Sapphyre: Burden to Bare (The Sapphyre Saga Book 1)

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Sapphyre: Burden to Bare (The Sapphyre Saga Book 1) Page 18

by Felicia Leibenguth

  “Okay,” I’m not about to let this go. “So why don’t you show up here later and we can talk. We can go somewhere if you want.”

  “I don’t think you will want to be alone with me after I tell you the story. That’s what I’m afraid of. Lexi please, I can’t. I just can’t. Not now.” He’s getting really upset.

  “Okay. Never mind then if you really don’t wanna tell me,” I said calmly. I really want to know, it’s going to drive me insane now, but he thinks it’s going to upset me or scare me, and I don’t want to stress him out.

  He wrapped his arms around me eagerly, and his face relaxed, all stress was gone. “Thank you. I love you so much, you have no idea.”

  “You could give me a hint to how much you love me,” I said with a coy smile.

  In that instant, his lips are on mine, his hands moved behind my head and my back, pulling me closer. I love when he kisses me like this. But, unfortunately, our kiss had to end. He pulled away, and he has my favorite grin stretched across his face. I smiled gleefully back.

  “Can I ask just two more questions?” I saw his face then added, “They’re easy I promise. You will be able to answer them.”

  His face relaxed, “Okay, shoot.”

  I smiled, “Well, I wanted to ask if you would come over later. It has been so long since I spent time with you and I… missed you a lot.” I gave him a pleading look.

  “Alright. I’ll be here this afternoon. I missed you so much too that’s why I-” He broke off mid-sentence. “Now what’s your second question?” He switched to another subject.

  “What were you going to say? That’s why you what?”

  “It’s nothing. I’ll tell you some other time.” He acted embarrassed.

  “Why can’t you tell me now?” I want the answer to why his face is turning red.

  “Because I don’t want to. You’ll think I’m obsessed.” He laughed quietly to himself.

  “Obsessed about what?” I asked, teasing him.

  “You,” he said quietly staring into my eyes. He’s trying to distract me again, but I’m not going to let him win.

  “Me. How?” I said in the same sweet, innocent tone.

  “Alright, fine. I can see I’m not winning this one.” He sighed, paused a moment, and everything came out in a rush. “I… I came here every night to watch the house and keep an eye on you. It was killing me to stay away from you. I couldn’t go a day without seeing you. So, am I obsessed? Maybe, but I don’t care, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Are you happy now?” He stared into my eyes, I felt dazed but answered.

  “Yes, I am. I’m glad you told me, but I wish I would have known.” I smiled and pecked him on the cheek. I whispered in his ear, “I know I would do the same if I could.” I leaned back blushing a little.

  He hugged me, “Thanks for not being mad.” The huge grin I love spread across his face again.

  “You’re welcome.” We both laughed.

  “Now can we get back to the subject?” He chuckled. “What’s your second question, even though you have gone through your two questions multiple times now,” he grinned.

  “Well, I have a lot of questions but-”

  “Oh, trust me I know,” he smiled.

  I didn’t say anything, I just looked at him.

  “Oh, sorry. Go ahead, what’s your question?” He apologized, even though he was forgiven before he said anything. Maybe I’m the one with the obsession. Yes, I know I am.

  “Well, I wanted to know how you knew mom had a gun earlier.”

  “That one is easy. I never left the room.” He grinned proud of himself.

  “What do-”

  “Uh-ah you had your questions. Now I have to go.” He grinned ruefully now.


  “Nope, you said-”


  “I have to go. Your mom is coming.” He kissed my head and dashed out to the balcony. He jumped over the rail with such speed I almost missed it.

  I ran to my balcony and looked over. Zach already disappeared.

  “Cheater.” I mumbled under my breath. I heard Zach’s hidden laughter. He sounds close, but I can’t see him. “You just wait,” I said in the same tone. Zach laughed again, but it’s farther away. Okay, so he has super hearing and super speed.

  Nothing like the first guy I fall in love with being a Shape-Shifter. What kind of world is this? When he comes over later, I’m going to have a million questions for him. Okay, maybe not a million, but darn close to it.

