A Mate for Lazarus

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A Mate for Lazarus Page 7

by Charlene Hartnady

  “Make sure it’s sexy. Vampires prefer it if women don’t wear underwear.”

  Alex chewed the inside of her cheek. “I’m sure they do.” What kind of women were these anyway? Like hell she wasn’t wearing underwear. The vampires could go to hell. Lazarus could definitely go to hell.

  “It’s just, you only have two days to pique some interest. You don’t want to be out of here like the rest of us.”

  “You sound like you include yourself as one of those leaving.”

  Sarah pulled a face. “I really hope that Lance asks me out. I don’t expect miracles though, but you never know.”

  Alex didn’t know what to say. It sounded like this guy, Lance, was a real piece of work. Sarah would be thankful in the long run that he hadn’t chosen her. Even if she didn’t know it herself. Alex touched the other woman on the arm, feeling sorry for her. “I’ll see you later.”


  Heels in her left hand and her clutch purse in the right, Alex ran down the hall. Why the hell did she let herself lie down in the first place? She’d felt much better after a long soak in the tub. There still had been plenty of time to get ready so she decided to lie down and watch a little bit of television. It was better than letting her mind wander. The problem was, that it kept wandering into places she didn’t want it to go. Places that included a certain tall, dark and handsome vampire. She didn’t want to think about Lazarus. Period.

  She hadn’t expected to fall asleep and certainly hadn’t expected to stay asleep for over an hour. Dinner had started twenty minutes ago.

  Oh hell!

  She was new. Had yet to meet…almost everyone. She was also very late. Dammit. One of the things that Allison cautioned on was tardiness. It seemed that vampires were well organized and that everything ran on a tight schedule. This included all of the activities within The Program. This dinner, was one of those scheduled activities.

  Alex picked up the pace, the muscles in her calves and thighs burned. Her breath came in choppy pants. She was sweating dammit. Little black dress…check. Hair and makeup…check. Accessories to match…check. Sweat…double-check. The last one, she could’ve done without.

  One of the guards at the door looked at his watch as she approached. Yes, bozo, I’m late so sue me. She sucked in a deep breath, resting her hand on the doorknob. Alex pushed the door open and stepped into the room.

  The dining hall was beautiful. Complete with marble floors and crystal chandeliers. Large, gold guild paintings hung on the wall. Her mouth dropped open at the grandeur. She was so busy admiring her surroundings that the door slid from her hand and crashed closed behind her.

  The dining room table was long and very occupied. A hush fell over both the vampires and the humans alike. All heads turned to her.

  She clasped her shoes tighter, suddenly realizing that they were in her hand instead of on her feet where they belonged. Her cheeks heated but she ignored the tingles up her spine and the way the hairs on her body felt like they were standing on end. She squared her shoulders and smiled. “Good evening. I’m Alex. Good to meet you all.”

  One of the women gave her a filthy look and put her arm around the guy next to her. Sarah smiled and waved…bless her. There was a loud scraping noise as three of the vampires rose to their feet. The one farthest to the back was Lazarus.

  His large frame drew her eye immediately. If she’d thought he looked good in leather, she was mistaken. He wore a tailored suit. As in white button down shirt, grey pants and a grey jacket. No tie. The top few buttons of the shirt were open. The jacket was tight across his shoulders and chest. Holy freaking hotness. No wonder he was a manwhore. She wanted to cross the room and throw herself at him right then. To wrap her legs around…

  The thought crumbled to dust as his lip curled away from his teeth…fangs. Honest to goodness fangs. Long, gleaming, scary damned looking. A loud, goosebump evoking growl seemed to tear itself out from somewhere deep in his chest. Two of the women clutched their chests and squealed.

  It was a sight to behold. She didn’t blame the women, she felt like squealing herself. From pure excitement. You have a job to do and Lazarus is a manwhore. Stay focused, Alex.

