A Mate for Lazarus

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A Mate for Lazarus Page 5

by Charlene Hartnady

  “My eyes are up here, honey.” He said with that deep baritone of his. “You’re lucky that vampires don’t mind when females check them out. So please, don’t stop on account of me.” He flexed his pecs and rolled his hips and her mouth went dry. Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth.

  Alex took a sip of her water. “I wasn’t checking you out.” She lied through her teeth. Again. This really couldn’t become a habit. “I was looking at your…weapons.”

  “That’s a new one, my dick has never been called a weapon before.” He rolled his hips again. “Then again, it might just kill you…from sheer fucking pleasure. You weren’t checking me out, huh? If you say so.” He smirked, looking so cocky that it irritated the hell out of her.

  Her cheeks heated and it pissed her off. “I do say so.” She tried to keep her voice even and failed. “You have too many…weapons that is. I’m not talking about your damned cock or anything else for that matter…” Then again, he didn’t have too many muscles. No way José did he have too many of those. In the muscle department, things were just right. Big, hard, sculpted. His cock was also damn fine, it…head out of the damned gutter, Alex.

  “Stop stalling and get over here.” Still leaning on his elbows, he lifted his hands and gestured with his fingers.

  Hell no! “Let me get this straight.” She could feel everything inside of her tense and she folded her arms. “Not only do you want me to kiss you, but I’m also expected to go over there as well?”

  He gave the tiniest nod of the head. “It would be difficult to kiss me from over there.”

  “You can come to me and then we’ll see.” He needed to meet her half way. Hold up. Why was she even considering this?

  “You need to come to me. You also have to mean it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Let me guess, you’re one of those guys that can tell when a girl is faking an orgasm?”

  Lazarus raised his brows and shook his head. A look of disbelief crossed his face. “You human females have it tough. No need for that particular skill since there is no need for faking an orgasm with me.” He said it so matter-of-factly that she swallowed her flippant reply.

  After a few beats, she leaned forward. “This whole kiss thing, is it the condition you were referring to earlier? If I prove that I’m into you, are you going to take me into the next round?”

  Lazarus smiled. It was feral and really attractive. Since when did she find him attractive? Mean, scary, muscular, bossy…sure, a hottie…maybe a little, but all out attractive…surely not? Then his smile died and his eyes darkened further if that was even possible. “Definitely not. That will come later.”

  She had to pull a face. “Is the whole blood drinking thing the condition then?” Just thinking about anything to do with blood made her stomach turn.

  A half smile formed. Unfortunately for her, she definitely found him attractive. “That’s a deal breaker but it’s not the condition.” He shook his head.

  She let out an exasperated breath.

  “All this would be is you proving to me that you really do find me attractive so that we can move forward. In hindsight, it doesn’t make any sense that you would agree to the terms that Brant put forward. You knew me all of five minutes yet you wanted me to pick you to go into the next round.”

  “So that we can get to know one another.” She blurted. “You never know.”

  “I don’t buy that. You could’ve waited a couple of weeks and had a whole room full of vampire males to choose from, yet within five minutes you decided that you wanted me. Why?”

  “Look, let’s get something straight. I hadn’t decided that I wanted you. From what I’ve gathered, we’re not guaranteed a place in the next round. You seem to…like me, which hopefully will guarantee me a place…with you.”

  “What you’re saying makes no sense. You seem more hung up on a place in the next round than on finding a vampire mate. This whole program is about the latter.”

  She was blowing this. Alexandra sucked in a deep breath. The more she talked, the deeper the shit pile became. Maybe she wasn’t such a great liar after all. So she said the one thing that was true. “I do find you attractive.” She put down her plate of food on the blanket next to her and scooted forward. Then she leaned down and brushed her lips against his.

  Damn. They were softer than she had imagined. Much softer. He groaned. A deep rumble that resonated from his chest.

  Feeling flustered, she pulled away almost immediately. This was not going according to plan.

  “That’s not going to cut it.” He said as his lids cracked open. They stayed half-mast. His nostrils flared. His jaw was tense.

