The Dragon's Match: Paranormal Shifter Romance (Hearts on Fire Book 3)

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The Dragon's Match: Paranormal Shifter Romance (Hearts on Fire Book 3) Page 6

by Natalie Kristen

  Vaguely, she could hear Simone and Lester's voices, but they sounded so far away. She closed her eyes and concentrated on this electrifying, new power spreading through her.

  Gena took a deep breath and directed the heat to her palms. Her mind and body instinctively knew how to control and direct her energy.

  It was as if a part of her had finally awakened, and she now had access to that well of immense power that was buried deep inside her.

  Very slowly, she moved her hands down Alex's body, seeing every gash, bite and open wound in her mind's eye. She pushed the comforting warmth into his body, and she concentrated on the vision in her mind. She saw the torn muscles and tendons knitting together, and she willed his shredded skin to close over the wounds. There was no more bleeding, just healing.

  She could feel his pain, and she welcomed the pain. If Alex could feel pain, it meant that his nerves hadn't been damaged. His body was indeed mending and recovering.

  Gena finally opened her eyes and blinked rapidly. She looked at Alex, and let out a wordless cry of relief.

  All his wounds had closed up nicely. Alex was breathing steadily, normally again. There were scars and dried blood on his body, but he was no longer bleeding.

  He wasn’t dying. He was healing.

  “I did it,” Gena whispered. “I really did it.”

  She took a shuddering breath and stared down at her glowing palms. Her hands looked like they were on fire. They were burning, from the inside. There seemed to be a red hot fire burning within her, and she could feel the heat from her glowing palms. Gena stared in fascination at the strange, red glow, seeing the churning, swirling fire under her skin.

  Gena looked up to see Simone and Lester staring at her open-mouthed, their eyes wide with shock and wonder.

  “Mistress Gena...” Lester gasped. “You...”

  “You healed him,” Simone exclaimed. “You healed him—with your hands!”

  Gena shook her head and looked down at her shaking hands. They were no longer glowing, and the heat had dissipated from her palms. She patted her face and body quickly to make sure that she wasn't on fire.

  What just happened?

  “Did you see…?” she whispered, stretching out her hands to Lester and Simone. Did they see that strange fire burning in her palms, dancing just beneath her skin?

  Alex moaned and all eyes turned to him. Alex’s eyelids were twitching and fluttering as he turned his head from side to side. He was trying to wake up.

  She hadn’t imagined it. She had really healed Alex.

  Lester and Simone were still gaping at her. Gena saw only awe and admiration on their faces. They didn’t look frightened or repulsed.

  “You have great power within you, Mistress Gena,” Lester said at last. “You are a great healer.”

  “Healer?” Gena croaked.

  “Yes. You have the gift,” Lester went on reverently. “The healing touch. You must come from a long line of powerful healers, Mistress Gena.”


  Gena shook her head. “B-but...I’m an accountant!” she spluttered.

  She didn't come from a line of powerful healers. She was just Gena Martin, daughter of Robert and Emily Martin.

  Adopted daughter.

  Gena swallowed. Her parents had adopted her as a baby, and they were the most loving, wonderful parents. Her parents had been avid hikers, and they’d told her that they had been out hiking in the woods when they found her. A tiny babe in the woods, all alone and exposed to the elements. Her birth mother had left her to die in the woods, hoping that the wild animals would finish her off.

  But she survived. And she was loved. She was loved dearly by her adopted parents, and she loved them back just as fiercely. They were gone now, and she missed them every single day.

  Robert and Emily Martin were human, and they were her family forever, but...she wasn't their blood. Her...power, this strange fire within her, didn't come from them. She had healed her friend, with her bare hands. She had done something totally incredible.

  For the first time, Gena realized that she might have paranormal blood in her.

  “I...” Gena stuttered. I don't know what I am.

  There was a sound from the bed and they all turned at the same time. Alex was grimacing and grunting as he struggled to sit up.

  “Oh!” Simone cried and hurried to help him. She propped a pillow behind him and asked kindly, “How are you feeling, Alex?”

