Billionaire Vacation

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Billionaire Vacation Page 20

by Nella Tyler

  “Probably. I will ask him,” Ash replied.

  “Let’s go eat. I’m starved,” Beni encouraged.

  The girls stood and walked out of the hotel.

  “Meg! Ashlee!”

  They look around to see Denise waving them down.

  “Good Lord! What does she want?” Ash grumbled.

  Denise nearly skidded to a stop in front of them.

  “I’m so glad I saw you.” She gasped as she tried to catch her breath.

  “Why?” Beni asked bluntly.

  “I was hoping I could spend a time with you. You know. Hang out with just the girls,” she explained. “Doug can be a bit of a bore at times.”

  Denise looked dejected and Meg couldn’t help but feel sorry for her, even after everything that had happened.

  “You don’t mind if I tag along with you?” Denise said hopefully.

  Ash rolled her eyes and Beni heaved a put upon sigh. But they didn’t outright refuse Denise. Meg knew it was her call.

  “We’re going for breakfast. You’re welcome to come along if you like,” Meg said.

  “Oh I would. Thanks guys,” Denise grinned widely.

  The four women went into the outdoor café that the girls had come to call their spot. They loved the soothing gurgle of the indoor creek. They crossed the bridge and sat at their customary table.

  Denise looked around in admiration.

  “This is wonderful. I’ve never been here,” Denise exclaimed.

  “I saw Doug a little while ago. He left the hotel in a bit of a huff. Didn’t you see him?” Meg questioned.

  Denise lowered her eyes and fiddled with her hands in her lap.

  “Not since we argued early this morning,” Denise answered.

  The girls looked at one another suspiciously.

  “You argued?” Ash queried.

  “Yes. I want to go out and do fun things. Doug isn’t inclined to do that. He’s so fixated on repairing his friendship with you,” Denise mumbled. “No offense against you, Meg. I think you’re a great girl. But I can understand why you wouldn’t want to be his friend. I’m very sorry I hurt you, Meg. Truly I am.”

  Meg was stunned. As was everyone at the table. Meg didn’t know how to take Denise’s apology. She and Denise had never been close. When Denise started teaching at the Wayman Junior High two years ago, she made no secret that she liked and wanted Doug. So of course they had not been friends. Meg didn’t trust Denise and she wasn’t buying her apology. But she decided to play along with her to see what she could discern from Denise.

  “I accept your apology, Denise,” Meg said.

  Ashlee and Beni’s mouths dropped open.

  “You do?” Ashlee could not prevent the words from tumbling from her mouth.

  “I’ve moved on. I’m holding no grudges,” Meg said with a shrug.

  Beni sat back in her chair and stared at Meg. Then she smiled. Understanding had dawned on her and she kicked Ash’s foot under the table. Ash looked at her and Beni winked and nodded toward Meg. It only took a moment for Ashlee to understand Beni’s gestures. She smiled and perused her menu.

  “I’m so glad, Meg. I want us to start again and really get to know each other,” Denise gushed.

  “If that’s the case, Denise. Why are you with Doug? He’s a douche bag,” Meg asked. She didn’t normally use such terms but she wanted to see how Denise would react to the derogatory statement about Doug.

  Denise stiffened just the tiniest bit then recovered.

  “I don’t know, Meg. I guess I just love him too much,” Denise mumbled.

  Ashlee hid the roll of her eyes behind her menu as did Beni.

  “That can be a horrible mistake. Is he worth it?” Meg asked.

  “I think he is. Flaws and all, I love him,” Denise said.

  “Well, I am not one to advise you where Doug is concerned. Only you can say if he’s the one for you,” Meg uttered.

  “May I take your order?” handsome male server asked.

  “Yes, of course!” Denise said as she fluttered her eyelids at him.

  Meg looked at her in shock and Denise noticed and shrugged.

  “I’m engaged, not blind.”

  They placed their order and continued to chat.

  “Why did you choose to come to Oahu, Denise?” Ashlee asked curiously. “You had to have known it would distress Meg.”

