Forbidden Seduction: Adult Romance Collection - Romantic Love Story Anthology from Amish to XXX Romance Novels

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Forbidden Seduction: Adult Romance Collection - Romantic Love Story Anthology from Amish to XXX Romance Novels Page 5

by Aingealicia, Lady

  “So Richard.” Angela looked at him, “How are you related to Katherine?”

  “Well Lady Angela I am her nephew.” He blinked.

  “I know that,” Angela stated, “I mean by your father’s side or your mother’s side?”

  “Oh that, my mother.” He laughed. “Her mother and my mother are sisters.”

  “Oh.” Angela had done some research on Katherine when Edgar announced his marriage to her. She found out that Katherine’s family only had one child, which was Katherine’s father, not mother. Angela looked at Richard and cocked her head and Diego shook his head to warn her to remain quiet. They arrived outside the castle gates in silence. Once in front of the doors, the coachman stopped the carriage and the doors opened allowing the occupants to get out.

  Michael and Racheal ran to Angela and hugged her tight. She smiled as she looked for the twins that she had 7 months ago. They had been sent with their wet nurse to allow Diego and Angela to have their time alone. Maria came out of the shadows with another maid. Angela learned later that the other maid was named Samantha. She was barely 20 and very shapely. Diego came up behind Angela and took one of the twins.

  “Oh I have missed you children so.” Angela cooed as she held Dalia in her arms and Diego took Damon and followed Edgar into the castle. Michael and Racheal rambled on about fishing and catching crabs and how they learned how to make soap and candles while they were on vacation. Angela watched the interaction with Katherine and Richard as they were very close walking in the home. Talking in whispers and giggling like children.

  The trunks were unloaded and carried to the room as everyone moved to the library and Edgar poured brandy for Richard and Diego. Samantha and Maria took the twins and went to lay them down. Edgar hugged Angela and winked at her.

  “Wonderful children you two have.” He said as he poured Angela and Katherine a cordial.

  “Thank you Edgar, that means a great deal.” Angela took the drink and walked around the library. Edgar had one of the largest libraries in the county and many would come to read his books as he allowed it.

  “I believe supper will be soon if you wish to go freshen up ladies.” Edgar continued as he lifted his glass.

  “Oh yes, I would very much like that.” Angela stated as she headed out the doors and up the stairs. Since Diego and Angela stayed with Edgar and Katherine a great deal, she had no issue finding their room. Walking in, she saw the trunks set up and Maria putting the twins down to bed.

  “My Lady.” She gasped and curtsied.

  “It is okay Maria, get Damon and Dalia to bed.” She looked Maria up and down, she was an attractive young lass with dark hair, freckles and dark eyes that hid deep secrets. She had blossomed over the summer that she was gone. “Tell me the gossip.” Angela said as she sat at the vanity to redo her hair and pin it back up.

  “Well my Lady,” Maria began, “the Baron and Baroness sleep in separate rooms…” Angela listened attentively and soon Maria had the twins to sleep and helped her change her dress for supper. Diego entered the room as the last tie was done on the dress.

  “I was just coming to call for you my love.” He said, nodding at Maria. He noticed she looked delicious.

  “I am ready, let’s go to supper Diego.” Angela sighed as she made sure to have what she needed for supper and after.


  As Diego and Angela came downstairs they were pleasantly surprised to see that they were not the only guest in the castle this night. Duchess Vivian and Duke Ralph were there as well. The Duchess ran over to greet Angela and placed a hand on her belly smiling and nodding. She was finally with child. Angela held Vivian’s hand as they went to sit at the table.

  Richard was making sure all the attention was on him as he spoke boisterously. Not missing a beat, Angela listened to every word. As the night drew out, Richard was not shy about drinking and speaking rather loudly. He allowed a few slips along the way that Angela paid attention to. He would say it was his mother’s sister that was the relative to Katherine and then it would be his father’s sister.

  Katherine started to excuse herself when they heard a scream come from upstairs. Everyone ran to where the scream came from. As the approached the door, they saw Maria standing in the doorway of the Baron’s room. She held her hand out and pointed towards the room. When Angela was able to see in the room she saw Samantha sprawled across the bed, drenched in blood. Katherine fainted and Vivian found Ralph’s lapels to bury her head in. Diego looked at Edgar and shook his head. He knew that this was not possible.

  Richard was quick to tell Maria to go get the constable from town. Maria not thinking and knowing she could not refuse a request from a man of the house, grabbed her cloak and began to run down the stairs before Angela could say anything. She was gone quickly as Angela assessed the situation. This did not make sense to her. Maria had mentioned that the reason Edgar and Katherine were not sleeping together is because Katherine was having an affair and Edgar had found out from Samantha. None of this made sense to Angela as she backed up and looked at the scenario unfolding before her. She pulled Diego to the side and looked at him. He knew it was time for her to don the red cape again to find answers or Edgar could be on the chopping block.

  “What have you done Edgar?” Katherine screamed as she woke from her fainting spell. Angela was not even sure that she had fainted.

