“Just let me know when we can meet up this week, okay?” He asked.
“You sure are persistent aren’t you?”
He smiled.
“Everything I have, everything I owned and accomplished, I worked my ass off to get.”
I nodded as he continued.
“I don’t give up until I have what I want. Nothing worth having rarely ever comes easy and I want you, Ivonka Roux. I wont give up until I have you.” He admits and for some reason I think of Isaac.
“So am I just another challenge for you to cross off your list?” I asked.
“What? No!”
“Let’s say you do finally have me. Then what? You’re off to a new conquest?” I could hear my own insecurities seeping out as I fired out a slew of hypothetical scenarios and questions.
Instead of answering, he cocked his head and stared at me again.
“Come to London with me.”
“What? No, are you kidding me?” I answered incredulously.
“Come on. Take a week or two off and join me in London.”
“What will you be doing in London?” I asked.
“Working. Shooting a new film.”
“Really? Who’s starring in it?” I asked, stalling for time. I didn’t want to say no nor was I ready to exit his Towncar.
“Shannon Rose is starring in it. Its packed with cameos as well.”
“Oh yeah? Like who?”
“Do you know who Stormy Knight is?” He asked.
“The rapper? Of course I know who Stormy Knight is. I’m not that old for fuckssake.”
He laughed.
Then I laughed.
“And I’m sure you know who Armani Rayne is.”
“Who doesn’t?” I agreed, not bothering to tell him that Armani was also a client of mine.
“She’ll be making an appearance. So will Tristan Greene, Ganja, Koreen the Dream-”
“KoKo?” I repeated.
“Yeah, she’s a former video vixen.”
“Slash actress.” I added.
“You still haven’t answered my question.”
“What question?” I snicker.
“Will you join in me in London? At least for a few days.”
“I’ll tell you what. I wont be joining you in London, but I will cancel whatever I’ve got scheduled for Friday and Saturday night so we can hang out and then we can take it from there. How about that?”
He grins.
“I like that but since you wont be joining me in London, and since it’ll be six whole months before I’ll get to see you again, can we at least video chat while I’m away?”
I smile.
“Okay. We can do that.”
“Hmm?” I hear from behind the closed bedroom door.
“It’s 8:30. You need to get dressed. Sasha will be here at 9 to take you to get fitted.”
“Who’s Sasha?”
“The wedding planner. I need you to be ready by 9, Desi!” I shout as I head downstairs wrapped in my favorite cotton robe.
“What are you boys doing? No jumping on my leather couch! Sebastián you’re the oldest. You should no better!”” I chastise the 12-year-old.
All five boys of the Loren clan leap from my expensive brown leather furniture and land with a thud on my terrazzo flooring.
“Where’s Delilah?” I ask Sebastián.
“With mommy.”
“’Did you guys eat breakfast?”
All five boys nod.
“Good. Why don’t you boys go play in the game room or maybe watch a movie in the movie room?” I suggest, inspecting the leather for damage.
Their eyes light up.
“Where’s the game room?” Luke, the second oldest asks.
“Downstairs. Sebastián, I’m depending on you to make sure you all behave yourselves. No fighting!”
The Loren boys are already racing downstairs before I can even spout off my orders.
“Ms. Roux?” Martha, my housekeeper calls out behind.
“Martha, could you wipe the furniture down for me?”
“I’ll get right to it, ma’am.”
“Thank you, Martha. Do you know if there’s coffee brewing? My mother will be down in a minute. I can only take small doses of her, and that’s only if she starts the day with her morning coffee.” I grumble, padding across the living room towards the kitchen.
“Ms. Roux.” Martha calls out again.
I turn to face the stout middle-aged woman.
“Where do you want these bags?”
She points towards the door where a at least 5 pink Prada luggage are sitting
Walking towards the luggage , I ask, “Whose bags are these?”
“ A woman was here earlier. She said she was part of the bridal party. Her friend brought the bags inside, then they left again. I wasn’t sure where you wanted them so I left them there.” Martha explained.
“KoKo? Did she say when she was coming back?”
She shakes her head.
“Take them upstairs to the last bedroom all the way on the other end of the hall. I think it’s best if her room is away from everyone.” I instruct, visualizing a variety of men sneaking in and out of my best friend’s bedroom.
“I’ll help you with that.” Isaac offers.
Trotting down the staircase two steps at a time in his pajamas, he used a strand from his waist-length locs to wrap around his locs in a loose ponytail.
“Thanks, Isaac. I wonder why KoKo didn’t call me.”
“Probably was too early. I’m sure she’ll be back.” Isaac says as he makes his way towards the top of the stairs with three of KoKo’s luggage.
“She could’ve gone to have her dress fitted this morning with Desi.” I mumble.
Sitting down to have my morning cup of coffee at the kitchen island, I click on the morning news just as Ezra and Princeton waltz in.
My husband-to-be looks dashing in a black slacks and a navy dress shirt. His favorite cologne permeates the air around me as he bends down to give me a kiss.
“Prince and I are heading out. Should be back later this evening.”
