Love Under Two Loners [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Love Under Two Loners [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Cara Covington

  “Did Donny take care of the tension and stress of the day?”

  “He did, Sir, and very well, too.”

  “Good. Now I’m probably going to give you a little more tension. I want your ass. Now.”

  Tendrils of excitement zipped through her, charging every nerve ending. She felt her pelvic floor muscles clench and, despite being hip deep in water, knew her pussy had just gushed. He held her gaze, and she knew he was waiting for her response. There was only one that came to mind.

  “It’s yours, Sir.”

  The boost to her feminine confidence from the look of pleasure on Rich’s face was astounding. Never again would she doubt her value—not as a woman, not as a lover, not even as a person. Both these men treated her as if she mattered. Therefore, she did.

  “Turn around and kneel on the bench, hands on the edge. Do it now, please, right there beside Donny so he can watch your face while I fuck you.”

  Her body moved immediately to obey. She trembled, but not from fear. Yes, a part of her was wary. No other lover had ever asked this of her, but if either of them had, she would have refused. Now, about to surrender something no man had ever possessed, she couldn’t deny another part of her shivered with excitement. She’d already learned that her tiny tight back entrance teemed with nerve endings capable of stunning pleasure. She wanted this, not just so that she could belong to Rich completely but because she knew it was the next step in her ultimate fantasy—to hold both of her lovers’ cocks inside her body at the same time.

  Bottom line, she trusted Rich and his brother as she’d never trusted any other man.

  “Your flesh is all nice and rosy from the hot water.” He leaned over and kissed her shoulder. “Someday I’m going to take your ass when it’s nice and rosy from my hand.”

  Iris shivered because Rich’s promise worked on her libido like the best foreplay ever. Rich and Donny both chuckled, so she guessed they knew how his words had affected her.

  She heard the sound of a packet being torn open and then the sound of a condom being rolled into place. And then she heard a sound that had her looking over her shoulder. Rich held a tube of lube in one hand while his other hand was coating his condom-covered cock with the gel. The image drew her, adding liquid heat to her libido, and brought another scenario to mind.

  “If you’re a good girl, maybe I’ll jack off in front of you some time. Would you like that, little subbie?”

  “Oh yes, Sir.” Iris didn’t wonder that he’d been able to understand her thoughts. He just seemed to have that talent.

  Rich put some more lube on his fingers and then used those fingers to massage and then push into her anus.

  Iris couldn’t hold back her moan of pleasure or the instinctive press of her ass against those fingers. The burning intrusion felt delicious, dark, and dangerous. Her eyes closed as she used every bit of her will to hold that pleasure close.

  A soft stroke on her cheek made her open her eyes. Donny’s serious expression filled her view. “That’s better. Keep your eyes open, sweetheart. I want to watch your reactions.”

  Rich fucked her ass with his fingers, stretching her, and all the while, as her arousal soared, as her hips bounced back to meet his thrusts, she found her gaze captured by his brother’s.

  Then Rich added more lube and another finger, and the burn morphed into pain, pulling a hiss from her lips.

  “Don’t clench.”

  It took all of her will to obey Rich’s command, to keep her hips and legs and her anus from tightening up. As much as the stretching of her anus burned, that hot pain also aroused. She felt her nipples tighten and her pussy go moist.

  She knew Donny was going to reach for her, even as he did so. His fingers on her pussy stroked and delved.

  “She’s wet,” he said.

  “Good.” Then Rich eased his fingers out of her and used his hands to spread her ass cheeks.

  He moved, and the latex-covered head of his cock pushed against her rosette. The burning pain returned and grew and evolved into a different kind of pain—hotter, almost violent. And as it grew more insistent, the nerve endings in her pucker that connected all her erogenous zones began to vibrate and pulse with pure sexual hunger.

  Rich eased back, and then he pushed forward anew. His cock forced its way past her sphincter and then slid all the way into her ass until his sac bounced on her slit.