  “Nothing, nothing my dear, I assure you.” Edgar went to help Katherine up and she pulled back and looked for Richard who held out his hand. Taking his hand, she pulled herself up into his arms and buried her head much like Vivian had with Ralph. Angela watched as Richard wrapped his arms around Katherine and started to take her to her room. Edgar looked in at Samantha and gasped, he had grown to like Samantha like a daughter. She was very good and kind. That is why he hired her. Katherine never liked her and went out of her way to discredit her from placing silver in her room to complaining about the wash that she did.

  Diego took Edgar by the shoulder and motioned for them to go downstairs. Angela stayed where she was. When she looked up she saw she was quite alone. Perfect timing for her to look around. She noticed something on the ground by the body and quickly walked over to pick it up. It glinted in the moonlight as she held it up. She placed it in her small purse that she had carried with her to supper. She was sure Edgar was being set up and this might be the proof that she needed to clear him.

  Angela heard footsteps coming towards her and she looked for the nearest hiding spot which happened to be the changing closet. She moved to the closet and slipped in, leaving the door open enough to listen to the voices.

  “I know I had it on when I came in here, just let me find it.” The voice said as she heard them walking around. She recognized the voice and held her breath.

  “They will never find it in the dark my pet.” A soft voice answered. “Come, make love to me before anyone is here to investigate.”

  “I can’t wait to get your skirts up over your head and give it to you as you so need.” The voice laughed and Angela heard the voices walk away. She waited a few minutes before she crawled out of the closet and moved towards her room. Thankfully the children had slept through all the commotion. Finding her red cape she put it on and began to head downstairs. She was going to sneak out when Maria came in with two constables.

  They looked at her and tilted their heads. She stepped back up the stairs and began to move back to her room before they stopped her pointing to the library where Edgar and Diego were. Edgar sat on the red velvet lined couch and had his face in his hands as he was visibly upset. The constables stood over Edgar and looked at Diego for an explanation as to why a maid came to get them in the middle of the night.

  The Investigation

  The constables introduced themselves as Johnathan and Brutus. Diego went over the nights events and began to show them to the room where Samantha was still sprawled on the bed. Edgar remained quiet as there was not much he could say. It looked like he had killed her and left her
to be found by the help. Brutus talked to Maria and instructed her to bring everyone to the library to be questioned. Maria did so without hesitation as she went to three rooms to gather the other guest. The children were left alone.

  Katherine walked in the library wearing a different dress Angela noted. Vivian’s eyes were red from all the crying she had done, Richard was quite disheveled and Ralph looked like he always did, polished and clean, yet grimy from just being him. The constables sat everyone down to get the accounts of the evening from each guest and then started to talk to the servants of the house. Angela waited patiently for her turn to be questioned while she removed her cloak.

  “What a beautiful red cape my dear.” Katherine noticed and raised her eyebrow.

  “Indeed and what a beautiful pink silk dress.” Angela commented back. “I thought you were in a lavender one for dinner.”

  “Oh, I was, I changed because when I fell I ripped a seam.” Katherine quickly stated.

  “I see.” Angela looked Katherine up and down as she searched the bottoms of everyone’s shoes. Seeing nothing, she listened to the answers everyone gave to Johnathan and Brutus. Finally they went upstairs to investigate the area where Samantha was. Everyone sat in the library silent, Vivian started to weep again as Angela comforted her. Looking around for Ralph, he was pouring himself a drink and was sweating a bit as they waited.

  Johnathan came back downstairs with a handkerchief in his hands waving it. Showing it to each person. They shook their head as he asked if it was theirs, until they got to Richard. Richard grabbed it and looked at Johnathan in the eyes.

  “Where did you find that?” He asked.

  “By the body of the deceased sir.” Johnathan answered, Richard fumbled with the handkerchief until it fell to the ground. Angela looked at Richards cuffs and noticed that everything was in place. “It was around the candlestick that bludgeoned her.”

  “Well that was not me.” Richard scoffed, “I could never kill anyone.”

  “May I see your shoes sir?” Johnathan requested quietly.

  “My what?” Richard repeated.

  “Your shoes sir.” Johnathan held out his hand and waited. Richard took off his shoes and handed them to Johnathan. Johnathan looked at them under the light of the candle and handed them back to Richard. “Thank you sir.”

  Richard gasped as his hands were balled into a fist. Brutus came back downstairs looking at everyone. Walking around he began to look at all the shoes of the people who were there, mostly the men. Moving to Ralph, he stopped. Getting on one knee he looked at Ralph’s shoe closer and then looked at Johnathan nodding. Standing up, he went for his restraints and moved towards Ralph.

  “What, no, what are you doing?” Ralph blustered and sputtered as he saw that Brutus was moving towards him. “I didn’t kill anyone. Sure I am a cad and I may cheat on my wife now and then, I would not kill anyone.”

  “You have blood on your shoes sir.” Brutus commented and pointed to the edge of the shoe. “There are foot prints in the blood, men’s footprints. You are the only one in the room with blood on your shoes.”

