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The Texan Meets His Match (Lake Howling Book 2)

Page 12

by Vella, Wendy

  “Whatever.” She climbed up his body suddenly. “Just shut up and kiss me.”

  He did, and when she moved down his body and he slid inside her, he lost every thought in his head.

  “Sweet Jesus, Smith, who knew you could ride like that?” he said when he could think again. His body was liquid, all the bones melted under the onslaught of two of the best bouts of sex he’d ever had.

  They must have slept, because when Ethan opened his eyes, it was dark outside. He could feel the weight of Annabelle in his arms and lay for several minutes enjoying the sensation. He didn’t want to think about anything more than the here and now, but they needed to get through the next two days. After that they’d talk; for now there was a rehearsal dinner to dress for.

  Reaching an arm above his head, he found the light and turned it on. She didn’t stir. Her head was nestled on his shoulder, one arm around his chest.

  “Annabelle, honey, wake up.” Pushing her hair from her cheek, he kissed her.

  “Do I have to?” Her voice was soft and raspy with sleep.

  “Yup, afraid so. We have a dinner to get ready for.”

  “Dinner!” She sat upright, giving Ethan a nice view of her exceptional body. “Oh my God, what’s the time? We haven’t missed it, have we?”

  “No, we have two hours before we have to be there,” Ethan said, thinking how cute she looked all mussed up from sleep. He didn’t say it, though; Annabelle Smith wasn’t the type to take that as a compliment.

  “Okay, good, right.” She blinked a few times, then rubbed her eyes.

  Ethan reached for his cell as it buzzed. Reading the message, he said, “Hope and Taylor are coming down in about fifteen minutes to meet you properly.”

  “What! I’m naked, we’ve just had sex…twice, and… oh my God.”

  Ethan had never seen her move so fast. She was off the bed and running to her room in seconds. He enjoyed the view until she disappeared, then he too climbed out. He found some fresh clothes then headed for the shower with a smile on his face.


  Clothed in one of the two dresses she had borrowed from Macy, Annabelle slipped into her black heels and headed for Ethan’s room. She hadn’t allowed herself time to think about what they had shared, the sex, the confidences, all of it, everything that she’d promised never to do with the Texan Tomcat. But he wasn’t that here; he was vulnerable and hurting and trying to get through what promised to be a horrible few days without causing trouble.

  She had managed to fight her attraction to Ethan Gelderman by reminding herself constantly that he was a shallow, handsome, and egotistical rich man who had more little black books than the average man had socks. But she couldn’t do that now; now she’d seen another side to him, and it was that side that had weakened her resolve.

  Pulling out her cell phone as it buzzed, she looked at the number then put it back on the bedside table. Cooper was still calling her constantly, and she was still too angry to take his call.

  After a quick knock on the connecting door, Annabelle opened it and stopped. Ethan was dressed, standing at the foot of his bed. He turned with a smile as she entered and she felt something move in her chest as she took in the impact of seeing him dressed as he was.

  She’d never seen him in anything but casual clothing, and she was glad, because he was devastating in a suit. It was charcoal, and with it he wore a pale blue shirt and an ice blue and charcoal striped tie. The jacket hugged his shoulders and tapered down his arms. He was, quite simply, mouthwatering.

  “Beautiful doesn’t cover how you look, Annabelle.”

  He was walking towards her, a gentle smile on his face, and she wanted to retreat, go back to her room and shut the door because she felt like she was sinking, her footing unsure, and it was terrifying.

  “You are not allowed to go out in public dressed like that, Gelderman. You’ll cause a riot.” When Annabelle was off balance, she resorted to her smart mouth.

  He stopped when the toes of his polished black leather boots touched her shoes. She could smell his aftershave now, that elusive male scent that made a woman’s mouth water.

  “Ditto, honey.” He leaned in and kissed her cheek, then nuzzled her neck. “You smell good, and I sure as hell don’t know how I’m going to concentrate with you in that dress, looking like you do.”


