The Deception

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The Deception Page 7

by Chris Taylor

  “You bet he is and don’t worry, I tell him every opportunity I get.”

  Pete arrived back with the bottle of water, Declan not far behind him. “What do you tell me every opportunity you get?”

  Lucy grinned up at him. “Will was just saying what a lucky man you are, darling.” She moved closer to him and took the bottle of water out of his hand. “I was merely agreeing with him.”

  An announcement that dinner was about to be served came from the master of ceremonies who stood behind a microphone on a makeshift stage at the far end of the room. People began to disperse, heading toward their tables.

  “We’re over this way. Table thirty-six.” Pete gestured in the direction adjacent to the bar. With his arm around Lucy, he shepherded his wife through the crowd. Declan reached for Chloe and followed suit. Savannah darted a look in Will’s direction. His gaze remained steady on hers. A smile tugged at one corner of his mouth.

  “Ladies first,” he murmured and made a sweeping gesture with his arm, inviting her to proceed ahead of him.

  Savannah offered him a brilliant smile and hoped it concealed her nervousness. With her glass in one hand, she picked up the skirt of her long dress and made her way through the crowd to their table. The others were already seated. The remaining two vacant chairs were beside Lucy. When Savannah realized what close proximity she would be to Will, her heart hitched in excitement and low grade panic.

  Determined to ignore her misgivings, she set her glass on the table and pulled out the seat closest to her friend. Will stepped forward to assist her and his hand brushed over hers. Her skin tingled from his touch. Ignoring the butterflies that swarmed in her belly, she took her seat.

  Will sat beside her. His thigh brushed against hers beneath the table. She tensed and her heart skipped a beat. Heat from his body traveled up her leg and pooled in her core. She couldn’t be more aware of him. Oblivious to her plight, Lucy’s gaze drifted around the room.

  “There’s a good turnout here,” she said.

  “Yes, it bodes well for the auction to be held later tonight,” Pete replied.

  “Is it always this well attended?” Chloe asked, directing her question to Will.

  “I’m not sure,” he replied.

  Acutely aware of his presence, Savannah struggled to keep up with the conversation. She picked up her glass and emptied the contents in a couple of swallows, feeling the need for something to settle her nerves. Lucy threw her a startled look, but remained silent. With a burst of renewed courage, Savannah turned to Will and smiled.

  “I take it you haven’t attended one of these before?”

  He smiled back at her and shook his head. “No, this is a first. And you?”

  With a boost of alcohol-inspired confidence, Savannah flipped back her hair and laughed. “Oh no, it’s the highlight of my social calendar. Where else can you get good food, fine wine and enjoy the company of friends, new and old, all in the same place? And then there’s the dancing… I just love dancing.”

  Her eyes meshed with his. He gazed at her, amusement glinting in their depths.

  “Is that right?” he murmured.

  Savannah bit her lip and cursed under her breath.

  Darn it, how could she have been so stupid? What was she trying to do—make him remember? She scampered for something else to say. “Do you dance?”

  The words fell out of her mouth. Heat flooded her face.

  What the hell was she doing?

  Lucy’s stiletto found her instep. “Ouch,” she said.

  Will frowned. “Is something the matter?”

  Savannah plastered a smile on her face and replied through gritted teeth. “No, no of course not. I’m fine. I think it must have been a-a pin or something that dug into me.”

  “A pin? As in a dressmaker’s pin? You dance and sew?” His eyes now twinkled with laughter.

  Savannah averted her gaze. In desperation, she prayed for the floor to open up and swallow her.

  What the hell was wrong with her? Was she a complete nincompoop?

  “So, Will, tell us about yourself? How long have you been in advertising?” Chloe asked, coming to Savannah’s rescue.

  The distraction appeared to work. Will leaned back in his chair and prepared to answer. Savannah breathed a surreptitious sigh of relief.

  “My family has been in advertising for as long as I can remember. My father inherited Rutledge Advertising from his father who’d inherited from his father before him. I grew up with ink running through my veins.”

