A Mate for Lazarus

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A Mate for Lazarus Page 17

by Charlene Hartnady

  Lazarus grit his teeth and growled as his balls throbbed. It literally hurt not to be inside of her. She was killing him. Tearing him apart piece by piece and putting him back together so that he belonged to only her. A custom fit.

  Her pussy was right there, he could feel its heat, almost taste its delicious as fuck scent. Could feel it slick against him. One adjustment of the hips and he would be inside her.

  Alexandra moaned and writhed and moaned some more. “Oh…oh god…that’s it…just like that…” She urged him on. Told him what she liked and how much she liked it. She was so expressive and open about her sexuality. She was fucking perfect. Alexandra’s movements became more frantic. Not long now. It was better this way. She could have her release and then sleep. He would take care of himself afterwards.

  His female stopped moving. She even grabbed his hand. “Wait a minute…” Her breath came in desperate pants. “Why aren’t you fucking me?”

  “Don’t worry about me. This is all for you…I can take care of myself.” He flicked his finger over her clit and she bowed her back and moaned.

  “No…no…wait…” She struggled for a beat to catch her breath. “Take me, Lazarus. I can handle it.” She circled her hips and his eyes practically rolled to the back of his skull.

  “Are you sure?” he managed to get out between grit teeth. “Are you sure you’re not too sore?”

  “I’ll be sorry in the morning, but I want you…I think I might always want you, besides…” Her voice turned soft and timid. “That’s what girlfriends are for, right? You shouldn’t have to…take care of it yourself…ever.”

  His heart just about stopped beating. “So…” It was his turn to sound soft and fucking timid, like a huge ass pussy but he didn’t care. “You’re my girlfriend now?”

  “You big oaf.” She twisted around and planted one on him. Hot and heavy from the word go. When she finally broke the kiss they were both panting.

  “Wow…” He said, sounding like a complete loser.

  “Just kissing you like I mean it…I’m so glad that you talked me into giving this a chance.”

  Lazarus shook his head. Yet again she sounded like she never planned on actually giving a relationship with a vampire a try. He dismissed it. “Me too.” He kissed her softly. “I’m so glad you stopped backpedaling.”

  Lazarus anchored an arm around her and aligned himself with her entrance. She was wet as fuck but it still took some time to ease himself into her tight, little pussy. They had made love so many times that she was swollen.

  By the noises she was making, he could hear that she was feeling tender. Her cries were a strange mixture of pain and pleasure. She urged him to keep going and who was he to argue?

  Once he was buried to the hilt, he tilted his hips and moved slowly and carefully not wanting to hurt her. Even the sleek line of her back was sexy. He could see the side of her breast. Fucking stunning. Her ass was so ripe it almost made him come just looking down at it. Seeing his cock grind in and out of her with infinite slowness was almost his undoing.

  On a loud groan, he reached around her and squeezed her clit every time he pushed into her.

  “Oh fuck…fuck!” She yelled even louder. Her legs began to vibrate and her pussy walls began to flutter. “Yes…yes…just there…oohhh…” Then she was shuddering and spasming so hard around him that it was useless to try and hold back. He yelled as he erupted deep inside her. So fucking good that his fangs throbbed in time with his dick. He didn’t drink from her this time. He really needed to be careful. The last thing he wanted was to make the mistake of taking too much. But fuck if the drive to bury his fangs in her didn’t ride him hard. Drinking was always about sex but the opposite wasn’t always true even if he wished it could be. He needed to do right by his female…his girlfriend and as soon as he could convince her, he was going to make her more…his everything. She already was everything to him. It was just about making it official now.

  Lazarus pulled her more firmly into his arms. Her breathing had already evened out and was becoming deeper. He fell asleep with his cock still deep inside her.

  The first thing he registered was the harsh light. The second was his pulsing cock. It was like it had taken on a life of its own. So fucking hard it was pulsing with every beat of his heart. Then her scent hit him. Rich, sweet, thick. Fucking ecstasy.

