Fake Fiance_fake engagement romance

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Fake Fiance_fake engagement romance Page 7

by Kerry Leigh

  “Sorry to disappoint you sweetheart. But contrary to what you may believe, I’m honest about what I want from women. Which is not a lot. Except hot, steamy fun. Yet sometimes drinking doesn't agree with me and my mouth loosens and pulls me into some fucked up places and this is the latest situation. No, disaster.”

  “So… naturally my parents didn’t have time for a gaggle of children, so I’m the only inheritor to the family business in time. But it’s not easy he’s a well very straight forward."


  “He’s made it clear - until I settle down, he’ll never acknowledge me as his heir. And he’s probably doing this to light a fire under my ass.

  She merely nodded her head, as if she had seen this sort of situation play out - like this was just any other day to her.

  Damn She’s better than I thought. Ugh god she’s perfect for this.

  I can’t help myself. I love that bright, almost slack jawed face women make when I invite them into seeing a peek of my worldly fortunes. But Jess, God bless her, she was calm in a beautiful way.

  “Then what changed? Why the fraud?" She bit her lower lip and tapped her fingers along the table. "Parents want the best for their kid - so wouldn't they be understanding if you owned up and was honest.”

  I sighed, and took a lazy glance around the room, as if to assure myself we were alone.

  "I had a little too much to drink at a house party and I became drunk. Clearly too drunk if I thought swindling my Dad was the greatest idea since sliced bread. Now this is important. I never contact my Dad unless it's business related or the holidays. But a couple days ago everything changed. I told him I've found the love of my life, the woman I felt destined to marry and return home to Houston to begin the slow takeover of the family business."

  Jess burst in laughter, her body looked like she was having a lot of fun hearing my disastrous origin story. Hell, I might have had a problem if this wasn’t a ridiculous situation I created.

  "You drunk emailed your dad! I’ve never heard that one before."

  "Yeah, I know honey." I spread my hands out on the table. "Trust me I know." I sighed in naked resentment.

  "Did you think he was going to give you everything because of one email?" She squeaked, her roar now a series of giggles.

  "I question whether thinking is my forte." I said, praying Jess was the savior I hoped she could be.

  "Right now, I need to solve the problem. I will make good on my promise and make an honest woman out of you or I’m going to shrivel up and die inside. But that won’t happen, because that’s where you come in."

  “Hmm your parents think you have a fiancée and they’re on route as we speak to meet her. And all this while you’re standing around waiting for a bride to land in your hands.”

  "Don't think of it that way," I said, quietly although I couldn’t stop my lips from curling into a smile.

  Jess cocked her head to the left side and stared at me. "This situation stinks."

  "And yet it’s not the first awful problem I’ve created, but it will be the last. Jess you're my answer." I smiled with renewed resolve. Somehow saying it out loud acted as a second wind for my sails.

  "Only you can help me with this and to be honest I really want you to." I produced the ring box once more but she seemed to hold in her breath at it.

  "What do I get?" Jess asked.

  "Besides the largest diamond ring you’ve seen?"

  "Look, I don’t even know you. Sometimes you’re a gentleman but other times..." She shrugged.

  I quickly put the box in my blazer pocket breast pocket. "All you have to do is ask. I run a huge New York real estate arm. I’m crazy wealthy groomed, charming, handsome. I’ve got all the trappings a young wealthy person should have I can offer you a different experience."

  This discussion was heading into the end stage and I couldn't judge her reactions anymore. I've been wrong before. But I always knew why I was wrong. But this felt fuzzy?

  For a week I'll show a part of New York you’ve never experienced. A week full of luxury and present so many gifts you’ll think all your birthdays and Christmases have come at once. And at the end, whether we succeed or not you get to head back to your life wealthier than you thought you would be and all you have to do is say yes. To being my fiancée for the next weeks."

  I leaned close and gave her a cheesy grin. "Not to mention, won’t it be fun, it’ll be like Ocean’s Eleven. Or Robin Hood."

  Jess looked at me for a couple seconds, searching my face. “This is too much stress, it has to be a six figure pay check," she mumbled.

  But she had a gracefulness that replaced her tired, yet gentle features. I felt electricity lance through my body. She was actually agreeing with the proposal.

  "Listen, you’ll get whatever you want." I said confidently, using the voice I normally use to close deals. "I have the resources, and it’ll loosen a whole lot of needless stress. My dad already thinks I’m borderline average, unworthy and ungrateful. So, I'll deny him the satisfaction of knowing that I drunk emailed him. No one drunk emails their dad. And I will not be the first guy." I made a declaration, not a wish.

  "That will only make him deeply suspicious, he’ll probably think I wanted to trick him out of his money and company."

  "Well, isn’t this what this is all about That is what you were implying."

