Beast Brothers: A Stepbrother Sports Romance

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Beast Brothers: A Stepbrother Sports Romance Page 7

by Stephanie Brother

  Mom hasn’t actually asked a question, but all eyes are on Megan, waiting for her to respond. When she doesn’t, Mom continues, “You have a fiancé in Omaha, don’t you, dear?”

  “Mother,” Brock says in a warning tone.

  “I did,” Megan finally says. “I don’t anymore.”

  “Oh, dear,” Mom says.

  Coach speaks up. “What happened, Megan?”

  She takes a sip of water, and then says, “Well, I wasn’t feeling good Friday morning. I went back home and when I got there, I found Jason in bed with one of the Mammoths’ cheerleaders.”

  Next to me, Brock makes a low growling sound under his breath. Megan told us her fiancé cheated on her, but we hadn’t heard the gory details.

  “Oh my,” Mom says. Her eyes are filled with sympathy. She’s been there herself, but probably doesn’t want to share that at the moment.

  Coach is silent as Megan continues. “Jason didn’t even apologize. I think he was only sorry that I found out. I packed my stuff and I was out of there in less than an hour.”

  “You didn’t give him time to explain?” Coach asks.

  Oh hell no. “What the fuck was there to explain?” I say before she can answer.

  Coach gives me a sharp look, and it’s only then that I realize how I’ve just spoken to our team’s head coach. I look to my side to see Brock glaring across the booth, his expression as angry as my words.

  Coach directs his attention back to his daughter. “You might have tried to work things out with him. Not run away.”

  “You want her to work things out after he cheated on her?” Brock says, almost looking like he’s ready to rise from his seat.

  “Brock,” Mom says, trying to soothe him.

  Brock stares at her for a moment, and I can see that he’s trying hard to calm himself. He reaches for his glass and takes a drink as Coach looks at both of us and says, “There may be more to the story we don’t know yet, but I’m glad to see you both being so protective of Megan, as brothers should be.”

  Brock nearly chokes on his water. Megan’s friends stare at the table, trying not to laugh. I can’t help but smirk, but I quickly put on a blank face as Coach looks back and forth between us with raised brows.

  The waiter arrives to deliver our salads, and just after he leaves, a couple of fans stop by the table to congratulate us on the game. After the timely interruptions, Mom very purposefully steers the conversation in a different direction.

  “Is your car really totaled?” she asks Megan.

  “It is,” she says with a small sigh. “I’ll have to wait for the garage to make it official, but I’m sure it’s not worth repairing.”

  “That’s a shame,” Mom says.

  “On the other hand,” Zoe says, “that means you get to buy a new car. Score!”

  “The insurance payoff won’t be very big for my rusty old clunker,” Megan says. “It probably won’t be enough to buy even a used one outright. I’ll get a loan when I find a job.”

  Brock and I exchange a fleeting glance. That’s all it takes to know we’re both thinking the same thing. And Tara unwittingly helps us out. “What would you get if you could?” she says.

  “If I won the lottery?” Megan says. “Something sporty. Maybe a Miata.”

  “I’d buy a Corvette,” Zoe puts in. “A red one.”

  “Hello, speeding tickets,” Tara says teasingly.

  “What can I say?” Zoe counters. “Life’s too short to drive slow.”

  The conversation drifts back to football and to the week ahead. As Coach launches into a discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of nearly all of the Omaha Mammoths players, I try to listen, but I catch Megan’s eye any time I can. She’s still upset after the conversation about her lousy ex, so I try to comfort her from across the table.

  She just picks at her salad, not really eating, and I wish like hell I could put my arm around her and hold her until she’s feeling better. But I can’t. Not right now. With some winks and eye rolls, I manage to get her smiling by the time the entrees arrive, and I’m glad to see that she finally eats.

  Anytime You’re Ready


  It takes real effort to get through lunch without saying something to Coach Turner that I’ll later regret.

  He’s earned my respect by being a fair and knowledgeable coach, so the dickish comments he makes to his daughter take me by surprise. If it wasn’t for pleading looks from Megan, and warning nudges from my brother, I’d happily tell him off.

