The Adventures of Ibn Battuta: A Muslim Traveler of the Fourteenth Century

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The Adventures of Ibn Battuta: A Muslim Traveler of the Fourteenth Century Page 46

by Ross E. Dunn

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  Chapter 13: Mali

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  Sa’di. ’Abd al-Rahman ibn ’Abd Allah al-, Tarikh es-Soudan. Translated by O. Houdas. Paris, 1964.

  Terrasse, Henri. “Note sur les ruines de Sijilmasa.” Revue Africaine 368–69 (1936): 581–89.

  Trimingham, J. Spencer. A History of Islam in West Africa. Oxford, 1962.

  Wansbrough, John. “Africa and the Arab Geographers.” In Language and History in Africa. Edited by D. Dalby. London. 1970, pp. 89–101.

  Watson, Andrew M. “Back to Gold and Silver.” Economic History Review, 2nd ser., 20 (1967): 1–34.

  Willis, John R. (ed.). Studies in West African Islamic History. 3 vols. Vol. 1: The Cultivators of Islam. London, 1979.

  Supplemental Bibliography

  Abercrombie, Thomas J. “Ibn Battuta: Prince of Travelers.” Photographs by James L. Stanfield. National Geographic 180 (Dec. 1991): 3–49.

  Arcas Campoy, M. “Ibn Battuta y las escuelas jurídicas en los países del Mediterráneo. In D. A. Agius and I. R. Netton. Across the Mediterranean Frontiers: Trade, Politics and Religion, 650–1450. Selected Proceedings of the International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, 10–13 July 1995, 8–11 July 1996, Turnhout, Belgium, 1997.

  Arno, Joan, and Grady, Helen. “Ibn Battuta: A View of the Fourteenth-Century World, A Unit of Study for Grades 7–10,” Los Angeles: National Center for History in the Schools, UCLA, 1998.

  Beckingham, C. F. “The Rihla: Fact or Fiction?” In I. R. Netton, ed. Golden Roads: Migration, Pilgrimage and Travel in Mediaeval and Modern Islam, Richmond, England, 1993, pp. 86–94.

  Benatti, L. “Ibn Battuta e i suoi viaggi.” Africa e Mediterraneo 14–15 (1995): 78–81.

  Bro, Thyge C. Ibn Battuta: En arabisk rejsende fra det 14. århundrede, Oslo, 2001. In Danish.

  Bullis, Douglas. “The Longest Hajj: The Journeys of Ibn Battuta.” Saudi Aramco World 51 (July/August 2000): 2–39.

  Dunn, Ross E. Gli straordinari viaggi di Ibn Battuta: Le mille avventure del Marco Polo arabo, Milan, 1993. Italian edition.

  ——. “Ibn Battuta and Muslim Cosmopolitanism in the 14th c.” Hadeeth ad-Dar, Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah, Kuwait, 12 (2001): 10–13.

  ——. “Migrations of Literate Muslims in the Middle Periods: The Case of Ibn Battuta.” In I. R. Netton, ed. Golden Roads: Migration, Pilgrimage and Travel in Mediaeval and Modern Islam, Richmond, England, 1993, 75–85.

  ——. Petualangan Ibnu Battuta: Seorang Musafir Muslim Abad ke-14, Jakarta, 1995. Indonesian edition.

  Durkee, Noura. The Amazing Adventures of Ibn Battuta, Washington, D.C., 1995. For children.

  El Moudden, Abderrahmane. “The Ambivalence of Rihla: Community Integration and Self-Definition in Moroccan Travel Accounts, 1300–1800.” In Dale F. Eickelman and James Piscatori, eds. Muslim Travelers: Pilgrimage, Migration, and the Religious Imagination, Berkeley, 1990, pp. 69–84.

  Gibb, H. A. R., ed. The Travels of Ibn Battuta A.D. 1325–1354, Translated with Notes from the Arabic Text Edited by C. Defremery and B. R. Sanguinetti. 5 vols. Vols. 1–3: Cambridge University Press for the Hakluyt Society, 1958, 1961, and 1971. Vol. 4: Translation Completed with Annotations by C.F. Beckingham. London: Hakluyt Society, 1994. Vol. 5: Index, A. D. H. Bivar, Compiler, Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing, 2001.