  I shot my head back and sighed wistfully. "I’m an only child. I know how my father thinks and he isn’t going to leave the family wealth to charity or selling up - it’s his baby. He’s just angling to take control of my life while he’s still breathing. But everything becomes mine when he dies regardless. I have my trust fund and all the investments and saving s that’ll last me a lifetime. I’m not going to rip the things he’s worked for; my forefathers have worked for their entire lives."

  "The worst that could happen is he fires me, someone replaces me and then fires the staff I’ve spent a lot of time training to work around my advantages. I would still see my mom but not when he’s around but no matter what I will inherit everything. So, this isn’t a scheme to get something that is already mine in the future this is to save myself from a lifetime of embarrassment."

  That gave Jess one more thing to think about but I could tell she her gears were grinding - she had a couple things to consider.

  “Okay, but why me. You probably wouldn’t fail in finding a beautiful model or friend to act as your fiancée. I’m sure she would be more believable. Why me?”

  I bit my lip. "I need someone who I can depend on, someone that is believable, there’s no room for suspicions. It would not do to introduce my uptight mother, to a party loving former sorority sister. No, I need someone grounded, someone that can keep her story straight. I need a woman that has all the traits I look for in a woman, she needs to be intelligent, class and calm. A woman worthy of joining the Clayton family and help me continue and improve on my duties. I know we haven’t known each other long but I just feel you have those qualities. You look like a woman that laughs in the face of a high society shindig."

  She licked her lower lip, and a flush crept up her cheeks. "Why don’t you tell me what you really think?"

  I chuckled, "Yes, I thought it was a bit too complimentary as well."

  "You know exactly what I mean."

  I nodded.

  "I do of course but who said we can’t have fun teasing each other. C’mon, sign up for the easiest week of work you’ll ever have in your life, in one week you can solve all your financial curiosities. All the while generously saving me the public shame of proving my father, right?"

  Jess glanced out of the window, into the open street, she drank the rest of her coffee. She didn’t answer me immediately, but she stirred her drink a bit and sighed as if she had already made her decision. I looked at her face, and her beauty struck me hard. I couldn’t help but feel the urge to kiss her. She was a gorgeous woman, a great match, my mother would certainly approve of her.

  She looke
d back at me.

  "I’m undecided. I mean, I finished my shift and then all this has sprung on me I felt like I’m walking on marbles I’m not a wild woman or adventurous, at least not now."

  Her eyes almost looked teary.

  I crossed my arms and tried to relax, sniffing I smelt the croissants and hot chocolate some man was buying for his kids and sighed inwardly. "I understand this is a crazy situation. You have every right to cling onto the sane path."

  Jess smiled at that and the room felt bright again I like your cadence and honesty. "But I need to time to think about this."

  I got out of the seat and stood next to her. "Please, by all means you need time to sort things out." I shot my hand into my breast pocket and pulled out the ring box.

  "Think of this as a down payment toward your new life. And it lets you know I’m all in. I will do everything I can for your help. Because right now, you’re important person in my world. Even if you don't believe it."

  Jess looked like she wanted to curl in embarrassment or something. But she eventually took the box and looked at it as a cat looks at a ball of yawn.

  "My father arrives the day after tomorrow. I understand it’s short notice - but I need an answer before that time. I’ll either go ahead and put the finishing touches on this plan or have time to get drunk once more before I face the music." I said smiling brightly. In situations like this all you could do was smile.

  How do I contact you? Facebook?"

  I gave her a business card from my breast pocket the one with my private number. "Call me and I’ll come to me you."

  Clarice took my card and nodded.

  "Look I can’t tell you right now how I’ll choose this is all so new."

  "I understand buy I hope you say yes."

  She gave me a severe smile.

  "I’ll be in touch soon."

  Jess planted a kiss on my cheek and then walked through the door and out of my life, ring box and hope in tow.



  I walked toward the subway station’s open doors, releasing a deep sigh. A small part of me wanted to turn around and look at Logan’s body, maybe see him watching my back with longing etched on his face. Like an old lover watching the woman of his dreams get on a flight for the last time.

  It was something straight out of a movie. But this was my life if I accepted it. Although I didn’t want to give Logan any unexpected hope by looking back at him My mind was kind of blank, I didn’t know What I would do.

  The train stopped and I got out of the subway and made my way back home. As I opened the white, flaking front door Kaitlin’s door was open and she looked at me enter.

  "You’re later than usual,” she said with a mouthful of food in her mouth, and a bowl of pasta in her hands.

  “Oh, I had to work a double shift at Sharon’s.”

  With all the heaviness in my body, I couldn’t help but let out a series of giggles that turned into a roar of laughter.

  "What happened to you?"

