Dare to Love

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Dare to Love Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Not really because the other shit doesn’t matter to me. I just want Mercedes safe and sound. I want this whole bidding thing on her to disappear and for no other jackasses obsessed with her pictures online to show up thinking they can have her. That’s why I’m here. You said you can stop it. So tell me how you guarantee to do that and then what you want in return.”

  Miami leaned back and slowly pushed the file toward Warner.

  “This problem is one in the same. I can ensure Mercedes is safe. I have the location of the two men that tried to abduct her as well as the location of Randall who is about ready to sell off his little women selling business to Nicolai Vollup for a hefty sum of money.”

  Warner sat forward. “So you’re going to give me all that information so I can get them arrested?”

  He tapped the file. “Everything is in here along with instructions on an upcoming operation you’ll find interesting. You’ll see that your part in this as I ask is necessary and the only way to repay me for my abilities to get this to you in a timely manner.”

  “What do I have to do? What’s the bottom line?” Warner asked.

  Miami held his gaze.

  “I need Nicolai Vollup dead.”

  * * * *

  Taylor stood in Max’s office as Warner spoke with Max and him over the speakerphone.

  “What do you need us to do?” Max asked.

  “Nothing,” Warner replied and Taylor could hear the strain in his brother’s voice. Something was wrong. He had that meeting with Miami. That’s how he got all this information. But what had Miami asked for in return?

  “What do you mean nothing?” Max asked.

  “Gemini and the others, along with some representatives from the government, are taking care of all of it. Jeff and Damien, the two men who tried abducting Mercedes the first time, should be under arrest at this moment. Randall will be in custody in no time and his company R.J.S. National will be destroyed as well.”

  “Where are you now? Are you heading to our place to tell Kurt and Mercedes?”

  Warner was quiet and Taylor didn’t like that. He looked at Max who held his gaze with a knowing grim expression.


  “Taylor, I need you, Kurt, Max, and the others to watch over Mercedes while I’m gone.”

  “Gone? Where? What are you talking about, you’re leaving?”

  “I need to take care of something to ensure that Mercedes and you and Kurt are safe so that we can move on with our lives and a future with Mercedes.”

  “Warner, you can’t just leave without seeing Mercedes and explaining things to Kurt and I,” Taylor said to him.

  “Taylor, it has to be like this. Don’t make it harder. I need to focus.”

  “Well what about us? What will Mercedes do if something happens to you?”

  “Nothing is going to happen. I don’t plan on getting killed. Just take care of her and let me handle this.”

  “I don’t know if I can. Not now. Things are different,” Taylor said and glanced at Max. He felt awkward talking like this in front of him but Max was like another brother to all of them. They had been friends for years.

  “Please, Taylor. Take care of Mercedes and let me handle this.”

  “Fine, but if anything happens to you, I’ll fucking beat the crap out of you.”

  Warner chuckled.

  “Never happen. I’ll try to get back as quickly as I can.”

  “You’d better. Be safe, Warner.”

  “Yes, be safe, buddy,” Max added then Warner disconnected the call.

  Taylor ran his fingers through his hair.

  “He’ll be fine. He’s one tough bastard, always has been,” Max said to Taylor.

  “I’ve had this bad feeling in my gut for weeks now. I don’t like it. I’m not certain.”

  “Taylor, this is what your brother does. If he says he needs to do this than he needs to. Stay positive and take care of Mercedes.”

  Taylor nodded his head then looked at the clock. He had another thirty minutes before lunch.

  “Leave now. Take the full hour and go see her and Kurt. It will make you feel better,” Max told him and smirked.

  “Thanks, Max. For understanding, for being such a good friend, for everything.”

  Max nodded and then Taylor headed out of the department and straight for home.

  * * * *

  “Oh God, Kurt, that tickles,” Mercedes said as she lay on her belly, her hands tied with rope on long leads attached to the posts of the bed. Kurt was using some sort of leather contraption like a feather duster but instead of feathers they were thin strips of leather. She could smell them and the feel of them slapping against her ass cheeks was making her feel aroused and horny.

