The Pack Rules Boxed Set: The Complete Series of Wolf, Bear, and Dragon Shifter Romances

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The Pack Rules Boxed Set: The Complete Series of Wolf, Bear, and Dragon Shifter Romances Page 57

by Michele Bardsley

  He grasped her arm and pulled her off the bed. “I better make sure you don’t escape, wench.”

  He led her to another part of the room. She felt something wide and soft wrapped around each of her wrists. He lifted her arms above her head and hooked them to what she assumed was an attachment hanging from the ceiling.

  “You’re mine.”

  Kammie trembled at the possessiveness infused into those two words.

  “Say it,” demanded her pirate. “Say that you’re mine.”

  Her heart trilled as she dove completely into their game. “Never, pirate!”

  “I’ll make you say it,” he promised darkly. “I’ll make you beg for me.”

  She felt his hand curl into the middle of her bodice. His fingers brushed the tops of her breasts, causing a riot of sensations that danced all the way to her feminine core.

  Then he yanked the bodice down.

  That was werewolf strength in action. The get-up ripped in half easily and fell open, revealing her breasts clasped in the silky white bra. She heard the sharp intake of his breath and suspected he was studying her boobs. Too bad she was blindfolded. She wanted to see his lusty glances. At least, she hoped his glances were lusty.

  He stepped close to her, his body pressed enticingly against hers. His lips brushed her ear.

  “If you want to stop playing, then say ‘roses are red.’ If I hear that phrase, I’ll stop everything and let you go. Do you understand?”

  She nodded.

  His knuckles caressed the side of her neck. “You are beautiful. So very, very beautiful.”

  “You are a blaggard!” She nearly giggled. She never thought she’d have the opportunity to call someone a blaggard. She pretended to struggle and the chains above her rattled.

  “Don’t forget my promise, wench. You will beg for my touch.” He laughed softly. “And you will tell me that you’re mine.”

  He walked away, leaving her to ponder his words and to wonder what he might be doing. She heard paper rattles, cloth whispers and metal clinks.

  She felt his return, though he didn’t touch her. It was his presence that surrounded her, that made her heart pound faster.

  His lips descended, peppering the tops of her breasts. The tender ravishment made her tremble. Reaching around, he unhooked her bra. Since it was strapless, the undergarment fell away easily.

  Whoa. Blindfolded, chained, and bare from the waist down—a girl couldn’t get more vulnerable than this.

  She ached to feel his lips again. He cupped her breasts, thumbs brushing her nipples. The light touches felt wonderful, but she didn’t want to appear as if she were caving in to his seduction.

  Well, not yet.

  He gripped her nipple between his fingers, squeezing lightly. Pleasure weaved through her like light electric pulses. She swallowed her moan. God, it had been so long since she’d felt cherished. Not even her asshole ex-fiancé had sparked the same kind of hunger for touch and connection—of course, she figured out why later. She couldn’t imagine being married to him now. How cold and empty her bed would’ve been. At least she’d been saved that heartbreak.

  “Do you relent?” he murmured.


  “Then, lass, I must torture you until you beg for mercy.”

  Something long and metal slid over her breast, clamping the base of the tight peak. A second clamp claimed her other nipple. Delectable tendrils of pain throbbed.

  Kammie shivered.

  “This chain is attached to another, longer chain.” He tugged on the fetter.

  Sensual agony shot through her breasts, zapping the pit of her stomach before settling heavy and hot in her core. For a moment, her thoughts scattered and all she could process was her body’s enthrallment.

  His hands coasted down her stomach and brought her mind back into focus. Oh, hell. Was he going to rip her skirt, too?

  Instead of tearing apart another piece of clothing, he inched the material off her hips. After taking off the skirt, he rubbed her thighs, her calves, and even her feet. He jiggled the bell ankle bracelet and chuckled.

  Her underwear went next.

  Except for the ripped shirt that still hung from her shoulders, she was naked. Doubts crept through her passion. Was this the right thing to do? Was playing a game with Matt really fulfilling a fantasy?

  After it was all over, could she walk away for good?