  Instead, I focus on my food and try to be pleasant to fans who stop by the table. A couple of blondes come over and ask for autographs, and it’s not until one of them brushes against me and pushes her tits into my arm that I realize they’re coming on to Cody and me. I smile politely, but I have zero interest in them.

  The sexy, curvy redhead across the booth from me is the only action I’m looking for.

  When I get over Coach’s comments, I have some fun tormenting Megan in the subtle little ways I can, at a table too crowded with our parents and her friends.

  “This pasta is mega del-i-cious,” I say, as I give her a meaningful look. She tries to ignore me while her friends lapse into a giggling fit like they’re thirteen. It puts me in a better mood pretty quickly.

  After we all decline dessert, Mom says, “What’s everyone doing later?”

  “Megan,” I say. I follow her name with a long pause before I continue. “What are you doing this evening? Did you get your stuff from storage yet?”

  She widens her eyes in a “cut that shit out” look before answering. “Yes, I got it all yesterday. Thanks.”

  “Vivian’s coming over to watch a movie,” Coach says. “You’re all welcome to join us.”

  “We need some rest,” Cody says, looking to me. “I think we’ll just head home.”

  I nod at Cody and then cast a quick but meaningful look in Megan’s direction, arching a brow and smiling at her. “Thanks, though,” I say to Coach, giving him a glance before I turn my focus back to his daughter.

  “Megan, would you like to ride to your dad’s house with me?” Mom asks her.

  A flash of panic crosses Megan’s face just before Tara leans forward and interrupts. “Zoe and I made plans with Megan for after the game. I’m sorry, I know we’re monopolizing her; we just haven’t seen her in so long.”

  “Yes, sorry, Vivian,” Megan says. “Thank you for the offer, but the girls have me covered.”

  Coach frowns but doesn’t say anything. He’s in such a pissy mood, you’d think we’d lost today. I hope Mom cheers him up tonight. Ugh. Scratch that unpleasant thought.

  We say our goodbyes in the restaurant’s lobby. I tell Tara and Zoe that it was nice to meet them, and then I give Megan a big, brotherly hug and tell her I hope to see her again sometime soon. I behave just as a polite stepbrother-to-be should. Then I squeeze her ass when I know no one else can see.

  I shake Coach’s hand, gripping it extra firmly, and give Mom a kiss on the cheek.

  Before Cody and I even reach our car, I send the text: Our place. Anytime you’re ready.

  Unfinished Business


  “Thanks for the quick thinking in there,” I say to Tara as we leave the restaurant. “I couldn’t handle being with Dad and Vivian right now. Hell, I couldn’t handle being with Dad right now.”

  Zoe gives me a sympathetic look as the three of us head to her car. “Your dad was in a weird mood. Or is that how he is when he’s with Vivian?”

  “No,” I say. “I don’t think so. I don’t know what his problem is.”

  “I hope you won’t mind me saying this,” Tara says as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. “But Vivian doesn’t seem too bad. She seemed nice, and like she was trying to fit in.”

  I only half hear her because Brock has sent a message.

  “Let me guess,” Zoe says, leaning in to look over my shoulder. “You just got a better invitation for the rest of the day.”

  “What makes you say that?” I tilt my phone away from her, an automatic impulse after working to hide my attraction to Brock and Cody all day today.

  “I saw how those two were looking at you. They didn’t want Italian food. They wanted to be eating you!”


  “It’s true, and you know it. And you’re still hungry for sausage.”

  “My god, Zoe! How old are you? Twenty-two going on twelve?”

  Zoe and Tara laugh so hard they nearly cry. I can’t help but join in.

  “So am I right? Where am I taking you?” Zoe says. She gets behind the wheel and Tara kindly offers me the front passenger seat.

  “You’re right that I got an invitation,” I admit.

  “I knew it!”

  “But I don’t know if I should go. I don’t want to leave you two,” I say.

  “We saw you all day yesterday. We’re tired of you, honestly,” Zoe says with a grin.

  “Don’t worry about us,” Tara says. “Go get that sausage!”

