Redemption: Lily's Surrender

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Redemption: Lily's Surrender Page 14

by Liz Andrews


  “Yeah.” Marc stroked her hair as he talked. His soft voice was lulling her. “He was always working. Double shifts, swing shifts, it didn’t matter. If there was money to be made, my dad was there. And when he wasn’t at work he was at the bar. My parents married so young, and got nowhere. Even if we weren’t run out of town, I would have left. That wasn’t the life I wanted for myself.”

  “And yet, you’re here, back in the same town you vowed to get out of as child.”

  “Yes, but it’s under different circumstances.”

  “Not really.”

  Marc looked down into her face and smiled. “Oh, yes, it is definitely different circumstances. I’m not slogging away in a factory while the fat cat collects all the money.”

  “You’re the fat cat?” Lily was imagining him as the Cheshire cat in the Alice in Wonderland movie. Nope, it just didn’t work for her.

  Marc laughed. “No, not the fat cat exactly. I don’t treat my employees like crap.”

  Sobering for a moment Lily wondered if she dared tell Marc her thoughts. “I’m worried about you, Marc.”

  “Hey, now, where did this come from?” Marc took her hands in his and brought them to his lips.

  “I used to love my dad and I saw him destroy himself. He was always blaming the other guy for everything.”

  “Okay, baby, you lost me.”

  “Don’t let your hatred and vengeance destroy you, Marc. I wouldn’t be able to stand it.”

  “Baby, you don’t need to worry. We’ll find the moron who tried to shoot me and this will be a faint memory.”

  Lily didn’t know if Marc was deliberately being obtuse or if he really didn’t see the difference between him being shot and how his vengeance would affect his overall being.

  Yes, she was afraid for him physically. But she was also afraid Marc would become obsessed with his revenge, so much so that it would swallow him whole, and he would become a shell of his former self. She didn’t want him to go the Anakin route.

  Looking into the fireplace, Lily allowed Marc to continue to soothe her. It made them both feel better, but Lily couldn’t tamp down those thoughts that told her this was not over, not by a long shot.

  Redemption: Lily’s Surrender

  Chapter Sixteen

  Marc rested at his desk after the conference call with his offices in Columbus. His first day back at work and a fucking conference call left him tired. He was actually looking forward to getting home tonight. Of course home meant Lily. She’d been staying with him since the shooting and Marc had decided he wasn’t going to let her leave. Yep, that was it, he was kidnapping her and keeping her hostage in his house, and he was damned pleased about his decision.

  Marc sighed as the phone rang. He was really enjoying his train of thought. “Yeah.”

  “Great customer service you have there,” Griffin teased.

  “So do you have anything for me?” Spinning his chair around so he could look out the window over the town square, Marc leaned back, waiting for the excuses he was sure were coming.

  “We haven’t been able to nail down any more on our original leads, but we have some ideas.”

  “Ideas?” Marc was not worried so much about himself as he was about Lily. He knew she didn’t like the restrictions he was forcing on her and he didn’t want to do it. But he knew the best way to hurt him was to hurt those he loved. “Griffin, I am getting sick of this. When are you guys going to come up with something substantial? What about my idea of drawing them out?”

  “I don’t know, Marc, I think it’s too dangerous.”

  “Damn it, Griffin, you and that PI you hired have got nothing and it’s been weeks. We need to be proactive and draw him out so I don’t have to keep looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.”

  “I’m just worried, Marc. There are so many variables if we go about it that way. We would have to watch all of the possibles, and it would be impossible to completely protect you.” Marc could hear the worry in Griffin’s voice. He knew how much the shooting had affected Griffin, especially considering security was his job. Griffin felt like he’d let Marc down, despite Marc’s constant reassurance that it wasn’t the case.

  “Griffin, no more discussion. We’re going to do this. Now let’s talk logistics.”

  Marc heard Griffin sigh and knew that although he wasn’t happy about it he was going to do whatever Marc wanted. “Well, we know the triumvirate wanted to buy you out of the plant. We could push up the grand opening there.”

