Alexander & Rebecca (Royals of Valleria #1)

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Alexander & Rebecca (Royals of Valleria #1) Page 8

by Knightly, Marianne

  He felt mildly uncomfortable in his rooms tonight, knowing that someone had watched him. His eyes flitted toward various corners of the apartment as he walked around, feeling safe now that Marcello had removed all of them.

  He drank slowly as he wound his way to the office first, checking the messages on his phone as he did so. He’d turned it off while he had been with Rebecca, and saw several messages from Marcello and Tavin, as well as his parents and Cat. After a quick check of the time, he knew his parents would have eaten already, as would have the rest of the family, but his father would be waiting to speak with him. They spoke every night before bed, if they hadn’t spoken in the office earlier in the day.

  Alex loosened his tie as he walked into the bedroom and then flung it off, tossing it onto a nearby chair. He finished off his drink and set the glass aside as he undressed, leaving his clothes in an uncharacteristic pile on the chair. He was too wound up to bother with properly hanging his very expensive suit tonight. His eyes flitted again to a corner where a camera once lay hidden.

  He walked into the bathroom naked and semi-erect; that was Rebecca’s doing. Her skin had been so soft yet strong muscles had lain underneath. He could still smell her soft lavender scent and almost groaned. And her taste, by God, her taste was just as arousing, as was the way she reacted to every little thing he had done to her. If only they’d had more time together.

  Tonight had been eight months in the making, he thought as he stepped into the spacious shower. A chance moment he had seized upon. However, there was no way he was waiting another eight months to hold her in his arms, to kiss her, and even just speak to her.

  It had felt so liberating to finally talk to her as he had that night. He had never been so open and honest with a woman before. He had never been able to trust another woman before Rebecca, he realized.

  Alex thought of the other women he’d been with as cold water shuddered around his body. Sex had been one thing, and some of the women he’d been with had wasted little time in telling the whole world they’d spent the night together.

  He hadn’t minded, though. A few stories like that only made him more virile in the public’s eye, and that it wasn’t a constant story also allowed the public to believe in him as a steady leader. He wasn’t seen with a new woman on his arm every week, like some of his brothers, and that was accepted, encouraged. A future king must be discreet.

  Deciding against release at his own hands, tempting though it was if he imagined Rebecca’s hands there in place of his own, he waited until the cold water calmed his body enough before stepping out. He grabbed a pair of boxers from a dresser nearby and was drying his hair when he walked back into his bedroom.

  “Jesus, put some clothes on,” Marcello said.

  Alex turned and saw him seated in a corner in a plush chair. Alex swore, then threw the towel at him. “What the hell do you want?”

  Marcello easily caught the towel before it hit him and threw it back at Alex in one swift move. “What the hell do you think? You can’t drop a bombshell telling me you’re in love and not elaborate. Where have you been? I’ve been calling for hours.”

  “I had something to take care of.”

  “Something or someone?”

  “Mind your own business.”

  “This is my business. This is, in fact, the country’s business.”

  Alex swore under his breath. “Don’t you think I know that?”

  “Does Papa know?”

  Alex shook his head. “You’re the first person I told.”

  “Who is she?”

  Alex shook his head again as he threw the towel on top of his crushed suit in the chair. “I’m not going to tell you.”

  “I could find out, you know.”

  Alex gave him a long look. Marcello was very adept at gaining intelligence, and Alex had no doubt he could find out. Now that Alex had conspired some time alone with her, anyone could find out, if they put their mind to it. “I know you could, Marcello, but I hope you’ll have enough faith in me to wait until I tell you.”

  Now Marcello swore. “Box me in, why don’t you? What’s the matter? Doesn’t she like you?”

  Alex remained silent and Marcello’s eyebrows shot up. “Seriously? I was just joking.”

  “It’s not that she doesn’t like me,” Alex said as he crossed to his closet to grab some clothes. “It’s a lot to ask a woman, and our relationship is still new.”

  “I thought you said you loved her,” Marcello said as he leaned against the door jamb while Alex dressed.

  “I am. I told you that I’ve been in love with her for a while, and that’s true,” Alex said as he pulled on a pair of jeans, his back to Marcello. “I haven’t told her, though, as we’re not in that place yet, but I hope to tell her soon.”

  “There’s something else,” Marcello said as Alex pulled a shirt over his head.

  Alex took his time adjusting his shirt before saying, “She’s a commoner.”

  Marcello rubbed a hand over his face. “No wonder you’ve kept your mouth shut.” After a pause, he added, “You know none of us care about that. If she’s who you want, who you need, and who Valleria needs, that’s all that’s important.”

  “Papa may not see it that way. I’m not sure about Mama.”

  “Mama was a commoner.”

