Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1)

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Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1) Page 7

by Crystal Dawn

  “That may have been where he sent those men or even for reinforcements,” Romo suggested.

  Ranger pressed the gas pedal, time had become more important and that was how he acknowledged it. Romo didn’t think Ranger spoke any more than was necessary, the fewer words spoken the less for people to twist or misunderstand. He suspected it was something he would learn at the next stage of command. It was a trait noticed in all of the higher ups as they spoke the least when giving orders.

  “How long before we arrive?” Romo wondered.

  “Thirty minutes at this speed,” Ranger figured. “Try to stay calm and draw on your inner dragon.”

  “I will stay calm,” Romo assured and he fell into silence meditating and hoping to pick up some emotions from Bree even though they weren’t fully mated.

  On some level they had a connection even if it wasn’t the full bonding that was too come and maybe it was just his imagination, he felt fear. Hell, maybe it was his own fear he felt tearing at his insides intensified by the guilt he felt since he was unable to protect her. As they drove faster than the legal speed trying to get to the crime lord before he caused harm to the woman Romo desired to mate, the tension in the SUV even among the males that knew neither him nor her, was thick enough to choke a full grown dragon.

  “We are nearly there,” said Naru who was sitting shotgun. Romo didn’t realize it was Naru sitting there because he had been so upset about his mate. “Will we head straight in to the garage?”

  “Yes, I need you to take out the gate,” Ranger directed.

  It made Romo realize that the short arm would be down blocking the entrance and without a code, humans couldn’t enter. They were not limited like humans. Naru had a gun that would shoot a pulse, the arm would go up, stay that way and the gate would be disabled. There was no human technology that they had found so far that they couldn’t control. Some of the other males were armed with stun guns to take out the humans without inflicting harm.

  It didn’t mean they wouldn’t be harmed later, only that they wanted to make those decisions in the cold light of the morning when emotions were calm so as not to hurt anyone that might deserve a second chance if anyone was actually found to deserve one. The building loomed ahead and Ranger approached the entrance. Naru shot the sensor frying the arm and it popped up allowing them a clear entry. Tires squealed as Ranger circled to a higher level. He pulled in and parked just out of sight of the elevator entry.

  “Everyone listen,” Ranger instructed. “There will be guards at this elevator. We need to sneak up on them and stun them after Naru has recorded them speaking. Once he has recorded them, he will be able to imitate their voices to cover us going in. Be careful, these men are armed.”

  Romo wondered why it mattered if they were armed or not. They had shot him without affect with the guns they seemed to always use. Ranger led them and they snuck behind the cars to where the guards were talking, drinking, and smoking.

  “Ray, if you don’t ease up on that booze, we’ll have to call Fred so you can go to the bathroom again,” the shorter guy said.

  “Leon, just let me piss on the wall. Going by the smell I won’t be the first,” Ray replied.

  “You are a nasty man. Maggio would not approve, trust me on this,” Leon said.

  Naru nodded, he had what he needed. The two men didn’t see the danger and they fell to the floor unconscious. One of their males pulled up in an SUV and the downed men were restrained and loaded in the back. They were only the first of many to come. When Maggio had taken a mate, he had declared war on them all and it was a war he would lose.

  Naru grabbed one of the radios the men had dropped and spoke into it sounding just like Ray. “Hey, I’m coming up. I’ve got to piss really bad.”

  “Cut back on the booze, dumb ass before Maggio finds out your up here every five fucking minutes,” a disgruntled voice replied.

  “Sure, man. I’ll do better next time,” Ray’s voice assured.

  “Fuck off asshole. That’s what you said last time. I think I’m going to have to beat the shit out of you to make you do better,” the voice returned.

  Naru motioned them all to get in the elevator and they rode up to the top floor. The second the doors opened all four guards were dropped to the floor, restrained, and taken down the elevator to be loaded in one of the waiting SUVs. They knew Maggio had other guards in the building, but they didn’t know for sure where they might be. Six had been dealt with, four had been sent somewhere and that could leave them with as many as fourteen others plus Maggio to handle.

  The door to Maggio’s office was around the corner and Romo itched to get in there and take action. His dragon roared in his head and bloodlust for the enemy that would attack defenseless females zipped through his veins. It was hard to stop himself from rushing in and squeezing the life out of the crime boss. Only Ranger’s calm reminder of the plan they needed to follow and that Romo had agreed to do so saved the evil man from instant death. All dragons partially shifted because they all knew bullets would fly and their human halves were just as susceptible to death from those projectiles as any full human.

  They took up their positions once they were in proper form and Ranger stood to one side of the door while Romo stood to the other. Two males guarded the elevator and also watched their backs. Romo watched for the signal and the second he saw it he slammed into the door rushing into the room shooting the guards and locating Maggio. Unfortunately the dishonorable slime hid behind his men and as soon as they began to fall, he slipped out of a door no one knew was there. Romo threw back his head and roared so loud and long that the windows shook and everyone stopped and turned to look at him.

  “I’m sorry, Romo. No one knew he could escape like that,” Ranger said.

  “Where is Bree?” Romo asked.

