Everything Is Yours (An Everything Novella)

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Everything Is Yours (An Everything Novella) Page 8

by K. L. Shandwick

  Slowly, I pushed myself up from the comfy sofa and strode over to Rick. My intention was to give him a quick peck on the cheek so that we could move on. He winked and grabbed my hand as I walked up to him, playfully making a show of us.

  Stroking the back of my hand with his thumb, Rick stayed in his leisurely position on the sofa a wicked grin stretched his thin lips and amusement twinkled in his eyes.

  “Alfie, darlin’ it never figured in my wildest fantasies that I’d get my tongue down your throat. Fuck, you’re handsome dude,” he said salaciously, perusing my frame. “Come here and sit on my lap.”

  Before I could protest, Rick had yanked my arm so hard I lost my balance and fell on his lap. I could feel his bulge below my ass, and it was pretty unnerving to say the least. I could tell he was rock hard. The only thing I had to console myself was that it was probably Emma’s kiss that had done that. Rick was indeed one of the best performers I’d ever seen, and boy was he entertaining them. Or so I thought.

  I hadn’t had time to anticipate what my next move would be, before his huge rough hand clamped around the back of my neck. He pulled my head towards his face. I tried to dodge his mouth at the last minute, but his move was so swift I’d barely drawn a breath. His mouth covered mine, his tongue forcing my lips open as I wriggled to free myself from his lap.

  As I was fighting him off, I felt his dick pulse on my thigh. More worriedly, by the time I got my mouth back I was seriously considering whether Rick was bi-sexual and that was his real reason for not tying himself to a long-term partner. Not that I’m against that, I’m just one hundred percent hetero. Seeing his dilated pupils made me feel capable of murder. He was turned on from forcing me to kiss him, and it made me pretty annoyed that he’d used me in that way.

  “Fucking A, Alfie. If you and Lily ever want to consider a tripod relationship I’d even consider bottoming for you, dude.”

  I shoved him further back into his seat I got back to my feet. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and my instinct was to punch him, and for a few seconds I considered if what he had just done warranted me ruining the next few days for everyone else. They were all there at my invitation. In normal circumstances, I’d have beaten the shit out of him for pulling something as shitty as that on me.

  “Never. Not even in your wildest dreams, Rick. If you’re looking for someone to ride you, cowboy, I’m definitely not your guy. I’m not into dudes, buddy. And like I said, no one is fucking Lily but me.” I tried hard to keep the anger from my voice, but the low flat tone was a thin disguise for how much I was seething inside after the stunt he’d pulled.

  My eyes searched out Lily on the other side of the room, and she was shaking her head as if to say, ‘Please don’t make a big deal of this.’

  Fighting back my anger, I decided not to for the sake of the group, but calmed myself with the reassurance that I’d definitely be revisiting this with Rick. And at the first opportunity we were alone.

  Regaining my composure I was determined not to let Rick’s rock star attitude piss me off any further and bent down to take the glass bottle then spun it hard around the floor. It skidded part way across it before halting to point directly at Rick. Fuck!

  My chance for revenge stood between me and the rest of our friends in the group and I knew I’d be judged on whatever I chose to ask Rick.

  Rick immediately lifted his ankle onto his other knee and hugged his shin waiting for whatever fate I was going to deliver his way.

  “What’s it going to be, Rick?”

  Rick’s eyes darted over to Lily, and I bristled in my seat at the thought he’d even think I’d choose anything with her. He held all of our attention for a moment while he decided which option he wanted.

  “I’ll go with truth,” he said smoothly, then uncrossed his legs and spread them widely, sliding down in his seat a bit more.

  “Alright, what’s your preference in the sack? Male, female or both in equal parts?”

  Rick smirked making a small snorting sound at the same time then flicked some imaginary lint from his jeans.

  “Why choose one over the other? It’s like saying you only like summers when there are things to love in all seasons if you know how to get the best out of them.”

