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Protection Page 7

by Shelley Munro

  She opened her mouth a fraction and let her tongue dart out to moisten his lower lip. She nibbled where she’d moistened before sucking. James tightened his grasp on her shoulders, a silent acquiescence for her to continue. She gave his top lip the same attention, a nibble at the upper right corner, a nip and the touch of her tongue to soothe the sting.

  James growled, the sound vibrating right down to her breasts. Her nipples rubbed against her plain, super-strength cotton bra, each breath an exercise in torture. She wanted to rip off the hateful garment and slide against him like a cat, letting him torture her at will.

  Her tongue slid across the smooth enamel of his teeth and cozied up with his, twining together. She wound her hands around his neck and sank her fingernails into the delicate flesh there. Her breasts brushed his chest with each breath, each move. She needed…she wanted…

  With trembling fingers, she slid several of his shirt buttons undone and slipped her hand inside. Her nails scraped across one of his nipples. The flat disc reacted to her touch as she teased it to prominence. James growled again, his hands skimming her body. They came to rest on her butt when he gathered her closer.

  Alice ended the kiss and the little imp inside came out again. “You have an erection. I didn’t think you’d have a problem.”

  James chuckled, the sound rich and sexual. The humor pulled at her breasts, making them harden while other parts of her softened. She craved his touch on her naked skin. She stroked his chest, pressing her fingers into his smooth muscles.

  “Touch my breasts. Please. I need…” Hard to sum up the strength of her needs in concise words. Alice yanked at the buttons on her shirt and wrenched them from the buttonholes, baring her plain white bra. She tugged her bra cup aside. “Now. Touch me now.” The harsh note in her voice gave her pause but she didn’t stop.

  Weird. The inheritance focused her on sex, her needs and everything she’d missed in the past. Some people might think her a good girl but they’d be wrong. In truth, she’d lacked opportunity, too busy with study and work to experiment. It was time to investigate now since this dovetailed with her inheritance. She inhaled, cocked her head and beamed with encouragement.

  “You’re a bossy little thing.” Laughter underscored his words and echoed in his expression. “God, you have the most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen.” He brushed a delicate finger across the upper curve of her breast.

  Alice shivered. His touch helped assuage the need coursing through her, but she wanted more. “Your mouth.”

  “Your wish is my command.” James bent to nuzzle her breast.

  She cradled his head, savoring the moist magic his mouth worked as he kissed the pale globe. Her sex clenched and pulsed when his mouth moved nearer to her taut nipple. She trembled, her legs rubbery. Alice clutched his upper arms, holding her breath, eager for his hot mouth to close over her flesh.

  James paused, raised his head, and she wanted to commit murder.

  “Don’t stop!” Her heart thudded in time with her pussy.

  “I was about to say—”

  “Don’t talk,” she said, forcibly returning his head to her breast. Thankfully, he took the hint because finally, finally his mouth connected with her nipple. Or at least his tongue did. It seemed the bad boy wasn’t good at taking orders. He had to do things his way. His tongue circled her areola in tantalizing licks. James used his fingers to massage while he teased and drove her to distraction with his tongue.

  Alice stopped issuing orders. Her eyes drifted closed to concentrate on the sensations coursing the length of her body. Each rasp of his tongue sent a darting sword of pleasure downward. Her feminine folds moistened, and she ached for fulfillment, something to fill the emptiness. James shifted a fraction and his hot mouth closed over her entire nipple. Alice shivered with delight. He drew lightly and a shooting star of sensation rippled through her. Her pussy clenched again.

  “Harder,” she whispered.

  Thankfully, he didn’t argue or try to torture her. He sucked her breast and the pleasure spilled over to intense ripples in her pussy.

  “Here they are.” Rodney burst into the boardroom, laden down with a cardboard box and two clipboards. “Oh sorry. Were you warming up for the trials? Don’t let me stop you. Carry on as you will.” He glanced at Alice, clearly curious, but James tugged her blouse over her naked breast and angled in front of her.