  “Good, the grand opening is a great idea. Lots of news crews again and the whole Grossman Corp. image machine can do their stuff. Get the word out and make sure all the interested parties hear about it.”

  “Is it too late to say that I think this idea is stupidity in its highest form? I mean if you’re in a hurry to die, why not just paint a bull’s eye on your forehead and march down Main Street?”

  Irritated, Marc frowned. “Look, I don’t relish the idea of being anyone’s target boy. But until you and Detective Clouseau figure out who’s behind all of this, Lily is in danger, and I won’t have it, Griffin.”

  “There is an easier way, you know, Marc.”

  “If the situation was reversed, could you forgive and forget so easily, Griff? If it was your family hurt, would you pass the peace pipe?”

  “My family was hurt.” Griffin’s words humbled him. “I don’t want to bury you, Marc.”

  Sighing, Marc closed his eyes. When had his cold-hearted mentor become so damn feminine? “Griff, I’m not going to die. You’re beginning to sound like Lily.”

  “Maybe you should listen to her.”

  “If this goes right, I won’t have to listen to either one of you. I want the plant ready to open in a week’s time. I won’t live my life under a microscope any longer.”

  “Fine,” Griffin growled. “But if you get killed I’m going to go work for Elliot Sobe.”

  “That hurts, man. That really hurts.” Marc laughed, amused that Griffin would threaten to work for his biggest competitor. “His health plan sucks, you know.”

  “I know, but there’s less gunfire there.”

  “Touché.” Sitting up, Marc stretched a bit, trying to relieve some of the tension in his shoulder. “So let’s mark our date. Operation Marc as Bait to commence in one week’s time.”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “It is. I’ll talk to you later.” Finally, things were going his way. Griffin would have the bastard hogtied before he knew what happened to him. Smiling, Marc turned around to hang up the phone and jumped when he saw Lily standing in front of his desk with a picnic basket and a frown. “Hey, Goldie. How long have you been standing there?”

  Setting her basket down slowly on the desk, Lily responded. “Since right around the time you were chastising Griffin for sounding too much like me.”

  Ouch. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way.”

  “Really?” Arms crossed at her chest, Lily seemed less than amused. “What exactly is Operation Marc as Bait?”

  Sighing, Marc stood up. “I don’t suppose you’d buy it if I told you I said Operation Masturbate.”

  “You’d suppose right. Tell me I’m wrong, Marc. Tell me you’re not going to do what I think you are.”

  Evading her question for a little while longer Marc tried to change the subject to food. Walking around the desk he tried to poke into the picnic basket. “So is this another welcome wagon present — you know, like welcome back to work?”

  “I am not a child, Marc, and you can’t just change the subject and expect me to go along with it. Answer me, damn it.”

  Sighing, Marc ran his fingers through his hair. He’d hoped — no prayed that he could pull this off without Lily ever knowing anything about it. God still wasn’t answering his prayers. “Yes, it probably is what you are thinking.”

  “Are you crazy?” Lily was practically screeching. “This is the stupidest, most idiotic idea I have ever heard. Why don
’t you just walk down the middle of the street and ask someone to shoot you?”

  Marc shook his head. She and Griffin must have gone to the same snappy slogan store.

  “Lily, it’s not like that. I am already in danger. This will just be in a more controlled environment. Griffin and Ron can be prepared. Instead of waiting around for what might happen, we can force something to happen.” Marc thought his logic was very sound, but Lily must not have thought so because she threw up her hands and muttered, “Men!”

  Rounding on him, she poked a finger into his chest. “Don’t you think I know that you are in danger every day? Don’t you know how hard it was for me to let you go to work?” Let him go, Marc thought, okay, now that was going too far. But Lily wasn’t finished yet. “You and I both know how to stop this once and for all.”

  Enough was enough. First Griffin and now Lily. Marc was just too through with the whole damn subject. “I’m sorry you don’t agree with my plans, but I’m not changing them now. I have come too far to let those bastards off with a ‘good luck’ and a handshake.”