  His first reaction was to turn her over. Her eyes sprang open as she landed on her back. His next instinct was to open her thighs and to fuck her so he gripped her flesh and was just shoving them open.

  “Lazarus?” She sounded groggy and confused.

  “Fuck!” Lazarus snarled. He leapt from the bed and raced to the window which he opened taking in lungfuls of air.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Her voice held a hint of confusion. He could hear the rustle of sheets and knew that she was pulling them around herself.

  Once he had composed himself sufficiently, Lazarus turned around. Seeing her, hair mussed, eyes wide, was like a punch to the gut. He tried hard to breathe through his mouth but he could still scent her.

  “You’re in heat.” His voice was thick and gravelly.

  “I’m what?” Her eyes widened and she gasped. “In heat as in...ovulating…as in…” Her eyes widened some more. “I can get pregnant? Shit, I might be pregnant?” She covered her mouth with both hands. “I thought you guys could smell when a woman was about to ovulate. What the hell, Lazarus?”

  “I’m supposed to start loving your scent. To start craving it. That’s how it fucking works. You sound like you knew this might happen. What the fuck, Alexandra?” He walked over to the bed and then paced back to the open window. Fuck! He still had the intense desire to rut. To fill her up with his seed. To ensure without a doubt that she would become ripe with his child. It was his instinct at work, he needed to try and remain logical about this. Try to stay calm.

  “I may have accidentally forgotten about taking a contraceptive. Once I was here and I, against all odds, managed to get in, I didn’t want to be kicked out.” The sheet was wrapped firmly around her. Alexandra’s chest heaved and her eyes remained wide. He could scent her fear and confusion. “Shit! I didn’t think this would happen. I’m sorry…I’m an idiot.”

  “It’s why you wanted to use the human coverings…you should have said something. Fuck!” He ran a hand through his hair.

  “Is there a chance that I’m not pregnant? What if I am? How long before we are able to find out?” She clasped a hand over her mouth and made a noise of anguish. “I can’t believe this is happening.” Her words were muffled from behind her hand. Although her eyes filled with tears, she didn’t cry.

  Using every ounce of willpower he possessed, Lazarus walked over to Alexandra and pulled her into his arms. “We’ll get through this.” He breathed through his mouth. Trying to ignore his raging hard-on. “Get dressed, I’m taking you to one of our healers. I don’t have answers to any of your questions. I’m clueless.” The Program was about finding a mate, as soon as that happened there was further training on living with a human and on pregnancy. He needed to speak with his kings about including something sooner.

  Although he wanted nothing more than to make this woman his mate and to raise a family with her, he also wanted her happy. Maybe she didn’t want him. Maybe she wasn’t ready to be a mother. What if she was with child but didn’t want to keep the baby? It would fucking kill him. She shivered and sniffed. He could scent her fear. This was not the time to ask such questions. First they had to learn the facts. Then time would tell. He only hoped he could convince her to keep this child. If there was one…

  His chest tightened just thinking about it.


  Oh god! Oh god!

  Alex was having a mini heart attack. She struggled to breathe. Maybe Lazarus was wrong. Maybe she wasn’t ovulating. Even if she was, the success rate for actually conceiving was low. Something like fifteen or twenty percent. She knew this from all the years her parents had tried and fail

ed to have another baby. Calm down!

  She put a hand to her chest, trying to stop herself from hyperventilating. The biggest problem was that Lazarus wasn’t a human. Maybe that meant that it would be more difficult for them to conceive, or maybe the opposite was true?

  Alex tried not to think about it. All the questions swirling around in her mind were driving her nuts. Lazarus pulled her more firmly into the crook of his arm. “One of the healers will see us soon.” He whispered, his voice echoing off the walls.

  “I’m freaking out.” She sucked in a deep breath. “I didn’t think this would happen. I guess I didn’t think…period. I’m sorry, we should not have been having unprotected sex. This is totally my fault. You must be really pissed at me. I wouldn’t hold it against you if you were. I’m pissed at myself. I can’t believe that you are being so nice to me.”