  “She was an upper-class commoner. There’s a difference.”

  Marcello walked over to Alex and placed a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll figure it out. If it’s right, we’ll figure it out.”

  Alex nodded. Since he couldn’t fathom a life without Rebecca beside him, he hoped Marcello was right.

  “This is a terrible thing to mention right now, but I don’t see a way out of it,” Marcello said.

  “What?” Alex asked wearily.

  “Cat’s in the family room with the parents. They’re all waiting to see you before you head to sleep.”

  “I figured as much.”

  “You told Papa about your lady love yet?”

  Alex shook his head. “I thought it might be best to wait a little longer, until things progressed further between us.”

  “Tell him tonight,” Marcello advised. “Tell him about the threat, too.”

  “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea. We’ve a number of other things to go over, and he’ll keep me up half the night lecturing me if I tell him security in my apartments was breached, and that I’m in love with a commoner.”

  “He’ll lecture you anyway. Might as well get it over with, is my advice.”

  Alex rubbed a hand through his still wet hair and sighed. “You may be right. I’ll put some feelers out once I see what kind of mood he’s in, and I’ll let you know what happens. He’ll want you in the room if we discuss the security, so stick close tonight.”

  Marcello nodded. “Will do.”

  They both headed through a secret corridor to the family room, where their parents and Alex’s twin sat relaxed on the plush couches. Here was a side to the family few ever saw, and that the public never did: the royal family in repose.

  They were dressed in casual clothes and watching a movie on a very large television, a way of winding down after a long day. Cat was curled up on the couch next to his mother, while his father sat in his separate chair where he could read through a stack of reports and watch when it suited him.

  Their parents only ever watched movies when Cat talked them into it; she’d had them wrapped around her finger since the day she was born unexpectedly. Where Alex had received a relieved sigh upon his birth, relief that the heir apparent had been born, Cat had received surprise and joy.

  “Alex, darling,” his mother, Genevieve, said. “Wherever have you been?”

  “Just taking care of some business, Mama,” he said as he walked over and kissed her cheek as Marcello took a seat besides Cat.

  “Something we need to discuss?” his father, Gabriel, asked.

  “When you have a moment,” Alex said as he took a seat as well.

t’s go now,” Gabriel said as he put down the report he’d been reading and stood. “Catharine’s chosen the most dreadful movie for us to watch.”

  “Not true,” Cat said. “It’s an independent movie, but it’s getting a lot of buzz at the festivals.”

  “It’s dreadful, darling,” Genevieve said as she patted her daughter’s hand. “Just accept it.”

  “I’ve only seen a few moments of it and I agree,” Marcello piped up. Cat playfully elbowed him in the ribs, and Marcello feigned an injury.

  “None of you have any taste.”

  “On the contrary, my dear,” Gabriel said as he walked around the room, Alex following dutifully behind. “We have excellent taste. Myself, had it not been for my excellent taste, none of you would even be here,” he said as he gave his wife a kiss and a lingering look, both of them with soft, knowing smiles for each. A few moments later, Gabriel kissed Cat’s head on his way to the office.

  When Alex and Gabriel entered the secure office a few moments later and shut the door, familial pleasantry had been replaced by focused business. Gabriel took a seat behind his desk while Alex took a seat in front of it, and they both discussed the current challenges of reigning. The conversation covered the stock markets, the upcoming harvests, education issues that lingered for the new academic year, and more. As today had been the end of the national holidays, tomorrow would be full steam ahead.

  Not that either of them had enjoyed a holiday.

  Alex briefed Gabriel on the security situation next, and watched as his father’s face went tight with contained fury, and his hands fisted unconsciously. Out of the public eye, his father could show emotions he held under strict control in usual circumstances.

  “In our home? This happened in our home?” Gabriel asked as he stood and began to pace. “What does Marcello have to say? Bring him in here.”

  “I can, of course, call him in but he’s briefed me,” Alex said from where he remained seated and outlined what Marcello had told him. “It was only my apartment; everyone else was clear.”

  “I want every room swept every day, twice a day. This is completely unacceptable.”

  “I agree.”

  “You’ll have increased security from here on out.”

  Increased security, while not entirely unexpected, would put a hamper on his plans with Rebecca. “I don’t believe that’s the best course of action right now, not until we know more.”

  “You’re receiving death threats. It is the best course of action.”

  “It’s unnecessary. I’ve received other death threats before. I won’t live in a cage now just because I’m going to be king one day.”

  “Damn it, you think I care about you as the future king right now? I care about my son,” he said as he walked around and put a hand on Alex’s cheek. All the fight left Alex as emotion and love swept through him. Alex put his hand over his father’s.

  “I’ll be all right. Marcello and my protection detail wouldn’t let anything happen to me.”