“It’ll be my first time on a movie set. Kinda amped.” Princeton grins.
“Why don’t you take Isaac along?” I ask Ezra.
“I’d love to but he’s still in his pajamas and I really gotta head out now to beat this rush hour traffic. He can come tomorrow.” Ezra says.
The two men head out just as Michelle and Isaac join me in the kitchen.
“There’s orange juice and fresh coffee over there.” I point behind me. “There’s also muffins, bagels, and a box of Raisin Brans.”
Isaac frowns.
“No hot breakfast?”
“Feel free to cook breakfast. Our cook doesn’t come in for another hour.”
“I’ll make breakfast for everyone.” Michelle offers. “It’s the least I can do.”
“That’s so kind of you, Michelle.” I say.
Isaac snickers as he takes a seat on the stool besides me.
“Still cant cook to save your life, hunh?” He teases.
I cut my eyes at him.
“Does your fiancé know you cant cook to save your life? He asks.
“He knows and he’s okay with it as long as we have a cook.”
I stick my tongue out at him.
“Does he know you’re allergic to strawberries?”
“You are?” Michelle asks from behind us.
“I am.” I confirm. “And yes, Ez is very much aware of this.” I say to Isaac.
“What religion does he practice?” Isaac asks.
“He’s Buddhist.”
“ And he’s aware you’re an atheist?”
An audible gasp is heard behind us, then, “You’re an atheist?”
“I’m not an atheist. I’m agnostic.” I correct over my shoulder. “Isaac is just being a dick.”
“And he knows you’re agnostic?” Isaac continues.
“Yes, Isaac. He knows.”
“Babe,” Michelle says, “Why are you giving her such a hard time? “
Isaac ignores her.
“Does he know about your plastic surgery?” He interrogates, glancing down at my rear end.
“What does that have to do with anything?”
“Does he?”
I slam my half-empty mug on the counter.
“Yes. He knows. Anything else?” I answer curtly.
He shakes his head and the loose ponytails falls loose.
“I still think you two are rushing. It’s only been a couple years. Takes a while for people to show their true colors.” He says.
Behind us, Michelle chimes in.
“We got married in less than a year of meeting each other.” She points out.
Again, he ignores Michelle. His thin brown nostril flares as studies his wedding band.
“Its smells so good in here!” Desi exclaims, making an entrance in yellow cashmere poncho and blue denim jeans.
“Vonne, do you want me to take the kids with me or will you be okay with them here while I’m gone?”
A picture of all 6 of the Loren clan running throughout the bridal shop invades my thoughts.
“You can leave them here. Aw shit, I forgot. I have to meet with the minister in an hour.”
“I don’t mind watching them.” Michelle volunteers.
We both look at her.
“Are you sure?” Desi asks. “Delilah is okay but my sons are little hell-raisers.”
Michelle laughs.
“I’m sure. Besides, I need the practice.” She says.
“Oh muchas gracias, Michelle! I like her already!” Desi exclaims.
Michelle chuckles as she grabs a stack of plate from the cupboard.
“I wont be doing anything while I’m here, so I might as well make myself useful.”
“I’ll leave you my number just incase they give you any trouble.” Desi says.
My mother strolls in and it’s obvious by the scowl on her face, that she’s not in the best mood.
“Is there still coffee left?” My mother snaps at no one in particular.
“I’ll pour you a cup, Ms. Roux.” Michelle offers.
My mother doesn’t bother to say thank you.I look over at her as she takes a seat on the stool to the right of me.
“What’s wrong with you, ma?”
“I couldn’t sleep last night due to all that bickering carrying on last night.” She grumbles.
Michelle sits the cup of steaming hot coffee in front of my mother, who simply looks down at her coffee, then back up at Michelle.
“I can’t drink this! There’s no almond milk.”
“Oh, you didn’t say-” Michelle stammers.
“Well I’m telling you now aren’t I?” My mother says sharply.
“What, Ivonka?!” My mother snarls.
“You’re being rude! Michelle’s a guest. How is she supposed to know-”
“It didn’t matter when your guests were being rude last night, did it?”
Isaac speaks up.
“I apologize for all the noise last night, Ms. Roux. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
“And you need to stop talking to that woman like she’s your child while you’re at it.” My mother adds, creating even more tension in the air.
Isaac face hardens as she turns his attention straight ahead at the muted television.
My mother turns off the television. No one speaks and all eyes are on Isaac and my mother.
“Look at me, Isaac!” My mother hollers.
Nostrils flaring, Isaac slowly turns his head to face my mother. I notice the quick pace of the rising and falling of his chest.
“Isaac Charles, you know better than to be doing all that name-calling and carrying on the way you did last night. What would your mother say if she were here to witness the way you’ve been speaking to your wife?!”
The stool sits on scrapes against the tiled floors as he pushes his seat back and rushes out the kitchen in a rage.
I leap off my seat to sprint after him and rum smack into London-Marie.
“Now’s not a good time, London.”
“Sasha’s car is outside.” She says.