  She could feel how her chest rose and fell in quick succession. “I kissed you. You have your proof.”

  “That was a kiss between friends, Alex-an-dra.” Each syllable was drawn out. “A chaste kiss between friends. I told you that I wanted more than just a friendship with you.”

  “Look, I’m not sure exactly what you are playing at. I don’t know…” She stuttered and spluttered.

  “My sentiments exactly. What are you playing at? Either you are here for The Program…for me, or you’re here for a whole nother reason. For your own unknown agenda.”

  Damn, he was questioning her motives for being here. Not the big, dumb hunk of muscle that she thought he was.

  His eyes hooded further. “If you want to stay in The Program, I need you to prove that you are attracted to me. I want you to fuck my mouth.”

  Her clit actually throbbed when he said the word fuck. Little traitor! Was this guy for real? “P-pardon me..?” More stuttering. “Did you just say that you want me to fuck your mouth?” More spluttering. She didn’t stutter and splutter dammit. She was a strong woman.

  He smiled. “You heard me. I thought humans enjoyed kissing. Do it, Alexandra, put your mouth against mine. Fuck these lips with your lips or go and pack your bags. I don’t want a half-assed kiss. I don’t do half assed.”

  She couldn’t believe the nerve of him. Alexandra made a croaking noise, belying the frustration that she felt inside. She was horrified to realize that it wasn’t just frustration at being made to do something though, it was also the realization that she really wanted to do it. No!

  A drawn-out groan drew her attention and she turned her head to the couple on the lawn to the right of them. He was dry humping her. Now his hand was up her skirt and she was moaning. Alex averted her gaze, feeling her cheeks heat…just a tad. It’s not like she was a prude or anything, but hell.

  Shit balls!

  Her eyes widened. Things were heating up other there. She was unable to stop herself from looking back at the other couple. Although she could only see him from behind, it looked like the guy was lowering his zipper. That was just plain rude. They weren’t all that close and there was no one else around, but people didn’t go around screwing each other in public. Did they? Okay, now he was lifting her legs over his shoulders. The girl on the ground groaned as his hips thrust forward. They were all out fucking.

  Her eyes felt as wide as saucers in her skull. “No way!” she huffed as the guy’s jeans peeled halfway down his ass. They were definitely going at it. No doubt about it.

  “Look at me,” Lazarus growled. It sounded deep and vicious and yet didn’t scare her…not in the least. “Forget them. That’s Lance. He’s a colossal dickhead. The female he is with is Vanessa…” He shook his head. “Just so that you know, we don’t normally rut in view of others…”

  “Like animals.” She said, her eyes still on the other guy’s ass as it moved. By the looks of things, he was going at it pretty hard. By the sounds of things, the woman was loving every moment of it.

  “No, we rut like animals but usually not in public view.”

  Everything in her tightened. Animals. Alex looked back down at him. She could imagine a guy like Lazarus fucking like an animal. Unfortunately, she could imagine it all too well. Alex licked her lips, unable to tear her eyes away from the couple.

bsp; “A simple kiss, Alexandra. One. Simple. Kiss.”

  “Simple.” She snorted, turning her gaze to him. “Hardly. I’m supposed to fuck your mouth.” Her traitorous clit throbbed…again. She had to stop herself from squeezing her thighs together, which would have been a dead giveaway.

  “Sit here.” He rubbed his lap.

  The woman across the lawn was shrieking now. Probably in time with each of his thrusts. She sounded like she had died and just about gone to heaven. Alex was sure that she could hear the vampire grunting as well. They were too far away to tell for sure though. She tried to ignore it. This situation had gone from difficult to all out impossible.

  “Please try and ignore them.” Lazarus said, his voice low.

  “I am.”

  “No, you’re not,” Lazarus growled. In one swift really graceful move, he leaned forward, gripped her by the hips and picked her up. Just like that. Picked her up so that her ass was floating above the ground. His face was the picture of calm. No strain lines at all. Next thing, she was straddling his thighs. They were just as hard as what they looked. She gasped and placed her hands on his chest. Wow! All she wanted to do was to move her hands over them. To trace the hard valleys and peaks across his chest and abs. To clutch at his biceps. To explore.

