Men Times Three

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Men Times Three Page 18

by Edwards, Bonnie

  She pulled a disappointed face but answered without looking at her screen. “This better be important, Dennis.” She frowned. “Oh, sorry, Holly, what’s up?”

  He hoped it wasn’t a problem with the site, but Deke would’ve called. He pressed the call button for the elevator while she talked.

  “He is? I’ll tell him. Yes, he’s here with me.” She rolled her eyes. “Shut up.” She put her hand over the receiver. “You’d think I’d never had sex before. But she’s calling to say your youngest brother arrived today.”

  “Good. I’ll call him.” He stepped a few feet away and dialed Eli’s cell. “Yo, the prodigal son and all that,” he said when Eli answered.

  “Yeah, yeah. Good to be home, Teeje. I like what you’ve done to the inn.” He laughed. “What was that the women were saying? Oh, yeah, it’s decluttered out back.”

  He snorted. “You’ve met Holly and Kylie?”

  “If I’d known there was a babe fest going on, I’d’ve been back sooner. But it seems all the friendly ones are taken.”

  He laughed. “Kylie’s seen through you that fast, huh?” He hooted. “She’s a smart one.”

  “Marnie must be desperate to take up with an old guy when she could have waited for me.”

  He accepted the dig about his age. “But she likes her men fully grown, not runty.”

  “Jeez. Missed you, Teeje.”

  “Missed you, too, boy. Now get to work. I’ll be on site first thing Monday morning.” He was smiling as he disconnected. Eli was home, Deke was happy and off the booze and Marnie was giving it up big time. Life couldn’t be any better.

  He turned as he heard Marnie locking her apartment door. Life might be fine with him, but she looked worried. “What’s up?”

  “Holly’s naive sometimes.”

  “How?” He kept his voice soft. If this was about his brother, he wanted to hear it, but he’d have to tread carefully.

  “Her ex, Jack, is on the Peninsula. He didn’t tell her he was coming, but a woman in the hardware store said a man fitting his description was looking for Holly.” Her eyes went wide as she looked up at him. “Jack’s got a couple screws loose, in my opinion. The family was relieved when she left him.”

  “She divorced the guy. She must’ve had a good reason. How long has it been?” Relieved Holly hadn’t complained about Deke, he slung his arm across Marnie’s shoulder and pulled her into his side.

  “The divorce is final, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “So he let all that happen without freaking out, why assume he’s out to do her harm now?”

  Her face fell and she chewed her lip. “She felt sorry for him, I guess. And…” she trailed away, looking guilty. “I shouldn’t betray a confidence.”

  His belly sank. “She kept sleeping with him,” he guessed. A couple he knew kept that up until they got back together. “She gave him hope that she’d let him back into her life.” Now she was sleeping with his brother. And he was hip deep into someone else’s divorce.


  “I’ve got to call Deke.”

  “He was with her in the hardware store, so he knows. And I would prefer that you leave it to Holly to explain about the rest of it. She’s independent to a fault when it comes to her private life. In fact, I’m surprised she told me this much.”

  “She didn’t have a choice if Deke was with her at the hardware store. Once Alice gets her gums flapping on a juicy bit of gossip, the whole Peninsula will know there’s another man looking for Deke’s new woman.” Although he admired Holly for trying to keep a lid on Deke’s involvement.

  The elevator doors opened, revealing a mother and two young children, putting an end to their personal conversation.

  At the lobby, he held the doors open while the mother held her youngest on her hip and the toddler managed on unsteady legs to exit. He refused to hold his mother’s hand, insisting he could walk alone. The kids were sandy-haired mop tops and the little girl’s smile brought one to Marnie’s lips. She waggled her fingers and the girl giggled.

  With the doors closing, TJ called his brother. “Deke, were you with Holly in the hardware store?”

  “This about the guy looking for her?”

  “Marnie says he’s got a screw loose. Keep a sharp eye out for him.”

  “Holly told me she can handle this guy herself.”

  “Maybe, but Marnie says he’s a lit fuse. Everyone in the family saw it except Holly.”

  “I’m pretty sure he’s already seen us together.”