  Everyone sat quietly, stunned by his revelation but given time to think about it, it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise to any of us. Rick Fars was known to fuck anything that moved, and suddenly his statement made complete sense. Cody told Rick it was his turn and the game continued as if he’d never commented in the first place. Not that it was a problem; we just hadn’t given his sexuality a thought before.

  Rick turned the glass bottle in a quick clockwise movement, and Jack was the next victim of the game. Rick clapped his hands loudly and rubbed them together gaining the undivided attention of everyone who waited to hear what Jack selected.

  I wasn’t surprised when Jack sat forward and rubbed his knees staring at Rick in a direct challenge as if to say, ‘Do your worst.’

  “Dare,” Jack said clearly, the excitement of the opportunity apparent in his tone.

  Without hesitation, Rick turned his head to look me and smirked knowingly. He held my gaze but spoke to Jack. “Kiss Lily.”

  Jack sat motionless and stared back at Rick. It was almost as if Rick hadn’t spoken at all. After a moment, Jack raised his eyebrow and asked Rick if his question was a particular fantasy he had been harbouring, just like the one Emma had about kissing the three of us. Rick threw his head back and started laughing then locked eyes with Jack again.

  “Why are you holding back, Jack? You know you want to, dude. I just made your Christmas wish come true. No mistletoe necessary.”

  I glanced at Lily out of the corner of my eye and could see she was hurt and anxious about the challenge set. I wondered if her anxiety was because she was expected to kiss Jack, or whether it was because she was expected to kiss him while I was there. Perhaps it was because she was uneasy at the current standoff between two men in her life that she held in high regard. Maybe it was a combination of all of those things. I hated Rick at that point for having the audacity to put Lily in that position and thought it absurd that he ask that with his niece, Jack’s partner present.

  Turning back to Jack I was just in time to see him snigger at Rick. A slow smile spread on his lips. Lily and Jack both voiced a resounding, “No,” at the same time. Neither of them had looked at the other, and both were focused on Rick.

  “Not for your pleasure. Not under any circumstances. Any kisses Lily and I share are purely affectionate, not sexual and definitely not to satisfy any sick, perverted notion you or anyone else has about Lily and me.” Jack turned to Lily, and she gave him a relieved smile, and at that moment his words warmed my heart and I realized how reassured I felt at by his response.

  Chapter 11 Alcohol and Honesty

  Emily leaned into Lily, her hand covering her mouth as she murmured something to her. Lily nodded and moved her foot from under her ass where she was sitting. She stood up. Emily wandered around the edge of the room and passed Lily a bottle of white wine, lifted another then began topping everyone’s glass.

  Cody and Lennon declined the wine, and it was only then that I realized they had been sharing the bottle of twelve-year-old malt whiskey between them. It was almost gone. Jack shook his head when Lily gestured at him with the bottle of wine in her hand and made his way over to the table behind the large sofa. He swiped the bottle of Tequila from it placing the four fingers of his free hand into shot glasses.

  “Shots anyone?”

  Rick, Sam and I nodded, and Jack quickly poured them out.

  “Bottoms up,” he said, holding his up in salute then added, “If you have a guard handy to restrain Rick that is.”

  Rick chuckled in good humor and held his glass up but shot a quick remark back in Jack’s direction.

  “Don’t flatter yourself, Jack. You seem the type that would come as soon as I topped you. I prefer more of a challenge

  Jack spat out the drink he was in the process of throwing back then he shook his head grimacing at him, “Fuck, I think you’d split me in half, I can’t imagine you showing any finesse in the bedroom.”

  Rick snorted loudly and leaned to where Jack was sitting, holding his shot glass between his spread knees as he chuckled at Jack’s banter.

  “See, I just don’t see you grown up enough to have sex with, Jack. I’m really not into the pubescent boy look. If I’m going to fuck a man, I want to fuck him roughly. I figure if I did you, I’d have to keep checking if you were still alive.”

  By that time, we were all laughing and although the conversation was somewhat surreal between the two of them, it was just what was needed to lighten the mood in the room. After another couple of shots each and a trip to the bathroom, we settled down again to finish the game. Jack knelt on the floor and grabbed the bottle and spun it with assertion. This time, it stopped squarely at Lily’s feet.