  “Tell us what we need to do and tell me how the new condom should perform,” James said.

  Mortified didn’t begin to cover her thoughts as she struggled to put herself to rights. In the middle of the boardroom. What was she thinking? One taste of an orgasm and her hormones acted as if they were on steroids, clamoring more, more, more.

  She was vaguely aware of James and Rodney discussing the technical side of condom testing and knew she should listen but her concentration suffered. The second episode with James and still no penetration. Surely the third time would be the charm?

  Her mouth firmed as she forced the final button home. After a deep breath, she peeked from behind James.

  Rodney gaped, his hazel gaze going from her to James and back again before dropping to stare at her breasts. “Ah, I could come back later.” His eyes remained glued to her chest.

  Alice looked down and gasped. She’d buttoned her blouse all wrong! She slapped her hand over the gap that broadcast her abundant curves and glared at Rodney.

  James wanted to laugh but held it back. Alice looked disheveled and male pride roared with satisfaction. Damn, he liked this woman. Her bravery, her courage, her commonsense and the curvy body beneath her one-size-fits-all suits. Normally he went for the obvious when it came to women, because they knew the score and didn’t push for more than he wanted to give.

  Alice might be an exception.

  “Thanks, Rodney. Is there anything you want me to look for?”

  “I’ve used a different latex, a recent experiment. I want to make sure the condom fits and doesn’t come off with vigorous thrusts. Don’t want people to have accidents and sue us.”

  “Shit!” James turned to Alice. “I don’t suppose you’re on the Pill?”

  Her cheeks reddened as she shook her head.

  “Make an appointment with the doctor today. No, wait. I’ll do it and come with you.” “We can discuss our plan of attack while we wait.”

  “The Vibration comes in gold, silver and bronze. Each model differs in the amount of vibration and the features are different. Gold is lubricated and strong. Silver is flavored. Bronze has surface adaptations designed to hit a lady’s sweet spot.” Rodney pumped his hips to emphasize, and James grinned at the distaste on Alice’s face. Prudish might be a new turn-on for him.

  He hid a grimace. “Sounds good, Rodney.”

  “If you can think of any new variations, we can add platinum or jewel categories.”

  “That’s a fantastic idea,” Alice said. “The packaging can match the model inside.”

  “Early stages yet,” Rodney reminded them. “This model might not pass the tests.”

  Alice frowned. “What about a special promotion? Maybe we can shift more units at a lower price. Undercut the competition.”

  James picked up the box of condoms. “Rita and I will work on costings when we go over the budgets this afternoon. Anything else, Rodney?”

  “Make sure you read my notes first. I’ve tried to think of everything. Ring me if you have problems with use. I can come over and help.”

  James shook his head. He had no intention of inviting Rodney to ogle Alice. Alice was personal business, for his eyes only.

  * * * * *

  An hour later, James ushered Alice into the doctor’s surgery. It was full, although not surprising given that James had needed to twist the receptionist’s arm to squeeze in a visit. She’d granted an appointment after he’d lied and implied an emergency. Every adult in the waiting room turned to watch them enter. The visit to the doctor was meant to protect Alice from an unwanted pregnancy. Instead, he’d o
pened the door for gossip.

  Too late now.

  Suppressing a sigh at the predictability of Sloan’s residents, James headed for the reception desk. “Hi, Joanna. Alice and I are here for our appointment.”

  “Take a seat. Shouldn’t take long since the doctor’s on time today.” She cast a curious glance at Alice before turning back to him. It wasn’t difficult to see she wrote off Alice straight away, judging by appearances.

  James knew better.

  “I don’t care what you say,” an elderly woman said to a younger one. “The Children of Nature cult is up to no good. I bet there’s drugs involved.” She nodded. “There’s always drugs involved where there is a cult.”

  “They’re good parents and care for their kids,” the young woman replied. “They can’t be that bad.”

  “They have a lot of children,” the elderly woman agreed.