  He cut her off by placing his hand over her mouth.

  “For the next two days we’re together, Annabelle, and we’ll deal with what this is when we leave here. Okay?”

  “Okay.” She shouldn’t be relieved, but she was, because she had a horrible feeling that whatever this was, it would be hard to walk away from.

  “Now turn around and let me look at all of you,” he said, holding her fingers high so she could twirl.

  The dress was simple from the front, an emerald sheath with a demure neckline that fell in soft waves to her calves, but the back plunged to halfway down her back. She felt his fingers run the length of her spine, then caress her buttocks, and she fought the shiver his touch created.

  “You know, of course, that this is going to cause me huge discomfort,” he whispered against her skin.

  Her breath left her body as Ethan placed his lips on her back.

  “You, Annabelle Smith, would tempt a saint.”

  A knock on the door had him twirling her back to face him. He gave her one more look and then went to open the door.


  Unlike upstairs, this reunion of the Gelderman siblings, minus Brad, was exuberant. They hugged and slapped backs, Hope threw her arms around Ethan and squeezed him hard, and he in turn planted a loud, smacking kiss on her cheek. Taylor was hugged too, in a bone-cracking embrace that he returned.

  It saddened Annabelle that they had to do this in secret, that if their father saw he would be angry. She had always hugged her brothers even when they didn’t want to be hugged. Pushing aside thoughts of Cooper, she concentrated on the Geldermans. It was much easier that way, and she could keep the pain away.

  “I’m so pleased to meet you, Annabelle, and thank you for bringing Ethan to my wedding.”

  Annabelle accepted the hug from Hope. She was dressed in a pale pink evening dress whose hem brushed the floor. Her hair had been styled, and her make-up carefully applied. She looked young and pretty, and looking at her no one would ever know that she had lived anything but a pampered life.

  “He wanted to come, Hope. I just tagged along.”

  “Somehow I don’t think so.” Hope laughed and Annabelle saw Ethan in her then, in the smile that lit her face just as his did.

  “And I’m Taylor.” He had Ethan’s charm, yet she could see he was shy, and guessed that living with two dominant men had not been easy on this young man.

  “Lovely to meet you, Taylor.” Annabelle shook the hand he held out to her.

  “So you’re definitely moving out next week, brother?” Ethan said, coming to stand beside him.

  “Yes. The job I have is in Dallas, and some friends have a place there with a spare room, so I said I’d take it.”

  Annabelle watched Ethan get all the information he needed out of his siblings over the next twenty minutes. He made sure Hope had everything she needed, that her stuff was packed and had been taken to her future husband’s house, and that she didn’t need any money. He then questioned Taylor on what he’d be doing and how much he’d be earning. He offered to buy him a bed, and anything else that was required for his move to Dallas.

  He wasn’t bossy, didn’t demand answers but extracted them with a few carefully worded questions until he was happy that both Hope and Taylor were going to be okay.

  “We have to go now, but we’ll see you at dinner,” Hope said finally, as she dragged Taylor to the door. “It really is a pleasure to meet you, Annabelle.”

  “Likewise,” she said, lifting her hand in farewell. Then the door closed behind them and Annabelle heard Ethan sigh.

  “My guess is that
sigh was one of relief because you know they’re going to be all right?”

  He moved in behind her, his arms going around her, his head resting on her shoulder. She didn’t want to like the gesture, because it was seriously close to a cuddle, but she did, way too much.

  “You’re a good brother, Ethan. I can see that right off, so whatever stuff you’ve got going on inside you telling you otherwise, you need to get rid of it. Those two are okay, and they know they have you, which I’m guessing has always been important to them.”

  “So you don’t think they have abandonment issues, then?”

  She could feel the solid planes of muscle at her back and tried not to focus on how good those muscles had felt when she’d run her hands and mouth over them.

  “Hell, no. I have those and I’d spot them in someone else a mile away.”

  “Who abandoned you?” The arms that held her tightened as he asked the question.

