy and Ty standing in the doorway, along with officers from Virginia Beach. They flooded into the room.

  “How’s Ada?” Bethany rushed.

  “She’s fine.”

  “Benjamin?” Griff added.

  “He’s also fine.” Cassidy frowned. “How are the two of you?”

  “We’ve been better.” Griff glanced at Cassidy. “But we’ve also been a lot worse.”

  Bethany flashed him a smile, understanding the implications of what he was saying.

  Paramedics rushed in, and officials took over the scene.

  What a day this had turned out to be.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The rest of the night was a blur. Not only had the local police come, but the FBI had also shown up. Griff and Bethany had given their statements multiple times. They remained at the office building while law enforcement collected evidence.

  Finally, around five a.m., Bethany and Griff were released, as long as they promised to be available if more questions arose.

  Griff couldn’t wait for a moment alone with Bethany. More than anything, they needed to talk. To really talk.

  Their gazes met across the room, and Griff nodded to the door. They met there, and he put his hand on the small of Bethany’s back to lead her into the hallway.

  As soon as they were away from any watching eyes and listening ears, Griff pulled her into a long hug. The kind of hug he’d been wanting to give her as soon as they had reconnected. The kind that had no restraint.

  Bethany folded into his embrace. They didn’t have to say anything to have hours’ worth of silent conversations about their relationship, about what had just happened.

  He’d almost lost Bethany today. He couldn’t handle that thought. He never wanted to lose her again.

  They stepped back from each other, and their gazes met.

  “Griff . . . there’s so much I want to say.” Bethany pressed her lips together.

  “Me too.” He pulled her toward him and pressed a tender kiss on her forehead. How did he even begin to try to make things right?

  “I’m sorry to interrupt,” a voice said behind them.

  They turned and saw Cassidy standing there with an apologetic smile on her face. Griff l
eft an arm around Bethany as they faced her.

  “There are a few things that I thought you might want to know,” Cassidy said. “First of all, the knife that was found in Ada’s bag was used by Jason Perkins. The blood found on it matched someone named Richard Davis. He worked for an energy broker out in western North Carolina, and he was killed in a supposedly random mugging. Now that we know about the tie to the power grid, however, we know that there was more to that story.”

  “I wonder how the knife got into the bag,” Bethany said.

  “Sal from the daycare did it. The Savages paid him off to keep an eye on you.”

  “What about the drone?” Griff asked. “Have you heard any updates on that?”

  “Our contact is still investigating it, but the technology used is apparently amazing. This has given us insight as to what the Savages are planning. Maybe we can head them off at the pass.”

  “Thanks for the updates,” Bethany said.

  Cassidy glanced back. “I need to stick around for a couple more hours to wrap this up. However, if you guys want to use my car, you’re welcome to go somewhere and get cleaned up. We’d be happy to give you a ride back to Lantern Beach after that.”

  Griff and Bethany exchanged a look.

  “That sounds great,” Griff said.

  Maybe this was over. Finally over.

  * * *

  After Bethany got out of the shower back at her condo and finished drying her hair, she wandered out into her living room and saw that Griff was already seated on the couch.

  Thankfully, she’d found some of his extra clothes not too long ago and had saved them in a box in the corner of her closet. He’d donned some of those now.

  As soon as she stepped out, Griff rose from his seat and met her halfway. Tension crackled between them.

  “Would you like some water?” Bethany licked her lips, which were suddenly feeling dry.

  “I could take some water.”

  She felt an unusual rush of nerves as she went into the kitchen and poured him a glass. After she handed it to him, she boosted herself up onto the kitchen counter. Griff stood in front of her, his water glass untouched.

  Bethany draped her hands on his shoulders as he stepped closer. They had a lot to talk about.

  But, before they could start, something invisible seemed to pull them together. Bethany’s gaze went to his lips. They leaned closer, close enough that she could feel Griff’s breath on her cheek.

  Then his lips claimed hers.

  Passion that had been building between them exploded in the moment. Bethany had forgotten just how good Griff’s lips felt against hers. Tugging. Exploring. Expressing.

  As they pulled apart, they still clung together, almost as if neither of them wanted to ever let go. Bethany knew she didn’t.

  “We really need to talk.” Bethany’s voice sounded raw, even to her own ears.

  “Yes, we do.”

  “I want you to be back in my life,” she said.

  “I really want to be back in your and Ada’s lives also.”

  “But we need to do it right. We shouldn’t rush into anything. I can’t handle being hurt again.” She had to be smart about this, even if everything in her wanted to blindly jump in with both feet. They clearly still had issues to work through.

  “I never wanted to hurt you. And I’m so sorry that I did.” Griff caressed her jaw with his thumb.

  Bethany closed her eyes, relishing his touch. She craved his closeness.

  She’d been slow to admit it, but she’d missed Griff so badly. Being away from him made her feel like a part of herself was missing.

  Bethany absently rubbed her hand against his chest as she tried to slow her thoughts. “So we take this slow. And we set boundaries. We should be responsible.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want me to.” Griff’s voice sounded raspy as he dipped his head toward hers.