  “So that automatically means it is me.” Ralph pushed back, “What about Richard over there, you found his handkerchief in the room? Or Edgar, he was having an affair with the girl.”

  “Is that true Edgar?” Katherine burst out in a rage.

  “No, of course not Katherine.” Edgar finally spoke. Angela watched as Katherine became animated at the thought of Edgar having an affair. She was having a hard time remaining quiet, she had already figured out who had killed the girl she was just waiting to be able to share the information.

  Vivian finally looked up and over at Ralph, dabbing her eyes with her lace handkerchief that she fished out of her bosom. Angela stood up and moved over to Johnathan and pulled him to the side. She handed him the item out of her purse and they talked for a moment. Maria was called over and Angela nodded as both Maria and Johnathan disappeared and came back with a lavender dress in his arms.

  Katherine’s face went whiter than normal as she saw the dress. She looked at Angela and began to move towards her with a nail file she had hidden in her pocket. Brutus stopped her and grabbed her by the arm twisting it behind her back to stop her. Angela looked on as the scene unfolded in front of her. Edgar’s jaw dropped as Ralph started to yell to let go of his lover. Angela shook her head and saw Richard rather amused in the corner. Only Diego, Maria and Vivian remained quiet.

  “Richard I would not look to amused with yourself.” Angela finally said as she looked at him. “Vivian will bare your child in the winter.” Vivian looked at Angela wide eyed.

  “Vivian, you should never give your lover the same cuff links you give your husband.” She stated as the red cape hung around her shoulders and she winked at Diego. He shook his head. He was so glad they were honest with each other. He grinned and walked over to Angela.

  “How did you know you tart?” Katherine spat as Brutus walked her forward towards the door.

  “I found your button on the floor.” Angela stated clearly. “Next time you try to frame someone don’t lose items off your clothing.”

  “Diego, I think we should collect the children and head home.” Angela stated. “I really do not feel comfortable staying in a home with a bludgeoned body next door.” Nodding in agreement, Diego made sure that everything was okay for them to go. Johnathan assured him it was okay. Angela looked over at Ralph who was beet red from being discovered. Taking Vivian by the hand, she brought her with her upstairs to pack. Diego went to get the coaches ready as the servants packed trunks for each of the guest to go at least to town to stay at an inn until the castle had the situation under control. Once in the carriage, Diego pulled Angela to him and whispered in his ear.

  “We are getting separate rooms from the children Lady Angela.” He kissed her temple and then her cheek. “I have some investigation skills of my own.” She blushed the color of her cape and nodded in agreement. There was something about solving a case that made her want Diego more and more. She looked across where Edgar sat, his eyes moist from the tears that wanted to fall. Angela placed her hand on his and smiled as she looked at him.

  “It is okay dear Edgar, she was only a temptation.” Angela nodded as he looked at her. “The Barons’ Temptation.”

  Victorian Secrets

  Mystery Affairs

  By Lady Aingealicia

  Lady Angela’s Introduction

  Lady Angela had many secrets, not hers mind you, they were of others that were in the court and in high places. She had always had a knack to find out what was really going on. It was not until her husband suggested that she take her talents to find out about a string of crimes that had happened with the higher ranks of society. She laughed it off at first and then began to think, maybe he was right. So she played the lady during the day and night she donned her red cloak and became that of the night. Wild and free only to find out that people will sacrifice anything to hide the truth.

  The Bedroom

  “You know Angela.” Diego stated from the bed. “You are almost as good as Katarina in the bed.” Angela did not turn around and kept pinning up her hair. She knew Katarina was the whore that Diego went to when she was not available.

  “That is nice my Lord.” She stated as she stood up in her shift and looked at him. Her long blonde locks were pinned up to her head and she found her dress. Ringing the bell she waited for the maid to come to the room to help her with her corset.

  “Really?” Diego stated. “You could not wait until I was dressed you wench?” He threw a pillow at her that she stood aside and it missed her.

  “No, I could not.” Angela stated. “I have a meeting with the Duchess today my Lord and I cannot be late.” The door opened and Diego laid down in the bed pulling the covers up to his neck.

  “Yes my Lady?” The maid asked.

  “I need my corset and dress on girl.” Angela stated clearly. Standing to be dressed. The maid grabbed the corset off the dress
er and started to cinch up Lady Angela.

  “Yes my Lady.” She quietly said, averting her eyes to the Lord that was in the bed. As she pulled on the strings, Lady Angela held onto the bed post.

  “Very good.” Lady Angela stated as she felt the tightness around her waist and upper carriage. Standing up she waited for the dress to go on. She felt the fabric go over her head as the dress fell about her. Once the dress was buttoned up, she dismissed the maid. Walking back over to her vanity she looked in the grey mirror.

  “So you are serious about me doing these investigations my Lord?” Angela placed on her rouge and a bit of paint for her lips to make them redder.

  “Yes, I think it would be a lark.” He commented as he got out of his bed. His muscles outlined by the sweat they had just worked up. “I will need a bath this morning.” He rang for the maid who came in promptly not expecting to see what she saw.


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