  “Oh, baby, you feel so fucking good. Breathe, Iris. You can do this.”

  How had he known she’d experienced that moment of panic, of doubt? She breathed in and out and would have closed her eyes if not for Donny’s commanding stare.

  “Hang on, baby.” Rich’s words sounded as if he was on the very edge of his control. Just the idea that she could test his limits as he tested hers turned her on.

  Rich began to move in her, a slow, steady rhythm that stroked all those anal nerve endings and stoked her horniness. In and out, over and over, he fucked her relentlessly, and Iris knew she could only take what he gave her and give what he took. Donny’s fingers caressed her clit, and she knew she wouldn’t take long to come.

  “Don’t come until I tell you.”

  The sound that escaped her throat made Donny grin. “She’s sopping, Rich.”

  “Good thing. I don’t think I can last. But I want us to come together.”

  It didn’t sound as if Rich minded his tenuous control that much because he kept on fucking her ass. His rhythm changed, increased in speed, and felt less measured. He sucked in a breath, and Iris wondered if that was his shaking she felt or her own.

  “Damn, baby, your ass is so tight, so hot…oh, hell.” He held her tight and began to pound into her. “Yeah, here it comes. Now, Iris. Come with me now!” One more pounding thrust and then he held himself deep and leaned over her.

  Iris actually felt his cock begin to pulse, a movement that ignited her arousal. When Rich shouted, Donny pinched her clit, and she came, the explosion of rapture so fierce, so all-consuming, she felt certain the sensations changed her forever.

  For a long moment after, Rich didn’t move except to kiss her shoulder. Then he eased out of her. “Stay still.”

  She heard him walk over to the other side of the tub and by the sounds knew he was dealing with the condom. Then he was back, and he kissed her shoulder once more. She felt a soft, damp brush against her anus and understood he’d grabbed a cloth and was gently cleaning the excess lube from her. He left her once more but returned quickly. He set his hands on her shoulders, sliding them down.

  She’d been so completely overwhelmed from her orgasm, from the sensation of his cock fucking her ass, that she didn’t know if she could move on her own.

  “Come here, baby.” Rich lifted her and then sat on the bench and cradled her on his lap.

  “You guys relax for a while. I’m getting out. That’ll give you some time together while I get supper on.” Donny stood up, bent to kiss her, and left the tub.

  Rich waited until Donny left the bathroom. Then he used his hand to tilt her face up. His scrutiny was so intense she felt her cheeks heat. “Are you okay, baby?”

  “Mmm, yes, Sir. I’m very okay.” She closed her eyes when he lowered his face. His lips were sweet and coaxing, even as his wicked tongue plunged and drank. Iris sighed into Rich’s mouth.

  He lifted his head. “Thank you, Iris. That was a precious gift—and the perfect way to end the day.”

  Iris reached up and stroked his face. Her emotions were always in turmoil around these two men, but just now, simply sitting on Rich’s lap, she realized why that was. She’d fallen in love with them both.

  “I really hope the day isn’t done yet, Rich.” She wondered if he could read a deeper meaning in her eyes. With the way these two Doms seemed able to intuit her emotions, it wouldn’t surprise her in the least if he could.

  “Well, technically, the day is done. But don’t worry, the night’s still brand-new and ahead of us, and full of possibilities.”

  “I like the sound o
f that.”

  “Good. I promise to see to it that we realize some of those possibilities.

  Iris smiled and then laid her head on his chest. She’d take that promise, as nebulous as it was.

  * * * *

  Donny enjoyed cooking for several reasons. His mother had taught all three of her sons the basics so that they could feed themselves when they went to college. That had saved both him and Rich a lot of money. The biggest personal benefit he’d discovered, however, was that, in the actual exercise of cooking, Donny found excellent reflection time. Often over the years, if he’d been struggling with a problem or a decision, the time spent planning and preparing a meal also provided the opportunity for his subconscious to cook up an answer to whatever dilemma he faced.

