The Pack Rules Boxed Set: The Complete Series of Wolf, Bear, and Dragon Shifter Romances

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The Pack Rules Boxed Set: The Complete Series of Wolf, Bear, and Dragon Shifter Romances Page 49

by Michele Bardsley

  She grinned.

  You’re a slut, Echo. No. She’d been an unfulfilled woman chafing at the constraints of pack laws. Werewolves were not feminists. Being an equal sexual partner in a rite as old as their beginnings was the first time she felt the sense of freedom she so often craved.

  She drew a simple dress out of her suitcase. It was short and red and flirty. She pulled on a red lace thong and didn’t even bother with a bra.

  She followed the scent of coffee to the kitchen. It was huge and rather masculine-looking with its black marble countertops and gleaming silver appliances. A man leaned against the counter near the fridge and sipped from a mug that read: “I Ate Little Red Riding Hood.” One brown eyebrow arched as he took in her red dress.

  “I’m not Little Red Riding Hood,” she said.

  “Hmm. Too bad. I think I’d enjoy eating you.” He put the mug down and sniffed the air. “River was right. You smell very, very good.”

  “Good enough to eat?” she asked, smiling.

  He smiled, too. He had shoulder-length black hair that softened his sharp features. His eyes reminded her of dark chocolate, and they had a twinkle of humor she had not found in the gaze of River. He was at least six feet tall, and had the lean build of a runner or a swimmer. He wore a T-shirt, a pair of faded jeans, and Nikes.

  “Name’s Stone. You look like a woman who could use some coffee.” He poured her a fragrant cup and handed it to her. “I’m not supposed to be here. Sshh.”

  “It’s not your day?”

  “Night. We’re only supposed to spend the night with you. Days are spent recovering.” His eyebrow quirked again. “River left early because he said he didn’t think he could leave you alone. He didn’t want to wear you out before I got here.”

  “How considerate.” She prowled the area with her coffee. The sink was dish-free, and nothing crowded the counters except the fancy coffee machine that had more dials and levers than seemed necessary. She ended the tour by leaning on the opposite end of the island, her gaze on Guy Number Two.

  His eyes took on a gleam and he reached down to adjust himself. Echo’s gaze was drawn to the impressive length trapped in denim. “I’m beginning to understand his issues,” he muttered.

  “Full moon and pheromones,” she said with a shrug. Still, awareness pulsed through her -- his smell, his look, his tension. Maybe there was something to what he was saying. She felt it, too.

  “We’ve been participating in the festivals for years. We’ve never been wholly compelled to nearly devour the representative of the Daughter of Man.”

  “All three of you have participated in the rites before?” she asked. The air seemed to thicken with pure lust. It was almost like she could drink him in, like a glass of champagne, sweet and bubbly.

  “Yeah. We’ve been the three brothers… eh, seems like forever.” He stepped toward her then hesitated. “River isn’t the kind of guy who’s ruled by his dick, but I still didn’t believe him about you.”

  “Believe what, exactly?”

  “Irresistible.” He took another step toward her, and another. “Actually he said he felt like an addict… and you were his drug.”


  Echo hadn’t moved, but Stone certainly had. He stood inches away, studying her face as though he was trying to decipher an ancient mystery. “You’re gorgeous. I have the craziest urge to lick you.”

  She put down her cup. “Eat. Devour. Lick. You seem to have mistaken me for an éclair.”

  “Let’s see what kind of cream you have.” He knelt at her feet and flipped up her dress. “Nice panties.”

  With his werewolf strength he ripped through each side of the delicate lace and the panties fluttered to the slate floor like a wounded butterfly.

  “Those were expensive,” she said.

  “I’ll buy you another pair.” He pressed his face against her pussy and inhaled. “Better yet, I’ll pay you never to wear underwear again.”

  Then he started to lick.

  “MMM. DELICIOUS,” HE murmured.