  Her pirate stayed in the kneeling position. She knew this because she felt his lips ghost along her left hip. Her lungs stalled and her heart hammered.

  As his tongue slid over her wet sex, he pulled on the chain.

  The shock of delectable pain stole her breath. A moan warbled from her throat.

  “You like it,” he accused with a chuckle. “Don’t you, my captive?”

  “Yes. I mean … I’m not your captive, rogue.”

  “Rogue, am I?” He pierced her slick entrance with two fingers. He withdrew his fingers and used them to part her moist petals. The chain bounced against her stomach as he lifted the loose end. Then … oh then … he clamped her clitoris. The pressure was intense, but not unbearable. Her whole body tingled.

  Matt, her pirate prince, began to lick her tortured clit. He built and stoked a sensual fire that burned brighter and hotter with every sensual flick of his tongue.

  Streamers of bliss coiled into a bow of bright pleasure.

  Then the bastard abandoned her.

  She couldn’t stop the cry of frustration.

  He circled around her. She felt the solid warmth of his body—his very, delightful naked body—embrace her. His thick cock pressed against her buttocks. Oh, God.

  He lifted her hair and feathered kisses on her neck. Then his hands drifted down to her thighs, trailing up her ribs oh-so-slowly until he cupped her breasts. He squeezed lightly. Kammie drew in sharp breath.

  His fingers tangled in the chain looped between her nipples.

  He tugged it.

  She gasped.

  Pleasure cascaded.

  Matt released her breasts and slid his palms down to her hips. His fingertips slid inward until he touched the chain and fingered the slim links.

  Sweat beaded her skin, her arms were started to ache, and her body felt as though it had been set on fire.

  But she wasn’t yet ready to end the game.

  He pulled on the chain. The clamp squeezing her clitoris shifted and the shock of pleasure buckled her knees.

  He held onto her. His breath was harsh against her neck. “Who do you belong to?”

  The words seemed to soak into her skin. She leaned against him, taking in his strength because she had none of her own. Her whole body hummed in sexual expectation.

  “You,” she uttered. “I belong to you.”

  He reached up and took her wrists off the ceiling hook. Then he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bed. The thick coverlet felt so soft and so comfortable. It was a definite contrast to her sensually tormented body, which still writhed with hot need.

  He rolled her onto her side and spooned behind her. For a long moment, all she felt was the stroking of his hands on her sensitized skin. She pressed against him, no longer in control. Hell, had she ever been? His cock pulsed against her ass and she wiggled, causing him to groan.

  She craved the relief only Matt could give her. She wanted him. She could feel her wolf, the animal side of her she tried to keep at bay, stir. Shift.

  She growled.

  Matt instantly responded to her animalistic need. “Get on your hands and knees, wench.”

  His voice was gruff and she realized he was on the edge himself. That little tidbit served to make her hotter.

  She rolled onto her hands and knees and eagerly lifted her ass. He held onto her hips and worked his cock inside her tight wet heat. She nearly wept at the sense of relief that filled her when he pushed all the way inside.

  After a few slow strokes, he gained a glorious rhythm. She cried for more, her words tangling in her moans.
br />   His hand crept around her waist.

  She was on fire now, excitement rippling. Ohgodohgodohgod…

  He jerked on the chain clamped onto clit.

  Her orgasm exploded.

  She seemed to fly into the stars and she floated there, soaking in the light and heat until she plummeted to earth.

  She felt Matt tense and then he plunged deeply. His fingers dug into her hips as he came, whispering her name like a prayer.

  He didn’t move or breathe for what seemed forever.

  Kammie collapsed to the bed. He withdrew and pressed a kiss on each of her buttocks. She laughed as he rolled onto his side.

  Matt removed the blindfold.

  Kammie blinked. Wow. They really were in a cave. The small dark room held the bed, with its red velvet bedspread and heart-shaped pillows, a table laden with fruits, chocolate truffles, hors d'oeuvres and champagne. Lit votive candles in wall sconces and tapers in the chandelier offered low, flicking light.

  Kammie pulled at one of the nipple clamps and pain shot through her. “Ow!”