  She wiggled her hips and he lifted her hips higher.

  “Your ass is so fucking perfect. I don’t know if I’m going to fuck it first, or fuck this pussy,” he said and slapped her pussy from underneath with the leather duster.

  “Do it. I don’t care, you’re making me crazy.”

  “Hot damn, now this is something to come home to.” She heard Taylor’s voice and gasped as cream dripped from her cunt. She was half embarrassed by being caught and not even hearing Taylor come into the house, and half turned on because obviously Kurt had heard his brother and apparently she wanted her men to see her like this.

  Taylor’s palm glided along her ass cheeks and up her spine.

  “You look so fucking sexy,” he said and leaned down and kissed her lips. As he plunged his tongue into her mouth he cupped her breasts.

  “Now I don’t have to choose. Taylor can help me fill you with cock. Is that what you want?”

  “Yes. Yes, now do it,” she panted.

  “Sweet Jesus you got her begging for it,” Taylor said and quickly took off his clothes. He was on the bed in a flash. She saw his cock and opened her mouth just as Kurt spanked her with the duster.

  “Oh God,” she got out as Taylor stroked his cock into her mouth.

  “Fuck yeah,” Taylor said and Kurt’s hands massaged her ass then pressed a finger to her anus.

  She pushed back, needing it. She craved his cock, their cocks to penetrate her ass and her pussy and eliminate this hunger and need so deep in her core she was shaking. She wanted to come, to find that release they always brought her and she wanted it now.

  She felt Kurt pull back and then Taylor grabbed her hair and slowly pumped into her mouth.

  Behind her the bed dipped and then she felt the cool liquid to her ass. She sucked faster, wanting, needing to come and feeling overwhelmed with desire.

  Kurt’s fingers slid right into her ass as he pumped three times then pulled them out. She moaned in annoyance.


  That earned her a smack and then a nibble to each ass cheek as her pussy clenched some more.

  She tried moving her hands but couldn’t. The feel of the rope loose around her wrists tugged at her every time. She couldn’t touch Taylor or reach back and touch Kurt. They had her restrained and as she felt her heart race faster, Kurt thrust into her ass in one smooth stroke.

  She thrust back and forth until Taylor pulled from her mouth. Her pussy swelled with need and she couldn’t finger herself or even reach her pussy.

  She growled out.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Taylor asked, knowingly, as his eyes zeroed in on hers, reading them.

  “Please,” she begged.

  “You need my cock somewhere else?” he asked and she nodded her head as Kurt fucked her ass good and hard.

  “Tell me where?” Taylor pushed, easing under her and brushing over her pussy lips, teasing her.

  “Please, Taylor. Please.”


  “Oh,” she gasped as Kurt smacked her ass and made the sensations intensify.

  “Tell him,” Kurt said.

  “My pussy. I need your cock in my pussy. Now!” she added as she exhaled in annoyance.

  Taylor smiled and Kurt shoved balls deep into h
er ass, lifting her hips.

  “Why didn’t you just say so?” Taylor said. He slid underneath her and the ropes and in a flash she felt the tip of his cock at her pussy and she sunk down hard. All three of them moaned and that was it. Taylor and Kurt fucked her relentlessly until she came several times and felt like a sedated, limp noodle.

  As they grunted and thrust then finally came inside of her she collapsed against Taylor’s chest.

  She moaned from the pulling on the ropes.

  “Slow down, baby. We’ve got you,” Kurt said, slipping out of her and then undoing the ropes. He kissed her right wrist and made sure she wasn’t marked and Taylor kissed her left wrist and then brought her arms up over his shoulders as he hugged her tight.

  “I love you, baby. Always.” And he kissed her.

  * * * *

  “Where the hell is he? Why aren’t you telling me? I want to know,” Mercedes demanded.