  “I never said you should let them go. But why do you think you need to be judge, jury and executioner? You can turn over all the evidence you’ve gathered to proper authorities and let them handle it.”

  “Yes, because the system always works.” His sarcasm wasn’t lost on Lily.

  “No, not always, but neither does vengeance.” Lily went from poking him to holding onto his shirt. “Marc, you have to stop. I’m begging you.”

  Stepping back, Marc felt his heart freezing. “Don’t ask me to do that, Lily.”

  “I have to.” Tears welled in her eyes, making them shimmer like sapphires. “For me, Marc.”

  “Damn it, Lily, you knew what I was doing before you got involved with me.”

  “I’m not just involved with you, you arrogant ass. I’m in love with you. And when you’re in love, nothing else matters.” Lily beseeched him with her eyes. “Please Marc, I can’t stand to see another man I love throw his life away. I don’t to want let another man I love die.”

  Marc tried to pull her into his arms, and she struggled a bit before finally allowing him to hold her. He couldn’t believe she was going to allow something like this to come between them. “Baby, it’s not going to happen that way. We will do this thing, draw the bastard out, and then it will all be over.” He stroked her hair softly, hoping against hope she would understand.

  Pulling back from him, Lily looked up with tears streaking her face. “Marc, I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. I have tried to understand you and love you for the man you are. But this is killing me inside, knowing you can throw away our love so cheaply.”

  Marc tried to interrupt her but she put a finger to his lips. “No, let me finish. You once told me if you ever did anything that scared or frightened me all I had to do was say the word. Well, I’m saying it. Porridge.”

  Marc was in shock. Turning, Lily stumbled away from him. He tried to grab her arm and steady her, but she wrenched free and ran out of the room.

  “Son of a bitch!” Marc yelled, kicking the chair from in front of his desk. Of all of the things he’d expected her to say, porridge was nowhere on the list.

  Two men burst through his door, guns drawn. “Is everything okay?”

  Startled, Marc just stared at them. Were they fucking crazy? “Where the hell were you two when she came in here? She could have had a weapon.”

  “Lily Weller … your girlfriend?” one guard said, looking at him, surprised.

  “The point is you just let her walk in here.” And now she was walking away from him.

  Damn it all to hell. Pushing past the stunned guards, Marc stormed out of his office and down the corridor. If Lily thought she was just going to yell a safety word and he was going to back off, she had another “think” coming. This wasn’t sex. This was their lives, and Marc wasn’t going to just let her walk away.

  Hurrying out of the building and into the parking lot, Marc scanned the cars, looking for Lily. She had to have been really pissed off because she was nowhere to be seen. Clenching his fists at his side, Marc wanted to throw his head back and scream at the sky. Fucking karma sucked. He needed to start going to church or donating to orphanages, or something, because it seemed like every time he turned around, God was jabbing him in the ass.

  “Marc Gossnor,” a voice called from behind him.

  “What?” he fumed. Turning around, Marc looked into the barrel of a gun.

  Marc stared stupidly at Judith Hines, trying to reconcile the woman he remembered from his childhood with the woman standing before him holding a gun.

  “I think we need to talk. Let’s head over to my car. It’s the black CRV.” She stepped behind him and poked him in the back to accent her words.

  Walking towards the car, Marc mentally shook his head. They’d never considered one of the wives; they had always focused in on the husbands. Damn stupid-ass move. He should have known women could be as vindictive as men. He had a mother, for Christ’s sake.

  Pointing her remote control at the car, Judith unlocked the door and motioned for him to enter on the driver’s side as she slipped into the passenger’s seat. Sticking the keys in the ignition, she started the vehicle. “Start driving. Out to the plant.”

  Marc stared mulishly ahead, not moving. “I don’t take orders very well.”

  She surprised him with her viciousness. Taking the barrel of the gun she dug it into his shoulder wound, forcing the air out of his lungs. “I don’t care what you want. Start driving, now!”

