Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1)

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Captain of the Guard (Winged Beasts Series Book 1) Page 15

by Crystal Dawn

  The love he felt made him want to be gentle, but his passion ruled him and he drilled into her fast and hard. Next time he would go easy and coax her response but now he couldn’t hold back. She was close, he could tell. Powering into her over and over, he pushed her closer to her release until she fell over pulsing with excitement and joy. He followed her seconds later his breath stolen from him as he erupted like a volcano his seed spewing forth hot and sticky filling her up even as he held her close and he could feel his skin start to cool as the sweat that coated his skin and dripped off started to dry.

  Making love to his mate was an incredible experience that took all he had mentally, emotionally, and physically. He felt as if he had run all out for miles or fought the most capable enemy barely winning the day. Snuggling into his female, he’d rest a moment and then he would see if she had anything left for him. Her change was almost complete and she already gave as good as she got, he would be worn to a nub once her change was complete if her appetite stayed as voracious as it currently was.

  Her face was relaxed in repose and she must be as tired as he was. He took solace in that as his eyes drifted closed and he caught a brief nap. An annoying buzz sounded in the room and he realized it wasn’t the first time. It must have been what woke him and he felt his mate stir restlessly. A groan slipped from her throat showing she found the sound as irritating as he did. Picking up his phone, he looked at the screen and saw it was Ranger. Shit! Answering, he waited to hear what was going on now.


  “Yes, Ranger. What’s going on?”

  “I plan to meet you in thirty minutes at the restaurant where you’re supping with Bree’s family.”


  “I want to meet them and hear about this latest problem from your mate’s sister. I’ll bring Toni so it looks more social.”

  “How are things going between you two?” Romo was now awake enough to think and ask.

  “We’re getting to be good friends.”


  “She’s a lovely person.”

  “Pretty too. She’ll make some male a great mate.”

  There was a long pause. “I’m sure she will.”

  He didn’t sound happy. Romo wondered if he had given up on what was right in front of him. Everyone else could see how he felt about the female and he’d seemed to recognize it too. Romo was just happy he hadn’t been such a fool and had went after what he wanted. Other males were casting glances at Ranger’s Toni. If he didn’t make a move, someone else would. It seemed it was a good thing that Ranger had woke them up. They had just enough time once he and Ranger hung up to make love, shower, get dressed and briefly discuss what Ranger had said.

  They left their room and met up with Bree’s family in the hallway. “Ranger and his female friend will be joining us,” Romo informed. Everyone headed to the elevator as he answered questions about who Ranger was. He decided to focus on his job as manager here and the one who made decisions concerning security.

  “Why is he taking such an interest in us?” Tomi asked.

  “He and Davy became friends and he knows her husband. Bree and him have also become friends,” Romo explained.

  “Poor guy, he’s always a friend,” Tomi observed.

  Poor guy indeed. Now he finally had a chance to be more with Toni and he was going to lose her if he didn’t step up. Romo truly felt for him and he wondered if they weren’t fated mates. Maybe it was just his own personal situation making him see things that weren’t there but he got a vibe from those two that made him think there was more there than they were realizing.

  Once they were on the right floor, they all exited the elevator and moved to the restaurant. Ranger and Toni were already there ensconced at a large table that would hold them all, maybe even a few extra. The reason for the extra seats became evident shortly after they were seated. Romo was in the middle of introductions when two males joined them. Ranger quickly made introductions as soon as the males appeared.

  “These two men are Garulto who is a royal Colonel and Niku who is a royal Major.” Ranger informed.

  That meant both these men were with the Emperor’s forces. Romo went back through Bree’s family ending by introducing his mate and himself. The soldiers were likable and even though they outranked him, neither were arrogant and they didn’t act superior. Niku seemed quite taken with Betty and he spoke some to Selia. Dragons tended to like children and were very accepting of them. Betty was shy but his interest was not completely one sided. Tomi and Garulto spoke like old friends after just a few moments but there seemed to be no romantic interest between them.