  Alex stared blankly at her before letting out a gasp. His eyes widened as his memories came back to him in a rush. He remembered the frightening, bewildering events of the last few hours and the horrors he had witnessed.

  “W-who are you?” he stammered, shrinking back. “D-dragon!” He gasped suddenly. “He...Kieron...he’s a dragon! I saw him!” He stared at Simone and stuttered, “You...are you a dragon lady?”

  Simone laughed. “Well, that's what Breene and his brothers call me. But no, I'm not a dragon shifter. I'm human.”

  Alex gulped and searched the room for Gena. Gena went to him quickly and took his trembling hand in hers.

  “Hey,” she smiled. “It’s okay. This is Kieron’s family. He brought us here...”

  “I remember...” Alex swallowed audibly. “Kieron...he became a dragon and he burned the wolves!”

  “Yes. He saved us.” Gena smiled. “This is Simone, and Lester. Simone is the mistress of this castle. She's Kieron's sister-in-law. Her mate, Breene, is a...”

  “Dragon!” Alex yelped, his mind working frantically. “If he's Kieron's brother, then he's a dragon! They're all dragons, big, fierce, scaly...”

  “Fire-breathing, bone-crunching, virgin-snatching dragons,” a tall, handsome man with striking gray eyes deadpanned as he stepped soundlessly into the room. “That's what we are. Dragons!”

  The man growled as he approached the bed and Alex squeaked and ducked under the covers.

  Simone tsked loudly. “Breene! You're scaring him.”

  Breene eyed the quivering shape under the covers and grinned suddenly. Dimples danced in his cheeks and his stern, fierce facade melted away.

  Gena stood up nervously as Breene extended his large hand to her. “Hello Gena, I'm Breene Magnus, Simone's mate and Kieron’s brother. I hope my brother didn't scare you and your friend too badly when he shifted into dragon form and snatched you into the air.”

  Gena shook his hand and smiled. “Kieron saved our lives,” she said. “Alex and I would be charred corpses by now if not for your brother, Mr Magnus.”

  She turned and saw Kieron standing by the door, watching her. His arms were folded across his broad chest, but his blue eyes were burning with heat and hunger as they followed her every movement.

  Alex finally peeked out from under the covers and stared at the small crowd gathered at his bedside. “T-thank you,” he managed to stammer. “Thank you, Mr and Mrs Magnus, for...everything.”

  Simone looped her arm around her mate's waist and smiled. “Just Breene and Simone, please. Oh, are you hungry? Lester, could you please prepare some food for our guests?”

  “Of course, Mistress Simone.” Lester bowed and exited the room.

  Simone and Breene were gazing intently into each other's eyes but Gena sensed that there was a silent conversation taking place between them.

  Breene studied Gena for a long moment. He was no longer smiling and his eyes glowed with a faint silver light.

  Finally, he said, “Who are you really?”


  “I’m Gena Martin. I’m an accountant, Mr Magnus,” Gena managed to answer calmly.

  “You healed your friend. How did you do it?” Breene said, his silver eyes boring into Gena.

  “I don’t know. I...I just knew I had to do something to save him.”

  “Have you never healed someone before?” Breene asked, watching her reaction closely.


  Breene raised his brows, trying to decide if she was lying.

t are all of you talking about?” Alex demanded from the bed. “I don’t understand a word you’re saying!”

  Gena turned to Alex with a half smile. She was glad to hear her friend’s snippy, snarky tone. Alex was back to his old self.

  “Gena healed you,” Simone explained. “Look for yourself. All your injuries are gone.”

  Alex stared down his arms and body, his eyes and mouth rounding. “I...what? What are you saying? Did you really heal me, Gena? What did you do? I don't understand...”

  “I don’t really understand either, Alex,” Gena said honestly. “But yeah. I healed you. I...I just knew that I had it in me. I can’t explain it...”

  “Did you train under a healer?” Breene asked.

  “No. I’m not a healer,” Gena said and winced. “I think.”

  “Clearly you are,” Breene said, waving at Alex. “The man was almost dead when he arrived. Look at him now.”

  Gena took a deep breath and said, “My dad was an accountant, and my mom was a school teacher. I don’t know...”

