Arsenic Dragon (Dragon Guard of Drakkaris Book 3)

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Arsenic Dragon (Dragon Guard of Drakkaris Book 3) Page 15

by Terry Bolryder

  Everything about her said “dragon,” except her gaze that bespoke pure cruelty and viciousness. The deep wine-purple of her irises darted up at Arsenic, then down to Crios. Immediately, her lips were pulled in a disdainful frown as she appraised the bloodied wolf at her feet.

  “Finally found you, Crios.” Her words were like ice in Farrah’s soul, dominant and commanding.

  It made Crios seem like a pet puppy in comparison.

  “Master. You’ve come to save me!” Crios said hopefully, sitting up and coming to his knees before her.

  “No. I’m here to tie up a loose end. You.”

  “I have so much more to show you. New research, new inventions. Recent discoveries I’ve made…” He cowered before her like a worm.

  “I tire of your failures, wolf,” she said. With shocking strength, she snatched him off the ground, holding Crios as if he weighed nothing.

  “Please, master. I won’t fail you again. Mercy,” he begged, writhing futilely in her grip, his feet dangling off the ground.

  The woman hesitated for a moment, watching him struggle, then reached out her other hand and snapped her fingers. Instantly, bright yellow light filled the room as Crios burst into white-hot flame.

  Farah’s mind could barely comprehend it as he was reduced to ashes in seconds, nothing but a small pile of gray at the woman’s feet.

  Then the woman brushed off her hands and looked at Arsenic, raising an eyebrow as if she’d forgotten he was there.


  “Choose your next move wisely, she-dragon, for I will not make such easy prey,” Arsenic said, squaring his shoulders and standing boldly between her and Farrah. But despite his words, Farrah could see his hands beginning to turn blue, could see his legs trembling as he struggled to simply stand.

  At that, the woman threw her head back and laughed, a staccato, terrifying sound. Then as suddenly as she’d begun, she stopped.

  “I have so many more important things to attend to. A single dragon who’s about to die and his not-a-dragon-heart mate couldn’t possibly be more uninteresting to me at the moment,” she said, sneering. Then with a wave of her hand, she turned toward the purple vortex behind her.

  “But mark my words. Your oracle and her dragon puppets’ days are numbered. Pity you won’t be around to witness it for yourself,” she said over her shoulder, then disappeared as the portal shut behind her, a kitchen wall once more.

  “Come back here and face me, you—” Arsenic said, going after her. But he didn’t even make it two steps before he collapsed forward, plummeting to the ground limply. His sword fell to the side and disappeared into yellow mist.

  “Arsenic!” Farrah said as she rushed to his side. With considerable effort, she was able to roll him onto his back, and his gaze moved to hers lazily.

  “Are you all right?” he asked weakly.

  “Of course I am. That’s not who I’m worried about right now.”

  “I’m… I’m sorry, Farrah. I failed you. I let my guard down,” he said, frowning.

  It seemed to take all his concentration just to speak. He was so pale now.

  “No. No, no, no, there has to be something we can do.”

  He tried to shake his head, but it just lolled to the side. “I’m immune to many poisons, but Crios was right. Not this one.”

  “I know how you feel. Like it’s tearing you apart from the inside out.” Arsenic’s eyes widened slightly at that. “I had wyvern poison injected into me,” she explained.

  He paused, sorrow in his eyes. “For what it’s worth, I would have done anything to keep you from experiencing that or any other pain.”

  “Why is that?” Farrah asked, pleading for more time, for a miracle. Anything that could stop time from grinding forward.

  At that, Arsenic managed a grim smile. “Isn’t it obvious? You’re my mate, Farrah.”

  The words struck Farrah to her core. Suddenly, it all made sense. Why he’d been so possessive, so obsessed with her since the first day they’d been together. Why he’d acted so hurt every time she even considered having her memory erased.

  Her thoughts were interrupted as Arsenic’s eyes rolled back, and he passed out, going limp in her hands.