  He rubbed his hand up and down her arm. “I’m more pissed that you didn’t tell me that you weren’t on birth control. We need to be totally honest with one another. Is there anything else that you need to tell me? Now would be a good time.”

  She chewed on her bottom lip for a second before looking him straight in the eye and shaking her head. She was a damned coward. Alex couldn’t. She just couldn’t. Not right now. “Nothing.” A lie. A humongous bald-faced lie. Arghhh! She just couldn’t face his anger and disappointment…not right now. She wasn’t sure when…she only knew that now was out of the question. She might be pregnant. She couldn’t handle more. An unplanned pregnancy was too damned much already.

  The tension in his shoulders seemed to ease. Lazarus nodded his head. “Good. Let’s find—”

  A door opened and an elderly woman walked into the hallway. “I’m Eleanor. Come on in.”

  Alex heard the vampire lady sniff loudly as they walked into the room. “You’re human.” She stated matter-of-factly. “And you are in heat. It was my understanding that the humans currently on our territory would be on birth control…at least until mated.”

  Lazarus folded his arms. “You are right. Alexandra should have been on birth control but there was a misunderstanding.”

  The vampire woman raised her brows, looking at him in a way that told them that she thought that he was full of shit. “If you say so. I can scent that you have rutted.” She sniffed again. How rude. “You’ve rutted often and as recently as a few hours ago.”

  Lazarus nodded. “I would like my female to be examined. Is she pregnant? This was an accident. We need as much information as possible.” He grabbed her hand.

  Alex had to fight not to pull away. Her heart sank at his words. He was talking like he didn’t want this child. If she was even pregnant. Was she ready for kids? No! Things changed though. They had damn well changed now and if any of them expected her to abort they would be mistaken.

  “Do you want me to lie down?” Alex asked while pointing at a bed in the far corner. “Do you need to examine me?”

  The woman, Eleanor, smiled. “No, there would be nothing to see.”

  “There must be some sort of test or something.” How the hell was she supposed to wait?

  Eleanor shook her head. “You are definitely in heat, of that there is no doubt. There is a very good chance that you will become pregnant. Most females conceive if rutted by a vampire so close to their heat. Our males have potent seed.”

  “Oh.” Breathe, Alex. Breathe.

  “It is why we sterilize females that are unable to birth young. The incidences of accidental pregnancies are high otherwise.” The woman looked pointedly at Alex.

  “I thought that vampires could smell really well, that they know when a woman is…in heat.” She could feel the panic rise up in her.

  “It’s not fool proof…obviously not. That is why we prefer for such females to be sterilized. There are accidents though and therefore from time to time, abortions have to be performed.” Eleanor remained perfectly professional.

  “Wait a minute. You had better not be saying what I think you are.” Alex couldn’t help it, she clutched her hand to her stomach. “There is no way in hell that I’m aborting this child. You can forget it right now.” She turned her gaze to Lazarus. “I know you are the father and that you have a say but it’s not going to happen. Get that thought out of your head right now.” She pointed a finger at him. Then she turned back to Eleanor. “I know that you can get pills to take the morning after and all that. Yeah well…not going to happen. This wasn’t planned. I’m not exactly ready to be a mother but I’m not murdering my child. Forget it!” She growled the last.

  “Thank fuck!” Lazarus picked her up. As in, completely off the floor and wrapped her in his arms. “I was so worried that you didn’t want this child. I’m so glad that you just said all of that. I feel the same way. No one will try and murder this child. I will not allow it.” His voice was deep and gravelly.

  She hugged him back, feeling enormous relief. “Okay…good to know. We’re on the same page then.”

  “Yes we are.” He looked deep into her eyes. Shit, she could almost see the love reflected in their depths. Love…no way. It was too soon for that. “We are experiencing a moment, Alexandra. We are sharing one right fucking now.”

  She nodded. “Yes we are.”

  They both met in the middle. A tender kiss that took her breath away.

  The vampire woman, Eleanor, cleared her throat. “Do you by any chance have any questions? Anything you would like to know?”

  “Yes.” They both replied in unison as soon as they parted. Lazarus put her back down and she turned to face the woman.

