Demon Takes All

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Demon Takes All Page 11

by Jacey Ward

  She gaped at him.

  “You left me,” she reminded him coldly. “The last thing I thought you wanted was a sick kid running around. And then I started hearing stories about you, and your…kind, and – I did what I thought was best for my daughter!” she blurted.

  The defensiveness in her tone made him cringe, but he did admit she had some valid points. She had no real way to know that demons were actually excellent fathers. Sure, they were harsh and viciously ruthless in all other parts of their lives, but family was tight for them.

  “So, what now?” he demanded. “What am I supposed to do with you now?”

  Arya’s mouth parted slightly and she eyed him.

  “I guess that’s up to you, Dante. I wouldn’t have done this if Rowan hadn’t misled me. I was only worried about Jasmine, but I know the punishment for this kind of thing is…swift and merciless.”

  “I don’t think there has ever been a ‘this kind of thing’,” Dante commented dryly. “You’re probably the first sorceress to ever successfully steal a Chasm of Guile.”

  Arya stared at him, and he could see she was trying to determine if he was impressed or angry.

  “You have quite a talent.”

  “That’s one way of looking at it,” she hedged. “Others might call it a curse.”

  Dante stepped closer to her, his eyes darkening as he peered down at her.

  “I never wanted you to get away. I meant everything I said to you at my house – even though you were just playing a role.”

  “No, I wasn’t!” she seethed, her emotions finally overcoming her rigid control. Her narrowed eyes skewered him where he stood. “There hasn’t been one day that I haven’t thought about you since that night. I have a living, breathing reminder of you glued to my side and you’re a fool if you think anything else,” she accused hotly.

  The confession was so sudden, so heartfelt, that it struck a chord with him.

  “But everything I have done, has been for my daughter,” she continued. “And I don’t regret a second of it.”

  “Our daughter,” he replied quietly. “She’s our daughter, Arya.”

  For a moment, he thought she was going to protest his words, but instead she shrugged and nodded.

  “You saved her life, Dante. That makes you her father. If you want to be a part of her life, I won’t stop you, but I won’t force you either.”

  He shook his head.

  “No, Arya, I don’t want to be a part of her life. I want to be your lives. I want to stare at you while you sleep and get woken up by a flying body on our shared bed. I want to make up for all the time we lost because I answered a call I should have never acknowledged.”

  She pressed her lips together and he could see the wariness in her expression.

  “Think of it this way,” he said softly. “I can’t very well go missing if you’re living in my house.”

  Arya snorted, but he saw her emerald eyes lighten slightly.

  “Are you sure that’s what you really want?” she whispered, and he laughed.

  “That’s what I’ve always wanted. Aren’t you listening? I never wanted anything else. I didn’t leave you willingly.”

  She met his gaze and slowly began to nod her head.

  “I mean, we could try it…”

  “Once you go demon, you’ll always be screamin’,” he promised and Arya chortled.

  “That sounds awful.”

  He pulled her into a hug, gently kissing the top of her head.

  “It’s better than it sounds,” he assured her, embracing her tightly.

  “Mama? Who is that?”

  They parted slightly as Jasmine ventured toward them, her bright eyes inquisitive.

  She looks exactly like Arya. I wonder if her brothers and sisters will look like her too, Dante thought, crouching down to look at her warmly.

  “Jasmine, this is your papa,” Arya said softly. “He’s missed you very much.”

  Her eyes became big as saucers as she stared at him.

  “You got a swing set?” she challenged him.

  “I will,” he promised her.

  Jasmine glanced at her mother, then looked down shyly, suddenly losing her burst of bluster. Slowly, she shuffled forward, getting closer and closer to Dante without once looking at him.

  When she got within a foot, Dante knelt down, but didn’t attempt to touch her, not wanting to spook her at all.

  Finally, she raised her eyes to his, and the moment their gazes met, a cool breeze wafted through the room. It was like a transfer of power, or an awakening of some sort. Arya had no idea what had happened, but she didn’t want to break the spell.

  She watched, transfixed as she saw her daughter’s hand raise slowly and touch Dante’s knee. His breath drew in quickly, as if electricity had tingled through him. Their gazes locked, and her daughter’s words were so soft, Arya could barely make them out.

  “Thank you for fixing me.”

  Arya’s heart clenched hard at the sentence. She had not had any idea that Jasmine had been aware of what her father had done. How could she? She had been unconscious when Dante had held her in the circle of his arms, and when she had finally awakened, she hadn’t acknowledged the man at all, acting as if everything was normal. She hadn’t even asked a single question about the stranger who had held her.

  He extended his arms and the child climbed onto his lap without reservation, as if sensing it was a safe place to be.

  Dante closed his eyes and inhaled the scent of her hair, a warmth welling in him.

  It was as if everything had fallen precisely into place, just as it was meant to be.

  As they parted, Dante smiled at her affectionately.

  “Are you ready to go home?” he asked her earnestly and she nodded eagerly.

  “Me too,” Arya smiled. “Me too.”