  Echo’s thighs trembled, and she grabbed on to his skull to keep upright. Stone’s very talented, persistent tongue tumbled her into a knee-shaking orgasm. Pleasure undulated like bright ocean waves crashing on a sunlit shore, and before she could catch her breath, he’d unzipped his jeans, lifted her onto the edge of the island, and filled her.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He nipped her neck, his sharp teeth scraping her flesh. He let her go to claim her mouth, and while his tongue mimicked his cock, she felt another slow building of bliss. She moaned. Could a woman die from pleasure?

  “I’m gonna come,” he whispered against her lips. His face went tight, his mouth dropping from hers. “Oh, gods. Yes, baby. Oh, yes!”

  He jerked once, twice, and then filled her with his come, his hands squeezing her thighs so hard she knew there’d be bruises from the impact.

  He was breathing hard, trying to recover.

  “I’m close,” she whispered. “So close. Please.”

  “Gods, yes.” He slipped out of her, and leaned down to suckle her aching nipples. His thumb rubbed her clit. “Come for me, baby.”

  She clung to him as her body strained toward another peak. Her eyes fluttered open. Over Stone’s shoulder, she saw River in the doorway, staring at her. Lust rolled off him in waves. He lowered his sweats and brought out his swollen length, stroking it for her.

  “Yes,” she breathed. “Yes. Just like that.”

  He stroked harder and harder, his breath coming in pants, his eyes glittering with passion. She wanted to taste him. To feel him. To come with River’s cock in her mouth and with Stone’s tongue tasting her.

  “Wait, Stone,” she begged. “H-hang on.”

  He lifted up, his hands stalled, his eyes glazed. Already his cock was hard again. Whew. Props to the stamina of werewolf males. Feeling like she was sculpted out of Jell-O, she slid off the island and patted it.

  “C’mon, big boy.”

  Stone and River exchanged a glance, a nod. Then River sat on the island, and she leaned forward, licking the tip of his cock. He shuddered as he slid his fingers into her hair, pulling slightly.

  Lightning zapped her.

  As Echo bent over to lave River’s shaft, Stone guided his cock into her aching sex. He held on to her hips, and began a rhythm she soon imitated with her mouth.

  One of River’s hands trailed to her breast, and he tweaked the nipple.

  Her breath went out in a rush, over his engorged cock.

  “You’re being very naughty,” he said. “Maybe you should spank her, Stone.”

  “Good idea,” agreed Stone.

  Slap. The pain radiated to her very core, and Echo moaned.

  “She likes it,” said Stone. His voice was hoarse, but she still heard the grin. He smacked her ass again. She gripped the base of River’s shaft, giving short hard strokes that matched the rhythm of her mouth.

  He kept a tight grip on her hair, and played with her nipple. Stone pounded into her, panting and groaning. Sensations washed over her. The musk of the men and their passion for her, the pleasure-pain of River’s hands on her hair and her breast, the rhythmic thrusting of Stone inside her tight heat.

  It was too much.

  River cried out, and she stopped stroking with her hand, relaxing her throat so she could take all of him. His hot seed squirted, and she eagerly swallowed every salty drop. Then Stone was stiffening, shouting her name, and she felt the pulsating of his cock as he emptied inside her.

  River slid off the island and knelt at her feet. “We must make our lady come, Stone.”

  Stone pressed her backside fully against him. He kissed the side of her neck while he played with her breasts, pulling and twisting her throbbing nipples. River stroked her agonized clit with his tongue.

  She grabbed his skull and rubbed against his face. “More,” she begged. “More!”

  “Come for us, baby,” said Stone. “You bel
ong to us now.”

  “Yes. I’m yours.” Oh, she knew she was owned. Body and soul. Then River gently bit her clit, and she tumbled over the edge into exquisite white-hot pleasure. .

  Moments, or eons, later she opened her eyes. “Did I implode?”

  “Not yet,” said River and he stood up. “But I promise we’ll try harder next time.”

  She laughed. She didn’t want to be without either of them. All they had between them was physical compatibility and an almost unhealthy lust. Was it just the encroaching moon and the annual celebration of werewolf fertility?

  Or was it something more? Something mystical?

  Wow, Echo. Get a grip. All this awesome sex is rotting your brain.

  “I need another shower,” she said. “I don’t suppose either of you would be willing to walk a girl to her room?”