  “Urm…how long before we find out whether or not I really am pregnant? Are we talking days…weeks?” She asked.

  Eleanor smiled. “A couple of days. Normally around four or five…sometimes even six.” Her smile widened. “I doubt it would be much sooner.”

  “Okay…well that’s good. Is there a test I can take? I know I’ll get nauseas or something…tender boobs.” She grabbed the twins and Lazarus growled.

  “Don’t do that.” His voice was really low. “Your scent is killing me. I have base instincts that are riding me hard.”

  “About that…I know that you will still want to rut with your female.” Eleanor turned her gaze on Lazarus.

  Lazarus made a grunting sound of confirmation.

  “Use human covers for the next few days, for just in case you’re not pregnant. Unless of course you want to become pregnant, then I would recommend lots of unprotected sex.”

  Her eyes locked with Lazarus’. “I have made peace with the fact that I may be pregnant but if I’m not then I think we should wait so”—she inhaled deeply—“we’ll use condoms until we know for sure.”

  Lazarus nodded, his jaw tensed. He didn’t look happy with the idea but if he was against it, he didn’t say. There was a small part of her that wanted to say…to hell with it…and dive in with both arms stretched, but that was foolishness.

  “About the pregnancy symptoms…the test?” Alex asked while looking from Eleanor to Lazarus and back again. She noticed that they exchanged a look. What? The?

  Eleanor nodded. “You will start to crave blood. You’ll also—”

  “Say what?” Alex blurted.

  Eleanor put her hand up. “You will also grow tiny fangs…much smaller than actual vampire fangs but they will be there.”

  Alex felt her mouth fall open in an all-out gape. “No way.”

  Eleanor nodded again. “You will crave blood…your body will need it. You’ll take on some of the vampire traits and will become stronger. Your senses will improve…at least we think so.”

  “What do you mean, you think so?” Alex could hear the panic in her voice.

  “To date, only our queens have carried vampire young. We are not one hundred percent certain that the same will apply for general human females that are not mated to royalty.”

  “It will be fine. The shifters have had no problem with their cross-matings.” Lazarus sounded pissed. “Do not scare my female.”

>   Eleanor looked from Lazarus to Alex. She smiled reassuringly. “I am sure that you will be fine. The pregnancy will last ten months. You are small to carry a vampire child, especially one from a male like Lazarus.”

  “Stop,” Lazarus snarled. “My female is strong. She will be fine.”

  “Let’s first wait and see. I might not even be pregnant.” Alex’s voice hitched.

  “That is a good idea.” Lazarus put his arm around her. “Our queen is also very small yet she was highly successful at carrying and birthing the royal heir.”

  “Oh my word.” Alex gushed. “We have to include the royal heir in my story. Everybody loves babies.”

  Lazarus shook his head. “Let’s think of one thing at a time. Do not bombard the kings. They are highly protective of their queen and heir. It is doubtful that they would allow such a thing.” Lazarus took in a deep breath. He chuckled. “Who would have thought? Me. Of all the males. I might be a father.” He shook his head and grinned. “Come. We have a ton to discuss.”

  “Yeah we do.” She smiled up at him. Alex had never been more afraid in her whole life yet somehow she knew that as long as Lazarus was at her side, that she would be okay.

  “Please come and see me if you are concerned about anything or if you have any questions. My door is open.” Eleanor was smiling. “I am glad to see that this is going to work out despite the circumstances.” She raised her brows. “Let me know the moment you crave blood.” Her eyes sparkled. “First drink from your male and then come to me. We will need to monitor this pregnancy closely.”

  The vampire woman spoke as if it was a given that she was pregnant. Holy shit. Was this really happening?

  “We will come straight away.” Lazarus turned back to her. “Let’s go for a walk in the gardens. We can’t go back to my suite right away.”

  “I would really like to shower and change. Can we pop back in and then go for a walk?”

  Lazarus made a strange growling noise.

  “He wants to rut you, human. Your scent will be driving him a little crazy right now.” Eleanor’s eyes sparkled with amusement.


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