  “You too, Tara?” When we all recover from another small fit of laughter, I say, “If you’re sure you don’t mind…”

  “As long as we can hear all about it tomorrow. Now where am I taking you, Megalicious?”

  I give my friend a little shove, and then I give her directions. During the ride I start to have second thoughts and I almost tell Zoe to turn around, but I don’t.

  I feel like I have unfinished business with the twins. I don’t like how things ended the last time I was at their place, and to be honest, the thought of spending an unrushed evening alone with them has my panties getting wet. Hell, I’ve been wet for them since the kickoff earlier today.

  Oh, jeez, who am I kidding? I’ve been wet for them since Cody helped me out of my wrecked car. And what we’ve shared together so far is not nearly enough.

  I have no reason not to go to their place. My dad won’t find out, and part of me doesn’t care if he did. I know I’ll have an amazing time with them, so what’s giving me second thoughts?

  As Zoe pulls up in front of their building, I text Brock. I’m here.

  I’ll be right down, he replies.

  “Call us if you need a ride home. Anytime,” Tara says.

  “Thanks,” I say, getting a fluttery feeling in my stomach. I’m not sure if it’s excitement or cold feet.

  “And be sure to do everything I wish I was doing,” says Zoe. She blows me a kiss as I get out of the car.

  When I turn toward the apartment building, I see the shadow of Brock’s massive frame behind the glass. That fluttery feeling gathers and turns a flip. And that’s when I realize how much trouble I’m in.

  These guys are nothing like Jason. A fling with them will be delicious … but it might not be enough. The promise of them is irresistible, but when it’s over, how much is it going to hurt?

  Sexy Kitty


  “Eager girl,” Brock says in a teasing voice as he lays a kiss on a sensitive spot near my ear. “Couldn’t wait to get back to Daddy Brock, could you?”

  We’re standing by the elevator, waiting for a car to take us to the penthouse. I roll my eyes and elbow him, my poke not making much of a dent in his hard wall of muscle. I’m grateful for his cocky humor, though; it grounds me and gives me clarity.

  I made my decision on the short walk from Zoe’s car to the building. I’ll have as much fun as I can tonight with these two beautiful men, because I’d be crazy to pass up the opportunity. I’ll take all the pleasure I can get, enough to forever obliterate Jason from my memories. I’ll do something most women never get to do: take a walk on the wild side and fulfill fantasies I didn’t even know I had until I met the Beast Brothers.

  And then I’ll walk away. It’s the only sane thing I can do.

  Brock and Cody may not be right for my heart, but they are one hundred percent right for my body. The merest touch of Brock’s lips on my skin lights me up all the way down to my toes.

  Brock’s still wearing the dress shirt and khakis he had on during lunch. I did a double take — make that a quadruple take — when I saw him and Cody arrive at the restaurant earlier. Prior to then I’d only seen them in athletic wear — shorts, sweats, tees — and I’d have thought they couldn’t get any sexier. But their bright white button-downs and crisp pants somehow made them look even more masculine and muscular, and I wanted to crawl across the table and bite them.

  I guess I’ll soon have my chance.

  Brock brings me against him. One hand curls around my neck, working the muscles there, while the other draws circles at the base of my spine. “Have you been a good girl, or have you been playing with naughty toys?” he asks, as his magic fingers simultaneously relax me and arouse me.

  “Naughty toys?” I repeat. My brain is already fogging over from the heat of his presence, his scent, his touch.

  The elevator arrives, and when the doors close behind us, he cups his palm between my legs and makes his meaning clear. “You’re never going to be satisfied with a vibrator again after we’re through with you.”

  Oh, my.

  He tangles his fingers in my hair, tips my head back and kisses me while he continues to rub me through my jeans. I’m pretty sure I’m ready for him, even though I’ve been in his presence for less than two minutes.

  The elevator beeps and Brock pulls slightly away, leaving a hand on my shoulder and steering me to the apartment.

  Cody opens the door as we approach; he’s been waiting for us. The look in his eyes takes my breath away. It’s warm, even tender, but also full of intent.

  “Hey ’licious,” he says as we enter the apartment. His lips curve in a sweet, sexy smile and I almost melt into a puddle on the floor. Thank goodness Brock is at my back, his solid muscular frame holding me up.