  One of the guys flinched at the loud gravelly sound, he sat back down and even looked a little afraid of Lazarus before looking down at his food. The third guy stayed standing, Alex looked at him. His icy blue stare cut into her. His hair, unlike most of the vampires she had seen, was blond. He threw her a smile that could quite possibly cause an instant orgasm it was so sexy. The smile turned into a lopsided grin as he pulled himself free from the woman beside him. It was the woman that had given Alex a dirty look when she walked in. That same I’m-going-to-kill-you-with-my-eyes look was back on her face. Only this time it meant business.

  The guy strode over to her. His movement was liquid and graceful yet manly. Muscles shifted beneath his black button down shirt and equally black pants. The dark accentuated his hair and eyes.

  Her gaze moved back to Lazarus whose eyes blazed. Shit! He looked pissed. A muscle in his jaw ticked. His chest rose and fell in quick succession.

  What if Lazarus didn’t choose her?

  What if he chose one of the others? It was far more likely since they were all putting out and Alex didn’t plan to. Anger rose up in her all over again.

  Maybe putting all of her hopes and dreams on one vampire wasn’t a good idea. Besides, they were manwhores. They clearly got around. According to Sarah, the humans were expected to mingle. It was recommended. It didn’t sit right with her though. She was a one man woman even if this was all pretend.

  “Allow me.” The gorgeous specimen in front of her said. His voice wasn’t nearly as deep as Lazarus’. The thought irritated her. Why was she comparing? Then the Adonis god dropped to his haunches in front of her and pried her heels from her shaking fingers. All eyes were on them. Lazarus went from growling and snarling to grinding his teeth together. He was still standing at the other end of the table. His stare was dark and fierce.

  The vampire on the ground lifted her foot and she felt herself wobble so she was forced to grab his shoulder to steady herself. Lazarus narrowed his dark eyes as the blond vamp slipped on her heel. He put down her foot. She clasped his shoulder tighter as her other foot was lifted and she was expected to balance on her heel. This time, the stranger squeezed the instep of her foot before slipping on the shoe.

  Alex looked down into the bluest eyes that she had ever seen. She pulled her foot from his grasp, she still used him for support but released his shoulder as soon as she was stable enough.

  The blond guy quirked a brow. “Welcome, Alex. I hope you’ll come and sit with me.” He gestured to the table and gave her a wink. Far too smooth for her liking. He rose to his full height. Not nearly as big as Lazarus either. Quit it, Alex.

  Her eyes were once more drawn to Lazarus who cocked his head and pulled out a chair next to him. His meaning clear. That muscle in his jaw seemed to have a life of its own because it continued to tick. A really beautiful girl sat next to Lazarus, she put her hand on his arm and looked up at him. Concern filled her eyes. Her dress was stunning. Silver, cut low.

  Sarah had made it clear that they slept around…big time. She needed to mingle and increase her chances of being picked. She didn’t want to rely on Lazarus and his ultimatums. It had nothing to do with being upset that he slept around when he didn’t seem like that was what he was after.

  The pretty lady gave Lazarus’ arm a tug. Was this the woman he had spent the night with? Alex swallowed hard, not liking the feelings that emerged in her. She hated the tightening in her chest.

  “Come sit next to me, sweetheart.” The blond sex-on-legs vampire motioned to her with his hand, pointing to the now empty seat next to him.

  She had to clench her teeth to keep herself from telling Prince Charming where to get off. She was not his sweetheart.

  Then she noticed the blonde bombshell in the tight silver dress say something to Lazarus. He nodded, si
tting back down. The lady whispered in his ear and he nodded again. His eyes were still blazing.

  Alex slid in next to the Adonis god who was not as tall as Lazarus. He smiled. “Would you like something to drink?” His eyes were focused on her even though the woman on the other side of him was trying to get his attention.

  Alex nodded. A shot of tequila would be good. Make that two shots of the stuff. “I’ll have a glass of wine please.” She couldn’t risk getting shit faced.

  “Champagne?” He raised his brows.

  Alex nodded again. “Sure.”

  The vampire she’d nicknamed—in her head at least—Adonis, clicked his fingers and one of the waiters was there instantly. He passed on her order.

  A plate was put in front of her. “Ricotta and parmesan fritters.” The waiter declared. “On a bed of wild mushroom.” He nodded and walked away.

