Green Mountain Collection 2

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Green Mountain Collection 2 Page 79

by Marie Force

  “What the . . .” A vibrator pressed against her clit, nearly sending her into orbit. “Ahhhh.” Anticipating her reaction, he’d anchored an arm around her waist so she wouldn’t jar her leg with jerky movements. Being held still only made the vibrations more intense.

  “Too much?” he asked.

  She shook her head and rode the vibe and his cock until her body was racked with spasms that went on for what felt like an hour. When it was finally over, she fell forward onto his chest, and he caught her. He always caught her, and Charley was beginning to accept that he always would.

  “I take it you like the vibe?”

  “What was your first clue?”

  His low chuckle rumbled through him. “I could feel it, too. I’d say that one’s a keeper.”

  “Since we can hardly give it back now that we’ve used it, the least we could do is recycle and reuse.”

  His hand caressed the back of her head, his fingers sliding through her hair. “I do like the way you think.”

  The next night, as Charley stood with Tyler’s arm around her and watched Megan come toward Hunter, she remembered what Megan had told her about overcoming her fears to find love and happiness. After their night together at the Pig’s Belly, Charley had floated through the day drunk on sensual bliss. Tyler had been insatiable during the night, and they’d hardly slept at all until they got home to his house and crashed for hours.

  Snuggled up against him now, it no longer felt weird to be “with” him in front of her friends and family. He’d worn a sharp-looking gray suit with a crisp white shirt, a festive red tie and those glasses that made her crazy. She wasn’t sure how he did it, but the more time they spent wrapped up in each other, the more she wanted him.

  As if he knew what she was thinking, his arm dropped from her shoulders to encircle her waist, drawing her in tight against him.

  Charley leaned back, letting him take the weight off her injured leg. She couldn’t wait to be able to wear heels again.

  As Charley watched her grandfather escort Megan through her parents’ huge great room, her eyes filled with tears, the emotional reaction unexpected. But knowing what Megan had endured to get to this day filled her heart to overflowing. Her every emotion was hovering close to the surface these days, which was another thing to “blame” on Tyler.

  Charley had never seen her oldest brother as overcome as he was the moment he extended his hand to Megan, offering her everything he had to give. The family and friends gathered around them sniffled as Hunter and Megan came together to join their lives. Megan was beautiful in a strapless cream-colored silk gown with a small train that pooled at her feet. She’d worn her long blond hair in an elaborate updo that made her look sweet and sophisticated at the same time. Judging by Hunter’s reaction, she’d scored a grand slam with her groom.

  Her attendants, Nina and Hannah, wore red silk that matched the red silk tie Hunter wore with a charcoal suit. Standing beside him, Will served as his best man and Megan’s brother-in-law, Brett, was a groomsman.

  Molly had gone all out with flowers, Christmas decorations and candles that gave the big room a cozy, intimate feel as Elmer led the bride and groom through the recitations of traditional vows and exchange of rings before declaring them husband and wife.

  Hunter wrapped his arms around Megan and looked down at her for a long moment, cradled her face in his hands, and then kissed her while their guests applauded.

  “It is my very great pleasure,” Elmer said, beaming, “to introduce for the first time, Hunter and Megan Abbott.”

  Charley realized tears were spilling down her cheeks.

  Tyler tightened his hold on her, his lips finding the sweet spot behind her ear that made her shiver every time.

  Lucas and Landon, both wearing suits without ties, were in charge of the music and played “In My Life,” the song Hunter and Megan had chosen for their first dance as husband and wife.

  Tyler sang along softly, squeezing Charley at the “I love you more” lyric.

  His message was received loud and clear. And whereas her inclination a few weeks ago would have been to try to get free of his embrace, the overwhelming interest in her, the eyes that saw far too much, now . . . Now, things were different.

  She wasn’t ready to make the kind of commitment Hunter had just made to Megan, but she was no longer actively planning her exit strategy either.

  The caterers circulated with champagne, and when everyone had a glass, Will stepped up to toast his brother.