  “Ohh, Lily!” Her friends said in a unified chorus.

  Lily smirked trying to hide her nerves, and I could see she was a little embarrassed that Jack was the one to ask her the question, especially after what had just gone down between Rick and him on the turn before.

  Jack made a show of asking her to choose from the options she had.

  “Okay, Lily. No pressure. Take your time and think carefully. Which is it to be? Truth, Dare or Consequence.”

  Lily’s eyes scanned the faces in the room before flicking her long dark hair over her shoulder and playing nervously with the large diamond earring in her left ear.

  “Truth,” she said then exhaled a quick, heavy breath.

  Her eyes sought me out, and she gave me a tight smile, then sat wringing her hands together waiting for Jack to deal her a question. I guessed she hoped whatever it was wouldn’t be anything too revealing.

  “What has been your most memorable sexual experience to date?” Jack inquired, smirking wickedly at Lily.

  He then wiggled his eyebrows in a tease that I felt was intended to make her feel uncomfortable. Her slow smile turned into a wide grin, and it was obvious when a memory came to mind. I could see the thought still affected her when she’d wriggled in her seat. She then glanced around at the other men the room who also seemed focused on her response.

  “There are quite a few,” she disclosed and giggled nervously. “But if I have to choose only one it would have to be Alfie’s version of Vanilla Sex.”

  When Lily’s eyes connected with mine for that moment, we were the only two people in the room. I’d be willing to bet we were having the same joint flashback of a long seductive night near the beginning of our relationship. We had a more casual arrangement at that time, but what we shared was different to anything I’d ever experienced with any woman before. I think it was that night that I realized just how special Lily had become to me. On that particular occasion, I teased her almost senseless with little more than a tub of vanilla ice cream and a bottle of Champagne.

  Lily dragged me out of my reverie when I heard her release a long wistful sigh and Dave cleared his throat. My eyes broke our gaze and flitted to Dave, who looked a little uncomfortable when he flashed me a tight smile.

  As soon as Lily had pulled herself together and was leaning down to spin the bottle, Rick stood up, stretching his arms in the air.

  “Well…I don’t know about anybody else but this game is getting fucking boring now,” he stated abruptly ruining the mood in the room.

  After Rick’s declaration, the game was promptly abandoned.

  It was obvious to me that Rick had moved so far forward from normality that a simple game with a few friends was no longer enough to keep his attention. Personally, apart from Rick kissing me, I felt I’d learned a few things and had enjoyed the feeling of belonging by just taking part. After a few more drinks, everyone seemed to wander off to their cabins. Mya and Lily had more than a few too many. Mya unfolded her legs from the sofa, stood and wobbled out of the room. I watched her pad down the hallway and disappear into her bedroom. Just after that, Lily stood up and swayed on her feet before making her way across the room to me.

  I knew Lily was past drunk when she straddled my legs until she was sitting across my groin. Taking my face in her hands, she began to kiss me deeply. A soft, erotic noise came from her throat, and her hands glided from my cheeks and around my neck until one hand anchored her in place. She grabbed a fistful of my hair and tugged it tightly extending my neck to kiss the hollow between my collarbone and Adam’s apple. Delicious chills ran the length of my body. Without another word, I eased forward in my seat and stood up with her. I needed to have her.

  Steadying myself, I let one hand slide under her ass the other across her back. I pressed her into my chest to prevent her from flopping backwards and grinned at Jack and Cody who were the last men standing. Making my way with her to our bedroom I kicked my heel closing the door behind me and keeping everyone else out. Taking care, I bent forward gently laying her down on the mattress. At the last minute, Lily flopped haphazardly, her hair fanned out across the unmade bed. Her arms flopped from around my neck sprawling out to her sides.