  Alex noticed that plates from the first course were already being cleared. Shit! She put her napkin on her lap and picked up the knife and fork on the outside. She’d attended a couple of fancy dinners over the years…thank god! The cutlery was really heavy, ornate and beautiful. “Wow. Must be real silver.” She said more to herself, since Adonis was talking to the woman on the other side of him.

  There was a feminine snicker to her right. “Who are you anyways?” The question was definitely being directed at her so Alex turned in that direction.

  Big pouty lips, large dark eyes and a frown about a mile deep.

  “I believe I introduced myself a minute ago.” Alex said, forcing herself to smile. She needed to try and make some friends and to find out more about The Program and the people in it. At the same time, she didn’t like this woman’s tone.

  “Yeah, Alex.” The woman narrowed her eyes. “Who are you?” She did this thing with her neck that put Alex’s back up.

  Alex had to try and stop herself from asking the woman if she was hard of hearing. Had to work even harder to stop herself from rolling her eyes at the stupid question.

  A few strands from the woman’s updo had fallen out and she pulled her nearly black hair behind her ear. “Why are you even here? You’re obviously clueless about vampires.”

  “I hate to break it to you but aside from local Sweetwater residents, the whole world is pretty clueless where vampires are concerned. Did you know that many people throughout the US still believe that vampires and shifters are a myth? They think that the various species living in and around Sweetwater are actually cults pretending to be vampires and various other species.” Well that nabbed her attention. “I know very little about vampires but hopefully that’s all about to change.” Alex had researched the hell out of the subject and had not found much. What small amount of information she had gathered lacked detail.

  “I for one am all for it.” Adonis leaned forward, his vivid blue eyes on her. He had a way of looking at you like you were the only person in the whole world. It was a little unnerving but she could get why women might fall for it. “That is, you getting to know us vampires better.”

  He licked his lips, which were full and soft looking. At least he had one thing in common with Lazarus. Argh! Don’t think about him. Don’t look at him…don’t…too late, she glanced in his direction.

  The pretty blonde was talking, laughing, touching. A small shove of her shoulder against him or a brief touch of her fingers against his chest. He was nodding and smiling. So familiar with one another. She should not have kissed him earlier. Alex sucked in a deep breath and turned back to Adonis.

  “You are right.” Sexy-as-sin…the other name she had for him…picked up his glass and took a sip. It was a tumbler, filled to about halfway with golden liquid, no ice. Must be scotch, she thought absently as she watched his throat work. He put the glass back down. “The world knows very little about us. We prefer it that way.” He chuckled. “Can you imagine the chaos? It sometimes feels like everyone wants a piece.”

  “A piece, in what way?” She cut off a slice of fritter and put it in her mouth.

  He smiled. “They either want us dead or they just want us…there doesn’t seem to be an in-between. All or fucking nothing with you humans.” He looked pointedly at the cutlery in her hands. “For the record…” He raised his brows.

  Alex nodded, not sure what he was getting at. Her mouth was full with another bite. For blood drinkers, these vampires sure could cook. Yummo.

  “Silver is a bad word in these parts. It’s poisonous to vampires. The only thing made from silver, are our war blades and arrowheads. Nothing else.”

  How the hell had she forgotten that? There might not be much known about the various species and even less about vampires, but a couple of things were common knowledge. Their silver aversion was one of them. “Oh yes…I forgot. My bad.” She nodded. “Feel free to tell me more and to correct me if I say something like that again.” Information. It was what she needed and lots of it.

  She glanced down the table to where Sarah was sitting. It was weird, she was sure Sarah caught her eye but the other woman turned to face the opposite direction. It was like she was ignoring Alex on purpose. Nah! She must be mistaken.

  Alex smiled. “So, what are they made out of?” She held up her knife and fork.

  Adonis sat back in his chair and put his tongue to the roof of his mouth. Then he smiled. One of the women on the opposite end of the table put a hand to her chest and fell back in her chair, her eyes glued to Adonis’ every move. Thankfully his charm and sex appeal didn’t affect her…not like that. He was sexy and all that, but really.

  “Platinum.” He said drawing her attention.

