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Flightless Page 4

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Cautiously James stepped backwards through the open door being held by Cathy. Edwin followed slowly, but proudly walked to the nearest chair. He sat down and tried to smile at the twins and Cathy. James did the introductions and Dr. Edwin looked each person with his eyes of keen interest.

  He said, “I’ve waited a long time to have a conversation with normal human beings. Let me tell you my story. We were out to sea off the coast of San Diego. We had a submersible with us. I was underwater when the heavy cloud of plague went over us. I stayed down as long as I could and then they brought me up. I guess at that point I only received a slight dose of poison. Anyway, we sailed back and after the customary two weeks everyone was dead; or so I thought. I woke up after three day of fever and survived. When I recovered I drove up the coast looking for any signs of life. As I drove up to Malibu I saw a few guys walking on the beach. The next thing I know I’m living with a bunch of wacko monsters. I had to act like them to stay alive. I realize you want to know how many and there’re fourteen of them.”

  “Interesting story,” said Cathy. “But how do we know we can trust you. We can’t stay awake forever watching you and wondering if you will kill us when we are sleeping.”

  “I’ve given that a lot of thought Cathy. I’m sure we can find some shackles to secure me at night. Handcuffs would work. Time is all we have left and in front of us. We’ll see over time. Meanwhile, be prepared to have an invasion within a day or two of crazies on motorcycles. They are armed to the teeth.”

  “Excuse us for a few minutes Dr. Moffitt. We need to chat amongst ourselves. I’m sure you understand that,” said James.

  “Of course and I’ll be right here. I’ve no place to go at this point. If you toss me out, I’ll head north. I just hate being alone is all. I truly hope you’ll give me a chance to be of some help.”


  “What do you think James,” asked Cathy.

  “Your guess is as good as mine,” said James. “Kids what do you think?”

  Dan looked at Dana and she shrugged her shoulders. “We’ve no idea and whatever you two decide is fine with us. I personally think he is okay, but then I’ve not a lot of experience with people.”

  James looked at Cathy and Cathy rolled her eyes. She said, “If he came to kill us, why didn’t he wait until the whole gang was here?”

  “That’s what I’m wondering. Okay, let’s assume he is right and the gang is coming tomorrow or the day after at the latest. We post a look out tonight and make plans for take off in a C-17 Globemaster. We need to get that forklift running and make some pallets of things we want to take with us. I figure most of the time is going to be fitting the Globemaster for flight. I’ve never flown a Globemaster but I’ve sat in the right hand seat one time.

  “Me too,” said Cathy.

  “Okay, then we take a chance on the good doctor and go for it,” said James.

  After informing Dr. Edwin about their plans, he smiled through a crooked mouth and said, “Thank you. Let me know what I can to help. I can follow orders well. I’m one hell of a biologist, but not much good with a monkey wrench.”

  “Our plan Doctor is to outfit a cargo plane and fly north. We need to take with us some equipment and I’d think you might benefit from some technical stuff from the research lab here. There will be plenty of room and use a pallet with boxes would be best. We can use a forklift to move it afterwards.”

  “My mind is spinning right now. I’ll gather the basics for a lab and probably wish I had taken a lot more stuff with me. We’ll need a supply of seeds for planting crops. Most universities have a supply of seeds in case of a disaster such as this plague.”

  James was thinking about Salem, Oregon and the proximity to Oregon State University in Corvallis. However, for the time being he would keep the location they were going a secret from Doctor Edwin.

  Meanwhile, as the group peddled their bikes and Dr. Edwin followed in his motorcycle, went in search of a Globemaster. James kept looking over his shoulder, not so much looking at Dr. Edwin, but he was thinking about the predicted arrival of a group of monsters. How to defend the group was a serious question. An armed gang of monsters on motorbikes was not a good thought.

  James thought, we need to set a trap and have them enter and eliminate the threat; easy to say, but hard to accomplish. Cathy saw him shake his head and she knew he was brainstorming the threat coming.

  After locating the cargo plane and just before dark arrived they inspected the big plane. Most of the tires were either flat or almost out of air. Cathy and Dana went in the lowered back door to look over the interior while James inspected the outside. Dr. Edwin stood by watching while Dan followed James around. James was talking out loud of things that needed attention and Dan made mental notes.

  Afterwards, having thought it a good idea, they slept at the armory where they could lock the door. A three hour shift of guards was set up. All were included with the exception of Dr. Edwin. Both James and Cathy thought he was okay, but to be on the safe side, decided to keep an eye on him and focus on the incoming bad guys.

  The night passed quickly. The sleeping bags from the PX worked well but the cement floor was a bit hard. All went to the barracks to shower up and then over to the market for breakfast.

  James smiled at Cathy and nodded towards Dr. Edwin who was humming a tune and seemed to be enjoying his new found friends. He was sitting on his sleeping bag making notes on the things he needed to take with him. He was smart enough not ask where they were going as that would rein suspicion on him. As a matter of fact he could care less where they were going as long as it was away from those monsters back there.

  At the cargo hanger, Dan and James had found a forklift that they jump started with a battery that they had charged with their generator. James said, “Thank you god for the starting fluid and the additive for the fuel. James went to fetch the air compressor to air up the tires while Dana took the first watch for the bad guys.