  She laughed and reached a hand up in my direction opening and closing her fingers, beckoning me, and in an inebriated haze she patted the mattress beside her. I was more than content to oblige her but stood for a moment to take in how exquisitely cute she was. My hand fell to my belt buckle, and I toyed with opening it. Just carrying her along the hallway gave me a buzz and I was already hard. I had the need to release the rough material restricting my dick. Lily shook her head and put her hand out in my direction again. She wanted to undress me.

  I could see that even though she’d had too much to drink she was in a playful mood. I always loved when she was like that. More than happy to do whatever she wanted, I knelt on the bed, my knees and hands on both sides of her body and crawled directly over her.

  Peering down I watched excitedly as Lily’s small hands swept over my ass and hips to meet at the buckle of my belt. She went to work trying to undo it. Glancing between my watchful gaze and the belt with her dilated pupils and a sexy smirk, she slipped her finger between the loose end of the strap. She slowly unthreaded the leather from the buckle until she held it in one hand and pulled to release the prong from the hole in the end. She yanked the belt with more speed as soon as it was clear and separated the two sides. The buckle jangled noisily when she dropped it against my hip.

  Lily grinned proudly like she’d achieved an A grade in some complicated engineering task and focused once again. She slipped her fingers between the waistband of my jeans and my warm skin. Her touch was electric, and I groaned at the sensation. Opening the button proved more of a challenge and before long Lily’s tongue was poking out from between her lips in concentration her eyes narrowing to focus better. Once the button was undone, she pulled the zipper down and bit her lip in anticipation of finding my dick inside.

  I slid from above her to her side, and Lily rolled over in my direction frowning because I’d disrupted her flow.

  “That’s naughty, Alfie. I was just about to hold you in my hand,” she said while trying to swipe the strands of hair away that that had fallen over her eyes.

  “You can still do that from here I believe.”

  I reached up and swept my fingers gently over the wisps of hair and brought my lips to hers in a soft tender kiss. She fumbled in my jeans her fingers eventually circling my hard dick and she groaned deeply into my mouth.



  “Can we cut all the foreplay, I’m fucking exhausted but I need to come.”

  By that time Lily’s eyes were shut, and for a second I thought she’d passed out, but she drew a deep breath and opened them again, her eyes once again trying to focus.

  “And who said romance was dead?” she muttered in a slurry voice then chuckled.

  “I dunno. But right now it seems a good excuse,” I remarked making
Lily chuckle and try to sit up.

  “Get me naked, Mr. Black,” she mumbled, and held her hands up for me to take off her sweater.

  Facilitating that demand, I followed by removing her tight figure hugging leggings and underwear at the same time. The soft glow of the bedside lamp was the only light in the room, but it was perfect for studying someone as beautiful as Lily.

  Petite, slender, long legs and an hourglass figure even if she was tiny, and beautiful silky skin. She looked so appealing that I had to touch her again.

  We lay down facing each other again and I trailed the back of my hand down her side. Lily shivered and moaned breathlessly. My dick was throbbing and as soon as I laid my hand on her, of course, I had to kiss her. Whatever I did with Lily it never seemed enough. I was insatiable for her, and I knew I’d never tire of touching my amazing girl.

  “Not fair, Alfie. That’s touching. You have clothes on. You need to catch up,” Lily slurred again.

  I bounced my way off the bed and stood up, quickly shucked myself out of my faded jeans and pulled my t-shirt over my head. I discarded them on the floor and stood in front of her again.

  “Better?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.

  Lily had rolled back onto her back and smiled widely.

  “Much better. Bring your dick here I want to suck it.”

  Drunk Lily was also dirty talking Lily, and she was also at her most uninhibited at those times.

  That amused me to no end and made my jaw ache, my grin was so wide. I followed her order and once again crawled over her on all fours.

  “Up here. Bring your legs to my shoulders I’m a bit dizzy,” she laughed, and I moved further up towards her head.

  Lily tried a couple of times to hold herself up and maneuver the crown of my dick into her mouth, a couple of times she ghosted it but fell backward again each time unsuccessful in her efforts. Eventually, I changed positions and flipped her on top of me, so we were in a sixty-nine position. I wasted no time tasting her once she was there.


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