  “I didn’t see her with him so maybe she’s in one of the other rooms. Can’t you scent her?” Ranger questioned.

  It was the first thing he should have thought of even here surrounded with all kinds of odd and strong smells he could still pick up the lingering scent of his mate. All that told him is that she had been in here recently not when and with her scent going in more than one direction, he could not say which way she had gone last until he tracked the right path. Like a bloodhound, he used his nose to narrow down the directions she might be in and finally followed one trail down the hall to the last room. Trepidation rolled over him and he took a deep breath before opening the door concerned about what he might find even though he told himself repeatedly that Maggio needed her alive.

  He shouldered the door open because it was locked and relief washed over him when he looked at Bree pacing inside the room apparently unharmed. Hesitating, he waited to see what her reaction to him might be since she had seen him partially shifted. A picture in his mind of her shocked look replayed but he couldn’t remember a sign of disgust or fear. If it please the gods he would never see that emotion on her beautiful face.

  “Bree?” he asked wanting her to say something, anything.

  “Romo,” she yelled and ran jumping into his arms where he caught and held her tight. His lips sought her in a kiss that poured all his desire and love right into her. Did she feel the same? She returned the passion in his kiss and he could only hope that meant something.

  “She’s here,” he hollered once he thought to alert his males to the safety of his mate. Holding her tight, he never wanted to let her go.

  “I’m glad you’re alright,” Ranger said and some of the others came in with well wishes too. “We’d best clear out of here before someone else shows up.” All Ranger’s males hurried to do as he’d ordered. Regardless of the civilian structure that seemed to be in effect on Earth, all of the males here were still involved with the military and they understood the need to recognize rank. Ranger’s rank was the highest of any of them on this planet. The dragon was legendary in fact and they were all honored to have him as their superior.

  All the guards were restrained and loaded
for removal from the building. The mission had been successful up until the point they had lost Maggio. That coward had sacrificed his men and run without a second thought. Now it would be hell to find him but Romo expected more trouble from that man. For now, he kept his arms wrapped tightly around his woman and they would head home with their prisoners. Maybe one of them would know something that would help.

  “Come on, everyone. It’s time to head back home,” Ranger ordered.

  Everyone looked sharp and followed Ranger’s instructions. They were glad to be leaving this dismal place anyway. “Check to be sure everyone is off this floor, Naru,” Ranger instructed. Romo saw Naru head back in to clear the floor one room at a time as he led Bree to the elevator.

  “Ride with me,” Ranger insisted looking at Romo.

  “My pleasure, Ranger,” Romo answered.

  He was keeping a close eye on his mate because she seemed dazed now that her adrenaline from the rescue had worn off. It was a mix of relief that she was alright and anger that she’d been threatened that Romo felt about the whole situation.

  Ranger stood with him and they waited for the last SUV to pull up. Once they were loaded, they waited for Naru who was a few minutes behind them. Even their vehicle had a couple prisoners in it and just seeing them made anger rush through Romo when it reminded him of what Maggio had done. It was with great self-control that Romo managed to keep from ripping their heads off. Instead, he tried to focus on Bree who was now sleeping but moving a lot and whispering in her sleep. Once they arrived back at the casino, he carried Bree to the elevator and took it to the floor his room was on.

  Tucking her into his bed, he watched her sleep for a while before he crawled under the covers with her and eventually managed to sleep too. He wasn’t sure who woke first but when he opened his eyes, they looked right into her bright green ones. Reacting by instinct, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. She relaxed into him and gave back the same passion he was giving her. Her moan, spurred him on and he helped her undress. In no time, he had stripped too and they were heated skin to heated skin.

  “I want us to join as one, Bree,” he said.

  “What does that mean?” she asked.

  “You saw me when I changed form,” he began and she nodded. “My people are dragon shifters and we can do a partial shift which is what you saw. When I fully shift, I resemble a dragon from your human lore. If my human side and my dragon side both agree on a female that is the one I hope to mate. You are the female for me and we mate for life. If you agree, I will bite you and that seals our mating. Some of my DNA will transfer so we are compatible. Do you understand?”

  “You want to bite me so we can become compatible and make baby dragons?” she asked.

  “More or less, yes, I would say you understand. So what do you say?”

  “I just recently found out you’re not human. Can’t you tell me a little more before I make a decision? It’s not like anyone would believe me anyway if I told them which I would never,” she assured.

  “Okay, that’s fair, I’ll tell you about my kind. We’re not from your planet. We are from a planet far away called Draconis,” he explained.

  “You’re alien dragon shifters,” she asked her eyes large and round.

  “Yes,” he agreed. “Our legends say we were once two separate halves but were joined when both sides faced extinction. The goddess offered the solution and when both sides agreed, she joined the remaining dragons with those humans she considered worthy and the best choices. Some humans were left, there’s a few small human villages around our planet but their women are rarely a match for any of us. There were females that changed too when our kind first came into being, but fewer and fewer female dragons were born each year and now they are less than one percent of our population. Some theorize that every gift has a downside. Much of our planet is unpopulated, maybe it’s the goddess’s way to encourage growth. I don’t really know. Did that help you understand things any better?”