  “Then be careful.”

  “I will.”

  “Good. Do you want me there?”

  “No. Eli’s here if I need help. Holly’s prickly about this and I don’t want her thinking I’m sticking my nose in when I said I wouldn’t.”

  “You told her about Misty?”


  “And about how you don’t get involved with divorced women?”

  “Too late for that now.”

  “I figured.”

  “Speaking of involved, how are things on your end?”

  “Great. We’re heading out for a steak.”

  Deke laughed. “Don’t let her finish her meal. Women get sleepy on a full stomach.”

  TJ disconnected as they walked to her car. “You know this guy, Jack; do you think he’s dangerous?”

  “I’m not sure, but how many times are neighbors surprised when some guy goes wacko? If you’re friendly with the police up there…”

  “You’re right, I’ll call Chuck. It couldn’t hurt to ask him to swing by the inn on patrol.” The call was short and succinct and made TJ feel that he’d done what he could without interfering too much. He stopped beside her car. “There’s no way I’m going to fit in there.”

  She looked at his shoulders, then let her gaze slide south. “You’re right. We’ll use your truck. After dinner would you mind dropping me at the club?”

  “As long as I can park myself at the end of the bar and watch you work.”

  She slid her hand into his. “I’d like that. There’s nothing like a mountain man in a plaid shirt, blue jeans and work boots to bring in the pretty young women.”

  “I kind of liked that blonde last night. The one with the boobs down to her lap.”

  She pinched his ass so hard he jumped out of reach. “Hey, that hurt.”

  “Did it?” She said, all wide-eyed innocence.


  Tisha Campbell was one piece of work. Why she hadn’t seen it during the interview, Marnie couldn’t say. Tisha had played the part of college student to perfection. But one glance around her expensive condo apartment and it was clear Tisha was nothing like she appeared to be during her job interview.

  She was no broke college kid trying to make ends meet.

  Tisha may be the right age for college, but either she had wealthy parents who provided for her, or she had a law firm on speed dial.

  Marnie would bet her last dime the woman’s law firm of choice was Blow-Em, Screw-Em and Sue-Em.

  Tisha sat slouched on her brilliant white leather sofa in a tight white mini skirt and boobalicious tank top. She’d paid well for her boob job and her tan.

  Marnie suppressed a grin at TJ’s reference to the blonde with boobs down to her lap. Tisha wasn’t far behind. Give her a couple of years and gravity would win. It always did. “I have to give you credit, Tisha, you hid those puppies pretty well during your interview.” Marnie settled on the only other chair in the room, a low-slung rocker with no arms. She steadied herself and looked around the young, hip condo. “Is white the new cream?”

  Tisha arched her eyebrow and lifted her breasts. “Like them? Everyone does. And my boyfriend likes white and I always give him what he likes best.” She smiled with her mouth, while her eyes remained wary. Cold. She flicked her nipples. “I thought I’d lose some sensation, but I didn’t. Not if the suction’s right, anyway.”

  “I’m not here to discuss your tits.” Marnie leaned forward, more aware than
ever that she was in the room with a shark. What she couldn’t figure was why Tisha hadn’t already called her lawyer.

  “Are you going to fire me? Or are you here to see how I’m feeling?”

  Hm. They didn’t seem to be on the same wavelength. She waited to see if Tisha would reveal more. Marnie tilted her head and waited with an expectant half-smile.

  Tisha drew circles on her bare knee. “I thought Dennis would come to check on me.”

  “Check on you?”

  “Yeah, after the other night in his office…” Her eyes went wide. “Oh. Sorry, I didn’t realize you two—”

  “Dennis and I?” Marnie shook her head. “We’re partners in the club. That’s all.”

  Her eyes lit with interest. “Oh. Then why are you here? I called in sick the last couple of days, but I planned on coming in for my shift tonight.”


  “Yeah, didn’t Bernadette tell you?”

  Bernadette, another new hire. “She didn’t relay the message. You need to call Jeff with plenty of notice for us to find someone else. This last-minute stuff doesn’t fly. The club’s too busy.” She should fire her, but that grope still hung over the room like a hammer. Sooner or later, Tisha would expose her real purpose.