  Cooking time was thinking time like nothing else he’d ever found.

  So as he cut the large beef steak into strips, as he seasoned and then seared the meat, he let his thoughts go. This time his brain wasn’t dealing with a dilemma—well, not exactly.

  Don’t kid yourself. You vowed you’d never consider getting married again, and you’d especially promised yourself you’d never marry anyone involved in the field of veterinary medicine.

  Did that fall under the heading of that warning to never say never? He didn’t even try to evade the core thought—he was totally in love with Iris Gibbs. In her, he found a woman who understood him, one who shared his sense of humor, and one who completely respected him, as a professional and as a man.

  When she looked at him the way she did, he felt ten feet tall.

  That’s a sensation you never had with Ellen. She only married you because she thought it was what she was supposed to do.

  The simplicity of that revelation echoed through his mind, the epiphany sending out a shock wave to his entire body.

  At the time he and Ellen had begun dating, they were both in their final semester in college, both on the same career path, and, in fact, shared most of their classes. Ellen’s parents had been pressuring her for some time to find a husband, settle down, and start giving them grandbabies. An only child and a late-in-life surprise to her parents, Ellen had always appeared nearly desperate to make her folks happy.

  He’d read her tepid responses to his ardor as simple shyness. She’d confessed to being a virgin, and Donny had been impressed and, yes, honored that she’d chosen him to receive such a gift. He’d talked himself into being in love with her, certain that with their main common denominator—their careers—they were a match guaranteed to last when so many other marriages failed.

  But the truth was Ellen hadn’t loved him, she hadn’t respected him, and the fault of that wasn’t really on either of them. It wasn’t until they’d taken on Sybil as a third vet in their practice that the pieces of why what should have been a thriving marriage but wasn’t fell into place.

  Well hells bells, I’m as responsible for the way our marriage turned out as Ellen. If Donny were to be completely honest with himself, he’d had a lot of what he’d thought, at the time, to be very good, solid reasons to marry Ellen Henderson.

  They just hadn’t been the right reasons.

  The sound of footsteps approaching alerted him just moments before Iris bounded into the kitchen. She was wearing one of his tee shirts, the garment resembling a dress on her. Looking at her, he felt his heart turn over in his chest.

  I am totally in love with this woman.

  No halfway measures for him. He loved her, and he needed to find a way to make her fall in love with him, too. His gaze flicked from Iris to Rich. His brother looked completely sated and, when he turned his gaze on Iris, completely smitten.

  Between them, he was betting he and Rich could convince Iris to marry them both.

  Iris came up beside him, her small body leaning into his. She met his gaze with eyes of such a clear blue that he knew he could read every emotion as it flitted through her. Her sweet blush let him know she was recalling their private time upstairs. It was good to know he could bring that color to her cheeks. He grinned, too damn happy at the moment to care if he looked like a fool.

  “What’s for supper? I suddenly have an appetite.” And her blush deepened, which pulled a chuckle out of both him and Rich.

  “I’m making a beef stir-fry, which we’ll eat over rice.”

  “Oh, that sounds good. I want to help you.” She displayed a touch of defiance, as if she thought he might turn her down. True, both he and his brother tended to want to do things for her, take care of her, and, yes, pamper her.

  Donny suspected there’d been damn little pampering in her life and she’d been expected to do far more at a too young an age than she should have.

  But it would be nice if the three of them could work together to make supper and work together to clean up after. It would show Iris what it could be like—that a life of them together would be a true give-and-take proposition for all three of them.

  “Thank you. I appreciate your help. What I’d like even more is if we all made supper together.”

  Donny took just a moment to meet Rich’s gaze. His brother’s discreet nod let him know they were both on the same page.

  “That sounds like a plan,” Iris said. She went over to the fridge and pulled out the veggies they’d need for a good stir-fry. Rich headed for the pantry and the rice.

  “And while we work,” Rich said, “we can share what our days were like.”