  “It was Doug’s idea. I tried to talk him out of it, but he was determined to come,” Denise answered.

  “Why?” Meg questioned. “He had to know that he was the last person that I would want to see.”

  “He kept saying that he needed to make it right,” Denise said.

  “Make what right?” Beni asked.

  “I thought it was to soothe Meg’s feelings, but I think it’s more than that,” Denise said. “I’m beginning to think that he feels he made a mistake in leaving you, Meg. That he wants you back.”

  “God, no!” Ashlee exclaimed.

  Meg was momentarily speechless. Doug had to have lost his mind if he thought that she would take him back. She looked at Denise to see if she were joking.

  “You’re not serious?” Meg asked.

  “Unfortunately I am,” Denise said sadly.

  “But he and I are done. And he’s engaged to you now. Doug and I will never be together again,” Meg reasoned.

  “I tried to tell him that but he got mad when I brought it up. He acted as though I had it all wrong,” Denise said.

  “Well, he is probably right about that. He and I are over and we’ve both have moved on,” Meg stated firmly.

  “Then why did he want to come here? And why is he basically ignoring me?” Denise whined. “You would think I was here alone.” She used her napkin to dab a lone tear falling from her eye.

  Meg had to marvel at her performance. She didn’t believe a word of Denise’s teary declaration. It was an act. But to what purpose?

  “I’m sure things aren’t as bad as all of that,” Meg comforted her.

  “I’m here with you, aren’t I? I should be with him right now. But he’s nowhere to be found,” Denise sniffed.

  Meg thought her performance was an elaborate production to get her to lower her guard. She would play along and perhaps discover Denise’s game.

  “I’m sure this is just a misunderstanding that the two of you will straighten out,” Meg said.

  “You’re sure of an awful lot,” Beni muttered.

  Meg threw a look of annoyance at Beni who only shrugged negligently.

  Denise began to cry loudly to Beni and Ashlee’s utter disbelief. Meg patted Denise’s shoulder in empathy.

  “There. There, Denise. It will be all right,” Meg cooed.

  “I want to barf, “Ashlee muttered under her breath.

  Meg kicked Ashlee’s foot under the table.

  “Ow!” Ashlee exclaimed.

  “Is something wrong?” Denise inquired through numerous sniffs.

  “No,” Ashlee answered baldly.

  The server brought their meals

  “Oh, I don’t think I can eat a thing,” Denise balked.

  “Try to eat a bit. You have to keep your strength up,” Meg prompted.

  As it turned out, Denise ate like a horse. Beni was dying to make an unfavorable remark about it but Meg’s expression kept her mouth shut. When the bill arrived, Denise needed to use the facilities.

  “If you’ll excuse me. I’ll be right back. Thank you so much for the breakfast,” Denise said before scurrying from the table.

  “I’ll be damned!” Ashlee snapped. “She’s a free loader and no better than Doug.”

  “Meggie, you couldn’t have believed all of that bologna she spouted about Doug wanting you back,” Beni demanded.

  “Not a word of it. But I’m going along with her to see if I can discover what those two are up to,” Meg said. “My Mom always says that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.”

  “That’s what I figured you were doing,” Ashlee commen

  “So lay off the snarky remarks,” Meg insisted. “She needs to think that she’s sucking all of us back in.”

  “Okay. Okay. I will play nice,” Ashlee sighed.

  “But it’s going to be hard. I can’t stand that witch,” Beni grumbled.

  “Just remember: it’s for a good cause,” Meg replied.

  They paid the bill and Denise came back a few minutes later.

  “We’re going snorkeling. Would you like to come,” Ashlee piped up. She pasted a strained smile on her face.

  “I would love too. I just have to drop by the hotel to get my bathing suit,” Denise said cheerfully.

  “No worries. We will wait for you,” Beni added.

  Meg thought Beni’s smile would break her face. She wanted to roar with laughter. They left the café and Beni and Ashlee shot murderous looks at Meg their entire walk back to the hotel.