  At noon they took a break. Lunch in the hanger was the sounds of cans being opened. James said, after sacking up the empty cans, “How are we going to defend ourselves against fourteen nasty bad guys?”

  Dr. Edwin spoke up, “These guys are not the smartest bunch of fellows. However, they have the primitive instinct of survival. A trap would be nice, but I’ve no idea about that. A trap to me is bait and hope the fish takes the offered bait.”

  Cathy said, “Not an original thought but the basis is there. What do we use for bait and how do we set the hook?”

  Dan said, “How about we trap them in a plane with no exit out and gas them with some chemicals. Or in a building?”

  “Let’s give that some thought,” James said.

  Cathy said, “Can we use the huffer to blow some gas into an enclosed place to put them all asleep?”

  Dan said, “How about we cook something so the smell will make them come to take a look.”

  “Yes, and we can set the table for fourteen and pretend we are welcoming them. After they come in then we fill the room full of sleeping gas,” said Cathy.

  “And balloons and sign that says welcome,” said Dana.

  James took over and said, “Dr. Edwin you can locate the chemical agent from the research lab. Dana can blow or mechanically blow up the balloons. Cathy and I will set the table and introduce an aroma. But first we’ll bring over the huffer and generator for set up. Okay, let’s get to work.”

  Five hours later, all five were worn out from working so hard, the trap was set and baited. Cathy had discovered some sealed bacon bits and the unmistakable smell of bacon was overwhelming. Now the only thing left to do was wait. Dr. Edwin thought that by cover of night they would arrive. And true to his word, around eight pm the sounds of motorcycles were heard approaching the base.

  Chapter VI

  The lights shown brightly in the dinning room. Balloons were strung up outside and inside. A crude but effective sign said welcome Malibu Bikers. The table was set for formal dinning. A fan placed beh
ind the long table blew air out the door. The smell of bacon and corned beef cooking even made James’s mouth water.

  Cathy and Dana were hiding behind the building; and James, Dan and Dr. Edwin were covering the front. It was dark and only the lights of the motorcycles were visible. The riders rode slowly and cautiously towards the brightly lit building.

  The lead rider stopped in front of the building. A rifle hung over his deformed shoulder. The light from the dinning room cast a dim view of deformed humans. All had rifles and pistols.

  Soon all the bikes were silent and the leader with two following him slowly walked to the open door and peered in. The leader, who was very tall, said, in a guttural language that James didn’t understand, but soon was whispered into his ear by Dr. Edwin, “Four of you stay by the door while we check the place out.”

  Pistols drawn, ten bad guys entered the dinning room. The smell was very evident and with a hand held megaphone, James said, “Welcome to Edwards Air Base. Please sit down and enjoy your dinner. To show our friendship the four left outside are invited in.” James then fired a burst from his M-4 and the four left outside dove through the open door for protection.

  Cathy started the huffer and soon the building was engulfed in chemical sleeping gas. All that was heard was screaming from inside and the noisy huffer and generator. By watch, fifteen minutes had passed by when James went around back to talk to Cathy. Both of them thought fifteen minutes was sufficient to put them all safely asleep. However, James was cautious and wore a gas mask to enter the back door with his rifle at the ready.

  Creeping slowly James peeked around the corner into the dinning room. James did a quick head count and found fourteen deformed humans littered the floor totally unconscious. Now what do we do, he thought. We must tie them up and then what happens? To put them to sleep permanently would be murder. However, would it not be best to put them asleep forever? A group meeting would be needed, James decided.

  Meanwhile James with a pocket full of plastic ties quickly secured hands and feet and duct tape over the mouths was accomplished without throwing up. James viewed the monsters as severely deformed and lacked most signs of being once human beings.

  After that he opened the front and back door, took off his mask and let the place air out. Soon the air was breathable and the three adults went in and left the twins outside. Cathy had her hand over her mouth and James had a grim look on his face.

  The plague had taken its toll and it seemed really strange these creatures were still alive and communicating with each other. Unlike Dr. Edwin, these guys had both sides of their faces and bodies covered in red and black scabs that were dripping pus. Cathy couldn’t take it and ran for the door throwing up.

  James followed her out the door and after she wiped her face he said, “I think it’s only fair to try and talk to the leader. If there’s no sign of human reasoning I think we should euthanize them.”

  Dr. Edwin came up and said, “I also found some Somulose that would put them out permanently. In my opinion, it’s the humane thing to do. I got lucky and those guys suffered unnecessarily.”

  James was of a mind that he wanted to reassure himself that these monsters were indeed not human beings. James went back in and sat in a chair waiting for the leader to wake up. Dr. Edwin said it would not take long before they all woke up.

  Dr. Edwin joined James as the leader groggily woke up. His one eye blinked open and it shown red and full of hate. He snarled threw broken teeth and deformed mouth. At first he focused on Edwin and saw recognition in his eye. Then his eye turned to James who held his rifle pointed directly at his chest. Once again a stream of unintelligent sounds came from him. Dr. Edwin translated, “He asked what are you waiting for why don’t you shoot me. If the reverse were true, you’d already be dead and on my table for dinner.”