  Her voice trailed off. Robert and Emily were her real parents as far as she was concerned.

  She looked up into Breene's shrewd, assessing eyes and saw that he knew. He knew that she was adopted. He gave a curt nod.

  Gena gulped. She suddenly wondered how old Breene was. Breene looked like he was in his thirties, with his dark, brown hair, tanned handsome face and tall, powerful build. But those steel gray eyes were penetrating and knowing.

  Breene was a dragon, like Kieron. But she suspected that Breene had been around for a much longer time. His dragon was far older than Kieron’s.

  Kieron stepped up behind her, and Gena exhaled a breath of relief. Without realizing that she was doing it, Gena stepped closer to Kieron. She knew that Breene wouldn't hurt her, but she was wary of him. Truth be told, she wasn’t entirely comfortable in his presence. He seemed to be scrutinizing her, testing her and judging her.

  She felt a lot safer and more comfortable with Kieron. Kieron was a dragon too, but she wasn’t at all intimidated by him. She felt relaxed and safe with him. And she felt strangely protective of him.

  Kieron might be big and strong on the outside, but Gena could see the conflict and torment in his eyes, and she knew that deep inside, he was hurting. She suspected it had something to do with his past.

  Everyone had a past, but not everyone had a pretty, perfect past. She’d had a rough beginning herself. But she had survived.

  So had Kieron.

  They were more alike than they realized. They both looked strong and tough on the outside, but inside they were both confused and lost.

  Kieron had saved her.

  Perhaps, she could save him back.

  Alex’s irritated, impatient voice broke into her thoughts. “Will someone please tell me what's going on?” Alex asked again as he tried to scramble out of bed. “I do remember those wolves tearing into me with their fangs and claws. It's hard to forget something like that. My injuries were real and serious. Yet, here I am, not bleeding and broken, but healed and whole. And you're all saying that Gena healed me. But Gena is not a doctor. She's an accountant!”

  Gena winced and went to push her friend gently back against the pillows. “Don't get up, Alex. Your wounds have just healed., okay?”

  Simone nodded. “Yes. Lester will change the sheets and bring you some fresh clothes so you can wash up. Just rest, eat and recover. You need your strength.”

  “Just tell me what's happening, Gena,” Alex implored. “Don’t hide anything from me. I...I may not deserve your trust, but please, please tell me the truth, Gena!”


  “Oh Alex!” Gena held her friend’s shoulders firmly. “Why would you say that? Of course you have my trust...”

  Alex hung his head. “I’m not a good person. I killed Joe, and I got you in trouble. I don’t deserve...”

  “Stop! Stop it right now!” Gena gave him a hard shake. “The Lightning wolves did all that, not you. You didn’t hurt anybody.”

  Alex nodded wretchedly.

  Gena sighed and said, “Okay. The truth is, I did heal you, but I don't know how I did it. The power just came to me. When I needed it.”

  “Are you a witch, Gena?” Alex asked softly.

  “No.” She chewed her lip and amended, “I don't know. I don't know who my birth parents are.”

  Alex patted her hand. “That's okay. I just thought that it would be cool if you were. You can put a curse or a hex on that nasty pack of wolves.”

  “Alex!” Gena gasped.

  “Just joking.” Her friend flashed her a smile. The smile was so quick she might have missed it if she’d blinked. “Not,” he added under his breath.

  Lester came back into the room with fresh sheets under one arm and a covered silver tray in his hand. He placed the tray on the table and opened the lid.

  Alex stared at the steaming bowl of creamy soup for a long moment. “Mushroom soup,” he whispered. “Joe's favorite.” Abruptly, Alex turned away and everyone pretended not to notice him wiping his eyes with the corner of the pillow.

  “There’s food in the kitchen, Mistress Gena,” Lester said softly.

  “Thank you, Lester, but I’m not hungry,” Gena said. “I’m just tired.” She looked around the room and said, “I'll make myself comfortable on the couch over there...”

  “Couch?” Breene rolled his eyes. “Please, I have so many empty guest rooms. Lester, can you show Gena to a...”