  Marc could barely lift his arm up to put the car into gear and pulled away from the curb, heading for the plant. The burning in his shoulder was intense and Marc was wondering how much longer he was going to have mobility in that arm. “You thought we should talk, so talk.”

  “Are you kidding me?” She laughed. Her chuckle sounded as insane as she did. “Do you really expect me to monologue you like some dime store villain? You’re the villain here, asshole. I’m the victim.”

  Well, it would have been nice. It might have tied up a few things, that was for sure. “Can you at least tell me why?”

  “Why? Why? You stupid prick.” Leaning over Judith poked him again with the gun. “You ruined everything. Just like your bitch of a mother did all those years ago.”

  “My mother?”

  “She couldn’t just leave well enough alone. So her fucking husband died; big deal. People die every day. She wanted sympathy, and she wanted my Patrick. And if it wasn’t for Adam agreeing — for a little favor I might add — to not give her a loan, she would have stayed here, and taken my Patrick away.”

  “I sincerely doubt my mother wanted anything to do with your husband,” Marc bit out through clenched teeth. He could tell the wound had opened back up. The blood was slowly seeping down his arm and he had to seriously concentrate to stay focused on the road. His shoulder hurt like a son of a bitch.

  “It doesn’t matter what you think. I got rid of you before, and I’ll do it again. There are lots of places in the plant to put a body.” She talked as if she knew that for a fact.

  “They’re going to figure it out, Judith. I have security cameras surrounding my office. It’s only a matter of time.” Marc had also hit his GPS tracker when he was sliding into the driver’s seat. Now he only hoped that Griffin was on his game and heading this way.

  “Time is one luxury you no longer have.”

  Marc wasn’t scared, although he probably should have been. No, he was seriously pissed off. First, they had totally missed Judith Hines as a suspect. This bitch was calling his mother a whore. His arm felt like a lead weight, and to top it all off Lily had walked out on him. This was so not a good day.

  “You think you are so high and mighty, coming back here. All Patrick can talk about is getting the damn plant back. You fucked up our lives and I won’t have it.”

  Marc didn’t even bother to respond. She was venting to herself and barely paying attenti
on to him right now. If he had full use of his arm he would have tried for the gun. Unfortunately, he was at a bit of a disadvantage. He just hoped that someone was looking for him.

  Redemption: Lily’s Surrender

  Chapter Seventeen

  Slamming her hand on the steering wheel, Lily cursed fate for making her fall in love with Marc again. He was just so stubborn, so arrogant, so everything she didn’t want in her life. Yet at the same time, he was so loving, so caring, and so the one man she did want her in life. But the way he was going, he wouldn’t live out the year and Lily couldn’t survive if she had to bury him. She wouldn’t want to.

  Lily was at a complete loss as to what to do. She loved him; that she was sure of, but she couldn’t sit idly by and watch him destroy his life. Marc was owed his vengeance. He deserved it. But he deserved a lifetime of happiness as well. One she could give him in a heartbeat and the other she wanted nothing to do with. Despite her declaration of porridge, Lily wasn’t going to leave him; she just needed time to think.

  The vibration of her cell phone startled Lily, who had to wrestle her purse open to get to it. Hoping it was Marc, Lily spoke quickly, praying the caller wouldn’t hang up. “Hello.”


  The voice was muffled a bit, but Lily could just about make it out. “Yes, Griffin, is that you?”

  There was happiness in his voice that instantly made her want to smile. “I got great news, baby girl. We got ‘em.” There was only one ‘them’ who Griffin would be that excited by. “Put Marc on the phone real quick and I’ll explain it all.”

  Frowning, Lily tried to maneuver the car off the street so she could talk to Griffin, but wasn’t able to get over because of the heavy flow of traffic. “Marc isn’t here.”

  “What do you mean he isn’t with you? He’s not answering his phone.”

  “We just got into a little bit of a …” Not wanting to go into it with Griffin, Lily redirected the conversation. “Who is it?”


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