  No. This can’t be happening.

  “Arsenic? Arsenic!” she pled, shaking him, hoping to bring him back to life. But he remained still, skin cold, eyes closed.

  In desperation, she kissed him, hoping for a response. But his lips were cold, lifeless.

  “You can’t go! Not like this,” she cried as tears of frustration and bottomless sorrow bit at the corners of her eyes. Why had fate allowed her to survive through a living hell, only to offer her happiness and then rip it away from her.

  Her hands clutched his unmoving body, but she bumped a small metal object on the ground. She looked and saw the small dart, its wyvern poison payload enough to obliterate her joy for a hundred lifetimes.

  Wyvern poison.

  Farrah sat up, thoughts suddenly spinning like a top in her head. She’d survived wyvern poison. Perhaps her blood had formed antibodies against it.

  Knowing she didn’t have a second to lose, she leapt to her feet and went to the kitchen, grabbing the first sharp thing her hands could find, a small paring knife Arsenic had left to dry next to the sink.

  As a nurse, she’d administered antivenin a couple times before for things like snakebites, so she knew how it was produced. Maybe her blood would work?

  Tears streaming down her face, she rushed back to Arsenic’s side, cutting a small mark in her palm, the pain of it nothing compared to the soul-rending torment overtaking her. Blood immediately began to stream down her hand, and without waiting, she found a spot on Arsenic’s arm and made a similar cut. She didn’t even hesitate, pressing her hand to him, letting their blood mix, praying it might work.

  Farrah had no idea why she was doing this and whether or not it was a terribly wrong thing to do. But what could it possibly hurt now?

  The seconds passed by like hours as nothing happened. Then, gradually, the bluish-purple color in Arsenic’s veins began to recede as his skin began to regain color. A moment later, she saw a small pulse beating at the base of his neck, followed by weak breaths.

  Relief flooded through Farrah as full-on sobs of happiness cracked her voice.

  And when his eyes began to open, hazy at first, then looking up at her with confusion, she felt relief for the first time in what felt like forever.

  Her mate was going to be okay.

  Arsenic didn’t know what was happening.

  He’d felt weak, adrift, as if he were being pulled out to sea. And then nothing, total blackness. Oblivion.

  And then suddenly, he’d felt his heart beating again. And when he’d awoken, Farrah was there, crying.

  He hated to see her cry.

  “Farrah,” Arsenic said, the feel of his own throat dry and foreign. He reached his arms up to hold her, and even though everything in his body felt it was weighed down by lead, the excruciating pain had mostly subsided.

  Farrah didn’t resist him, embracing him roughly as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “You’re alive,” she said with both relief and disbelief.

  “So I am,” he replied in similar disbelief. “How?”

  “I’ll explain later. For now, you have a lot to explain, mister.”

  “Like what?” The feel of her soft body on top of him was so warm, so comforting. He never wanted to let go.

  “For starters, like doing something so stupid as telling me I’m your mate when you were about to die.”

  Suddenly, Arsenic’s mind flooded with his last words. His admission.

  A few minutes ago, he’d had nothing left to hide.

  And now it was all out in the open.

  “I… I didn’t want you to think I was trying to manipulate you or change your mind.”

  “Huh?” she asked, sitting up slightly. Her eyes were so beautiful he could stare at them forever.

  “I k
new from the start you were afraid of shifters. I didn’t think I had any right to put my feelings out there. I was just trying to protect you.”

  “I don’t care about that. I was stupid for thinking I would ever want to forget about my time with you, about you. You’ve made life so wonderful. I could never want that now,” she responded hoarsely.

  Arsenic lifted a finger to her eyes, pulling away a tear and flicking it away.

  “But what about your past?” he asked.

  “I can’t give up my past if it means giving you up with it. I want to be with you, Arsenic.”

  Her words were hope, the possibility of his wildest, most perfect dreams coming true.

  “Are you sure? You’d have to leave your world if we were together, Farrah.”

