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Forbidden Seduction: Adult Romance Collection - Romantic Love Story Anthology from Amish to XXX Romance Novels

Page 9

by Aingealicia, Lady

  The Understanding

  Angela was up early to go see Sir Edward. She knew she was not announced, she was just going to show up. She would come up with an excuse on the way. She leaned over Diego who was still sleeping and kissed his cheek. He touched her hand and smiled without opening his eyes.

  “I must go my love.” She whispered.

  “I know, be safe and hurry home.” He answered through a yawn. “I want to have you again.”

  “I will be back soon.” Angela put on her red cape and headed out the door to the carriage that was waiting for her. As she got in Maria looked at her and nodded. “Help Diego and Edgar today, we have a ball tomorrow.”

  “Yes Lady Angela.” Maria stated.

  As Angela approached Sir Edward’s castle, she thought quickly as to how she would be able to get in and talk to the Countess. As the coach approached the front of the castle, Angela stepped out and was announced. Soon she was joined in the Foyer by Sir Edward and Countess Desdemona.

  “What brings you here my dear?” Desdemona asked as she kissed Angela on the cheeks. “And unannounced.”

  “Well, I needed to talk to you and your uncle.” Angela began looking around as she saw much movement around the halls for preparation for the ball. “Alone would be best.” She noted the many ears around. Sir Edward took the ladies to his study and sat down looking at Angela.

  “Well Lady Angela, what was so important that you needed to come unannounced?” He began. He did not like what she was capable of, all her detective work.

  “I will be short and blunt.” Angela began looking at both the Countess and Sir Edward. “There is a conspiracy that is taking place behind your backs that will be exposed tomorrow if you do not do something to stop it.”

  “Oh, what else is new Lady Angela?” Desdemona boomed. “This is nothing new in my world. You of all people should know this.”

  “This is a bit more than the normal situation Countess Desdemona.” Angela stated flatly. Looking at Sir Edward. “Is Countess Desdemona your niece Sir Edward?” He looked back at her.

  “Of course she is.” He huffed and stood up. “I think this has gone far enough.”

  “Well it will go further if you don’t listen.” Angela answered. Edward sat back down looking at Angela. “Thank you Sir Edward, I will ask you again, is Countess Desdemona your niece?”

  “Well not exactly.” He began. “Why do you ask?”

  “Because someone knows this and wishes for the town to know this as well.” Angela continued, “This would allow the towns people to drive you and Countess Desdemona out of town.”

  “Oh this is rubbish.” Desdemona moved towards Angela.

  “Sir Edward,” Angela ignored Desdemona and looked at Edward, “is Desdemona your illegitimate child from a working girl?” Sir Edward sighed and looked down.

  “We thought it would be easier if the town’s people thought she was my niece.” He answered heavily.

  “Well Herbert and Rochelle do not agree.” Angela finally said after some silence.

  “Rochelle, you found Rochelle?” Desdemona changed her demeanor and rushed towards Angela. “She is alive?”

  “Very much so and a very confused little girl.” Angela answered. “She misses her mother.” Desdemona began to weep in Angela’s lap.

  “Father,” Desdemona started, “I want my daughter to come home to me.” She said between sobs. Looking back up to Angela, tears streaking down her face.

  “Where is she?” She asked, searching Angela’s face.

  “If you would like, I will take you to her.” Angela answered. She did not tell Desdemona where Rochelle was.

  “Yes, now, take me now.” Desdemona stood up and looked at Edward. He knew he could not stop her.

  “Go, get the child. Leave Herbert where he lies.” Edward stated as he stood up. Taking Angela’s hand and kissed it. “Thank you for preventing this mess.” He said as he walked out the door.

  “I will grab my cloak, take me to Rochelle.” Desdemona begged.

  “I will wait in the coach.” Angela smiled at her. Soon Desdemona joined Angela in the coach as they left to go find Rochelle. Looking at Desdemona, “You will owe Elsa after this, she has your daughter.” Desdemona sighed, everyone had a price.

  Dare to Love

  Football Celebrity Romance

  By Lady Aingealicia

  Football Season

  Tasha loved football, her favorite team was the Bombay Bombers. They had become an expansion team last year and she had followed them since their humble beginnings. One day as she checked her emails, she found an invitation to enter into a contest. The person who could name the most players that started out with the Bombers would win. She knew every single player from the time they were small time to where they were now. Quickly she responded and soon her dreams of meeting the Bombers came true. She was invited to meet the team and get a jersey signed by none other than Daniel, the quarterback. She had been in love with him since she could remember and now she had a chance of a lifetime to meet him.

  Just an Ordinary Day

  Tasha checked her emails at work. She saw she had one from the Bombers fan club. It seemed they were having a contest and the winner would get a signed jersey and a fancy dinner engagement. She felt butterflies in her tummy. She read the requirements and what they were asking for. All she had to do was know the original team that had started with the Bombers. This was easy enough for her since she had followed them when they were still a small town team. They had been picked up as an expansion team the year prior. She smiled as she remembered making sure to get every ticket for the games.