  “I'll take her,” Kieron said, stepping forward.

  Simone and Breene raised their brows at him and smirked.

  Kieron cleared his throat and said, “I mean, I'll take her to a guest room.”

  Simone hid a small, knowing smile. “Of course.”

  “Well, you've met everyone in the castle,” Breene said to Alex and Gena. “Except my youngest brother, Lachlan. He's resting now, but you'll probably see him in the morning. And yes, he's a dragon, a man-eating, fire-spewing, terrifying beast of...”

  “Breene!” Simone glared at her mate. “Stop it.”

  Breene looked unapologetic. He huffed and blew out a puff of smoke from his mouth. Alex's eyes widened to the size of saucers but there was only amazement, not fear, on his face. “I can't believe this,” Alex breathed. “I half-thought I was hallucinating. But you guys really are dragons! And you're so nice!”

  “Nice?” Breene growled and his eyes flashed silver.

  This time, both Gena and Alex laughed. They could see that Breene was just teasing them.

  Gena could tell that Breene still had questions for her, but Simone had narrowed her eyes at him. Even though she couldn’t hear their mental conversation, Gena could guess that Simone was telling her mate to back off and stop interrogating their guests. And Breene seemed satisfied that whatever she was, Gena didn’t pose a threat to his family. After all, she had healed, not hurt, someone.

  Gena went to give Alex a hug and whispered, “Rest well. I'll see you in the morning.”

  Alex hugged her back. “Thank you, Gena. You saved me.”

  “You saved me,” Gena shot back. “You shielded me from the wolves.”

  Kieron ushered her out of the room and Breene and Simone stepped out behind them.

  “Kieron, come by my room later. I have some clothes that I think will fit Gena just fine. They're all brand new but I can't wear them anymore.” Simone patted her swollen belly and mock grumbled, “I'm becoming the size of a house!”

  “And you've never looked more beautiful,” Breene beamed.

  Gena smiled at the happy, loving couple. It was clear that they adored each other. “Thank you,” she said earnestly. “You've done so much for us. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”

  “Well, Kieron wants you so...” Breene began with a shrug.

  Simone elbowed her mate sharply and interjected, “What he means to say is, you're most welcome.”

  “That's what I said!” Breene threw up his

  “That’s not what you said,” Simone snapped as she steered her mate away. “There's a big difference...”

  Gena watched Breene and Simone disappear round the corner. She could still hear their animated voices and Simone’s laughter echoed down the corridor. Breene was probably teasing or tickling her.

  Kieron put his hand on the small of her back and said, “This way. My room is in the other tower.”

  “Your room?” Gena sucked in a breath. Was that where she would be spending the night? In his room? In his bed?

  God, was she sleeping with him tonight?

  “Come on,” Kieron said and started walking.

  Gena stared at his departing back and stuttered, “Why are we going to your room?”

  Kieron deliberately walked down the corridor without replying.


  Gena looked up at the sparkling chandeliers as she followed Kieron down the maze of corridors. She stepped lightly on the thick, plush carpet and admired the beautiful paintings and gilded mirrors that adorned the walls.

  “I've never been in a castle before,” she breathed. “Well, I visited an old castle as a child, but it was nothing like this. It was empty, cold and drafty, with narrow windows and stairwells. There were echoes everywhere. It gave me the creeps.”

  Kieron turned to her with a lopsided smile. “Does this castle give you the creeps?”

  “No,” Gena answered at once. “Not at all. This...this doesn't really feel like a castle. I mean, it is a castle, but it's really cozy and modern inside. It's more like a very luxurious, lavish home.” She gave a short laugh. “What am I saying? This is your home. You have a beautiful home, and a beautiful family.”

  Kieron nodded. “Breene, Simone and Lester...they're the most amazing people. My younger brother, Lachlan and I were under the control of an evil sorceress for years. I failed to protect my brother, and he suffered the most horrific abuse and torture. I couldn’t save him. I wasn’t strong enough.” He paused and went on softly, “Lachlan would have died if Breene, Simone and Lester hadn’t rescued us. They freed us and gave us a home. I'll never be able to repay them...”


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