  “I didn’t know it, but I was done with my world the instant a handsome, honorable dragon walked into my life,” she said, her smile lighting up the room around him.

  “Who’s that?” Arsenic asked.

  “You, idiot,” she said, prodding him with her finger.

  “Ow, be gentle,” Arsenic said, pulling her in against him. “It’s not going to be easy, you know. Just a heads-up.”

  “Maybe. But it will be worth it,” she said, relaxing against him.

  “Hell yes, it will be,” he replied. “So how did you save me?” His curiosity was buzzing.

  “I shared my blood with you. I survived wyvern poison, so I thought it might work.”

  “That was risky. You could have been hurt.”

  “Oh,” Farrah said, pausing for a moment. “Well, I don’t care. I couldn’t let you go.”

  “Even if you could forget me?”

  “I don’t think there’s any power in the universe that could make me forget now. I love you too much,” she replied.

  He was loved.

  Arsenic had been a lot of things in his life. Despised. Feared. Disgraced. But he didn’t think he’d ever been loved.

  He didn’t even know how to respond.

  “Arsenic?” Farrah’s voice rang out, giving him clarity.


  “You okay?”

  “More than okay,” he said, pulling her in for a kiss. Her lips were so warm, the slight taste of salt on them. He wanted to kiss all her tears away, wanted to give her so much happiness she never had reason to shed another tear for the rest of her life.

  Their kissing was interrupted by a blue glow filling the room, and both of them looked to the side just in time to see a wide blue portal open. A second later, half a dozen dragons spilled out from it, weapons in hand.

  So great was their haste that they stumbled here and there as they filled the room. But they quickly righted themselves, holding their swords ready for battle and realizing the fight was already over.

  “We’re late,” Cadmium said.

  “Yes, you are,” Arsenic replied drily.

  Muttering, they put their swords away. Chromium in particular looked more than a little disappointed.

  “Are these your friends?” Farrah asked as Arsenic sat up and helped Farrah to her feet. He nodded in reply.

  “Guys, this is my mate, Farrah,” he said, introducing her to the rest of the dragon guard. The others nodded, seemingly unsure about the whole thing. Zinc alone came to the front and offered his hand, and Farrah took it. Thankfully, he left out the hand-kissing part.

  “I’m Zinc. A pleasure to meet you,” he said cordially.

  “Likewise,” Farrah replied.

  “Uh, we missed the action, I guess? What happened?” Cadmium said, looking around at the broken furniture and cracked walls.

  “I was nearly killed, and the she-dragon incinerated our attacker. Then she disappeared,” Arsenic said, hoping to gloss over the part where he was caught off guard.

  “You should probably come back and report,” Lead said, crossing his arms.

  “Agreed,” Arsenic said, tightly pulling Farrah into his side.

  The other dragons turned and disappeared into the portal one by one until Arsenic and Farrah were left alone in her home once more.

  “You ready to go back to the shifter world?” Arsenic asked, turning to his mate.

  “I’m ready to go anywhere with you,” she said, looking up at him hopefully.

  “Okay,” he said, moving to her ear so he could whisper. “Then before we go anywhere, you should know that I love you. You’re my mate and I’ll protect you with my life.”

  And before she could reply, he picked Farrah up into his arms and leapt into the portal, headlong into their future together.


  A few days later, Arsenic woke with the sunrise and looked around, still unable to believe what his life had become.

  Farrah was asleep next to him, short, unruly curls sticking up in all directions, looking extra red against the cream-colored sheets.

  After he’d spent a few minutes watching her, she stirred and slowly became awake. “You okay?” she asked, stretching sleepily.

  He curled in around her, pulling her against him. “More than okay.”

  “Good,” she said, putting her hand up to cover a yawn.

  He crawled over her, straddling her with a thigh on either side.

  Her mouth curved in a smile and her blue eyes twinkled. “Hm, in a dragon-y mood this morning?”

  “Always, now that I have you.”

  She wriggled against him. “Lucky for you, I’m always in a dragon-y mood as well.”