  She had followed the quarterback Daniel since he was drafted. He was a hot shot in high school and was picked up when he was a sophomore in college. She admired him because he promised his mom he would graduate from college before he signed a contract. Very often she would go to the college games because they were only a few miles away. When he was signed by the Bombers, she followed his stats and his games. Every fall, everyone who knew her knew that she would be wrapped up in football. So unless someone was going to a game, she rarely went anywhere with anyone during the fall and winter season.

  She filled out the attached paperwork and sent it back in. She knew in her heart she was going to win. She finished up the work that was in her inbox and headed home. Once she was home she made herself some dinner and turned on the sports channel. She got changed into her blue jersey and sat on the couch to catch up on the day’s news. The Bombers had gotten a new half-back from Colorado. They also announced about the contest that was going on. Then Daniel came on and gave an interview about the new addition to the team.

  Tasha looked at him. He was so in shape she melted into the couch thinking about what it would feel like to have his arms around her and how she wanted him to take her. She often had fantasies about how he would make love to her and she would win his heart with her peach cobbler. She was sure if they only met that he would be hers. She flipped through the channels and found nothing on television to watch. She put in a disk to watch last year’s playoffs.

  As she watched them run plays, all she could see was Daniel. He was most certainly what she thought of most when she watched the games. She had bought season tickets for the next 5 years so that she would never miss a game. As she sat on the couch, she thought about the times she was the happiest. It was always when she was bundled up in her heavy sweater covered with her plaid wool blanket watching the football being tossed around.

  Restless she went and got some ice cream out of the freezer and sat back on the couch. Dozing off she thought about what could happen if she won the contest. She saw the night fold out before her. She saw her and Daniel sneaking off to a corner and having an intimate discussion. He would touch her face and trace his fingers down her exposed collar bone before he leaned in to kiss her fully. Her body was responding in her sleep as she got wetter. Slowly her hands traced down her body as the dream continued. Daniel had taken her in his car and t
hey went to a quiet location to get away. There they kissed as his hands moved down her body making her shudder in anticipation of what would happen next.

  Her hands fluttered on the outside of her lace panties as the moistness allowed her to slip her fingers inside herself as she imagined they were Daniels. Her body naturally laid down as her legs spread. She was moaning in her sleep as her fingers played with her clit and her body responded. Her breath quickened as her hand moved faster. She felt herself coming to a climax as her mind wondered to how Daniel would take her and have no mercy. She could feel herself pinned under his body as she pushed up against him taking him in as far as she could. Her body arched as she exploded to the word touchdown. As she woke, she blushed feeling how wet she was between her legs.

  Catching her breath, she turned off the television and went to her room. Lying in bed, she was restless and wondered how soon she would know about the contest. Biting her lip, she fell into a lustful sleep, only thinking of Daniel. Pulling her pillow to her body, she hugged it, throwing her leg over the edge and drifted off. Soon the alarm was telling her that the new day was there. Pulling herself out of bed, she got dressed for work. She just knew she was going to win that contest. She could not wait to find out.


  Tasha opened her email and found the invitation to jersey signing. She had gotten all the players correct. She knew she would. She chuckled when everyone used to make fun of how into football she was. Now she was going to meet one of the hottest teams out there. Her stomach got butterflies again as she smiled bigger than she had in a while. Briana walked by and saw her smiling.

  “Girl you look like you just got asked out by the richest man in the world.” Brian started, “What is going on?” Tasha could not hold back her excitement as she stomped her feet and held her hands together. Finally she turned the screen so Briana could read the email. Putting her finger to her lips so that Briana would not say anything.

  “Wow,” Briana eyes got wide. “That is going to be so much fun. We so have to go shopping.”

  “I know.” Tasha finally squealed jumping up and hugging Briana. “We need to go Sunday since we have to work Saturday.”

  “I believe I have Sunday open.” Briana smiled and winked. “I want to see if we can find the sexiest dress that is legal to go out in public for you. When you meet Daniel, you want to knock his socks off.”

  “I know. I hope I can sit by him at the dinner.” Tasha said.

  “I am sure by the time we have you all ready, he won’t want to sit anywhere else.” Briana noticed the boss, Mr. Right headed their way and hugged Tasha one last time before going to her cubical. He stopped right in front of Tasha and looked at her.

  “Tasha, you know you don’t have break for another hour.” He stated clearly.

  “Yes Mr. Right, you are correct.” Everyone in the office always made fun of his name, because usually the only reason why any of his reports were right were because of all the work that they put into them.

  “I will need the Hadley report by tomorrow morning.” He coughed.

  “I have it ready now Mr. Right.” She shuffled through some papers and handed it to him.