  “We’re not going there, Gelderman. One messed-up family is enough to deal with right now. Besides, we need to go to dinner.”

  “I’m a good listener, Annabelle, and I have broad shoulders, so if you need them, I’m here.”

  “You have enough to deal with without adding my problems, Ethan.”

  “All right, but I’m here if you change your mind.” His lips skimmed her neck.

  “So is he nice, this Stephen who’s going to marry Hope?” Annabelle said, changing the subject. She didn’t like talking about her life; it depressed her, and for the next few days she was determined to forget about it.

  “Yeah. I only met him once, when I flew to Austin to catch up with Taylor and Hope. Like us, he’s in oil, but unlike us he seems to have a normal family that even likes each other. He loves Hope and she him, so I can’t ask for any more for her.”

  “And if he’s in oil, I’m sure your father likes him too?”

  “Yes, although Stephen doesn’t need anything from my father, so he tolerates him,

  but stays out of his way most of the time. I suspect because Hope has told him what Father can be like.”

  “You need to let me go now, Ethan. It’s time we left.”

  “Or I could strip you naked and we could take up where we left off, with you on top and—”

  “Stop!” Annabelle pulled out of his arms and headed back to her room to collect her bag. Then, sucking in a deep breath, she took Ethan’s hand and let him lead her to dinner.

  The dinner was being held in a formal dining room that could easily seat two hundred people. If she had to guess, Annabelle would say it was half-full. They had been seated with the family near the head of the table, otherwise it would make a statement she was sure Number Four (as she was now calling Ethan’s father, simply because he didn’t deserve more from her) didn’t want, not here when he was playing host to the hilt.

  Every guest was dressed in their best, and she could only imagine what they’d wear tomorrow. Silently she thanked Macy for her second outfit, and most especially the real diamond necklace that was tucked securely in her suitcase. She was sure that if anyone could spot a fake gem, it would be this crowd.

  Servants marched in and out with silver trays and bowls filled with delicious foods. Her wine was topped up even if she had only taken a sip, and it was a taste of another world that Annabelle knew she would never frequent.

  “So, Annabelle, what’s this Lake Howling like?”

  Brad was seated to Annabelle's left with Ethan directly opposite. The middle Gelderman had been attentive and polite to her, but she had also watched him drink steadily, which had given his arrogance a boost. This was a man used to having his own way, especially with women.

  “It’s lovely. In fact I believe it’s one of the most beautiful places on earth.” She smiled across the table when Ethan gave her look that asked if she was all right.

  “A small town girl. I thought there was something sweet about you.”

  “Yes, I’m a small town girl, and I prefer it that way. My friends and family are important to me, and in Howling I get to see them often.”

  “I need a big city,” Brad said, then picked up his wine glass and swallowed a large mouthful.

  Annabelle watched his eyes narrow as he looked across the table at Ethan.

  “I like the excitement and pace of city life, unlike my brother.”

  “Your brother has a lot of friends in Howling,” Annabelle said. “He’s well respected there, and in Brook,” she added.

  “Now, that does surprise me, but then the people are different here in Texas, and respect is earned a bit differently.”

  “No, it’s earned the same everywhere, the way I see it, Brad. Ethan just cares about people, and consequently they care about him.”

  “I don’t want to talk about Ethan, Annabelle. It’s you I want to get to know better.” He turned his body so his leg brushed hers. She felt a hand skim up her thigh under the table. “If the ladies of Howling are as beautiful as you, then I’ll be sure to make it a place I visit soon.”

  He thought he was smooth like his brother, she thought as she removed his hand, but there was something missing. His charm was too forced and predictable, unlike Ethan, who made a woman comfortable when he flirted and complimented her. He would also never have groped her under the table.