  Guennoun, Abdallah. Memoirs of Important Men of Morocco: Ibn Battuta. Rabat: Islamic Eucational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1996.

  Hamdun, Said, and Noel King. (trans. and eds.). Ibn Battuta in Black Africa. Foreword by Ross E. Dunn, Princeton, N.J.: Markus Wiener, 1994.

  Ibn Battuta: Actes du Colloque international organizé par l’Ecole Supérieure Roi Fahd de Traduction à Tanger les 27, 27, 29 octobre 1993, Tangier, 1996.

  Ibn Battuta: Muslim Scholar and Traveler. Calliope 9 (April 1999). Entire issue.

  Kruk, R. “Ibn Battuta: Travel, Family Life, and Chronology: How Seriously Do We Take a Father?” Al-Qantara: Revista de Estudios Árabes 16, 2 (1995): 369–84.

  Mackintosh-Smith, Tim, ed. The Travels of Ibn Battutah, London, 2003.

  ——. Travels with a Tangerine: A Journey in the Footnotes of Ibn Battutah, London, 2001.

  Mapelli López, E. “Escolio sobre la Málaga de Ibn Battuta (1350).” Boletín de la Real Academia de Córdoba 65, 126 (1994): 221–9.

  Martínez Enamorado, V. “Granadinos en la Rihla de Ibn Battuta: Apuntes biográficos.” Al-Andalus 2 (1994, 1996): 203–21.

  Mazzoli-Guintard, C. “Le Royaume de Grenade au milieu du XIVe siècle: Quelques données sur les formes de peuplement à travers le voyage d’Ibn Battûta.” Voyages et voyageurs au Moyen Age: XXVIe Congrès de la S.H.M.E.S. (Limoges-Aubazine, mai 1995), Paris, 1996, pp. 145–6

  Morgan, David O. “Ibn Battuta and the Mongols.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 3rd ser., vol. 2 (April 2001), pp. 1–11.

  Netton, Ian Richard, “Arabia and the Pilgrim Paradigm of Ibn Battuta: A Braudelian Approach.” In Ian Richard Netton, ed. Arabia and the Gulf: From Traditional Society to Modern States: Essays in Honour of M. A. Shaban’s 60th Birthday, London 1986, pp. 29–40.

  Norris, H. T. “Ibn Battuta’s Journey in the North-eastern Balkans.” Journal of Islamic Studies 5, 2 (1994): 209–20.

  Rumford, James. Traveling Man: The Journey of Ibn Battuta, 1325–1354, Boston, 2001. For children.

  Tolmacheva, Marina A. “Ibn Battuta on Women’s Travels in the Dar al-Islam.” In Bonnie Frederick and Susan H. McLeod, eds. Women and the Journey: The Female Travel Experience, Pullman, Wash.: Washington State University Press, 1993, p. 119–40.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below


  Abbasid Caliphate

  ’Abd al-Wadid sultanate

  al-’Abdari, Abu Muhammad



  Abu al-Tayyib

  Abu Bakr, Abu Yahya, sultan

  Abu Bakr, caliph

  Abu Bakr, shaykh of Mogadishu

  Abu’Inan, sultan

  and Abu l’Hasan

  and Ibn Battuta

  character of

  death of

  Abu l’Barakat

  Abu l’Fath, Rukn al-Din

  Abu l’Hasan, sultan

  Abu l’Mawahid Hasan see Ibn Sulayman, al-Hasan

  Abu Sa’id, Ilkhan

  Abu Sa’id, sultan

  Abu Tashfin, sultan

  Abu Yusuf Ya’qub, sultan


  Adam and Eve

  Adam’s Bridge

  Adam’s Peak


  Aden, Gulf of

  Aegean Sea


  ’Aghyul, ‘Ali (traveler)


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