  “Lexi?” Mom called just before she got to my door, making me jump.

  Mom peeked around my door. “Oh, you’re up already. That’s good. I was going to the store to get some things and wanted to know if you wanted to go.”

  “Sure. Let me shower and I’ll be right there.” Hopefully, we would get back before Zach showed up.

  “Alright. Hurry I want to get going,” she said as she walked down the hall to Bree’s room.


  I quickly jumped in the shower, and a wave of exhaustion washed over me. The warm water is putting me back to sleep. I’ve been up since 6:45 a.m., and now it decided to catch up to me. I was used to being up that early for school, but I was up super late last night, so that doesn’t help.

  I yawned a few times while I got dressed, but shook off the drowsiness. I would love to jump back in bed and snuggle up with my pillows. That sounds super good right now.

  Mom wants to go to Geneseo. That’s good; it’s only about twenty miles from home, so we shouldn’t be gone too long.


  The entire trip to the store and home, Bree kept looking at me like she’s exasperated, not an angry exasperated, but an, I-give-up look. Ever since she got up, she’s been looking at me like that. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but we never had a moment alone to talk. I think she wanted it that way. She stayed close to mom all morning so I couldn’t ask her anything, but I’ll get to the bottom of it, eventually.

  I’m basically staying in my room after we got home, hanging up my new shirts and jeans in my closet. I really don’t need any more clothes, I have plenty, but they were on sale and I couldn’t help it.

  Mom got Katrina a bouquet of flowers and a get well soon balloon, so I would be taking that down to her later. I would call her, but seeing as she can’t speak for herself, that would be a problem. I told her yesterday I would be down today and she seemed happy enough to have me. I’m actually missing school again today, so that makes three… no actually, two-and-a-half days. I was in English Monday so that counts as a half day. Tomorrow’s Thursday, so I’m sure I’ll be back tomorrow and I hope Zach will be going with me.

  I know I have a lot of questions to ask him, but the first question is where to start, his family, his abilities, other creatures? Did he know about the Vampire? Not to mention the question I asked earlier about the story. He didn’t want to answer that question, not only now, but ever. I know I’m not gonna get it out of him for a long time, so I will have to put that aside until the right time, only I don’t know when that will be.

  I have other pressing issues. My first love is a Shape-Shifter and I don’t even care, well I care, but I don’t, if that makes any sense. So, something has to be seriously wrong with me. I didn’t even really freak out when I realized he’s a wolf, or when he showed up in my room. It’s like I knew he was special, but I never realized how special he is.

  Shouldn’t I be running and screaming from this? Why aren’t I feeling the urge to run? Is it because we are meant to be together like… like soul-mates? Soul-mates with a Shape-Shifter, I seriously hope it doesn’t get any weirder than that, but I have a sick feeling it will, and that scares me… a lot. I have always been a chicken when it comes to the unknown. I don’t like being pulled into something I know nothing about or not knowing what’s going to happen. I literally freeze up and never want to move from my safe place. I’m like a caterpillar that doesn’t want to come out of its cocoon for fear of being eaten by a
bird, but here I am opening my wings to a world I know nothing about and taking flight. I’m only entering this unknown world for Zach. I would do anything for him. I just hope he can keep me grounded and not let me fly into the sun and never return.

  I trust Zach so much for some un-forsaken reason. Maybe because I know he can protect me when I need it. Or maybe it’s because I love him unconditionally and would die for him if the time ever came. My Zach, my Shape-Shifter. Hmm, I could get used to that. As for my family… they can never know the truth about Zach and what he is. No one can know, so now I’m alone with this secret which could destroy his family. I have to hide it from my family, especially my mom who I have no secrets with. This is going to be hard, but it’s for Zach. I can do it… can’t I?

  “Lexi?” Someone called from outside my door. I about jumped out of my skin, they scared me half to death.

  “Lexi, sweetie?” That’s mom’s voice. She sounds nervous.