  “Is dragon-y code for sex?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. But I do know that when you come sometimes, your pupils change and—”

  He flushed deeply and covered her mouth. “Hush.”

  She licked his palm, and he jerked back, looking offended. “What, you embarrassed?”

  He looked to the side. “No.” The thought of this tiny human teasing him and catching him off guard while lying helpless beneath him was… fun. He leaned down and licked her cheek.

  “Ew,” she said, swiping at it and struggling to crawl out from under him. She giggled as he easily stopped her attempts.

  “You really want me to let you go?”

  She shook her head, then grinned as he grabbed both her hands and pinned them above her.

  “Should I punish you for making fun of your dragon?”

  She laughed and writhed, pretending to struggle as he leaned down and took her mouth in a gentle kiss.

  They were stopped by an abrupt knock on Arsenic’s door.

  “Arsenic? You in there? I have some questions about our project.”

  Arsenic groaned, rolling off his mate and letting his arm flop over his head in disappointment. “Can’t this wait, Cobalt?”

  Cobalt had been excited about the prospect of creating antivenin after he’d heard about the way Farrah had saved Arsenic. Maybe a bit too excited. Arsenic still wasn’t sure how he felt about someone taking anything from his mate.

  Plus, he knew she was still probably afraid of needles.

  “Can we talk about this another time?”

  “I’m ordering some equipment. It would be nice to have a verbal confirmation now.”

  Arsenic looked at Farrah, who was deep in thought. “Cobalt, look, we’re still thinking about it.”

  “What is there to think about? You could help all shifters, turn the tides of war, do real good, and save lives.”

  The only life Arsenic cared about now was Farrah’s. He wouldn’t let anyone force her choice.

  “I’ll do it,” she said with a nod.

  “Really?” he asked. “Because you don’t have to. You’ve been through enough already.”

  “I know,” Farrah said. “But if something good can come from what I went through, then that’s better. Besides, if it keeps your friends safe—or helps you not have to fight because the war ends sooner—then I’m glad to.”

  He gave her a long look, full of all the love and admiration in his heart. “Okay. If you say so.” He looked at the door. “Fine, Cobalt. Farrah says okay, bu
t I’m still going to supervise.”

  “Good,” Cobalt said. “And thanks again.” They heard his footsteps fade down the hallway.

  “And you’re okay with this?” Farrah asked. “You looked really angry about it before.”

  He turned to her, stroking her face. “I do want a world that is safer. Anything that will help me protect my mate.”

  She snuggled against him. “So do I get a reward for being so brave?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”

  She laughed, pulling him to get on top of her again. Then she began unbuttoning his pajamas. “Come on. Let me see those dragon eyes again.”

  He smiled down at her, happier than he’d ever thought he could be in the world.

  She was so beautiful, so perfect, so his.

  He kissed her deeply, running his hands over her shoulders, her waist, her hips. She was wearing a silky little tank top and shorts, and he longed to tear them both off but knew from experience (and being yelled at by Farrah) that it wasn’t a good idea.

  So he carefully lifted her top over her head and then pulled her shorts and panties off of her legs, leaving her bare in front of him.

  He took a moment to take her in, as he always did when she was naked, as if his eyes would never be able to get enough, and then bent to kiss her everywhere

  Her shoulders, her neck, her breasts, her waist—making love to her all the way down to her ankles, then coming up to rest his lips between her thighs.

  He teased his tongue along the top of her mound, letting her writhe in anticipation as he lowered himself, wrapping his hands around her legs to keep them spread.

  He licked gently at first, then eagerly, enjoying her little squeals and shrieks as she thrashed against him, fighting her inevitable release.

  His tongue explored her folds and then swirled on her clit, and then he put his entire mouth against her and kissed deeply, sucking over her nub as she came loudly, falling apart in his arms.

  He loved the sounds of it, cries of pleasure, raspy gasps of his name. The heady scent of sex and spices, the warmth of their rising heat.


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