  Gabriel sighed before kissing Alex’s forehead and returning to his chair behind the desk. “They’d better not let anything happen to you, or else they’ll hear from me.”

  Alex knew that was no idle threat. “We’ll need to tell the family.”

  “Yes, we will. I’ll tell your mother tonight. You may as well tell Catharine. Everyone else can find out at dinner in a few nights.”

  Alex winced. “Who needs more security when you’ve got a worried mother and twin sister fussing after you?”

  Gabriel smiled. “Indeed. Well, anything else we need to discuss tonight?”

  Alex shifted slightly in his chair. He wasn’t sure how to start this conversation. “Yes, there is. I need to tell you something, but I can’t tell you all of it and I need you to keep an open mind.”

  Gabriel had spent years learning to read people, their faces, and their little movements that told of their true intentions. He had also spent a lot of time over the years watching his beautiful son grow into the forbidding man he was today. As a father, he could never be prouder of his son. As a current king to the future one, he knew he would have no qualms handing over the reins to the man across from him.

  Now, however, Gabriel watched as his son shifted uncomfortably in his chair and knew the news coming was personal, not professional. “I’ll keep an open mind.”

  Alex knew the best way to say it was quickly and let the chips fall where they may. “I’m in love,” Alex said and released a deep breath.

  Pleasure alighted Gabriel’s face as he sat up in his chair. He’d been hoping and dreaming for this moment. Not because Valleria needed an heir, though it did, but because he wanted to see his son settled and happy, as he was with Genevieve. “Truly? Well, this is a cause for celebration.”

  Alex shook his head. “Not a cause for celebration yet.”

  “Oh? Why not?”

  Alex stood and began pacing around the room. Gabriel watched his son, a man in love but not a happy one. It reminded Gabriel of his own courtship, all those years ago, and he couldn’t help but smile a little.

  “I haven’t told her yet.”

  “She does care for you, does she not?”

  “She might. She hasn’t admitted that yet, either.”

  “You’re sure you’re in love with her?”

  “Oh, yes,” Alex said fervently and Gabriel knew he spoke the truth.

  “Who is she?”

  Alex stopped pacing and faced his father. “You may not like it when I tell you.”

  A hundred possibilities flew through Gabriel’s mind as he considered. “Tell me anyway. I said I’d keep an open mind, and I will. To a point,” he added.

  Alex nodded. “She’s a commoner.”

  “So is your mother.”

  Alex shook his head. “Mother was still upper class when you married her.”

  “I take it the girl’s family is not?”

  Alex shook his head. “They’re good people, though. Honest, hard-working. You respect her father very much.”

  The possibilities running through Gabriel’s mind shifted as he considered anew. With furrowed brows he narrowed the potential list down to ten, then five, then considered his son as one name stood logically above the rest. “Rebecca?”

  Alex nodded, his own brows furrowed in worry at what his father may think.

  “Rebecca?” Gabriel repeated.

  “You disapprove?” Alex asked his greatest fear.

  “No, I-I just need a moment,” Gabriel said as he shifted in his seat. “It’s unexpected. Her father is an excellent man.”

  “He is. So is she.”

  “There was a video of the two of you circling today.”

  Alex sighed with exasperation. “She tripped and I caught her. She didn’t reveal state secrets.”

  “It’s embarrassing, in any case, if she’s fired for it. Do you think the country would accept a less than graceful future queen? They expect more from their royal family.”

  Alex ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “Well, she’s what I expect as my wife, so they’ll just have to accept it. And she won’t be fired; I’ll make sure of it.” When he saw Gabriel’s broad smile, Alex asked, “What are you smiling about?”

  “Just wanted to make sure you really loved her, and you wouldn’t have defended her so fervently if you didn’t. Infatuation can easily be confused with love, especially the first time.”

  “Oh,” Alex said, taken aback. His father had been testing him. “Does that mean you approve of her?”

  “She seems a very sweet girl, but she’ll need a thick skin if she’s going to be royalty. The truth is that I don’t really know her very well, none of us do, save for Catharine.”

  “I know, and it’s still early for us. I don’t want her to meet the family as a future anything until I’m sure of how she feels.”

  “How long have you been in love with her?”

  “A long time, though I’ve cared for her much longer than that. Do you think
Mama will accept her?”

  “She will,” he said simply. “If for no other reason than the light in your eyes when you speak about her. It may take some time, but a shared love between you will go farther than her status in society ever could. Despite what the public may say, they want a future king and queen in love. They like the fairy tale.”

  Alex took a deep breath as some worries drifted away. Why hadn’t he come to his father sooner? “I only told her that I care for her recently. She wasn’t aware of how I felt before, and she’s still unsure about us, and the future.”


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