  Tisha pouted. “I was hoping Dennis would come over to check on me, but it’s good of you to come.” Her knees parted slightly as she slouched lower.

  “You’re feeling better?”

  “Much.” She opened her knees and revealed her hairless pussy. She paid a lot for her Brazilians, too. When her fingers skimmed her inner thigh and headed north, Marnie stood.

  She had a clear memory of Dennis saying Tisha had waved her tits in front of him. Now she could well believe it.

  “Like what you see?” Tisha splayed her legs wide. “Because I do. You’re hot, Marnie.” Her eyes were avid, her slit moist.

  Marnie rolled her eyes and bent to pick up her purse. “Why did you expect Dennis to come check on you?”

  “I was hoping. I’ve heard he’s got it going on. Word gets around about a guy like Dennis.”

  Marnie barely managed to contain a grossed-out shiver. “I’m sure it does.” Maybe Dennis’s penchant for group sex was drawing attention. The blonde told two friends, the brunette told two friends and so on. And that was only the pair from last week.

  Tisha gave her a considering gaze. “You mean you’ve never tried him on? I hear he’s real open-minded.”

  “Like your boyfriend?” She couldn’t resist the reminder. Tisha was a sexual predator, or an extortionist who preyed on legitimate businesses. Or she was an attention-crazed slut.

  Whatever. The club needed to be protected. To do that, Marnie wanted to see Tisha in action. She’d left for the Peninsula without actually seeing her interact at the club. That had been a mistake. Marnie would be sure not to make any more. “I’ll see you at work tonight. Dress appropriately and don’t go into the office for any reason. With anyone.”

  Tisha gave her a porn queen pout and stood up. “I’ll see you to the door.”

  “No need. I know my way out.” She had to get cameras installed to cover the office, the stock room and anywhere else two people could be alone.

  No way would she let Tisha get away with seducing Dennis in order to claim sexual harassment. Marnie would fight tooth and nail to save BackLit from the likes of Tisha.

  Dennis was in the office for once, dressed and alone, with his ankles crossed on his desk. He had his hands behind his head and face to the ceiling.

  “You’re here, good. I spoke to Tisha. You wouldn’t believe how she lives.” She described the exclusive address, the expensive furnishings, the quality of the electronics. “Top of the line everything.”

  He dropped his feet to the floor and sat straight. “So?”

  “She’s either got a sugar daddy, or she extorts businesses for hush money. Settlements on sexual harassment would be my guess.” She walked to sit at her desk.

  “Shit. And I fell for it.”

  “She even tried seducing me.”

  Dennis barked a laugh. “I’d’ve liked to have seen that.”

  “I’m sure you would.” She leaned forward and folded her hands on her desk. “I’m installing cameras everywhere in case she tries to seduce anyone else on staff. That way, we’ll have it on tape and she’ll either go away or we go to the cops and expose her extortion attempt.”

  “Works for me,” he agreed. “I’ve been thinking…” he trailed off and waited, looking hopeful. Her belly sank; Dennis hopeful was a bad sign.

  She tapped a pen on the desk to expend some of her nervous energy. “What about?” She’d hoped to have the inn listed for sale so she could forestall him. As it was, she’d have to listen to the new idea.

  He leered. “I want to turn BackLit into a fantasy club.”

  “What kind of fantasies?” But his avid expression said it all.

  “Groups, swaps, BDSM. Cameras, too, if people want to do live feeds. Private rooms for that, of course.” His voice took on a dreamy quality. Dennis was on a roll. “We could provide doms and subs but I doubt that’ll be necessary. There’s enough of those around to keep people coming back.”

  “Yes, I’m sure.” The images that filtered through her mind were darkly sexual. She understood the need, but she was not the person to get behind this idea. She cleared her throat. “That’s a lot of renovation. An expensive proposition.”

  “We’ll need partition walls, new lighting. I want to exchange the banquettes for platforms. We’ll install swings and brackets for other gear.”