  Taylor looked at Kurt.

  “He needed to take care of something. He’ll be gone for a few days, maybe longer.”

  “What? He didn’t even tell me or say good-bye or nothing,” she said, sounding very sad.

  Kurt pulled her closer to him as he sat on the edge of the bed. She was standing between his legs, wearing Kurt’s shirt and nothing else.

  Kurt moved his palms up her ass to her lower back and then back down again.

  “Baby, look at me,” Kurt said to her. He could see the tears in her eyes. The concern.

  “He’s coming back. This was important.”

  “Does it have to do with the men who tried taking me? Is he taking matters into his own hands?”

  Kurt took a deep breath and released it.

  “You need to accept what Taylor and I are telling you and not to ask any questions.”


  He raised both eyelids.

  “No buts. If Warner and I had to continue doing what we’ve done as a profession for all these years, then you would need to accept that and not ask questions.”

  She stared at him and licked her lower lip before speaking.

  “But you’re not doing that anymore. Warner told me he was done and that the last job he had he came close to getting hurt. I don’t want him to get hurt because of me.”

  He ran his hands up her thighs to her ass and then her hips. He pulled her closer as she gripped his shoulders.

  “You’re our woman and we’re here to protect you. Please, understand that when Warner returns it’s his decision of whether to let you know where he was and what he was doing. We need you to respect his wishes. He doesn’t want you worrying. He wants you safe, just as Taylor and I do.”

  She looked at Taylor and Kurt could see she wasn’t buying any of this and she was truly hurt, worried, and upset with them and Warner.

  “Well, you’re not leaving me any choice but to accept this. But for the record, it sucks.”

  Kurt was surprised by her reply as he smirked and then slowly lifted her shirt. “There’s a lot to be said for sucking,” he teased then licked her nipple before sucking it into his mouth. He fell back, taking her with him, landing on the bed and locking gazes with her.

  “Very funny, Kurt,” she told him and he rolled her to her back and rocked his hips against her naked mound.

  “Someone feeling a little sassy?” he asked and Taylor chuckled.

  “I’ll leave you to give her a nice spanking for her sassiness. Some of us have to get back to work,” Taylor said and he ran his hand along her ass as he bent and kissed her. Before he stood up, he smacked Mercedes’s ass. The sound echoed through the room.

  “Taylor!” she reprimanded and Kurt heard his brother laughing as he left the room.

  “Now, where were we?” Kurt asked her as he caressed her backside.

  She held his expression with a stern one.

  “Oh no you don’t, baby. You are not getting away with that.”

  He quickly sat up, using his strong core muscles, and flipped her around on his lap, placing her over it on her belly and then began to spank her ass. She wiggled and laughed, begging him for mercy until he stroked a finger up into her cunt. She didn’t move until he stroked a few more times then felt her hips rocking downward against his finger.

  “Damn, baby, I think you’re going to be my new full-time job.”

  He stroked faster, pulled his fingers out of her pussy, smacked her butt a few times, and then stroked her again and again until she cried out her release. He smiled wide. She was perfect for him and for his brothers. He prayed that Warner came back safely. They weren’t complete unless the four of them were together and safe, here in Chance.

  Chapter 10

  “Dom, I appreciate you meeting me on such short notice,” Warner said to the Russian as they shook hands and he took a seat in front of Dom’s desk.

  “I haven’t heard from you in years, and in a matter of a month, your name has popped up several times.”

  Warner felt that bit of fear that things weren’t working in his favor with this. He didn’t trust Miami, but Miami had more power and control than he did. What Warner needed to do was let this Russian take out Nicolai so Warner wouldn’t have to get his hands dirty.

  “Well you can’t believe everything you hear,” Warner replied, holding the Russian’s gaze.

  “I don’t know, my friend. Miguel was quite the powerful drug lord.”

  “Miguel?” Warner replied, playing dumb. Dom chuckled.