  By now the others had woken up and were listening. James shook his head and pulled the trigger ending the life of one bad monster. The others made no sounds. James said to Dr. Edwin, “I’ll take full responsibility and would you please prepare thirteen does of fatal drugs for the rest of these poor souls.”

  It was decided that they would burn all the bodies and bury the remains. Dan helped dig the mass grave and Cathy poured kerosene over the bodies. James lit a torch of soaked fuel oil and tossed in on the row of bodies. All stood upwind and each felt better that those poor souls were now gone forever.


  The next day, after a sleepless night, our five survivors prepared the cargo plane for take off. After the night before, all felt listless and wondered if they had done the right thing. At breakfast, James felt a heavy weight on his shoulders and that was when Cathy came up and gave him a big hug. Dana and Dan ran up and made it a group hug. Dr. Edwin hung back but felt the attraction nonetheless.

  By afternoon, all were putting behind them last night’s memory and focusing on preparing the exodus from California. The tires had the required amount of air; the fuel had been checked and double checked. It was decided a Humvee would be needed so they made sure one was started and operable.

  Now after a dinner of canned goods they felt a good night sleep was called for. However, a guard was posted as no chances were taken that other monsters might be lurking out there. As it turned out, a peaceful night’s sleep was had and by morning a clear blue sky prevailed. As usual it was cool in the mornings, but by noon the warm sun had replaced the chill of the desert.

  James decided it was time to test the motors of the Globemaster. The APU was attached and James began the starting process of four motors. Soon all four motors were running smoothly. Dan sat next to James as they slowly taxied around the runway.

  After the trainer jet, this big cargo jet felt enormous and bulky. James went to the end of the runway and powered up for simulation take off. After a test run, James decided to fly the damn thing.

  He taxied back to the runway and after checking all instruments he prepared for take off. Dan was a little scared as the big plane lumbered down the runway and then the four engine plane set him back in his seat. The next thing he knew he was airborne.

  James felt comfortable as the big plane was easy to fly. He made a series of slow turns both way and did a touch and go two times. It was fairly quiet in the cabin and James talked to Dan about the use of a big cargo jet. He said it was both a cargo jet and a passenger plane. He and Cathy felt that they would need a big plane in case the clan got larger.

  Back at the hanger James left the plane so no need to tow it around. He dropped the back door and shut down the motors. They would need to refuel it and then load the supplies aboard.

  Upon exiting through the lowered back door Cathy and Dana were waiting for a report. James gave her a thumbs up and decided to take the rest of the day off and help Dr. Edwin pack lab stuff. Dan followed in the forklift that carried a few pallets for lab gear.

  Dr. Edwin was surprised to see all of them and asked how the test flight went. James told him the good news and offered their help. Soon they had a pallet load of stuff packed away so it wouldn’t break in custom designed boxes he found in a back room.

  Dr. Edwin said, wiping his brow, “I think that will do it for now. I’m sure there’re things I missed but usually we can find that stuff at a university. Meanwhile, I’ve got what we need and the reference books to satisfy all our needs.”

  James said, “Let’s take our new Humvee into Lancaster and find some different food to eat. Maybe some pasta with packaged cream sauce.”

  All laughed and said together, “Let’s go Captain!”

  Chapter VII

  In a large supermarket they found a gourmet section of imported goods. Dan found a gas stove and gas. Cathy found some packaged pasta and Dana found some packaged cheese mix. Dr. Edwin filled up a cart with bottled water. And set up a table for five to eat at. Spaghetti was cooked along with the pasta with cheese sauce. All considered it a treat and they loaded up what they could pack with them.

  An anxious group fell asleep that n
ight wondering what the next sleeping place would be like. Dan felt like it was an adventure and couldn’t wait until lift off. Dana hung by Cathy as if she was afraid to cut the apron strings of her home area. Dr. Edwin slept like a log as well as James.

  The next day, after breakfast they finished loading the plane. By noon they had everything loaded and tied down. James figured flight time of three to four hours. That would put them in Salem just at dark. James didn’t like that so they decided to leave the next day early morning.


  After lift off and altitude reached at around ten thousand feet, Dan and Dana came forward to the cabin. Cathy was co-pilot and made room for the kids to view the landscape below.

  James said, “I’ll fly west of the mountains so you can see the ‘Rim of Fire” which is a long line of volcanoes reaching from here clear into Asia. The first one we come upon is Mt. Shasta. Here is a map to look at with the names of the major volcanoes and peaks.”

  The closer they got to Oregon the clouds got thicker and thicker. Soon they were flying by instruments and then James climbed to a higher altitude. The cabin was pressurized but the back wasn’t so they sent for Dr. Edwin to come forward.

  It was becoming rather bumpy so James gained altitude quickly. Soon they broke out into the bright sun, but as far as the eye could see, a solid layer of clouds lay below them. Cathy said from the navigators chair, “We start decent in thirty eight minutes.”

  “Roger that Cathy. We should be on the ground soon. I’ll have to circle around and come in from the north as the wind will be out of the southwest.”


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