  His hands threaded into her hair. Such a gentle caress for such a giant of a man. She could smell him. If raw aggression had a scent…this was it. Raw aggression wrapped in fresh, earthy tones. With maybe a hint of soap. In short, he smelled good, really good. The urge to bury her face in his neck and to run her tongue along his collarbone reared its ugly little head. Not happening.

  Lazarus leaned all the way forward, putting his mouth about an inch away from hers. “Kiss me, Alexandra.”

  Her breath came in short pants as she looked down at his soft lips. Alex forgot her reason for being there. She damn near forgot her name as her mouth collided with his. His lips parted and she moaned as her tongue found his.

  He groaned, drawing her closer. He tasted good. Oh so very yummy. The guy could damn well kiss. Hot and hard. Their teeth clashed a few times but she didn’t care…not one little bit. The only thing she cared about was getting more.

  His cock was hard against her core. The soft leather a minor barrier for her soaking panties. Alex ground herself up against him and they both moaned.

  A loud, eardrum shattering scream stopped them in their tracks. Alex pulled away from Lazarus. The scream went on and on and on. Just when she thought it was over, the woman started up again. No way!

  “Oh God,” Alex said. “Is she dead?” Another loud very feminine moan sounded. “Or at least dying? She sure as hell sounds like she’s dying.”

  Lazarus smiled. “No. He drank from her, which has heightened her pleasure. She will have come several times.” As if on cue. Another loud, toe curling, panty wetting—it sounded that good—scream pierced the tranquil setting.

  “So damned rude…” Alex muttered. Then she realized that she was still straddling Lazarus. Her thighs were wrapped around him tightly. Her dress rode high on her thighs. Her pussy was flush against his cock. It all out begged to have the barriers removed. It screamed to be fucked. To have the long length of him buried deep inside of it. To have him thrusting…no way in hell. She had a job to do and her job did not entail having sex with Lazarus. It was both fortunate and very unfortunate that she found him so attractive. Fortunate because she wouldn’t have to fake it and unfortunate because things could get complicated…fast…but only if she allowed them to.

  It wasn’t happening.

  Her hands were buried beneath his shirt. His skin was hot and smooth. Again, the urge to run her hands up and down him seized her but she ignored it. Instead, she quickly pulled them away and got off of him trying hard not to flash him while she was doing it.

  His gaze moved to between her thighs just before she snapped them shut. The pig. His eyes turned smoldering. “Mmmm.” A deep rumble. “Pink and wet.”

  Not hardly. “I didn’t realize that vampires were colorblind. My panties are white and I’m not…” She sucked in a deep breath. The rest of what she was about to say was an all-out lie. Alex decided then and there that she would only lie if she really had to. She had to draw the line somewhere. She clamped her mouth shut instead of answering.

  “I was talking about your pussy. Pink and wet.” By the look on his face she could see that he was being deadly serious.

  She gasped, for about the hundredth time since meeting him. “That’s disgusting.”

  Lazarus shrugged. “Just stating facts. Do you want to stay, Alexandra?”

  She nodded even though there was a part of her that knew she was about to navigate a slippery slope. “I do.”

  Lazarus leaned forward, placing his elbows on his thighs and clasping his hands in his lap. “We are attracted to one another. That much is clear. I would like to get to know you better and see where this goes. If you do not feel the same way then please, let’s save ourselves a lot of wasted time. You should go now if that’s the case.” A deep frown marred his forehead.

  Shit! He definitely smelled a rat. There was no way that she was leaving, but she needed to proceed with caution. Her no sex rule still applied…big time. It was even more applicable now that she knew she was attracted to him. The whole no blood drinking rule applied even more. She didn’t care if it was a deal breaker. It wasn’t happening. She would find a way around it.

  There was also the little pesky problem of his one condition. She didn’t even know what it was yet. Maybe it was impossible. Alex shook her head. “I don’t want to go. I would really like to get to know you better.”