  “An even better plan,” Iris declared.

  Donny thought so, too.

  Chapter 16

  Talk during the supper preparations had been all over the map. Working together, laughing, stealing kisses and “accidental” intimate caresses had made the labor of that the kind of experience feel like something Iris had always hungered for—home.

  She would swear it had also made the food taste even better than good.

  “You have clients booked for three weeks already?” Rich asked.

  “We do, indeed.” Donny confirmed. “You can thank my assistant for coming up with a plan and then a schedule that looks like it’s going to work well.”

  Iris still wasn’t used to receiving any compliments at all, let alone on the continual basis the Kendalls doled them out.

  When Rich turned his attention to her and raised one eyebrow, she shrugged. Despite the heat in her cheeks, she knew he wanted an explanation. “I just thought that ranchers would call first thing. They’ve already been up and at work by eight o’clock in the morning when the phone lines were officially open. Folks with pets I figured wouldn’t call in until after nine-thirty, after kids had been sent to school or they’d gotten to work, and that proved true enough.”

  “So by the time you got your first calls for the family dog, you already knew which days the area ranchers would prefer to have the vet come out.”

  “Exactly. I wouldn’t have thought of that,” Donny said.

  “Then Doc Foreman, from over by Gatesville, called, and that call I handed over to the boss right away.”

  Donny grinned. “John was actually very cordial. We’re going to have lunch on Sunday and discuss a mutually beneficial arrangement—taking emergency calls on specific weekends for both of our practices so that we each can get a couple of weekends a month relatively free.”

  “That’s something I wouldn’t have thought of,” Iris said. To say that she was happy with the way the day had gone would be an understatement. The open house scheduled for Saturday was looking to be well attended as well. If the first day’s activity was anything to go by, Donny’s practice would be a thriving one right from the start.

  She wondered how long it would be until he hired another veterinarian. She set aside the slight sting that surprised her somewhere in the area of her heart. She’d put that dream away. Maybe it was time she nailed the coffin shut on it.

  She turned her attention back to her supper. She wondered when Rich was going to tell them more about his day.

  “I never had any doubts the two of you would make a solid team,” Rich s

  She’d been paying attention to his manner all through supper. He’d been there, but slightly distracted. She hadn’t said much when he’d told them the little bit he had about his day, but now she thought she should.

  “You’re really worried about that student, aren’t you?” Rich had mentioned that one of his students had apparently quit over the weekend. But when he went to the registrar’s office to ask them about it, they’d had no knowledge of the situation.

  Neither had the resident advisor, apparently. Rich had said the woman was quite beside herself that one of her “little chicks” had flown the coop and she hadn’t even known it. She’d just believed that Marcia was working a double shift at her part-time job.

  “It was hearing about the whole part-time job situation that actually got me worried. Mrs. Campbell would make a good addition to the FBI. The woman had my life story out of me just an hour after we met.” Rich looked at Donny then met her gaze again. “And yet she had no idea where Marcia worked. From what I could determine most of the scholarship recipients signed a pledge to do community service throughout the duration of their education at Claymore, and Mrs. Campbell maintained that the girls could be at any one of several different agencies and institutions on any given day, so she never knew exactly where any one of them would be.”

  “I can see why you’d be bothered by that. You’re a logical, disciplined man,” Iris said. “And that lapse is neither logical nor disciplined.”

  “You already know me well, baby.” Rich reached over and took her hand in his. He brought it to his lips and kissed it, and Iris melted just a little more. “But on top of that, I’m just damn worried about the girl. She has no family, and reading between the lines of Patrick Broderick’s class notes, her enrollment at Claymore was her last, best chance for a good future. A person doesn’t walk away from something like that on a whim. Where did she go? What the hell did she get herself into?”

  The enormity of this insight into Richard Kendall nearly brought Iris to her knees. She’d thought his concern was because the situation didn’t fit his definition of orderly when it was really so much more.


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