  “Hi,” I breathe, and Cody’s smile widens to a grin. It’s mischievous, cocky, and oh so hot. Brock’s hands settle at my waist, and Cody takes one long step forward, right into my space.

  I’m in the middle of a Beast Brothers sandwich again, and it’s even better than the first one.

  Cody’s hands go into my hair, capturing me, tilting my head to the side. As his mouth nears mine, Brock’s hands move. One glides under my top to cup my breast; the other dives into my pants to cover me over my panties.

  “Fuck, Megan,” he whispers. “You’re soaking wet.”

  I can’t answer him because his brother is kissing me. Tingles shoot through me and I circle my arms around Cody’s neck, rising up on my toes because he’s so tall. I press myself against Cody while Brock closes the distance behind me, so almost every inch of me is in contact with the two of them. It’s heaven.

  Cody’s tongue touches my lips. My mouth opens for him, and the kiss turns deep and hot and wet. Brock brushes his thumb over my nipple and a jolt of electricity sears right down to the other place his fingers are rubbing me. I whimper into Cody’s mouth as Brock slips his hand inside my panties and pushes a finger inside me.

  Oh my god. This is amazing. I want the world to go away so I can be with them like this forever.

  “So fuckin’ wet,” Brock says in my ear, his finger stroking slowly in and out of me. “So hot and tight. Beautiful, babe.” I clamp around him and his answering growl makes me even wetter, which I didn’t think was possible at this point.

  Cody’s still kissing me, his hands busily undoing the buttons of my shirt. It’s tailored, hugging my curves, but has flouncy material at the wrists to give it a feminine touch. I wanted to dress up at least a little bit for the twins. And, hoping that I might be alone with them today, I wore a hidden surprise.

  He gets my shirt open and breaks off the kiss. The grin comes back, this time with a wicked edge. “Leopard-print lingerie. Nice touch, babe.”

  Brock leans over my shoulder to get a look. His mouth is right next to my ear; his voice is a low, hungry growl. “Sexy kitty. I knew you were our biggest fan.”

  One of Cody’s hands goes to my waist; the other skims ove
r the breast Brock isn’t touching, then hefts me in his palm. My hands are busy too, fingers going into his hair, tugging his shirt free of his pants, then diving underneath to roam the muscles of his broad, firm back.

  They’re so hot — literally. It’s pumping off their bodies in waves. My skin is gleaming, and between them I feel like the most desired woman on the planet. Cody kisses me again; it’s even hotter than the first time, and when he lifts his head my breath is coming in short gasps.

  “Bedroom,” Brock says in a low voice, and my heart, already doing double time, goes even faster.

  So Much Man. All For Me.


  Without another word, Brock slides his hand free of my panties at the same moment that Cody moves both hands to my ass, boosting me so I can wrap my legs around his waist. He lifts me easily, and I’m struck again by how dainty the brothers make me feel — something I never thought I’d experience.

  The blinds are closed and the lights are dim in the apartment, but Cody moves with assurance through the living room and down a hallway, Brock following behind us to hit the light switch on the wall. Wall-mounted lamps come on to either side of the enormous bed — they must have had it custom-made, because it’s even bigger than a California king.

  My stomach drops at the reminder of how many women they must have had in this bed with them, but I push the thoughts firmly aside. Tonight I have them to myself, and that’s all that matters. Cody lays me down, and then he and Brock are on either side of me.

  “Sweetheart,” Brock says behind me, and my heart lurches. Sexy, flirting nicknames are one thing; I never expected terms of endearment. I push that aside too, as fast as I can. Just one night, I remind myself; this is just for tonight.

  “Megan?” Brock says, a thread of concern in his voice. I shove my freakout down deep and force myself to answer.

  “Yeah?” My voice sounds almost normal, at least for a situation like this — if normal is a word that can even be applied to having a threesome with the Beast Brothers.

  “Have you ever done this before?” His tone is gentle, filled with the same tenderness I saw in Cody’s eyes. Really, they’ve got to stop being so nice to me.


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