  She closed her eyes. Tried to see his vision and came up with TJ trussed up with a ball gag. So not him. He liked to use his mouth too much.

  “I’ve worked out the numbers.” Dennis broke into her thoughts.

  “Of course you have.” She should have seen it coming. Hell, he’d been priming the pump, so to speak, for months. He already had clientele lined up. She looked at him and said as much. “Now I know what Tisha meant when she said word was getting around about you and how open-minded you are.”

  He had the grace to flush, at least. Months, he’d been planning this for months without telling her.

  He shrugged. “I’m into the scene. So what? Why not make it a business, too?”

  “Why not?” She kept her tone noncommittal. “I agree that it’s best to work with what you know.” She’d known how to tend bar, how to sling drinks and get people in a party mood. This? This was Dennis’s forte, not hers. She stood. “Give me the numbers, I’ll go over them.”

  He smirked and slid a file across his desk toward her. “Get back to me in a week?”

  “I’ll see what I can do.” A week wouldn’t be nearly enough time to get him the hell out of her club. Money from the sale of the inn was months away. Maybe longer.

  Aside from the inn, she had TJ to consider. She shouldn’t have slept with him. She should have sent him home when he’d arrived. But TJ seeing her in her element was probably for the best. He would understand selling the inn was strictly business. He would see why she didn’t want to walk away from her club. She’d put too much of herself into this place. Her blood, her sweat, her heart.

  Odd how she wanted nothing more than to find TJ O’Banion and fall into his arms. He’d offer more of his level-headed advice and let her vent her frustrations without trying to fix everything.

  She took the file from Dennis and walked out, feeling as if her legs had been shot out from under her.

  TJ waited for Marnie at the bar, watching Tisha turn her sharp hazel eyes on Jeff, the bartender.

  “Jeff, a word, please.” It was Marnie, looking worried and upset. Jeff followed her to a spot by the door, out of earshot of the rest of the employees.

  When they returned, Jeff looked grim. Marnie settled onto the stool beside TJ and leaned against his arm. “Take me home, TJ. I’ve had enough for one day.”

  “You want to leave your car here?”

  “I forgot we took s
eparate vehicles. Did you get some clothes?”

  “Sure, doesn’t my shirt smell new?”

  She rested the tip of her nose on the flannel. “Now that you mention it, yes. When you said you needed to pick up some clothes, I assumed—”

  “What? That I’d buy a suit?” he teased.

  She closed her eyes and took a deep sniff. “Never. You’d never buy a suit.”

  “Too city,” he said.

  “Damn straight.” The warm look she gave him melted his heart.

  “You okay?”

  “I’ve been better,” she said ruefully. “Take me to bed, TJ, make me forget.”

  If Marnie decided to stay in Seattle to keep an eye on that partner of hers, it might be the end of them. She’d get so wrapped up in keeping her club afloat there’d be no room for him.

  But then, half of him thought if the club was what she really wanted, then maybe it would be smart to let things peter out before either of them got hurt.

  The other half of him thought: No fucking way it was over.

  He kept her tiny car in his rear view, but still, he called her. “You okay back there? You had me worried.”

  The sexy warmth in her laugh hit him low in the gut. “Of course, I am. I’ve got some things to think over, that’s all. I’ll tell you about it when we can talk.”

  He took his exit. “Right.” When he tossed his phone on the seat beside him, he grinned. Goddamn, he liked that woman. He liked that she trusted him enough to share her stress. He knew how to help her relieve it, too. His cock stiffened just thinking about her.

  He called her again. “If you need any help with Dennis, let me know, I’ll head back to the club. Have a chat with him.”

  “No need for that. Is there anything I can help you with? You keep calling.”

  “I seem to have developed a huge growth in my jeans. I could use your help with that.”

  Her laugh was a throaty promise as she disconnected.

  The Saturday after Eli returned home, Holly lifted the empty propane tank onto the deck of Deke’s truck. Everyone else was out back discussing the landscaping Kylie wanted to put around the cabins. The concrete slab foundations had cured and the logs would be delivered tomorrow. The sky had brightened throughout the afternoon and consensus for dinner was grilled burgers.


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