  “Hunter, you and I go way back,” Will said to laughter. “One of my earliest memories is of sharing bunk beds with you and having flashlight wars when we were supposed to be sleeping.”

  “Uh-huh,” Molly said. “No statute of limitations on these things.”

  Will smiled at their mother. “Why did I know you were going to say that? Megan, you and I have had an interesting history as well . . .”

  Megan laughed and blushed at his reference to the crush she’d once had on him. That seemed like a long time ago now that she and Hunter were so madly in love.

  “But tonight we’re focused on the future, and I’d like to officially welcome you to the Abbott family. I’ve never seen my brother as happy as he’s been since you two got together, and I wish you both a lifetime of love and happiness. To Hunter and Megan.” After everyone had raised their glasses in toast, Will said, “Nina, your turn.”

  Megan’s sister dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. “I’m a disaster tonight. My baby sister is a bride—and a beautiful bride at that.”

  “Couldn’t agree more,” Hunter said, pressing his lips to Megan’s temple.

  “On this joyful occasion,” Nina said, “I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell my wonderful sister how proud our parents would be to see her married to a wonderful man who truly loves her. They wanted nothing more than our happiness, and they’d be thrilled with your choice of a husband, Meggie. Hunter, I want to thank you for making Megan so happy. I’ve never seen her smile more than she has recently, and that’s all thanks to you. Every so often two people get it exactly right, and I’m so very happy for both of you.”

  As everyone raised their glasses again, a shout rang out from across the room.

  Charley looked over to see Cameron fall to the floor in a dead faint.

  Will dropped down next to her. “Cameron, baby, oh my God! Cameron!”

  Patrick joined Will on the floor, caressing his daughter’s face. “Sweetheart, open your eyes.”

  Cameron’s eyes fluttered open to find everyone looking down at her. “Oh Lord. What happened?”

  “You fainted,” Will said. “Give her some room.”

  Molly handed him a wet washcloth. “Bathe her face.”

  “I’m so sorry, Megan,” Cameron said. “Stealing the bride’s thunder is a wedding felony.”

  “I don’t care about that,” Megan said. “As long as you’re all right.”

  Cameron looked up at Will, a small smile occupying her lips. “I’m all right, and I’m pregnant.”

  As a cheer went through the gathering, Will helped her sit up, leaning her against him.

  “A baby?” Patrick asked, his voice filled with wonder.

  “So it seems, although this wasn’t how I’d planned to tell you.”

  Patrick hugged her, holding her for a long moment. By the time he released her, some of the color had returned to Cameron’s pale cheeks.

  Will and her dad helped her to her feet, and Will lifted her into his arms to carry her from the room, with Patrick, Mary, Molly and Lincoln following right behind them.

  “Holy shit,” Charley said to Tyler.

  “Congratulations. You’re going to be an aunt again.”

  She glanced across the room to where Max was showing off Caden to some of their Coleman cousins. “It’s a regular baby boom.”

  “I wonder who’ll be next,” Tyler said.

  He was making conversation, but the innocuous comment struck a note of fear in her heart. He wanted a
family. She didn’t think kids were in the cards for her. That was no small difference, and before things progressed any further with them, they needed to talk about that. Again.


  Will carried Cameron into the den and sat on the sofa.

  Her dad was right behind them, concern etched into his face as he gazed down at his daughter.

  “Go on back to the party, everyone,” Cameron said. “I swear I’m fine.”

  “You’re sure?” Patrick asked.

  “Absolutely sure. I was standing too close to the fireplace and overheated. That’s all it was. I promise.”

  “Do you think we should call a doctor?” Linc asked.

  “No, no,” Cameron said. “I just need a minute, and then I’ll be fine.”

  Molly handed her a glass of ice water. “Cold water used to be the cure for a lot of my ailments when I was pregnant.”

  “Thank you,” Cam said with a warm smile for Molly.

  Over the roaring in his ears, Will could barely hear what they were saying. He was completely focused on the precious bundle he held in his arms and trying to get his heart to return to a normal beat.