  “I think we’d be willing to walk through fire for you,” murmured River.

  “On glass shards through a pit of alligators,” agreed Stone cheerfully. “By the way, River, you’re on crack if you think I’m leaving.”

  “I’m staying, too,” said River.

  “What about the other brother?” asked Echo.

  River and Stone looked at each other and then they both grinned. “We’ll share with him later.”

  “I’m not a Meaty Bone,” she warned.

  “Nope,” said Stone. “You’re an éclair.”

  ECHO SNUCK INTO the library and quietly shut the door. She leaned against it and issued a sigh of relief. She’d spent the night in bed with Stone and River, and dear gods, as much as she loved all that sex, she was freaking tired. Thankfully, they’d let her sleep most of the day. When she’d awakened, she took a quick shower and decided it might be wise to avoid any more men until she could get back her equilibrium.

  She was barefoot, dressed in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, with her wet hair pulled back into a ponytail.

  Someone had lit a fire in the hearth, and the flickering light threw shadows against the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. She was drawn toward the two oversized leather wingbacks set in front of the marble fireplace. It seemed the perfect place to relax, and if she was honest, to hide.

  Just for a little while.

  She nearly jumped out of her skin when she rounded the chair she intended to sit in and found it occupied.

  The man sitting there closed the book on his lap and waited while she studied him. He wore his blond hair long, cut in jagged lengths that touched his shoulders. His blue eyes were fringed with thick lashes, and his face was that of unholy beauty. A demon disguised as an angel. He wore a silk shirt unbuttoned at the top and a pair of dress slacks. He was barefoot, too, and the incongruity of his lack of shoes with such an elegant outfit made her smile.

  His nostrils flared, and she saw his eyes widen slightly.

  “I know,” she said. “I smell good.”

  “You also smell as though you’ve been devoured by my brothers.” He gestured toward the chair next to him. “Please sit. Obviously you came in here for sanctuary.”

  “Yeah,” she admitted. She curled into the other wingback, and turned her gaze to the fire. “Don’t get me wrong. The sex is amazing.”

  “But intense. And how you feel is perhaps confusing?”


  He put the book onto the table between the two chairs. She noticed the crystal decanter and the two glasses sitting there as well. One had amber liquid already in it. He poured another for her. “Sip. Enjoy.”

  “Thanks.” She took the heavy glass and sipped. The alcohol warmed her thoroughly, and she sighed contentedly. “This is nice.”

  “Do you know what might be even nicer?”

  She glanced at him. “Sex?”she asked in trepidation.

  He smiled. “Always. But I was going to ask if you wanted to go for a run.”

  “You mean shift?”

  “Of course. Maybe going wolf and exploring the woods would replenish your spirit.”

  “I’m in.” She put down the glass and stood. She looked at him as he rose, with unaccountable grace. “You’re Ash.”

  He nodded.

  “Well, I’m Echo. You probably already know that.”

  “I did figure it out, yes.” He smiled again, and she felt her stomach pitch.

  Oh, gods. Not again. Was it boon or bane that she was not only attracted to all these virile wolves, but also that she got to have them? Over and over? Then again, she should enjoy every second of her time with them. Once the ritual was over, she wouldn’t see them again. She was surprised to be so depressed by the thought. Given the choice, she might well stay in this beautiful house and be with her men.

  If they were her men.

  Which they weren’t.

  “There’s a balcony. It has a staircase we can take to the backyard.” He strode toward the doors, and she followed him.

  When they got to the edge of the woods, they shed their clothes, and shifted. It wasn’t a comfortable process, but it didn’t take long, either. A few moments later, the smaller dark wolf was following the bigger blond wolf into the lush foliage of the forest.

  They spent the next hour exploring, running, playing. Ash led her to a hidden pond, and they swam there together. The water was warm, and Echo enjoyed it.

  Later, they climbed a narrow path to the top of a cliff and sat at its edge. The night was speckled with stars, the moon nearly full. Two more days, and Echo would be naked in front of her entire pack, accepting the sexual advances of all three wolf brothers.

  It terrified her as much as it excited her.