I yell out to Desi to go outside before sprinting upstairs to catch up to Isaac.
“Isaac, unlock the door. It’s me.”
He snatches the door open just wide enough so that only his face is showing and frowns at me.
“Don’t you be heading to your fucking appointment with the priest or something?”
I raise a brow.
“Isaac, what the hell’s the matter with you? Why are you so angry?” I ask, then use all of my upper-body strength to push open the door.
He stumbles and I use that window of opportunity to push past him.
“Fuck.” He says, locking the door behind me.
He walks past me and pulls his suitcase from out the closet.
“I’m renting a room at the DoubleTree for the remainder of my stay.”
“Isaac,” I say, grabbing his arm. “What is fucking your problem?”
His luggage falls to the ground as he turns to face me, eye to eye.
“You really wanna know what my problem is, Ivonka?”
His nostrils are still flaring and his breathing is jagged as his chest continues to rise and fall rapidly.
He begins with his failing trucking business and how he’s worried about losing what little is left of his late mother’s insurance policy. He breaks down as he confesses how less than a man for also failing to impregnate his wife after trying for three years. Three years without even a false alar, no missed periods, or even miscarriages. He figures it has to be a sign.
“I rushed off and married the wrong woman.” He says frankly.
Releasing a string of expletives, I plop down on the bed behind me.
“That’s not fair, Isaac!” I shout, hot tears spring from the corner of my eyes.
“You don’t get to do this shit to me two days before my wedding! It’s not fair.”
Isaac reaches in his bag and hands me a box of
Kleenex. I cant help wondering if the box of tissue belongs to Michelle.
The pressure of the mattress shifts under me as he sits beside me.
“This is all my fault.” He whispers.
He leans forward as he rests his elbows on his thighs. He releases a heavy sigh as he buries his face in his palms.
“I never should’ve moved back home to Louisiana with Michelle. I should’ve never dated her in the first place. I should’ve waited for you to get better.” He says remorsefully.
“You did nothing wrong Isaac. How could you have known that I would wake up from a coma? Besides, it wasn’t like we were dating. Your life shouldn’t have stopped just because mine did.”
He shakes his head, still covered by his palms.
“I should’ve waited. Instead what do I do? Run off with the first woman with an interest in me who resembles you, take her to meet my dying mother, and marry her in court before my mother passes away just so she can witness her only son get married. Shit, Michelle and I barely knew each other. I fucked up, Vonne.”
I put an arm around my best friend and give his shoulders a squeeze.
“I like Michelle. She seems very genuine and I can tell she loves you very much.”
The tension in his shoulders wanes. He sits up to look at me.
“I haven’t really gotten a chance to get to know Ezra, but so far he seems legit.” He says with a shrug.
I smile.
“Thank you. He’s terrific and so is Michelle. I think she deserves an apology.”
He nods.
“I’ll apologize to her, but I’m still sleeping at the DoubleTree. Without Michelle.”
“Is there any other reason why you just can’t fathom being under the same roof with her?”
/> He peers sadly into my eyes and does a half-shrug.
“She’s not you.”
Perhaps it’s my ego or the love and attraction for Isaac that I’ve managed to stifle since he landed in LAX with Michelle, whatever it is, for whatever reason, my heart leaps in my chest and I slowly place my hand on top of Isaac’s.
He uses his free hand to trace the outline of my narrow chin and pronounced cheekbones with his fingertips. His long slender middle finger lightly brushes across my small pouty lips. Time seems to stand still when brings his bearded face closer. I’m almost certain he hears the sound of my labored breathing as his fingers glides slowly across my neck. My vagina muscles clenches, quickly and involuntarily. He brings his face even closer. I close my eyes and tilt my neck, yearning to feel the soft touch of his lips on them again.
“What the hell is going on in there!?!”
Someone yells.
Startled, I jump to my feet and power walk to the door.
“ And why is this door locked?”
I recognize my mother’s Louisiana accent anywhere.
I swing open the door and walk around her. She’s spouting off questions, bordering accusations, but I continue straight ahead. She says something about the minister asking me to return his call before I tune out the world around me.
Michelle rushes up to me. Her mouth moves but I hear nothing. She grabs my wrist and digs in her side pocket with her other hand. She pulls out a stack of few neatly folded tissue and dabs at the corner of eyes, my cheek, and down my chin. She hugs me, pulls away, and gives my shoulder a pat. I feel like a horrible human being.
“Ivonne, I know you can do better than that, girl. I need you to kiss this muthafucker like you mean it! Think about the last time you were in love. Step into that moment again. Channel it! Let’s start from ‘but we belong together’ and then go in for the kiss.” Ava Shapirez shouted from the front row of the amphitheater.
I nodded at Ava from the stage, then took a deep breath and braced myself to re-enact the love scene.
I wiggled my legs and arms as I attempted shake off the nerves. The production of Sandy’s Den would be opening in just a week and I wanted to prove to Ava that she had made the right decision of giving me the lead role of Sandy Westminster.
Pick Me Blues (The KoKo series Book 5) Page 4