  Both males were going to be on the return flight to Draconis even though neither had found a mate. They had not been here for that purpose so they would get another chance later if they didn’t find one. The emperor was starting a security firm to work hand in hand with the casino and the reasons for that were above Romo’s need to know and he wasn’t even aware that a firm was being established until now.

  A waitress came and everyone ordered. Drinks and appetizers came and there was a celebratory atmosphere all around. Ranger looked relaxed and was enjoying Toni’s company. Garulto included Dori in the conversation he and Tomi were having. Romo watched for a moment speculating. Watching any emerging relationships on the journey would give him something to do. Besides, he felt the responsibility any male would feel for female relatives. Since they were now in his care, any male wanting to speak for them, must speak to him first.

  The food came and everyone quieted as they concentrated on the meal. As plates were emptied, a tension seemed to grow at the table. Romo was sure it was Betty and Selia worrying about being questioned about Maggio’s men once again. Stress was apparent on Betty’s face and Selia looked miserable. It would be a relief to all of them once it was done. The table was cleared, a dessert tray brought, and everyone ordered dessert once Ranger started encouraging them. Some ordered coffee to go with it. As soon as dessert was placed on the table and the waitresses were out of sight, Ranger began.

  “I don’t want to upset either of you, but I would like to know what happened yesterday and if those men said anything,” Ranger asked.

  “Dey were mean,” Selia whispered.

  “How were they mean?” Ranger asked.

  “They called me names and told me that they were going to kill us both. One of them told me I would have to watch my child die,” Betty admitted.

  Romo knew his face probably reflected the same death dealing rage he saw on the other male’s faces. How any man could say that to a female and still claim male status was beyond comprehension. Threatening and hurting females and children made a man the lowest life form possible. It pained Romo that he would be leaving and not personally involved with dealing out the justice these men deserved but he found comfort in the knowledge that Ranger would handle it. The fury on his face promised that it would be done quickly and fully.

  Silence settled over the table and everyone seemed to be lost in the thought of what Betty had gone through. Niku reached out and covered her hand with his giving it a supportive squeeze. Betty squeezed it back making Romo feel things were progressing fast between the two of them but were they right for each other? He’d not expected to worry so much about the matings of his female relatives. For some reason he had assumed it would just be obvious whether the match was a solid one or just a flirtatious one. The uncertainty that assailed him was both unexpected and unwanted.

  Dessert was finished up and Ranger invited them to the lounge. There was a room that could be reserved just off the main room. It was family friendly so Selia wouldn’t feel out of place. Everyone agreed to follow him down. Since it was a weekday, the lounge wasn’t overfull and no band was playing. Romo had not been in the private room off the lounge before but he was glad to see a small area where kids could play. Selia didn’t need to hear any more discussions about what had happened to her and her mom.

  Once Selia was set up in the c
hildren’s area playing, it was time to get back to more questions. At least Betty seemed composed this time. “Did they tell you where they intended to take you?” Ranger asked getting straight to it.

  “Maggio’s office, but not which one or where it was. They said he intended to deal with us personally. The big guy acted disappointed, like he wanted to take care of it himself. That was the scariest man I’ve ever looked in the eyes and that’s saying something,” Betty said and Niku looked at her his forehead wrinkled together.

  “Do you see dangerous men often?” Niku asked.

  Everyone stopped their individual conversations and looked at him. Maybe they all thought since he’d been invited he knew her background or maybe they just thought it odd he asked. Niku looked around the table seeing he was the center of attention. Now all eyes were on Betty wondering what she would tell him or if she would tell him anything at all.

  “You could say that,” she agreed mysteriously. Niku said nothing more seeming to realize Betty wasn’t going to share anything else with him. “The men did say he wasn’t far away so he hasn’t left our area and that he was waiting for us. Is that helpful?”