  “Let me help,” murmured Matt. He gently unclipped her nipples. Then he released the clamp on her clitoris. He lay beside her, kissing the abused flesh and she let him do it because, well, it felt wonderful.

  Had her pirate been anyone other than Matt, she would enjoy a night spent here in his brawny arms. Actually, she’d already let him ravish her. What was the point of denying that they hadn’t had fantastic sex?

  Kammie gave in. She wanted Matt. Lust was simple. But he wanted more from her than just sex. If she let herself, she might admit she’d fallen in love with him years ago.

  It was so difficult to trust. And go back to the Moon Pack? How could she?

  She pushed him onto his back and crawled between his legs. He had given her such exquisite pleasure that she wanted to give him the same.

  Now, it was Matt’s turned to be tortured.

  Kammie rose onto her side. Leaning forward, she kissed his naked chest. His skin was all muscled curves and ridges. She feasted on his pectorals, kissing every centimeter of flesh. She flicked her tongue across each nipple.

  He groaned and the sound rumbled under mouth.

  She licked the space between his pecs, tasting the faint musk of his skin. As she explored his body with fingers and lips, his hands were restless on her back, her shoulders, and her buttocks.

  Her engine was getting revved all over again. Matt looped his hands under her arms and pulled her forward so his mouth could ravage her breasts.

  Zings traveled from her stiffened nipples to her sex as he tugged one peak, then the other, between his teeth and flicked his tongue rapidly against the turgid points. The furious need built; a throbbing ache that bloomed between her thighs.

  Amid his protests as she moved away, she scooted down and rubbed her nipples over his chest. She reached between their bodies and grasped his hard-on. She squeezed his cock then caressed it. Yummy. She adored the velvet feel of his shaft against her palm.

  “Let me taste you,” she murmured.

  She crawled between his legs, her hands coasting up his thighs. She fondled his balls, squeezing them lightly. Kammie wanted to feel that big, thick cock slide inside her again.

  Matt’s hands fisted in the bedcovers and his hips thrust, a silent begging for her mouth. She ignored that plea, stroking him rough then soft.

  Finally Kammie took his cock into her mouth, working his length into full hardness. She enjoyed the taste his maleness, loved how his shaft slid so smoothly between her willing lips.

  She savored his cock, kissing it from base to head before taking the tip into her mouth and sucking it. Torturing him with endless tongue swirls and long licks, she took all of him.

  His hands dove into her hair and held her captive. Not content with her gentle worshipping, he fucked her mouth. She held on to his thighs and took his strokes, her tongue teasing the cock pumping between her lips.

  With a persecuted groan, Matt released her, gasping and panting. She saw pre-come pearl the tip of his penis and she sucked it away.

  Matt looked at her, his eyes glazed. “I want you.”

  Smiling wickedly, she rose to her knees then planted herself on either side of his hips. She slid her hand between her legs and pinched her clit. Pre-orgasm shivers wracked her. She rubbed her slick inner folds then spread them apart and showed him her wet heat.

  His gaze turned wild, his irises shifting told her Matt’s wolf was near the surface.

  Reaching down, Kammie guided Matt’s cock inside her.

  Their breathing was harsh, shallow. Their gazes mirrored passion. Matt grasped her hips and thrust upward. His calculated strokes drove her mad. An ache stole across her, made her belly tight with need, made her core spiral with pleasure.

  He released her hips and played with her breasts, pulling on her sensitive nipples, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm.

  Then she felt his thumb stroking her clit.

  The bliss sparked and wham! She shattered into a thousand glittering shards.


  She lifted off of him and knelt between his legs. She licked her own essence off his cock. She enjoyed the taste of his maleness mixed with her quintessence. His fingers pressed against her skull. His moans were low and harsh as she took his cock again and again. She gripped his thighs and increased her efforts. His cock was so hard, the veins bulged.

  She felt that first delicate tremble and sucked him to the base.

  His come splashed down her throat. She swallowed every drop as residual spasms caused his cock to pulse in the warm cave of her mouth.

  She licked him clean, kissing his softening flesh.