  But for now, she was only wolf. She sat next to the male, and enjoyed the smells of earth and pine, the chittering sounds of small creatures, and the soft dirt underneath her belly.

  She didn’t know how much time passed, maybe an hour, maybe a minute. It didn’t seem nearly long enough to commune with nature when Ash rose and retreated down the path. She followed him, figuring they were returning to the house. Instead, he led her into a cave. It was dark, but she could follow him by scent. Eventually he stopped, and she felt the crackle of energy that indicated he was shifting.

  She did the same.

  “Wait a minute,” he said. She heard the clack of wood being tossed together and the hiss of a match. Then fire flared to life. The pit was lined with sooty stones. She realized Ash must retreat here often, and she felt honored that he’d shared such a private space with her.

  Near the fire was a pile of furs. Ash sat on them and patted the spot next to him. “Fake,” he said. “I bought them because I thought they were the perfect addition to a secret cave.”

  Echo laughed. She joined him on the furs, and for a moment, they sat in silence and watched the dancing flames of the fire.

  “What now?” she asked softly.

  He turned toward her, his blue gaze dark. Her stomach quivered at that look, and she felt an answering lust pour through her.

  “I take you,” he said simply.

  He reclined on the furs and stared at her, his lips curling into that sweet, dangerous smile. Deliciously naked, his long, thick cock nestled in the blond curls between his legs.

  She crawled into his arms and he leaned down to nuzzle her breasts. His mouth was warm and wet, his tongue raspy as he suckled her nipple into hardness. He gave the same attention to her other breast with slow licks, tender kisses.

  He smelled like earth, like smoke, like rain.

  His smooth flesh slid along hers as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her breathless. His tongue danced with hers, mimicking the movement of his cock as he parted her legs and slid his hard length inside her.

  She wound her legs around his waist and matched his thrusts, her hands clutching his hair, her mouth attacking his with fervor.

  “Oh yes,” she cried. “Yes!”

  He slid his arms under her back then he rolled over. She sat on top of him, his cock embedded inside her, and inhaled a steadying breath. She was so greedy for him. She trembled with need.<
br />
  With eager anticipation, she planted her hands on his chest and moved, stroking his cock with her inner muscles.

  He grabbed her hips and shoved his cock deeply inside her, pushing her closer to the brink of ecstasy. “More, my love, give me more.”

  Flesh slapped against flesh.

  Moans echoed in the cave.

  The shadows of flames danced on their sweaty, nude bodies.

  Pleasure spiked in her belly, filling her core with the first tendrils of bliss. He filled his hands with her breasts, kneading the flesh. She pushed her clit against him, rubbing harder and faster, slamming herself onto his cock. His nimble fingers flicked her sensitive nipples then lightly twisted the nubs.

  The orgasm bloomed into sparks of heat and joy that took her hostage, and hinted at the pleasure that waited. She panted, taking him with frantic movements, wanting the same glorious end for them both. His hoarse cry of completion sent her flying over the edge. They came together in splendid violence, and then they collapsed against the furs, spent and happy.

  RIVER, STONE, AND Ash were naked, and it was very distracting. Even though each man had a different body type, they were all muscled and gorgeous. Last night, they had practiced innovative ways to perform the ceremony.

  Echo flushed just thinking about their time spent in bed, and in the huge jetted tub, and… well. She had never been so sexually replete. Three wonderful lovers, all at once, was a lonely woman’s dream.

  She would miss them.

  The men stood apart from her, speaking quietly to each other. She’d been bathed by the women of her clan, anointed with perfume, her hair brushed until it gleamed, and then dressed in a diaphanous white robe that left nothing to the imagination. Then she’d been delivered to this small cave, an offshoot of the main cavern.

  She heard the swelling music, and the old songs. Soon, Elder Magnus would tell the story of their ancestors, and she’d be expected to walk past him, in front of the blazing fire, where she would wait for the Three Brothers.

  Nerves plucked her stomach.

  “Don’t be afraid,” said Ash.

  Echo looked up to see all three men surrounding her. They embraced her, and she felt better. I can do this. It bothered her to know that her brothers and their mates would witness her sexual domination, but she’d committed fully to this endeavor and she would see it through.


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