  “It is since we have men following the ones that he sent after you. They were released about an hour after they landed in jail. You have nothing to fear since you won’t be where he can get you and in the morning, you’ll never see him or any of the other men that have made your life unbearable again,” Ranger assured.

  “I hope you’re right,” Betty said,

  “Trust me, they will be punished and you will be safe from them,” Ranger informed.

  Romo could tell her Ranger had a reputation for being a fair but harsh male. Punishment fit the crime and this crime was considered heinous on their world. The general, which was the way Romo would always think of Ranger even if he was on a temporary reassignment, was a war hero. Cunning, brave, and an amazing fighter, no one would choose him for an enemy that knew him well. Maggio was toast once Ranger tracked him down and it was only a matter of time. If Ranger was more familiar with Earth, Maggio would already be taken down.

  The waitress brought out champagne, two kinds. Bree was given some and she protested. “This is for you and the little girl. It is sparkling grape juice,” the waitress explained.

  Ranger stood and tapped on his fluted glass with a butter knife. Everyone immediately gave him their attention. “I would like to propose a toast to Romo, his lovely mate Bree, and the child they are expecting.”

  Tomi added, “Here, here.” It must be the appropriate Earth response. Everyone took a drink.

  “I would like to add another toast to my new family. My mother, sisters, and lovely niece, may you all find nothing but happiness in Draconis,” Romo said.

  “Another toast,” Tomi called out. “For our journey and those who accompany us. May it be safe and rewarding.”

  Chapter 11

  The Journey

  Last night once all the toasting was done, everyone went their own way. Romo seemed in a hurry to get them to their room so Bree went along with his needs. They were, after all still on their honeymoon. “Turn it off,” Bree whined as the sound of the alarm became too grating to bear. Romo had set the room alarm as an extra precaution since they couldn’t be late to the shuttle and they had been up half the night making love in many creative and satisfying ways.

  It was a good precaution she had to admit even if the sound was as bad as nails on a chalkboard. They would meet in the hall to go to breakfast in, she opened her tired eyes and stared at the clock. Holy damn! They only had ten minutes. She jumped up and ran for the shower. Hopping in, a loud shriek forced its way out of her mouth. The water hadn’t heated up yet and it was well water cold. Romo hopped in behind her and his heat soaked into her making her feel instantly better. Warming quickly, the water rained over them and she had no intention of having sex but her poor mate was hard as a rock.

  He took her up against the shower wall and got her off in two minutes or less before he followed her. Who said quickies were a lost art? Her male could do it with skill and leave her satisfied. They moved on to getting clean and were out and drying off in five minutes flat. Dressing was no problem and they packed what little was out of the bag in no time. In the hall, they weren’t the first but they weren’t the last to get there either.

  Tomi was the last one to get there and just a few minutes late. Romo had called in their meals letting Dori decide on what to order for her tardy daughter. That would help keep them on schedule. Two males had already come with a hand cart to take their luggage down to the SUV that was waiting for them once they were done eating. Romo carried Tomi’s bag since it had still been in her room. Bree thought Romo felt pretty proud to be surrounded by females, it was a rarity in their homeland.

  “Why don’t we all take our seats?” Romo suggested. Bree wasn’t too surprised to find Niku and Garulto waiting at the table. Betty sat next to Niku but the surprise was when Dori ended up next to Garulto and he looked quite happy about it. Tomi sat on Dori’s other side and Romo was next to Garulto on his other side.

  The food was brought immediately as if the staff were aware they had a schedule to keep. “Thanks, Mom,” Tomi said when her plate was placed in front of her. She had a western omelet and corn beef hash. She dug in with an appetite not unlike the one she’d teased Bree about.

  “Wow, Tomi. The way you’re digging into your food are you sure you’re not pregnant too?” Bree asked. Tomi turned bright red like intended.

  “I deserved that I suppose for teasing you about your appetite. No baby in here,” she replied patting her flat stomach.

  “Bree!” Dori exclaimed. “You know better.”