  I shook my head. At first, I wanted to keep this a secret from Kaitlin. But, I realized she could keep secrets and this diabolically scheme was too heavy. So, I needed help from my best friend.

  Sitting in our living room, I put the ring box in the middle of the table and slid it toward her. Then placed Logan’s business card on her lap. Slowly, silently, waiting for her reaction.

  Kaitlin stiffened and looked at me then she opened the box and a huge diamond ring that sparkled in the fading sunlight.

  “Um, why do you have an uh, did you get - have you had a secret boyfriend all this time?” Kaitlin said, as if each breath was difficult.

  “Spill it Jess. Don’t keep me hanging.” Kaitlin screeched.

  “You can’t just pull up with a huge diamond ring and just expect us to…”

  My nostrils flared and my mouth curved into a smile. The surprised look on Kaitlin’s face was worth all this trouble. Hell, it was probably worth all the rash decisions I was about to make because of this tomfoolery.

  “God, I hate you when you’re gloating just spill the beans.”

  “I never thought I would have something weird turn up at work.” I nodded toward the ring.

  "What happened at work the coffee machine spit out a diamond ring?"

  "Remember that guy we met at that new club, Heat the charming handsome guy."

  “The guy you should have gone home with.”

  “Anyway, I had forgotten about him and he appeared out of nowhere and gave me with this ring. Saying he wants to marry me.”

  Kaitlin’s jaw hung and she put a hand to her mouth before saying shut your mouth.

  “Hey it’s not my fault, besides it’s not even like that, he’s not crazy.” I flashed a confident grin. “He loves being a diva He needs my help on a crucial journey.”

  “Like what?”

  “He needs a pretend fiancée for his parents’ visit and he’ll pay me and this ring is mine.”

  Kaitlin’s face constricted and slowly relaxed. Yet her worried eyes glowered with apprehension.

  Kaitlin looked at me, and then took a bite of her pasta. “Really this guy needs a pretend wife and he just happens to find you…”

  “Yeah, it’s totally innocent actually,” then my smile turned into a small line when I remembered how he found me in the first place. “He’s just not the marriage material and his parents have expectations so -"

  "He’s tricking them with a con and you’re helping him she said confidently.” Kaitlin cut in.

  I gave a bashful snort.

  “Fuck when you say it like that it sounds stupid.”

  “It is stupid Kaitlin told me this is bush league but you still get to keep the ring anyway.”

  “Gee, how could this possibly backfire.”

  "As long as I play the part perfectly I get paid regardless of success or fail. And besides I’m never going to see his parents again.”

  “It’s not going to end well for him then.” Kaitlin proscribed.

  “Right… and?” I said and got up to get a beer from the fridge.

  “Don’t act a like an ice queen, it doesn’t suit you.” Kaitlin said. You’re not some mean old con artist called back for one last job.

  “What’s this all about?”

  “I already told you,” I said but the pressure from my best friend’s interrogation was suffocating. Realizing that I wasn’t putting on a front for my friend - but strengthening myself.

  “Look, he needed my help, so I think I’m getting on this. There’s nothing that could harm me, right?”

  “It just doesn’t sound like you.” Kaitlin pointed out.

  “Have I been myself lately.” I said in a flat tone.

  “It’s not that strange at all if I don’t have a barometer for normal.”

  “Still it’s pretty far out there.”

  “Look I don’t want you to feel like I’m letting you out on a part of my life. You care about me, I know that. I don’t know why but until I leave for my course I would love to do this and maybe we could go on a holiday, my treat. Logan noticed that I wasn’t exactly elated with my life. The way it’s turned out he wanted to offer me this to help me… so that I could help him with some grand adventure.”

  “Just not the fun most people expect with a rich, handsome man. And even now I’m still undecided.”

  The air was silent. I felt neither warm nor cold, as though I had no sensation in my body, as though time had stopped, trapped in stillness.

  “It’s all a little too much too take in.” Kaitlin finally caved in.

  “Besides you always say I should try something new and none of this would happen if you didn’t convince me into going to that club opening.”

  “Yeah well, I thought it would be a good idea if you got laid I didn’t think you would fall into a fake proposal scheme what happens if you get hurt.”

  I shook my head. “How could I get hurt?”

  “I don’t know silly.” Kaitlin said, “But things
don’t go how we expect, it’s not like you make a living lying.”

  “Hmm you’re not wrong I guess, fair enough I haven’t done this before so I’ll have to be on the lookout for tell signs."

  "Kaitlin It’s been a rough few months.”

  “Last few years…” Kaitlin muttered.

  I ignored that and moved on. "I won’t stop until well I want to do this I want to emerge as someone that lives in high society. I don’t want to be the ugly duckling I know it’s not want you want, but can you trust my decisions and invest your trust in me, should I take him up on the offer."


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