  She could feel her mouth drop open and her eyes bug out. “Platinum?…No way.”

  “This is the good shit.” He looked down at the cutlery. “Reserved for royalty and esteemed guests. Our day to day utensils are made from regular stainless steel. We’re not as stuck up as you think.”

  She let out a huff of air. “Esteemed guests huh?”

  “Yup.” He nodded. “We are thrilled to have human females on our soil. Fucking ecstatic.”

  “So I’ve heard.” She leaned in. “Listen, I heard that you guys get around. Is that true?”

  His eyes lit up, looking almost freaky blue. “Vampires are sexual creatures. We like to fuck…often and hard. Are you here for a good”—he paused—“hard”—another pause—“fuck?” He didn’t wait for her to answer. Not that she could answer him. Her mouth hung open in temporary paralysis. It had never happened to her before so she wasn’t sure how to react. “If you are, then you’ve come to exactly the right place. If you are…” His big hand clasped her thigh and she gasped, jumping under his touch. “Then you are also with the right male because…”

  Chapter 7

  That motherfucker!

  Lazarus practically vibrated from trying to stay calm. There was a ringing in his ears. What the fuck was this female playing at? She was definitely attracted to him. Had said that she wanted to get to know him, yet there she was with that fuckhead. Why?

  Alexandra had ignored his silent request to come and sit next to him. He’d pulled out the chair and everything. Gone to a fuck load of effort by wearing this suit and what for what? Fuck all…that’s what.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” Jenna asked for the fifth time. “You don’t seem yourself tonight.”

  He made a grunting noise of acknowledgment and gave her a tight smile.

  “Is it that girl?” Jenna narrowed her eyes, trying to size him up. “The new one?” she sighed. “Were you hoping…never mind.” She squeezed his forearm. “You are going to find someone, I’m sure of it. Out of all the males at this table, you are the best, Lazarus. At least, you are to me.”

  Lazarus felt like the biggest dick. He hadn’t even had a chance to explain to Jenna what had happened.

  “I’m not a nice guy,” he growled. At least, Jenna wouldn’t think so for long. He had agreed to pretend to date Jenna so that she and Gideon could be together. The male was not part of the elite ten so
was not permitted to partake in any of the females. Lazarus was supposed to buy them time by taking Jenna to the next round with him but plans had changed. At least, he had thought they had changed, but maybe not.


  He burned to go over to Alexandra, to throw her over his shoulder but only after he put his fist through Lance’s teeth first.

  Fuck him!

  He had to damn well keep his cool. He fucking had to. If the female wanted a dickhead like Lance then good luck to her. He was not going to involve himself.

  Jenna was saying something about the fucking weather or something. He listened with half an ear because as much as he hated it, his focus was still on Alexandra. On how her hair fell in curls around her face. On how long and slender her neck was. On the smattering of freckles across her nose. On how sexy as fuck black looked against her porcelain skin.

  Fucking Lance leaned across, his nostrils flared. “We are thrilled to have human females on our soil. Fucking ecstatic.” Fuckface said, his eyes drifted to Alexandra’s mammary glands. Of course a male like Lance was ecstatic…it was like fucking Christmas around here and most of the presents had his name on them. What had he called it? Open season. Fuck!

  Thankfully Alexandra didn’t seem as affected as some of the other females. She wasn’t giggling or flicking her hair back or doing any of the other mating signals he had seen others of her species do. It helped to calm him. “So I’ve heard.” She said as she leaned towards Lance. Lazarus had to force himself to stay seated. “Listen, I heard that you guys get around. Is that true?” No fucking way. She didn’t just ask that. A fucker like Lance would take it the wrong way.

  His eyes lit the fuck up. Lazarus could see the glee and the excitement on Lance’s face. He thought he had her. Please fucking no. Alexandra didn’t strike him as the kind of female that would fall for that fucker’s one liners. “Vampires are sexual creatures.” Lance purred. “We like to fuck…often and hard.” Lazarus felt his blood boil as Lance spoke. “Are you here for a good”—the male paused while he licked his chops—“hard”—another pause while his eyes moved back to her chest—“fuck?”


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