  Chapter 19

  The trip to Hanauma Bay was surprising enjoyable with Denise in tow. When she wasn’t putting on a sickening show, she was actually pleasant to be around. And the bay was absolutely breathtaking. The water was the clearest aqua-blue Meg had ever seen. And the fish life they saw while snorkeling was amazing. After snorkeling, they lay out on the white sands and took in some the rays. Meg lay under an umbrella that she had brought along because she burned easily. She wished that Drake had been able to accompany her. That would have made it a perfect day. But although she and her friends were on vacay, the men were not. There were some things that they would have to do on their own. They spent several hours at the beach then returned to spend the rest of the day in a swanky spa they had found. Meg had to remember to tell Drake that the hotel spa needed upgrades too.

  “Well, ladies, I must be off. I should at least try to find Doug and see what he’s doing,” Denise said. “Thank you for including me in your activities. I really appreciated it.”

  “Not at all. We enjoyed your company,” Meg said.

  She waited for her friends to echo the sentiment. When none came she unobtrusive stepped on Beni’s foot.

  “As did I,” Beni forced a smile. She desperately wanted to rub her toes.

  “Me too,” Ashlee added.

  “Maybe we can do something tomorrow,” Denise suggested. “I would just love it.”

  “Yes. Perhaps we can,” Meg managed to say cheerfully.

  Denise waved and walked to the elevators and entered. As soon as the doors closed behind Denise, Beni rushed to sit in a chair. Propping her foot on her knee she took off her shoe and rubbed her aching toes.

  “Did you have to step so hard?” Beni complained.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize my strength,” Meg smiled gleefully.

  “I bet you didn’t,” Beni grumbled.

  “Do we really have to stomach her company tomorrow?” Ashlee asked. She dropped into a chair as well.

  “I don’t want to. But if we are to keep up the charade I guess we will,” Meg answered.

  “Oh crap!” Beni exclaimed.

  “It’s almost three o’clock. Let’s go change then relax in our tent and wait for the guys. We can order some snacks while we wait,” Meg said.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Ashlee agreed.

  Ash and Beni stood and the three of them began walking to their room. Beni walked with an exaggerated limp and Ashlee laughed.

  “Oh stop it, Beni,” Meg chided. But she couldn’t contain her laughter and joined Ashlee in merriment.


  “Where have you been all day?’ Doug snapped when Denise entered their room. He sat in a tall, oval-backed, wicker, white chair in the corner of the room.

  “It’s only three o’clock so I haven’t been gone all day,” she said unperturbed.

  “You’ve squandered away most of it. What have you been doing,” Doug snapped.

  “I had breakfast with Meg and her two detestable friends. Then I went snorkeling with them at Hanauma Bay,” Denise said as she tossed her striped straw bag onto the bed. “It was actually a lot of fun. More fun than I’ve had with you thus far.”

  “You spent time with Meg? Why? You woke up this morning loathing the woman.”

  Denise shrugged, then sat on the bed to kick off her multi-colored sandals.

  “She’s not so bad once you get to know her.”

  “You didn’t answer the question. Why would you want to get to know Meg?”

  “Maybe I wanted to better understand your fascination with her,” Denise said sharply. “We haven’t been able to enjoy being in beautiful Oahu because you’re too fixated with her. I wanted to better myself with the competition!”

  He leaned forward in his seat.

  “There is no competition.”

  “There most certainly is. Since the day we landed in Oahu you’ve been possessed with the idea of fixing your friendship with Meg. Why? You dumped her for me. What difference will it make if you never speak another word to her again in life?” Denise spat.

  “I just want to clear the air with her. We don’t have to be enemies just because it didn’t work out between us,” Doug replied.

  “So you’re going to spend every hour that we’re here trying to patch up a relationship that you destroyed,” Denise said coldly.

  “We work together, Denise. We’re going to see each other. We should be able to tolerate one another.”

  “That would have been a fine thing to think about before you treated her so callously … not that I care. But apparently you do, which makes me wonder,” Denise pondered.

  “About what?” Doug retorted.

  “Whether you’re really into me.”