  Click here for the exciting second story in the Deviants series by Jacey Ward!

  This long-awaited story featuring Circe has hit #1 in the Amazon store.

  Take advantage of this exciting new Jacey Ward box set to catch a few of her best sellers!

  1. The Wolf Shifter in Say You’re Sorry. She killed my brother and now she has to pay...

  2. The Demon and the Angel in Torn Between Two Brothers. When heaven and hell clash, who will Sera choose...

  3. The Devil in The Devil’s Nanny A virgin nanny given to the Devil himself...

  4. The Vampire in Blood Promise There's treachery in this small town - will an innocent woman join forces with the vampire prince to stop it?

  Or CLICK on this exciting boxed set of Bad Boys with Superpowers that Jacey Ward and Chloe Fischer collaborated on!

  Four brothers with superpowers, separated at birth...

  A soldier, an assassin, a thief, and…an accountant.

  Ryder - the soldier…Finds Paige, but can he keep her?

  Xavier - the thief…Finds Danica, but can he trust her?

  Xander - the assassin…Finds Ashtyn, but will he kill her?

  and Aiden…the holder of the baddest superpower of all.

  To Read a preview of Book 2 in the HARD Series, see below for the beginning of Xavier’s story in Hard Time.

  A thief up against a con artist - who will come out on top?


  Oh my God. I am so fucked, he realized.

  A knock on his window caused him to jerk back. He looked up, expecting to see a police officer.

  Instead, a stunningly beautiful woman peered in at him, her grey eyes lit with concern.

  Embarrassment colored his face as he rolled down the window, struggling to breathe normally.

  “Are you all right?”

  He nodded quickly, averting his eyes.

  “Have you been in an accident?” she asked, her brow knit. He shook his head, hesitant to speak. He worried that whatever came out of his mouth would just get him in even deeper.

  “Are you hurt? Do you need me to call 9-1-1?”


  It was
the first word he had spoken and it came out much too forcefully.

  She stepped back from the car, her eyes narrowing.

  “Then may I ask you what you’re doing outside of my house?” she asked coldly, folding her arms over her chest.

  Xavier lifted his head, taking in his surroundings.

  Shock wracked his body as he recognized the neighborhood.

  “I – I’m not sure,” he mumbled, glancing back at the woman. “I wasn’t feeling well and needed to pull over.”

  She eyed him suspiciously.

  “Have you been drinking?”

  Xave shook his head, scowling at her. Although at least that would explain his behavior, he thought wryly.

  Her eyes softened slightly.

  “Are you having a bad night?” she asked and there was a gentleness in her tone which Xave detected.

  “To put it mildly,” he grimaced.

  “Come inside,” she said suddenly and he stared at her, dumbfounded.

  “Are you crazy? It’s almost five o’clock in the morning and I’m some random guy parked outside your house. You’re going to invite me in?”

  She shrugged nonchalantly.

  “I have a good sense for people,” she replied. “Anyway, you’re not really a random guy, are you?”

  He gazed at her uncomprehendingly.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means that you’ve been standing outside my house almost every day for the past three weeks.”

  Xavier began to deny her allegation, but she held up her hand.

  “No need to deny it. I’ve seen you almost every day now.”

  He didn’t know how to answer her since he wasn’t even sure yet why he was drawn to her. Or maybe it was this house?

  “Don’t you think that there’s a reason that you’re here right now?” she asked quietly. “Don’t you wonder if you were brought here? By…something?”

  Xave studied her lovely face.

  Am I buying into this? He asked himself, but he found that the answer was yes. What other explanation was there for how he had ended up here tonight, in front of the very place he had been drawn to for weeks?

  “What is your name?” she asked, drawing closer to the car again.

  “Xavier Sinclair.”

  “My name is Danica Cortez.”

  She offered her hand to him through the window and Xave reached for it.

  A surge of electricity coursed through them and he was sure she felt it also as they stared at one another. Their eyes locked and held for a moment, and time seemed to stand still.

  “Won’t you come in?” she asked a little breathlessly. “I would love to do a reading for you. I feel like you have a lot to…unburden yourself of.”

  Xave almost shivered, knowing that she was a scam artist, but wondering if she had something, some kind of ‘power’ that helped her run her scams.

  “You could say that,” he murmured, removing the keys from the ignition.

  Danica’s smile widened as he exited the car.

  “Welcome to my home and reading room,” she said as they mounted the short steps to the doorway.

  Xave paused at the threshold, glancing back at the Mercedes.

  You shouldn’t be going with her! For fuck’s sake, you have a dead body in the trunk of your car that you need to deal with! a voice in his mind warned, but he silenced it instantly. He didn’t want to hear it. He just wanted to follow the woman who was offering him a helping hand out of the darkness. There was something about her…something that called to him, to his soul.

  “Don’t be alarmed,” Danica called, waving him inside. “Your car is safe out there.”

  He turned back toward her, entering the doorway.

  “Welcome to my shop,” she said cordially, closing the door in his wake. “You have nothing to fear here but awakening.” Her smile told him that she knew how corny that sounded.