  Lucy smiled and joined in the conversation. “So you’ll take over when he retires?”

  Will gave a derisive laugh. “Who knows? Dad’s not going anywhere in a hurry. He might be carrying a few extra pounds, but he’s as fit as Michael Phelps. He still swims at least twenty laps a day, rain, hail or shine. He’ll live forever.”

  With her wayward tongue now firmly back under her control, Savannah risked another question. “What’s your role in Rutledge Advertising at the moment?”

  Will lifted his glass and took a mouthful of beer before replying. Savannah watched the movement of his throat as he swallowed. His tongue snuck out to swipe at a tiny piece of froth on his lip.

  Her belly clenched with nerves and something else. Heat rushed through her. She did her best to stem the blush that blossomed in her cheeks.

  Will eyed her knowingly, almost as if he could see the desire that held her body in its grip. She dragged her gaze away and reached blindly for her glass, forgetting that she’d already drained it.

  The first course of their meal appeared. Savannah murmured her thanks to the waiter who set a plate before her. She waited for the rest of their party to be served. Using that time to regain control of herself, she snuck quiet breaths until she was sure her equilibrium had once again been restored.

  Glancing down at her plate, she smiled in appreciation. “Mm, oysters Kilpatrick. My favorite.”

  Will leaned in close and just like that, her senses were once again knocked askew.

  “Some people say oysters are an aphrodisiac,” he murmured against her ear.

  Savannah’s pulse spiked from his nearness and the intoxicating scent of his cologne. “Really?” she managed. “How interesting.”

  Will popped an oyster into his mouth, chewed briefly and swallowed, his gaze still on hers. “Isn’t it just?”

  Savannah forced herself to concentrate on the meal in front of her. Her hands were less than steady when she took an oyster off her plate and lifted it to her mouth.

  The heat of Will’s gaze scorched her and sent nerves dancing through her belly. She did her best to ignore him and began to eat.

  The oysters were delicious. It was a shame having Will seated so close beside her distracted her from fully enjoying them. With her tight budget, it was rare for her to have the luxury of eating such a delicacy.

  She lifted the final oyster off her plate and carefully brought it up to her mouth. Despite her best efforts, a drop of Worcestershire sauce dribbled down her chin and onto her dress. She gasped in surprise and embarrassment.

  Will leaned over with his napkin and dabbed at the soiled fabric. His hand pressed against her chest, mere inches from her breast. Her heart stopped and then galloped away. His long fingers continued to work away at the stain.

  “It’s fine; it’s okay,” she squeaked. He licked the napkin and dabbed again.

  “Please,” she gasped, unable to take any more. She pushed at his hand and he slowly withdrew, taking his time as his fingers slid across the soft fabric of her dress. A knowing grin tugged at his lips.

  Her body was on fire and not just from embarrassment. Her nipples had hardened beneath his ministrations and her breasts ached to be touched. Her backless dress hadn’t allowed for a bra and with her breasts soft and unfettered, they hung full and needy.

  Desire ignited inside her, heavy and hot. She groaned under her breath and squirmed on the seat. Lucy darted a questioning look in her direction. Savannah averted her

  “Are you all right, Savannah?” Chloe asked, her eyes clouded with concern.

  Savannah managed a nod and a strained smile. “Of course. I-I spilled a little sauce on my dress. I-I might take a moment and head to the bathroom.”

  Without waiting for a response, she pushed back her chair and stood. Will stood with her and Savannah was once again reminded of his impeccable manners.

  Chloe nodded her understanding. “Would you like me to come with you?”

  “No, no. I’ll be fine. Really.” She encompassed both women in her glance. “Please, stay and enjoy your meal.” She turned and hurried in the direction of the restrooms, her face in flames.

  She reached the bathroom without further mishap and went to a sink at the far end. Mindful of her dress, she carefully splashed cold water on her face. Lifting her head, she stared at her reflection in the mirror and gasped.

  Her eyes were wild with need. Her color was so high, it looked like she had a fever. Her pulse still hammered madly in the side of her neck. She drew in a deep breath and held it, determined to get herself back under control.