  Bethany smiled. “Good. Right now, I want you to kiss me again.”

  His grin reflected hers. “I can do that.”


  One Week Later

  As Benjamin and CJ built a sandcastle with Ada, Griff and Bethany walked along the shoreline. It was the perfect spring day—not too hot and not too cold. With nothing else on their agenda, the gang had decided to have a fun day together on the shore.

  Bethany wasn’t complaining.

  Her fingers laced with Griff’s as they walked. There were fewer things as sweet as the feeling of walking with him hand in hand.

  Her husband.

  The divorce papers had been thrown out, and Bethany and Griff were moving full speed ahead with their reconciliation. Elise was doing some counseling with them, and, so far, it was going exceedingly well.

  A burst of warmth exploded inside Bethany every time she thought about it. In all the scenarios that had played out in her mind, this happy ending hadn’t been one of them. But she was so glad it was reality.

  Ada had been overjoyed as well. She couldn’t get enough of her daddy.

  The two of them were staying here in Lantern Beach for a while. Bethany’s boss was letting her work from home. The change allowed her and Griff the chance to reconnect.

  Griff paused on the shore and turned to her, brushing a hair from her eyes. His gaze was smoky and intense as he looked at her.

  “I love you, Bethany.”

  She stood on her tiptoes and planted a quick kiss on his lips. “I love you too, Griff.”

  “You know what else I love?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Throwing you in the water!”

  Before Bethany realized what was happening, Griff flung her over his shoulder and began turning her in circles. She let out a scream and beat on his back, but he just laughed.

  Finally, he ran into the water and lowered Bethany, catching her in his arms before she hit the ocean.

  “Don’t do it,” she cautioned when she saw the mischief still dancing in his eyes.

  He raised his eyebrows. “Or else what?”

  “I’ll make you pay.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “Griff . . .” she warned, her voice trailing with laughter.

  “Okay,” he said. “You win. I won’t drop you in.”

  He gently lowered her to her feet instead.

  “Thank you,” Bethany said.

  But as they turned to head back to shore, she jumped on his back, effectively pushing him in the ocean.

  He could have stopped himself if he wanted to. She knew that. But instead, they both went under and came up laughing.

  Griff’s arms wrapped around her waist, and he stared into her eyes. “I feel like the luckiest guy on earth.”

  “You are pretty lucky,” Bethany told him.

  A grin spread across his face before he lowered his lips to hers. The kiss only lasted a minute when someone called their names.

  “Mommy! Daddy!” Ada came running toward them and managed to somehow jump into both of their arms at once. “Look at my castle.”

  Bethany glanced over to CJ and Benjamin. They both stood wiping the sand from their legs before presenting the castle with a flourish.

  “It’s so nice,” Griff said. “You did this yourself?”

  “Benny and CJ helped.”

  Griff flashed a smile at them. “They’re great helpers, huh?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Griff leaned closer to Benjamin and whispered, “She has you under her thumb.”

  “Who?” A tinge of defensiveness rose in his voice.

  “Ada, of course. Who did you think I was talking about?”

  Benjamin let out a laugh. “No one has me under their thumb.”

  Benjamin crossed his arms, and his gaze drifted to CJ.

  Bethany wondered if there was something between the two of them, but she knew better than to bring it up.

  Instead, she turned her attention to the applause that sounded in the distance.

  “What’s going on over there?” Bethany as
ked, glancing back at their group of friends as they gathered on the beach.

  Griff followed her gaze. “Let’s go find out.”

  They all walked toward their friends and got there just in time to see Colton slide a ring onto Elise’s finger.

  They were engaged.

  Bethany smiled. She was so happy for her friends. They deserved a chance at love.

  As everyone congratulated Colton and Elise, Bethany and Griff stood back.

  “By the way, did you ever figure out who sent CJ that text, telling her to come to the house at just the right time so she was able to save Elise and Ada?” Bethany asked.

  Griff shook his head. “We didn’t. Strange, huh?”

  “It doesn’t make sense. Maybe we’ll figure out the answer eventually.”

  “Maybe. I also need to figure out who was involved with that raid—the one where the man’s wife was buried alive,” Griff said. “I have a strange feeling he might have something to do with all of this.”

  “It’s strange how everything we do has a ripple effect, isn’t it? One decision affects another, which affects another.”

  “Then you make another choice, and the process starts over—only this one will have positive effects.” Griff cast a tender smile at Bethany.

  “Yes, it will.”

  Bethany knew this wasn’t all over. Not yet. But she was going to enjoy this moment while it lasted.

  As Ada pulled them both into a hug, Bethany and Griff planted kisses on her cheeks. She giggled happily.

  The road leading here had been rough and broken, but Bethany was so glad the path had led the three of them back together again.

  Coming Next: Rising Tide


  Benjamin James knows there’s a traitor within his former command. The rest of his team might even think it’s him. As danger closes in, he must clear himself and stop a deadly plot by a dangerous terrorist group.



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