  “Brad, let me straighten you out on a few things, so the next few days run smoothly for us,” Annabelle said softly. “Your brother is a man I care very much for,” she added, meaning every word. “He’s kind and honest, genuine, and a seriously handsome package, and you’d be wasting your time flirting with me, because there is no man his equal in my eye.” As soon as she’d spoken them, she realized those words were uncomfortably close to being the truth.

  “Well, then.” Brad’s lips were now a straight line, and Annabelle knew that he wasn’t used to a woman turning him down. “Perhaps you small town people are a bit different from us city folk.” He made the words sound like an insult, but Annabelle didn’t care. She was quite happy to be classed differently from this man.

  The food came and went and she conversed with Uncle Mitch, who had introduced himself by that title and was seated on her other side.

  “So, tell me, what he’s like away from here?”

  Mitch Gelderman was an older version of his brother, Ethan’s father. His face was more lined, his hair grayer, but the resemblance was there, as it was in variations in all the Gelderman males.

  “He’s happy,” Annabelle said honestly. “He has friends who love and respect him and he’s nothing like the man who’s seated across from me right at this moment.”

  It was true; Ethan was so tense she could feel it across the table. He talked and smiled when anyone addressed him, ate and drank, but Annabelle had observed this man plenty, and he was extremely unhappy.

  “I love them all, my nieces and nephews. But Ethan—” Mitch had what Annabelle guessed passed as a smile on his face as he looked at Ethan. “He’s always been special to me. Maybe because of the flying, maybe because I knew how hard my brother rode him, but he always had a bigger piece of my heart.”

  They both looked at Ethan as he smiled at something Hope had said, and Annabelle felt an ache in her heart that terrified her, because she’d never felt it with any other man before. In fact, she had vowed to let no man have that kind of hold over her, and until this moment, she’d succeeded.

  “You love him, girl?”

  She dragged her eyes from Ethan and looked at Mitch. His eyes were a lighter blue, but still intense, and suddenly she couldn’t lie to him as she’d wanted to.

  “It’s a bit early for that, Uncle Mitch, but I really like him, and I’d be grateful if you kept that to yourself.”

  His laugh was like a dog’s bark. “I can do that for you, girl, if you promise me that you’ll look out for him.”

  “That I can do.” They lifted their glasses to seal the pact.

  “What are you two talking about?” Annabelle looked back to Ethan as he spoke.

’s between me and the lady, boy, so you just go about your business,” Uncle Mitch said.

  “You trying to steal my girl, Uncle?”

  Mitch barked again. “I would if I was a few years younger. This one may be worth fighting for.”

  Ethan’s eye traveled over her face before he spoke. “I think you could be right there, Uncle Mitch.”

  Annabelle was pleased when minutes later the next course came, so she could pull her eyes from Ethan’s.


  Ethan had watched Brad lean close to Annabelle with that smile he reserved for hitting on women, and while he knew she could handle herself, he still wanted to reach over the table and punch his brother, hard. He’d watched as they talked, and then Brad had turned away and he’d relaxed…a bit, because he could never fully relax with his father around, but at least Annabelle seemed to have handled Brad, which was one thing less for him to worry about.

  He was amazed how comfortable she seemed seated with strangers she knew nothing about, strangers from a world that was foreign to hers. She’d made Uncle Mitch laugh several times, along with a few others who’d joined in their conversations. Of course, in that dress she could recite a shopping list and he’d still be her slave.

  The emerald suited her, like every other color she wore. The soft material draped and curved around the beautiful body he now knew intimately. She was wearing a simple gold chain around her neck and a matching bracelet, and he wondered who had brought them for her. His stomach clenched, and Ethan realized he was jealous. It had been a lot of years since he had experienced the emotion, and to him it was telling. He’d never wanted a woman with the ferocity he did Annabelle, had never imagined spending more than a few months with someone before moving on, but with her he had a feeling that that would never be enough.

  God, he was in trouble.

  Ethan had always believed relationships were not for him. Being connected to someone who could break him emotionally was not something he’d ever wanted or needed in his life, especially after living with his father, whom he could now acknowledge he had once loved.


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