  James scowled. They had kids all right. No way could anyone accuse them of using Fancy Free’s products.

  “There are two free seats down the end.” Alice squeezed past a blue pram and a toddler scooting between chairs and legs. He followed and stepped over the kid.

  “James, what are you doing here?”

  He hesitated. His sister. Just great. He inclined his head and kept his expression neutral. “Melissa.”

  Melissa’s gaze wandered to Alice and dismissed her. The narrowing of her eyes and the nose lift, a fraction higher in the air, gave it away. “You don’t look sick.”

  James knew his sister. She’d push until he satisfied her curiosity. “It’s a work matter.”

  “I don’t know why you call what you do work. It’s peddling sex. You could do so much more with your life and work with the family law practice. But no. Instead you waste your chances and your training.” Melissa’s perfect nose rose even higher.

  “I love you too, sis.” Old news. Nothing changed—not the words or the subject. He threaded his way through the crowded room until he reached the spare chair next to Alice. He dropped into it, trying to ignore the flash of hurt. Why couldn’t his mother and sister accept that he chose to walk a different path? Their way wasn’t the only one.

  Alice cast a curious glance at Melissa. She leaned closer. “How do we go about testing? What do we do first? Where will we do it?”

  Good point. They needed to find a place to do the tests without creation of gossip, which was difficult in a small town where everyone knew everyone else’s business.

  “I guess we’d better go to my place.”

  Not that he was sure about that either. He didn’t want Alice to get the wrong idea because he intended to leave soon. He’d promised Alicia he’d stay for six months. Although he loved his job at Fancy Free, he wouldn’t stay longer. Besides, it was difficult to ignore his mother and sister and pretend their attitudes didn’t hurt. A man could only take so much. There was nothing to hold him in Sloan.

  “How many…um…” Alice blushed. “I don’t know a ladylike way to ask this. How many times do we need to test the models? I know it’s important to get the product on the market quickly, but how many…uh…times do we do it each night?”

  James smirked. “Who said we have to do it at night? Sex isn’t a nighttime-only activity.”

  “But sex isn’t work,” she retorted, her voice rose enough for the woman sitting next to them to hear. “It’s meant to be fun.”

  The room seemed quieter than it had been seconds before, as if everyone waited with bated breath for the next words in their conversation.

  “Oh sweetheart. The sex will be fun. I have special toys for us to try and massage oil. It will make your breasts gleam in the light.” James glowered at his sister, the rise of his eyebrows a silent dare. Let her chew on that.

  The receptionist appeared from behind the counter. “James, the doctor will see you now.”

  “Thanks.” He stood, gesturing for Alice to walk in front of him. Her brandy-colored eyes glinted with heightened emotion. Anger combined with acute humiliation.

  “Did you have to embarrass me like that?” she whispered when she brushed past him.

  Well, hell. He’d managed to piss off Alice too.

  Alice attempted cool dignity, but it was difficult while maneuvering around children and toys. When she’d agreed to help test the condoms, her thoughts had centered on making love.

  What she hadn’t considered was the embarrassment factor. Jeesh, she’d never been so mortified. She marched past the inquisitive men and women in the doctor’s room with her head held high while praying she didn’t fall flat on her face.

  She understood James had been teasing. Unfortunately, she’d attracted attention, but the casual way he’d spoken of them making love had riled her. It made her realize she wanted more—the experiences she’d missed in the past. She wanted romance along with the hot, down and dirty sex. She wanted flowers and walks under the stars. She wanted chocolate and cozy candlelit dinners. All the discussions about where to do the tests and how to do it made the situation work like, taking away the spontaneity factor.

  Alice stepped into the room indicated by the receptionist and sat. James followed and dropped onto the seat beside her.

  A young woman entered the office and closed the door.

  “Hi, James. I haven’t seen you for ages.”

  “Carol, this is Alice Beasley. We need a prescription for the Pill.”

  Alice was glad of James’ presence. Their reasons sounded so mercenary, but an unwanted pregnancy would be worse.