  “I get it. No need to count our kills. So tell me why you need to meet with me. I doubt you want to take up my offer of joining my team.” Dom raised one of his eyebrows at Warner in challenge.

  “Not for me. In fact, after this last situation gets resolved I plan on retiring.”

  “Retiring? You? Tell me it isn’t so.”

  Warner smirked.

  “Ahh, who is she?”

  Warner felt on the defensive and instantly wanted to protect Mercedes from everyone and everything.

  “Okay. I get it. Good for you. Now, talk to me.”

  Warner began to explain about the business of selling abducted women.

  “You mean R.J.S. International?” he asked, and Warner felt like cheering. He had a feeling Dom would know them.

  “You know of them?”

  “I have associates who are in the process of buying shares.”

  “You mean buying out the company?”

  Dom held his gaze.

  “What is going on?”

  “Your buddies are about to get screwed and screw you over big time. Randall, the owner of the company, has gained the attention of a friend of yours. He’s being watched, perhaps brought in for questioning right now. He’ll talk to get off. He frigged up a sale of a very high-priced woman and promised your friends that she would be delivered and they would get over two million. He planned on being long gone out of here. But the problem is, he’s already selling the company to this other individual.”

  “Why are you sharing this with me? I have no interest in their business.”

  “That’s not what I heard. But then again, maybe you decided to step down and allow Nicolai Vollup to gain more power and finally knock you out of the black market deals that made you into the multimillionaire you are today.”

  Dom sat forward in his chair, his face becoming red in an instant.

  “Are you telling me the truth?” he asked.

  Warner handed over the thumb drive. On it contained enough evidence to make Dom want to eliminate his competition and destroy the man who had been diligently working behind his back to discredit him and destroy Dom’s enterprise. All gathered and very quickly by Gemini and his friends who insisted upon helping Warner.

  “What is on it?”

  “What you need to know to come to an informed business decision. But remember, I was never here. I don’t know a thing, and you don’t know where you got that thumb drive. Got it?”

  Dom smirked. “Take care, my friend. Enjoy retirement.”

  Warner nodded hi
s head and exited the room, hoping that Dom trusted him enough to look at the thumb drive and connect the dots. Randall and the others were going down and they would all be destroyed. Now he had to wait to make sure that Nicolai was eliminated once and for all.

  * * * *

  Mercedes was in the supermarket along with Taylor. As he grabbed some cereal, she walked down the aisle to where the flowers were. She thought about Warner. It had been a week since he left and she was getting more and more worried about him. She looked at them and even their beauty didn’t make her smile. She loved being with Kurt and Taylor, but it felt different not having Warner there, too. He completed them. They needed to be together all four of them.

  As she headed back around the aisle, she saw a man walking toward her just as she saw Taylor come, too.

  Their eyes locked and something came over her. She went to scream. The man grabbed her and Taylor yelled out, “Let go of her.

  She watched as the man turned while Taylor rushed to her in uniform and the man pulled a gun and shot him.

  She cried out in shock as she watched Taylor fall to the ground backward as the man drug her from the store.

  She was kicking and screaming and as one of the clerks showed up nearby, the man shot at him. The kid ducked and she screamed as he pulled her out the exit door.

  “Let go of me. I’m not going anywhere with you,” she yelled but then there was another man and he smirked at her.

  “Don’t fight us, it will only make matters worse for you.” She struggled to get free then felt the prick to her neck. She saw the needle and then felt the effects of what they gave her. She was shoved into the backseat of the dark sedan. They had her, and all she kept thinking about was Taylor and how he got shot. Taylor is dead, because of me.

  * * * *

  “What do you mean you guys lost the vehicle? That was our only way of finding her. Fuck!” Taylor yelled as he sat in a chair, no shirt on and a major bruise already forming on his chest.

  “Thank God you were wearing that bulletproof vest.”

  “Yeah, real fucking good I was. The hit nearly knocked me out.”


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