  When she sat up, she looked at him.

  “That was incredible,” he said. “C’mere.”

  Despite her better judgment, Kammie snuggled beside him. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her temple. She felt so relaxed, so happy, so … loved.

  What I have done?

  KAMMIE AWOKE AND blinked away the fog of sleep, she found herself nose to nose with Matt. He was awake, looking as cute as ever.

  “I want to wake up with you every morning,” he said softly. “I want to make love to you every night.”

  “Hmm. That sounds glorious.”


  Kammie rolled onto her back and tucked the covers up to her chin. “Kevin and I were brought up to be perfect. We were supposed to go off into the upper echelons of the werewolf world and marry well and have babies.”

  “I know your parents,” he said. “I’ve met ice statues that were warmer.”

  Kammie snickered. “Then Kevin came out and told my parents he was gay. That left me to be the one who begat little perfect werewolves.”

  “Your parents were good at controlling you,” he said.

  She nodded. “The right schools. The right friends. The right education.”

  “The right fiancé?”

  “Yes.” Kammie sighed. “Matt … I need to tell you something.”


  “I can’t have children.”

  He stared at her, but all she saw in his gaze was concern—not horror. He took her hand. “Are you okay?” he asked worriedly. “Is it … illness? Cancer?”

  “It’s a malformed uterus. I found out before I was supposed to marry Charles. That’s why he walked away. And to keep him quiet about my imperfection, my parents paid him off and bought him a one-way ticket to Italy where he married my mother’s third cousin.”

  “Bastard!” Matt clutched her hand, his anger palpable. “Your parents paid him to not tell anyone you can’t have children?”

  “Kevin and I are their greatest disappointments. He likes men. I will never have children. They married to preserve their stupid bloodlines—and neither of their children will carry it on. Karma’s a bitch.”

  “I should have them removed from the pack,” he said darkly. “Their behavior is insidious.”

  “I don’t n
eed that,” she said. “Kev and I stay away from their poison. We’ve made our own way. Life is good, Matt.”

  Matt searched her gaze. “This doesn’t change anything for me, Kammie. I love you. If you want kids, we’ll adopt. Or we’ll get a cat.”

  “A cat?” She laughed. “A cat in a house with two werewolves. Probably not our best option.”

  Matt smiled. “You said ‘our’.”

  “It scares me, how I feel about you,” she admitted softly.

  “I love you,” said Matt. “Today. Tomorrow. Next week. Fifty years from now. Forever.”

  Tears shone in Kammie’s eyes. “I love you, too.”

  “SO WHEN’S THE wedding?” asked Kevin.

  “Ha. Ha.” Kammie stood on the balcony of the suite and looked at the topaz ocean. The afternoon sun glittered in a cloudless blue sky. This place truly was paradise. “I’m still getting used to being his girlfriend. One step at a time, okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Kevin and Matt had planned the whole dastardly weekend. She was too happy to be really pissed-off about it, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t seek sisterly revenge at some point.

  “Well, don’t let me keep you,” said Kevin. “I know you have things … or cute werewolves named Matt … to do.”

  “You know, last night, he pulled out this ostrich feather then he—”

  “Yuck! I do not want to hear the sexual details of my sister’s sex life.”

  “But you don’t have one,” Kammie pointed out. “So I thought I’d share mine.”

  “I’m hanging up, you cow. Love you.”

  “Love you more.” Kammie laughed as she hung up the cell phone.

  Matt came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “How’s Kevin?”


  He nuzzled her neck. “Wanna go for a run?”

  “Yes,” she said. “But don’t you think humans will report two wolves prancing along the beach?”

  “Argh! I found us a private spot, lass.”

  She kissed him. “Let’s go, my pirate prince.”

  “Aye, love.”

  IN THE MOONLIGHT on a sliver of beach, two wolves raced through the glittery white sand. One wolf was big and brawny, the color of mocha sprinkled with white, and the other wolf smaller, more feminine. She was the color of night swirled with foggy gray. They barked at each other, nipping at each other’s tails, and played in the foamy sea that kissed the island.


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