  “Yes, Mom,” she said holding her head down for a second as if she was ashamed of herself even though she wasn’t. Her sisters were tough and yes, they were hard on each other. Tomi needed to know there were consequences or she’d tease her the whole pregnancy.

  Everyone began to eat and the excitement of the trip seemed to increase rather than curb their appetites. “Was anyone able to see Kitty before we left?” Betty asked.

  “No, I did talk to her on the phone though. I’m not sure it’s sank in yet how alone she’ll be,” Dori whispered.

  “It’s not like one of our many cousins wouldn’t help if they could. When she chose colleges, she knew family wouldn’t be close by any more,” Bree pointed out.

  “I know, but I’m a mother and I’ll never stop worrying or doing what I can for my children,” Dori returned.

  “You’re a wonderful mother,” Bree said and the other girls agreed.

  “I hate to interrupt, but everyone needs to finish up fast,” Romo said. Once aboard the ship, she wasn’t sure how good the food would be so she finished the food on her plate. Her one cup of coffee also got drank and no one seemed to have left anything behind.

  It was time to go and they all knew it. They headed down to the hotel loading and unloading zone where the SUV waited. Romo tossed Tomi’s bag in the back and hopped into the driver’s seat. There was another SUV behind them that Niku was driving and Garulto was in it as well.

  “Would you and Selia like to ride with us since you’ll have more room?” Niku asked Betty. She nodded and Selia and she got in the second row seats.

  Once everyone was settled in, Romo headed down the road. About ten minutes later questions arose. “You’re going the wrong way for the airport,” Tomi stated.

  “We’re catching a private transport from a private field. We’ll be at the hangar in about twenty minutes,” Bree said.

  Twenty minutes later they were unloading the SUV as the shuttle came in for a landing. “What the hell?” Tomi squealed.

  “Whoa,” Dori added.

  “I wanan ride,” Selia begged.

  The second it stopped the door opened and Romo and the other guys started loading the luggage. “Come on, Mom. Tomi, Betty, Selia let’s go inside and grab a good seat,” Bree suggested.

  They followed her on a
nd she hoped things wouldn’t go all to hell now when they were so close. “These people must be rich. Only a hand full of companies could come close to having something like this,” Tomi observed looking at Bree for answers.

  The males got on and fastened their harnesses and the ship immediately lifted off. It was only a matter of time before someone commented on how high they were going. “Are we in space? Tomi asked and her mouth gaped open.

  “It’s amazing,” Dori exclaimed.

  Selia was stuck to the window looking at everything. “Oh my God, there’s a ship up here,” Betty screamed.

  “Calm down Sis,” Bree soothed. “Isn’t this cool?” Tomi and Betty shot her glares but Dori was watching as the approached the dock. There was no way she could have suspected, but she didn’t seem shocked or dismayed. It made Bree feel better because Tomi and Betty didn’t look happy and she knew they would give her trouble. She couldn’t even blame them since they’d had no idea where they were really going.

  Betty just leaned back in her seat and looked like she was in shock. Tomi was pissed, no other words fit. Her mom though seemed like she was on a trip to candy land. The docking bay door opened while the shuttle hovered in place waiting. They flew in the moment it was open wide enough and set down on the floor. No one moved for a few moments until the door opened.

  “You’d better tell me everything about what we’re doing here and where we’re going,” Tomi screeched. It hurt everyone’s ears and was so out of character. Tomi was usually the fun easy going one.

  “Just follow us,” Garulto said assuming control. He was the highest ranking officer and in command until they reached their destination.

  He led and they all followed leaving their possessions for later. A conference room was located not far from the docking bay and that’s where he headed. They were about to get a short history of Draconis and some of the information they would need in order to live there. Entering the room, it was set up for meetings of up to twenty-five people at a time. That left plenty of room for them to spread out. Everyone claimed a seat and Garulto pointed to a view screen that he activated.


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