  “I asked you to marry me, didn’t I?” Doug snapped as he moved to stand in front of her.

  “Yes. But you’re not acting like a doting fiancé.”

  He grabbed the hem of her top and yanked it over her head.

  “Perhaps this will help ease your mind about me,” he growled.

  He pushed her onto her back and came down atop her.


  “Shut up!” He kissed her savagely.

  Denise struggled but soon gave in. She wrapped her long legs about his waist and surrendered to his fierce lovemaking. Afterward, Denise looked at a snoring Doug and grimaced. She knew he would sleep for hours. He always lamented that making love tired him excessively. She didn’t know why, since his sexual prowess was far from adequate. Most of the time she faked her climaxes just to make him feel good.

  She thought about Drake and licked her lips. She imagined that he was more than capable of making her shout all night long. Lucky Meg. But things could change. It had happened once; it could happen again. She got up and quickly dressed. She stopped at the dresser mirror and ran a brush through her short, blonde locks. Then she grabbed her bag and left the room. There was something very important that she needed to do if things were to go as planned.


  Meg sat at a round table for two and sipped her Dirty Shirley. Meg had never had the drink before, but found that she really liked the vodka and 7-Up mixed with grenadine syrup. She had decided to meet Doug alone. She wanted him to feel comfortable and perhaps he would reveal the purpose for his pursuit of her friendship. Ashlee and Beni were not far away, however. They sat at a table across the room, sipping their own drinks. Beni raised her hand and wriggled her fingers at her. Meg waved back and grinned. It was half past six and Doug hadn’t shown up. She had stood and was about to leave when she saw him hurrying into the bar.

  “I’m here, Meg,” Doug called out. He stopped at the table breathing heavily.

  “You’re late,” Meg stated the obvious.

  “Yes. Well, I was detained,” he smiled slyly.

  Meg nearly barfed. Doug wanted her to think that having sex was the reason for his tardiness. The thought of it made Meg ill. She recalled their sexual encounters and they were far from exciting. Doug was sadly lacking in that area and she knew Denise was sourly disappointed. Meg resumed her seat.

did you want to meet me, Doug?”

  “No hello? How are you?” Doug questioned in despair.

  “I prefer to get to the point. You asked for this meeting. Why?” Meg asked firmly.

  A server came to the table and Doug placed his drink order. The server left and Doug remained silent.

  “Well,” Meg prompted.

  “I don’t like the way things stand between us, Meg. We were once friends and although I treated you shabbily, I’m hoping that we can forge a truce between us. I deeply regret losing your friendship,” Doug said apologetically.

  “What did you expect to happen, Doug? You broke up with me a mere month before our wedding then became engaged to a woman I work with,” Meg asked. She couldn’t believe he truly wanted her forgiveness and friendship. Forgiveness she could do. Friendship: no.

  “I know I hurt you terribly. But I’m not as cold-hearted as my recent behavior has indicated. I still care about you, Meg.”

  Meg sighed.

  “It really doesn’t matter if you do. And if I speak honestly, I don’t believe you,” she said.

  “Yes, I—”

  She held up her hand to stop him.

  “Don’t. To be blunt, I don’t care if you’re regretful or not. You no longer matter to me. I have moved on and you are out of my life,” she said. “Focus your attention on Denise. She is the one who suffers from your neglect.”

  “Neglect? What has she said to you?”

  “Only that your attention has wandered from her and she is feeling the effects of it. Do not waste your time thinking of me. It is Denise on whom you should concentrate,” Meg stated.

  Doug was quiet for several moments. Then he looked at her intensely.

  “Perhaps you are right. I’m sorry if my need to assuage my guilt has caused you distress,” He mumbled. “May I ask you a question?”

  Meg nodded.

  “Why were you, Ashlee, and Beni in that storage room beneath the basement?”

  The question caught Meg off guard. She was slow to answer.

  “Why do you ask?” she hedged.

  “It was a peculiar place to be. I can understand you getting drunk, being surrounded with so much wine. But what were you doing there in the first place?” he queried.


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