  “Is that so?” Xave asked wryly.

  She nodded and smiled.

  “Yes, it is so. That is why I call my place Oculus.”

  She gnawed on her lower lip as was her habit when she read palms but this time, it was more than simply a flair for the dramatic.

  Danica was picking up something on the strange man who had been haunting her for weeks, something genuinely troubling. She was having a hard time pinning the feeling down though.

  “I don’t buy into this,” Xave told her and she smiled, her luminous grey eyes shining in the dark living room.

  “You don’t have to,” she replied, her face shadowed by the flickering lights of the candles she had lit. “The spirits will get you whether you believe or not.”

  Xave chuckled lightly.

  “I thought that you had to believe in vodou for it to work,” he countered and Danica was surprised by his response.

  “You know about vodou?” she demanded, her eyes narrowing. Most people in this part of the world only knew the dark art as ‘voodoo’. She suddenly wished she was wearing her violet contact lenses.

  They did more than simply add to her mystique; they served as a barrier between her and the odd someone who could look into her soul.

  Someone like the dark man sitting before her.

  She could not say why he made her so pleasantly uncomfortable except that there was a magnetism about him which she found irresistible.

  Maintaining her pretense of spirituality was proving more difficult than she could ever remember, but she could tell that the man before her was massively distracted by something other than her reading.

  “I can read,” Xave replied flippantly, his sea green eyes boring into her. “But I have to wonder how much you really know about it.”

  Again, she grinned, winking conspiratorially.

  “I guess you’ll have to stick with me and find out.”

  She pushed his hand aside and stared at him, folding her arms across her chest.

  “You really didn’t know you had parked in front of my house, did you?” she said and noted with satisfaction that color painted his face.

  “It’s a coincidence,” he muttered, shifting his gaze finally. But Danica could see he didn’t believe his own words. “Like you said, I come by here a lot. It must have been ingrained in my subconscious.”

  “Of all the places to wind up in Amarillo,” she laughed.

  Xave shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant but she could see he was struggling with the issue as well.

  “I don’t even know what I’m doing here,” he said, standing suddenly. “I have somewhere I need to be.”

  “Does it have anything to with why you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” she asked softly, also rising.

  He’s acting like he’s going to leave but…I feel like…like he’s bound to me. He can’t go anywhere.

  It was a bold thought to have but it was not out of the realm of possibility. At least, not in Danica’s realm.

  Clearly Xavier Sinclair had felt the connection before she had been aware of his existence but there was no doubt that the handsome, dark haired man was meant to be here, in her house, at this moment in time.

  “You don’t even know me,” Xave retorted. “You have no idea if this is my usual look.”

  Slowly, she sashayed toward him, her sooty eyes meeting his again.

  “I feel like I do know you,” she replied quietly. “I feel like I’ve known you forever.”

  He lowered his head to peer into her face but he didn’t immediately respond.

  “You can’t tell me you don’t feel whatever this is between us,” she insisted, placing her hands on his forearms and pulling his palms onto her slim waist. Yet at the same time, Danica recognized how outside of her normal character her behavior was. What was it about this man that made her feel like she needed to be touching him?

  Cocking her head to the side, Danica parted her lips as if inviting him to kiss her.

  “I can’t be here,” Xave muttered, moving to pull away but Danica tightened her grip around his arms. />
  “You are supposed to be here,” she murmured, drawing her lips close to his. His whole body seemed to clench slightly beneath her and for a second, she was certain he was going to pull away.

  Instead, he pulled her toward him, forcing their lips together.

  Danica gasped at the surprising move, attempting to step back to regain the upper hand but it was too late; she had unleashed the demon within him. The kiss was brutally hot, wonderfully aggressive, and Danica shivered at the leashed power she could feel in him.

  He bent her backward, his arm bracing the small of her back as his lips crushed hers ruthlessly, biting along the edge of her lip, and then down the column of her throat.

  She tried to steady herself but he was more powerful than she had anticipated, dropping her against the table she used for readings. The feelings swirling in her body were stronger than any she had felt before, she felt herself getting lost in the tumultuous storm that was Xavier. His dominance stirred something within her that she wouldn’t have thought would respond to something like that.

  A rain of tarot cards flew from beneath her, the tiny gusts of wind going unnoticed as the deck scattered.

  For some inexplicable reason, the motion angered her and in a defensive move she slid out from under him, pouncing on him like a cat as he lay belly down on the table.

  The rickety wood table gave way then and they both fell to the ground but the sudden jarring didn’t stop them.

  They rolled like wrestling animals along the floor, clothes flying off in the process. Xavier couldn’t touch enough of her at once, he needed to feel the heat of her skin, and hear the small moans that she released when his hands covered her breasts, squeezing and molding them, and then plucking the nipples until they stood out in hard little buds.

  Danica’s hand found the swelling hardness between his legs, stroking him as he sucked on her rising breasts, his own fingers exploring her core. A cry broke from her lips as he fastened his teeth on her nipple, causing a flood of moisture to pool between her legs.


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