  Lazarus huffed out a breath. He looked relieved. Then he smiled. It was sweet and kind of shy. “I’m glad. I’m looking forward to it.”

  In that moment, Alex felt like the biggest bitch alive. She had to force herself to smile back. She remembered something her father once said. She hadn’t really understood it at the time. Sometimes you need to sacrifice to get the story. If the story is big enough, you might even need to sell a piece of your soul. The best journalists are willing to do what it takes.

  It suddenly felt like this was about to become one of those times. One of those stories. She had this. She really did.


  “You are a dick!” Lazarus growled as he advanced on Lance. “Rutting that female in a place where all could see and fucking hear. I was with a female…a potential mate. You could’ve fucked it up royally for me.”

  The male shrugged, he didn’t look like he gave two shits. “I’m sorry.” Like fuck he was sorry. “I didn’t even see you there. I was”—he smirked—“kind of busy.”

  Lazarus felt his temperature go up. Felt his muscles tighten. “That’s not the point. Next time you take out your dick and stick it into whichever human you’ve decided on for the day, make sure that you go somewhere private. I don’t want to have to see your pale ass bouncing up and down or hear your female’s pathetic cries ever again.”

  “Pathetic?” The male frowned. It wasn’t lost on Lazarus how Lance’s hands curled into fists. “Like fuck that was pathetic. She came at least twice and damned hard.”

  “I heard you guys talking and laughing straight afterwards.” Lazarus smiled at the male. “Within five minutes you both walked away. Sorry but that’s pathetic in my book. She should not have been able to talk or fucking walk so soon after.”

  “Fuck you!”

  “No…fuck you, Lance! Next time I will excuse myself for the two minutes it will take to rip your head from your shoulders. Are we clear?”

  Lance’s jaw tensed, his mouth became a thin white line. His stare hardened.

  “I said…are we fucking clear?” Lazarus widened his stance, prepared to act if this loser didn’t concede.

  The male knew that he was no fucking match for Lazarus though. He tensed up even more before he finally spat, “Yes. We’re clear.”

  “Stop fucking around with the humans. They are not like u
s vampires. From what I’ve heard and understand, they don’t rut with one another like we do. They often place feelings with the physical act…especially the females of the species. You are liable to hurt someone at this rate.” It was always about number one with this dickhead. He had become impossible since his mate had left him for another male. It’s not like they were really together anyway. What the fuck was his problem?

  Lance made a growling noise. “Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do. With regards to rutting out there in public like that, I really didn’t see you. I was wrong. It was supposed to be a quick fuck. No one should’ve seen us.” His eyes shifted away from Lazarus. Like hell Lance had not seen them there. He just didn’t care. The male didn’t seem to give a fuck about anything but himself. He was a colossal prick in the first degree.

  Then the bastard smiled for a second. “We are permitted to rut with the humans at will. It’s open season right now. I hear there’s new blood…a cute, little strawberry blonde.”

  Lazarus felt his blood ignite in his veins. Felt the air seize in his lungs. “Don’t fucking go there. She is mine.”

  The pathetic excuse for a male all out smiled. “Yours…?” He made a snorting noise and shook his head. “We’ll see about that.”

  “Go near her and you die.” It was Lazarus’ turn to smile.

  “It’s open season motherfucker. Try and stop me.” Lance’s smile turned into a shit eating grin. “I’ll show you who’s pathetic. I’ll make her scream my name so many times that she will no longer be able to say another male’s name again.” He made a groaning noise. “To have all those lush curves bouncing on my—”

  Lazarus saw red. He roared and leapt forward. “Shut the fuck up!” Unfortunately there were others close by and they intervened by grabbing both his arms. Griffin on the left and Jasper on his right.

  Jasper was a big motherfucker, it was like a ton of bricks weighed down that side. Griffin on the other hand was leaner muscle. Lazarus managed to swing that arm and make sweet contact with Lance’s face. It wasn’t hard enough to cause major damage but blood spurted. A third male grabbed Lazarus around the waist. They pulled him back.


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