  “Yeah, mom?” I turned to look at her. She does look a little nervous; I can see it on her face.

  “Zach’s here, and he wants to talk to you. So, I told him to wait downstairs, and I would see if you wanted to speak with him.” She gave me a small nervous smile.

  “No, I’m not mad, so no worries.” I smiled more openly and crossed the room. I hugged her around the waist.

  “Okay, sweetie. He’s waiting for you downstairs.” She hugged me back. “I’m going to shower up here for a change. So, if you go anywhere, leave me a note okay?”

  “Okay, and thanks, mom. Love you.”

  “Love you too honey.” She kissed me on the forehead.

  As I went down the stairs, I heard low mumbling. I can’t make it out, but it doesn’t sound friendly, that much I know. I paused on the steps where I can’t be seen, but that’s stupid. Zach has super hearing. As soon as I stopped, the talking stopped, so I figured I better get down there before they think I’m eavesdropping. I got to the bottom of the steps and saw Bree and Zach looking at each other. They both have the same look on their faces, the look of an understanding. What’s up with that? Bree must be keeping her word, about not interfering with Zach and I. Scary.

  I cleared my throat, and they both looked at me. Zach’s face softened, but Bree’s turned concerned. Something hit me in that second, I studied her face longer. There’s a look of knowing in her eyes. I don’t know how I can tell, but it’s there, and she’s trying to hide it. No, she didn’t… no, she couldn’t have… she was sleeping! She knows… she knows about Zach! That’s why she’s been looking at me like that all day and avoiding me. She knows. What am I going to do? Bree knows. I can see that now. The real question is what is she going to do now? Will she tell mom and dad if she does maybe they won’t believe her? Maybe they will think she’s crazy. No, they would never think that they believe us when we tell them something.

  I walked over to Zach never taking my eyes off Bree and she never took her eyes off me. The look of hate and anger never subsided from her eyes.

  “You know, don’t you?” I said softly looking at her. I don’t want to come out and say what she knew just in case she doesn’t.

  “I hoped you would get over him like any other schoolyard crush, but after this morning, I realized that’s not going to happen. You… love him. You love him, Lexi, you love that…” She paused and looked at Zach. “There’s nothing I can do to stop it either. I’ve tried everything and nothing has worked. So now I’m telling you to let him go, he’s not right for you Lexi-”

  Zach groaned and leaned his head back like he doesn’t want to do this again.

  Bree glared at him and kept her voice low, but stern. “You know you’re not right for her. You’re not ready, you’re still too young to-” before she could finish, Zach cut her off.

  “Enough,” he said sharply.

  “Humph,” Bree gave up.

  I looked between them so confused. What is going on here? Bree obviously knows, but she’s acting calm. I would think she would be screaming or something.

  “What are you talking about?” I didn’t know what to think.

  “Nothing. Don’t worry about it,” Zach said calmly taking my hand in his.

  Bree made a disgusted sound in the back of her throat. “Yeah, no worries here,” she said sarcastically. “Only impending doom.”

  “You know that’s not true!” Zach said louder, with anger.

  “Who said I was talking about you? You don’t know anything so butt out.” Bree sounds mad, but I’m surprised she didn’t fly off the handle like she has lately.

  “Why don’t you enlighten me then?” Zach said goading her, but Bree remained calm.

  “Hmm… how about not.”

  Zach laughed. Ignoring Bree, he looked at my confused face.

  “Why don’t you go put on a good pair of sneakers and we’ll go somewhere and talk about some things. That’s if you want to,” Zach said calmly.

  I didn’t say a word. I doubted I could. I’m utterly confused. So, I just nodded my head and started up the stairs. Before I got to the top, I heard Bree mumbling something, but it was hard to hear. It sounded something like:

  “Tell her what you want about you, in other words, keep me out of it.”

  I didn’t hear anything else. It’s just another thing to add to my confusion list.


  “Why did you bring me here to talk?” I asked Zach as he pulled his Porsche into Stony Brook State Park.