  It had been much too long since she’d been with a man—that’s all it was. She was reacting to Will as if he were the first man she’d ever set eyes on. It was ridiculous. He was a man, albeit an incredibly sexy one, but a man, nonetheless. Her strong reaction to him was completely unwarranted. For heaven’s sake, if they’d been alone, she probably would have propositioned him.

  As ludicrous as the idea was, she couldn’t discount its appeal. She was sure he was interested and she’d never desired a man so much. Her body was taut with the thought of his hands on her skin, this time without the barrier of clothing. To feel his mouth on her breasts, his hands kneading their fullness, his hard body pressed to hers.

  Her clit throbbed and tingled. A renewed wave of heat scorched her cheeks. She wanted him, plain and simple. So, what was she going to do about it?

  Nothing. Of course she wasn’t going to do anything about it. She wasn’t the kind of girl that went around sleeping with “almost strangers,” even if he did look good enough to eat. It didn’t happen. Not in her world. Besides, it was always possible he might remember her and then she’d be in all sorts of trouble.

  Determined to leave the ball before things got complicated, she patted her face dry, refreshed her makeup and ran a brush through her hair.

  She would return to the table and plead a headache, like Lucy had suggested. As much as she wanted to spend more time with Chloe, it would be best to leave before her libido ran completely wild and she did something she’d later regret. It was the most sensible thing to do, despite what her hormones urged. With her mind made up, Savannah left the bathroom and headed back toward their table.

  Although Chloe expressed her disappointment that their time together had been cut short, both of the women seated at the table nodded their understanding when Savannah offered her excuses and prepared to depart. Lucy couldn’t hide her relief. Will stood and waited while Savannah said her farewells.

  “I’ll walk you out,” he said.

  Grappling for a reasonable excuse to turn him down and coming up empty, she collected her evening bag and turned toward the exit, leaving him to follow her. They were barely halfway across the room when his arm came around her shoulders and pulled her up tightly against his side. She turned her head in surprise.

  “Wh-what are you doing?”

  He didn’t break stride. As they neared the empty doorway, he shot her a heated glance.

  “Headache, be damned. You and I both know we’re burning to fuck each other. Why waste any more time?”

  She gasped at his bluntness. At the same time, a jolt of excitement went through her. The sound of his voice close to her ear evoked memories of them together in the brothel. Her nipples contracted.

  He chuckled knowingly and reached for her hand, pressing it against his thick erection. “See, I feel it, too.”

  Savannah gasped again. Her face flamed with shock and desire, but she didn’t move her hand away. Instead, she stunned herself by tightening her fingers around his hardness. At his sharp intake of breath, she smiled. Two could play at this game. Despite her earlier resolve, she suddenly discovered it was a game she was eager to partake.

  His eyes were almost black with desire. He surged against her hand. A few yards away, another couple approached them, engaged in conversation. The reality of the situation reasserted itself in an instant and Savannah tore her hand away.

  “W-what are you doing? We’re in public!”

  “Not for long.”

  He dragged her through the exit. Her stomach clenched with nerves. “Where are we going?”

  “To find a room. This is a hotel, right?” His eyebrow lifted in sardonic amusement. Seconds later, he steered her toward the elevators.

  Savannah realized his intention and shock zinged its way down her spine. Never before had she slept with a guy she barely knew and she’d never done it just for the hell of it, despite her earlier cavalier attitude.

  She had to admit, though, there was something deliciously naughty about having sex with a man who was almost a stranger. It was so basic, so raw, so…exciting: sheer physical attraction and nothing else. She’d probably be appalled by her behavior in the morning, but right at that moment, she felt nothing but liberated…and intensely aroused.

  In what seemed like just a few minutes, the elevator arrived and returned them to the lobby. Will strode over to the reception desk, leaving Savannah to contemplate the wisdom of her decision. Before she had time to change her mind, he returned, waggling a key card between his fingers. He guided her back the way they had come.