  “Let’s give them a minute,” Molly said, taking Patrick and Linc by the arms to lead them from the room.

  Mary had a tight grip on Patrick’s hand as she followed him.

  “Check out my dad and Mary,” Cam said when they were alone. “I told you something was going on with them. I need to get him alone to ask him about it.”

  “Stop.” Will’s tone was harsher than he’d intended. “Just stop. I’m dying here, and you’re playing matchmaker.”

  Her hand landed on his face in a tender, soothing caress. “I’m sorry I scared you.”

  “You did more than scare me. You nearly gave me a heart attack when you dropped like that when I was across the room and couldn’t catch you. You can’t ever do that to me again.”

  Cameron laughed softly. “I’ll try very hard never to faint again.”

  Will ran his hands over her reverently. “You didn’t hurt yourself anywhere when you fell, did you?”

  “Not that I know of. I’m really fine.”

  He flattened his hand over her abdomen. “This little person is already causing us a world of trouble, between the constant puking and now the fainting. I fear we’re in for a hell-raiser.”

  She smiled, her eyes sparkling with joy. “I can’t wait to meet our little hell-raiser.”

  Cupping her face he held her still for a kiss. “Neither can I.”

  “So much for our plan to wait a while to tell everyone.”

  “I think some of them had already guessed anyway.”

  Cameron rested her head on his shoulder. “Do you ever think about where you were and what you were doing a year ago?”

  “All the time, and what I’m doing now—and who I’m doing it with—is so much better.”

  “Who were you doing it with then?” she asked, raising her head off his shoulder.

  Laughing at her indignation, Will took his index finger to her chin. “My whole life began the night I rescued you in the mud last spring. There was nothing before that. And now there’s only you and the hell-raiser.”

  She smiled brightly. “Nice save, William.”

  “It was rather good, wasn’t it?”

  “The best.” She kissed him. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too. You have no idea how much.”

  “I think I have some idea.”

  “No, baby,” he said, nuzzling her soft blond hair as he settled her once again on his shoulder. “You have no idea at all. They haven’t invented a word big enough to describe it.”

  She sighed with pleasure at his words and burrowed deeper into his embrace, their quiet interlude interrupted a few minutes later by raised voices coming from the kitchen.

  What the hell?

  “I need to see Max. Right now! Please get him for me.”

  Grayson Coleman had been alone in the kitchen, sent by his aunt Molly to retrieve a chafing dish, whatever that was, when Chloe came in from the mudroom, her eyes wild and rimmed with red. Still wearing her coat, she clutched a sheaf of papers in her hand.

  “Please go get him.”

  “He’s at his brother’s wedding, Chloe. Maybe this could keep until tomorrow?”

  “It won’t keep. I need to tell him . . . Right now. I need to or . . . Please, Grayson. Please get him for me.”

  “Are you all right?”

  “I will be once I speak to him.” Tears fell from her eyes, leaving tracks on top of others already on her face.

  Though Grayson was almost afraid to leave her alone when she was in such a fragile condition, he said, “Stay here. I’ll be right back.” He cut through the dining room to the great room where he found Max with Gray’s sisters Izzy, Vanessa and Ally, who were taking turns holding baby Caden. All around them, other guests were eating, talking, drinking and dancing.

  “Max, could I have a word, please?”

  “Um, sure. You guys have him?”

  “We’ve got him,” Vanessa said of Caden. “And I might just keep him.”

  “You can’t have him,” Max said with a teasing grin for his cousin. To Gray, he said, “What’s up?”

  Grayson took him by the arm and led him to a quiet corner. “Chloe is here, and she’s really upset about something.”

  Shocked, Max said, “She’s here? Now?”

  “Yeah, and something’s up.”

  Max took a deep breath and released it slowly. “Come with me?”

  “Of course.” Grayson followed Max to the kitchen where Chloe was pacing as she continued to cry.