  I’ve never been in the park but drove by it often on our way out of Dansville to another small town called Hornell.

  As Zach drove down the narrow winding road, that looks barely big enough to fit two cars, I got the impression Stony Brook is a fairly small park. It’s scenic, even though the trees are bare, and the ground is littered with the dead leaves. There are some open areas for playing games, but other than that, the park is dense with trees.

  As Zach got to the end of the narrow road, we came to a large parking area. At the far end sits a playground in a small opening of trees. It looks like it would be a lot of fun. I used to love playgrounds when I was little. Okay, I still love playgrounds, but a seventeen-year-old playing around with little kids doesn’t exactly look… normal, unless I brought a little kid with me.

  I noticed Zach didn’t respond yet, so I looked at him. He glanced back at me with hesitation, afraid to answer maybe.

  “Zach?” I said calmly. I don’t like the way his eyes are looking at me like he’s about to face a great horror.

  “Um, well, I thought we could just walk and talk for a while.” He tried to smile reassuringly, but it didn’t quite work out that way.

  “Okay,” I said hesitantly.

  “Lex, we don’t have to if you don’t want to be… alone with me. I swear it’s okay,” he finished speaking in a rush.

  Is this why he’s acting so… stressed? It has to be.

  I gave him a very sarcastic look. “If I was afraid, which I’m not, I wouldn’t have gotten in the car with you,” I smiled reassuring him this time. It looks like it is working.

  He smiled back more relaxed. “You’re amazing, you know that don’t you?” Before I could answer, my lips became very busy. I think the windows started to steam up, but I didn’t look to make sure.

  When he pulled away, we both held smiles on our faces. I blushed a little. No matter how many times he kissed me, I can never get used to it. I’m an addict, I always want more.

  “Ready?” He asked.

  “Yep. What trail are we taking?” I looked around and saw quite a few trails. Maybe I underestimated the size of the park. It looks like it’s more for hiking than anything else.

  “Um, were not,” he said unsure again.

  “What do you mean ‘were not’?” I asked nervously.

  “Well technically, we’ll be starting off on one, but what I want to show you can’t be seen on the trail.” He said with a shake in his voice.

  “Oh.” What did he want to show me? I must have looked panicked because Z
ach’s face saddened.

  “Really Lexi, you don’t have to do this,” he mumbled

  “Uh,” I’m disgusted. “would you stop with that already? I want to, so come on,” I told him getting out of the car.

  Zach laughed. “Yep, definitely amazing. This is one of the reasons I wanted to show you this.” He pulled me into a hug. His body’s so strong and warm, I felt like I could melt in his arms.

  I looked up to his face and said, “What exactly are you showing me?”

  “You’ll see. Come on.” He took my hand and started leading me down one of the many paths. This path is paved, at the moment.

  We stayed quiet for a little while. He led me down a set of stairs leading to another semi-open picnic area, and to an artfully built wooden bridge that crossed a large crick bed or maybe they could call it a river. I never paid attention to what’s considered a river versus a crick. This one looks like it could be both. There are several small waterfalls and though the trees are bare, I can’t help but see the beauty here. It’s really relaxing despite the cold November air. I plan on coming here to see this in the spring and summer. I bet it will be even prettier then.

  My hands brushed along the wooden rail and I felt where people gouged their names into the wood. One, in particular, made me laugh and smile. ‘Brenda & Pete’ are carved in large letters, which just happened to be the name of my parents. How funny.

  Zach let me look around for a few minutes taking everything in. He started leading me down a dirt path on the other side of the bridge. Shortly after we started down the path, I looked up, and up, and up. There’s a steep hill in front of us. I’m suddenly very glad I wore a pair of old sneakers for this trip.

  The hill is actually as hard to climb as it looks. My legs burned when we got to the top. I am so not used to hiking in the woods like this. But I’m glad when we got to the top and I can see the fairly flat path ahead. It still has a slope to it, but that I can handle. Zach shows no effects of climbing the hill like I do. Boy… isn’t he lucky. I guess being a Shape-Shifter has its benefits.


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