  Keeping his arm around her, he pressed the up button for the elevator and then pulled her in close to his side while they waited. Everywhere they touched, his body burned into hers. She drew in a breath and tried to slow her racing heart. The elevator chime sounded distantly in her head. Moments later, she was drawn inside the empty elevator chamber.

  The doors hadn’t even fully closed when Will pinned her up against one wall. His arms remained by his side, holding her in place with nothing but the strength of his body. It was the most erotic thing that had ever happened to her.

  His mouth found hers, crushing her lips beneath his. His skillful tongue slid through her open lips and delved inside. Then he lifted her. Gasping, she grabbed his arms for support. With the aid of the thigh-high split in her skirt, her legs automatically went around his waist and tightened around his hips. Her mind reeled from the explosiveness of his passion. She sensed he’d simply die if he couldn’t have her.

  The thought was exhilarating and banished any misgivings. She returned his kiss with a hunger that matched his own. His tongue swirled in and around her mouth and she moaned with desire.

  Struggling for breath, she pulled away and buried her face in the side of his neck, her mouth hot against his skin. Her clit throbbed with need. She fought hard against the urge to beg him to take her right there and then.

  The chime of the elevator as it reached its destination finally registered in her passion-fogged mind. The doors slid open. They pulled apart with surprise and reluctance. With a sheepish look, Will took her hand and tugged her into the corridor. He took in her disheveled state and grinned.

  “I think I was wrong about the room. It looks to me like we might not have needed it.”

  Savannah burned with embarrassment, unable to meet his eyes. God, what was she doing? What must he think of her? What would Lucy and Chloe say?

  Her friends would be thrilled. They’d be over the moon to discover she’d at last consigned her trampled feelings to the past, where they belonged. As if sensing her sudden misgivings, Will drew her up against him.

  “Did I say something wrong? I was only teasing. It’s so refreshing to find a woman who’s honest about her sexual needs. I want you; you want me. It’s that simple. Two people who find each other damnably attractive and aren’t afraid to admit it. There’
s nothing wrong with that. In fact, it turns me on even more to know you’re confident enough to go after what you want.”

  Oh, she wanted him all right. And he wanted her. It was just like he’d said. They were adults. There was nothing wrong in giving each other the satisfaction they both sought.

  Pushing any lingering doubts aside, she reached up and pulled his head down to hers, giving him a long and thorough kiss. “Mm, you sure taste good.”

  He growled low in his throat and bent to scoop her up in his arms. Finding their room, he slipped the key card into the slot and pushed it open with his foot. He carried her inside and then slid her slowly down the length of his body until her feet touched the floor. The solid feel of his erection pressed against her belly and she shivered with need. Releasing her, Will switched on a lamp that stood on the nightstand before turning back to face her, his eyelids heavy with desire.

  Holding his gaze, Savannah lifted her arms and untied the slinky fabric knotted at the back of her neck. She let the dress fall low, exposing her naked breasts to his heated gaze.

  “You’re even more beautiful than I remembered,” he murmured and bent his head to take a hard, rosy nipple between his teeth.

  Savannah frowned at his comment, but within moments, all thoughts but the feel of his body pressed against hers dissolved into nothingness. His lips continued their assault on her nipples, swirling back and forth across the hard nubs with his tongue. There was nothing and no one but Will and the heavy, pulsing need that consumed her. She pressed against his erection and moaned at the pressure against her swollen clit.

  He eased her dress down over her hips. It skimmed along her legs and pooled at her feet. Lifting her in his arms, he strode over to the king-sized bed and gently laid her down. He kneeled and slipped off her stilettos, dropping them to the floor. With his gaze fixed on the scrap of black lace between her legs, he stood and hurriedly tugged off his jacket and tie. His shirt quickly followed.

  Within moments, he was sitting on the side of the bed, his bare chest illuminated in the soft light. Leaning over, he ran his hand with languid ease up the inside of her thigh, pausing when he got to her center. A finger pressed against the dampened lace which covered her opening and then slipped underneath.


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