  “It sounds like the old west when they were short on women but not just any woman would or could go west and survive. Men would sometimes go in search of brides or they would pay for mail order brides to come to them,” she observed.

  He stood up naked pacing as nervous energy ran through him and she stood pulling on a robe. The discussion couldn’t be carried out in bed naked pressed against each other although Romo thought that would probably have given him an advantage.

  “It’s something like that. I didn’t realize your planet had similar customs in its past. We get a sketchy sampling of the planet’s past. A lot gets left out,” he said.

  Bree expanded, “Most people in this country can trace their family’s history back to some kind of mail order bride, arranged marriage, or even captured bride. There was a time when marriages came about very differently than they do these days.”

  “None of us ever considered that your females might be familiar with or accepting of these kind of mating customs,” Romo admitted.

  “That’s almost funny since many couples now are meeting first on the internet some through dating sites,” Bree explained.

  “Hmm, I wonder if that might be a better way for the males coming next to find mates,” Romo observed.

  Bree expressed, “You’d certainly want to be careful how you handled it or you might get completely inappropriate women who might freak out once they realized what they’d gotten themselves into.”

  “And you, Sweetheart? Are you freaking out?”

  “Would you think less of me if I admitted I was?”

  “No, I would think more of you for being honest and normal.”

  “Okay, then I’ll admit it is all kind of overwhelming. I always figured there were aliens out there, it just seems ridiculous that there wouldn’t be but I never expected to meet one. Dragons I thought were in our planet’s past, gone like the dinosaurs leaving behind a few reminders like the komodo dragons. Combining aliens and dragons, that is a little mind blowing and your men, wow. You guys all look like body builders or something.”

  “It’s partly genetics, the muscles that is. One of our males would have to try to be in bad shape. Being fit and muscular comes naturally,” he admitted.

  “I’m afraid I can’t make that claim,” she complained.

  “Once you and I mate, it will be easier for you to maintain muscle and keep off extra weight. Your metabolism will be faster, more like mine. Other changes will occur and it will make you healthier.”

  “Will, will I turn into a dragon shifter too?” Bree asked as she bit her lip and waited for the answer.

  “Maybe. Davy did but the mates our males claimed before we knew about humans rarely changed much at all. We are wondering if humans are more compatible for us or if Davy is an anomaly.”

  “Davy is unique as far as her personality, but I can’t believe she’d be that different physically from other humans.”

  “That’s what my people are hoping. You can’t imagine the thrill of flying high above my world with a mate at your side. I was able to watch Jarel and Davy go on their first flight above Draconis together and it was beautiful to see them fly.”

  “What if I don’t change? Even if Davy is typical, it doesn’t mean every human female will change. I don’t want to disappoint you that way.”

  “There are many things I wish for I may or may not get, goddess willing, but nothing is as important to me as having you agree to be my mate. Anything above that is a complete blessing and will just add more layers of joy. If I don’t have you, none of the rest will ever matter.”

  Bree’s eyes filled with tears and Romo blamed himself for making her upset. It wasn’t what he’d been trying to do. He’d only wanted to reassure her but he had made her cry. “Please don’t be upset.”

  “That was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me. I know that we have a connection, there’s a bond between us that just keeps growing. Is it love? I’m not sure since I’ve never been in love before. Still I think it mig
ht be and if it’s not, it will be soon.”

  What was shining in her eyes as she looked at him was a deep emotion and he could definitely believe it was love. The same love he felt swelling inside him in his heart. “I know what I feel for you, Bree. It’s something I won’t ever feel for another woman again. Only you, Bree, and no one else, you are who I need, who I love.”

  Their eyes met and caught, he couldn’t look away. This woman completely enraptured him and he just had to claim her fully. He stepped closer giving her every chance to step away or tell him not to come closer. Closing the last small bit of space when she said nothing, he pulled her into his arms and laid a heated kiss on her lips.

  “Romo?” she asked uncertainly.

  “Will you be mine now and forever? Once we do this, you will be mine as long as we both live and forever more once our spirits cross to the next world.”

  “I want to be yours. There is nothing I can imagine more perfect than having you as mine for eternity.”

  Romo scarcely believed he heard the words she said because he’d ached to hear them since the moment he’d seen his lovely Bree. Her long brown hair, with red as fire highlights when warmed by the sun, her green eyes lit with strength from within, her creamy silky skin that begged for his touch, and her full red lips that begged for his kiss were just a few reasons he couldn’t wait until she was fully claimed. Closing his eyes, he fought for control before opening them and looking into hers.

  “I would have died inside had you not wanted to be mine. The ache I feel inside can only be filled by claiming you.”

  She clung to him in answer to his emotional words. He opened her robe and slid it off her shoulders and was appreciative that they were in his bedroom with a bed handy for their mating. This would be the most important day of his life besides coming into being. Today would mean the difference between a solitary miserable existence and a mated life of happiness that might eventually include offspring born to them or claimed as part of their family. It was a process the humans called adoption. Bree would make everything worth having available to him just by accepting his claim.


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