  “Wow, you are always so on top of things.” He looked through the report. “Why don’t you take Saturday off since you are ahead of schedule.”

  “Really?” She blinked.

  “Yes, I have all the files I need for next week from you.” He answered flatly. “Besides, if we don’t need you here, why should we pay for you to be here and do nothing?”

  “I see, yes Mr. Right, you are correct.” She felt like she was on such a role, “If I can help Briana get her reports done, can she have Saturday off as well?”

  “Well if you can perform a miracle and help her get them done, sure.” He said without hesitation, “Corporate wants us to cut cost.” He added to explain why he said yes.

  “I will help her right away.” The only thing that Tasha could think of is that meant they could go shopping on Saturday and she could get her hair and nails done on Sunday. The dinner was the following Saturday and work was in the middle of a huge reorganization. So she knew she would not have any other time to do everything she needed to do. Touch ups could be done on Friday night if it was needed. She went over to Briana and explained the situation. Briana grabbed a stack of files that had to invoiced and Tasha moved quickly back to her desk.

  They had a full two days of work ahead of them, then they could have fun. As the days went by quickly, Tasha thought for sure that they were not going to get done and soon it was 5 pm on Friday and they only had 2 files left. Tasha went to see Mr. Right.

  “Mr. Right.” Tasha began, “Briana and I only have 2 files left. Do you mind if we stay and finish them?”

  “You have a half hour.” He said without looking up. “Then if they are not done, Briana can come in tomorrow.”

  “Yes Mr. Right, thank you.” Tasha knew that it should only take about 20 minutes to finish the work that they had. If Briana took one file and she took the other one, they could just leave out in the morning from her house. The 20 minutes went by quickly. Tasha stood up and looked over at Briana who was just finishing up.

  “Let’s go girl.” Briana stated clearly across the room.

  “I have to take these to Mr. Right first.” Tasha smiled and grabbed all the files. She went into Mr. Right’s office and gave him the files.

  “Thank you Tasha, good work.” He began, “You and Briana have fun shopping for the big jersey signing.” Tasha was shocked that he knew.

  “How did you know?” She blushed.

  “I am a fan too.” He finally looked up at her and winked. “You beat me out with one name.” With that Tasha left his office after thanking him for the Saturday off. He knew all along. She wondered if he was happy for her or not, it really did not matter.

  As Briana and Tasha went out to dinner, they saw a dress shop and there was a sapphire blue dress in the window. Tasha knew that was the dress. It was fancy enough for a cocktail party yet nice enough for everyday wear. Showing enough cleavage to be sexy yet not slutty. She pointed to the dress and Briana agreed. The only issue would be the shoes. Briana even noted it was the same color of the jerseys that the Bombers wore. Tasha agreed.

  The rest of the week after Saturday seemed to be a blur for Tasha as she got ready for the meet and greet with the Bombers. She always got wet when she thought of meeting Daniel. He was sure to be as handsome in person as he was on the television. Finally Friday came and Tasha rushed home to get everything ready. She set out her dress and her shoes along with the jersey she owned since they became an expansion team. She made sure to set 3 alarms to not be late. This was one day she would remember for the rest of her life.

  The Meet and Greet

  Tasha arrived and was welcomed by the team’s coach as she took her by the hand and showed her around. The team was just starting to show up, so not many people were there yet. She had arrived early so she had expected that. Holding her camera, she waited to see the team come in. It was not long before they started to filter in.

  As she was introduced, finally Daniel walked in. The press gathered around him as she signed autographs for young fans. He noticed her right away. Her long dark locks hanging down her back and a dress that fit her like a glove. He had never seen a woman that was so beautiful. He knew that at that moment and time he would have to sit by her during the dinner that would be served. He waved for his coach to come over and whispered in his ear. His coach nodded and walked back to Tasha.

  “Well it seems that you caught the attention of Daniel.” He started. “Let’s get you sat down for dinner, it will be starting soon.” She placed her arm in his as they went to the dining room that was set up. It looked like there were going to be well over 100 people there and all she cared about was Daniel to be honest.

  Finally Daniel came in and sat down beside her. She glowed as she could not believe her luck. Holding out her hand he took it and kissed the back of it
. She felt the shivers run through her spine. He was everything in person if not more than what she expected.

  “Did you bring your jersey?” He asked as he sat beside her and smiled. She noticed his eyes were blue grey and his teeth were a brilliant white. She could get lost in his eyes forever. It took her a minute to register what he was asking about.

  “Oh, yes, yes.” She nodded and broke the look, grabbing the jersey out of her purse. She handed it to Daniel. His fingertips touched her skin and sent electrical shocks through her. She handed him the jersey and he pulled out a black pen from his jacket. Signing right over the heart, she wanted to melt. He then nodded to his friend next to him and told him to get the team to sign the jersey.

  “I hope you don’t mind it is going to get signed that way.” He commented to her as dinner was beginning to be served.


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