  “Have you used this method of contraception before?” the doctor asked.

  “No.” Alice glanced at James. Okay for him to jump in any time now.

  “Alice and I are about to conduct tests on a new condom. We want to make sure she’s covered in case there are problems with the tests.”

  The doctor glanced at her. “Let me ask you about your general health and check your blood pressure. You realize the prescription needs to be taken for several weeks before conception is prevented?”

  “What can we do meantime if one of the condoms rips?” James asked.

  Alice released a shuddery breath only half listening while the doctor mentioned the Morning After Pill, should there be a problem, and suggested the use of spermicide if it didn’t react with the latex. None of this had occurred to her before her agreement to go ahead with the scheme. At least one of them was thinking with their head.

  Ten minutes later they left, prescription in hand. James paid for the visit and they stepped outside into the sunshine. Baskets of flowers hung from the lampposts all the way down the main street. Brilliant pink petunias and bright blue pansies drooped over the edges of wire baskets in colorful balls of floral magnificence. A crocodile line of school children ambled down the footpath, heading for the local swimming pool with their teacher bringing up the rear. Alice smiled at their mischievous faces. A nice town in which to settle down. Alice wondered if the town had any accountants with vacancies.

  After they stopped at the chemist to have the prescription filled, James halted outside the busy cafe opposite the police station. “How about lunch? We can discuss our plan of attack.” He cupped her face in his warm hands, smoothing a thumb across her lips.

  “Okay.” She melted under his gaze, shivering when he traced her lips with his thumb.

  “Don’t worry,” he whispered. “Everything will work out fine.”

  James had noticed how jumpy Alice became after the interaction with his sister. Hardly surprising. Meetings with Melissa always spoiled his mood too.

  The casual lunch in the cafe relaxed her noticeably. This was the key, James decided. To take things slow and easy so he didn’t scare her. The last thing he wanted was for Alice to change her mind. If they tested the condoms instead of outside testers, it cut down on the security measures they’d require. The future of the company depended on positive tests for the new condom. And, dammit, he wanted to get to know Alice in the carnal sense. Tonight. He’d cook her dinner. They’d have a few drink
s. Relax together. A little music. Candles. Yeah, sounded like a plan.

  “What will you have today, James?” the waitress asked.

  After scanning the menu and the special’s board, he decided on a chicken and cranberry panini while Alice ordered a salad.

  The waitress jotted their orders down before flashing a grin at him. “Where are your followers? Your entourage of protesters?”

  “Hopefully they didn’t notice us slipping in here,” James said. “The last time they protested outside the café, Ruby threatened to bar me. Ruby owns the cafe,” he added to Alice.

  “Do you think they…” she trailed off to study the waitress.

  James appreciated her reticence in front of strangers, although Alicia had told him her goddaughter bore a wide streak of integrity. “Nah, all their protests are peaceful. They’ve never done anything except shout.”

  “That’s true,” the waitress confirmed. “Word is they settled in Sloan because of the mystical forces present in the town. Evidently it’s conductive to rearing extra-intelligent children. They’re not violent people. They’re family orientated.” She giggled. “It’s just that condoms are against their beliefs.”

  “Lucky for us not everyone thinks the same way.” James gave a careless shrug. “The company would go broke in no time.”

  “Yeah, the safe sex message must help sales.” With a cheeky grin the waitress hurried off to deliver the order to the kitchens.

  “Do you think the cult members have anything to do with our problems?” Alice asked in an undertone after a quick glance behind her and to each side.

  James’ mouth twitched, and he controlled his amusement with difficulty. He leaned closer, savoring her floral scent. “My gut says no, but I thought I’d mention it to Richard. We need to check out our newer employees.”

  Her eyes widened. “Me?”

  “No. Alicia trusted you to look after the company. Besides, our problems started before you arrived.”

  Alice nodded, her forehead puckered in a frown. “I hope we can sort this out. The company can’t afford to lose money.”


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