  “Oh, Max! I needed to see you. I’m so sorry. I know it’s your brother’s wedding, but I couldn’t . . . I couldn’t wait until tomorrow to tell you . . . I . . . I can’t . . .” Her stammering words were interrupted by deep, wrenching sobs that had Max looking to Grayson for help.

  But Gray had no idea what to do either.

  Max went to her, put his hand on her shoulder. “Chloe, take a deep breath and try to calm down. Whatever is wrong, we can figure it out.”

  “No.” Shaking her head, she choked on another sob. “We can’t figure it out. I-I can’t figure it out. I can’t do this, Max. I’m . . . I’m not ready to be a mother.” She thrust the papers at him. “I signed the paper that gives you full custody.”

  “Whoa!” Max said, sounding panicked. “No. No, you can’t just do that. He needs you, Chloe. I need you. I can’t do this by myself.”

  Molly came into the kitchen and stopped short at the sight of Chloe and Max, locked in an odd standoff. “What’s going on?”

  Grayson quickly brought his aunt up to speed.

  Molly’s mouth set with displeasure as she approached Chloe. “Do you understand what you’re doing here? Do you really understand?”

  Chloe’s chin quivered, but she nodded. “I can’t do it, Mrs. Abbott. I wanted to, but I can’t. I love him, but I’m not ready.”

  “If you do this,” Molly said, “there’s no undoing it. There’s no coming back a year from now, two years from now and upending Max’s life and Caden’s with custody demands because you’ve decided it’s time to become a mother. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”

  “Yes,” Chloe said softly. “Ma’am.”

  Molly looked up at her son, who wore a shell-shocked expression on his face. “Max?”

  He blinked a few times and looked down at his mother.

  “Take the paper from Chloe.”

  “Mom, I can’t do this by myself.”

  “You’ll never be by yourself. Ever. Take the paper.”

  Reluctantly, or so it seemed to Gray, Max took it from Chloe’s outstretched hand.

  To Grayson, Molly said, “Is there anything more that has to be done or signed to give Max full custody?”

  “It’ll need to be notarized, but I can do that.”

  “All right then,” Molly said. �
��Chloe, do you wish to see your son before you go?”

  Chloe bit her lip and shook her head. “It would probably be better if I don’t. I packed up his stuff. I got as much as I could into my car.”

  “Grayson, Max, go help Chloe bring in Caden’s things,” Molly said.

  Since Max seemed frozen in place, Gray gave him a push to get him moving. The two men stepped into the freezing cold night without coats and went to retrieve boxes and bags of baby items from the back of Chloe’s car. They made two trips each, depositing the items in the mudroom.

  Molly oversaw the operation, and when they were finished, she said to Chloe, “Is there anything else you’d like to say before you go?”

  “I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I’m so sorry, Max. I wish I could be someone different, but . . . I loved you, and I love him. I’m just . . . I’m sorry.”

  Max’s jaw remained rigidly set as he listened to her.

  “Are you able to drive safely?” Molly asked.


  “Then I think you ought to go now.”

  Chloe turned her tearful gaze toward Max, who was now expressionless. “I’m so sorry, Max.” She turned to leave.

  “Chloe.” Max went after her. “You’ll always be his mother. There’ll never be a time that I’ll turn you away if you want to see him.”

  Sobbing softly, Chloe said, “That’s more than I deserve.” She reached up to kiss Max’s cheek. “Take good care of him for me.” And then she was gone, into the dark night, out of their lives, leaving Max to raise his son alone.

  It was almost too much for Grayson to process. He couldn’t imagine how Max must feel.

  Reeling, Max watched her go, wishing he could somehow redo the last fifteen minutes and change the outcome.

  His mother’s hands on his shoulders drew him out of the shock to find her looking up at him with concern. “I know this has to be overwhelming right now, but you’re not alone. We’ll help you. We’ll all help you.”

  Max knew that he needed to say something, to at least thank her for how she’d stepped in to manage the situation with Chloe, but there were simply no words as the enormity of it settled in like an elephant stepping on his chest and stealing the air from his body.


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