Luminosity (Escaping Demons Saga Book 1)

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Luminosity (Escaping Demons Saga Book 1) Page 16

by Stacy McWilliams

  After a few seconds the ambulance crew strode over to Mr Stevenson.

  “We have her stabilised, but we have to move her now.” Mr Stevenson nodded and both he and Nathan stepped into the ambulance. As the ambulance crew got ready to move they conversed in terse whispers.

  “Who did this to her?”

  “I don’t know,” Nathan answered, his voice shaking.

  “Find out. Whoever dared to break my edict will pay. It’s a full moon tonight. The perfect time for punishing those who refuse to obey our laws and customs.”

  “I will father. You can count on it.”

  “Well off you go, I’ll go with her to the hospital. Make sure you call me the instant you find out who is responsible!”

  I turned my head and caught the alarmed look on Nathan’s face. Luckily his father wasn’t looking at him or at me. He shook his head after glancing at his father and I shut my eyes, understanding in that instant that I was not supposed to be awake yet.

  I heard the ambulance door open and close so I risked a peak through my lashes, but I was alone thankfully. The thought of Nathan’s dad creeped me out a little so I was glad he wasn’t in the ambulance. I looked at the door and could see him through a slight gap in the door speaking to police men and the ambulance men. All of whom were speaking seriously and were shaking their heads angrily.

  After a few seconds I closed my eyes just in time it seemed as the ambulance door re-opened to reveal Mr Stevenson and the paramedic chatting,

  “Lewis, no idea who did this then?” came the voice of the ambulance driver, a rough, gravelly voice which made me shiver.

  “None at all. I mean I know she hasn’t been popular, but to actually run her down in a car, especially when I have forbidden such acts is atrocious.”

  “What will happen to those responsible?”

  “They will be punished and sentenced to three days in the stocks and three days tied to a tree, with the burning enchantment placed on them. Hopefully that will teach them to obey me. Now let’s be off. I am on duty at seven and would like to know what damage has been done to my mortal and her luminosity before my shift begins.”

  “Yes sir,” the paramedic answered and he must have signalled to the technician because the ambulance started to move.

  Arriving at the hospital a short while later, we were met with a team of nurses and two doctors.

  “I would like this dealt with expediently,” commanded Mr Stevenson. “I will go and get her checked in.” I heard him walk away and breathed a slight sigh of relief. The accident and emergency department passed in a blur because I was strapped to a gurney unable to turn my head. During my examination they found my ribs, left arm and right ankle to be the broken parts. They also did a ct scan of my head because I had been unconscious.

  I was x-rayed within half an hour of arrival, and it turned out I had fractured my ankle and would need to wear a blue shoe with plaster underneath. My arm was broken in two places, one being my wrist and the other half way up my radius. I had also broken three ribs and had a mild concussion.

  When they advised me I was being admitted, I felt quite relieved and less nervous so when I saw Mr Stevenson, Mrs Stevenson, two police officers and Nathan approach me, I began feeling very jittery again.

  ‘Calm down,’ Nathan’s voice sounded in my head.

  I chanced a glance at him, but he was staring in the opposite direction.

  ‘Stop looking at me!’ he bit out. I glanced at the ceiling again wondering how I could hear his voice in my head and I felt him sigh,

  ‘It’s because we have a connection now, but seriously, stop thinking about me and focus.’

  ‘Fine, I’m not thinking of you,’ I countered and a ghost of a smile touched his lips.

  “Jasmine,” came Mr Stevenson’s voice from right beside me causing me to jump because I hadn’t realised that he had moved. I was completely wrapped up in Nathan. “Who did this to you can you remember?”

  ‘Say no,’ Nathan pushed me.

  “No, I’m sorry. I have been trying to remember all day but I can’t,” I answered throwing a quick questioning look at Nathan.

  ‘Trust me,’ he countered my look.

  “Father, I believe I know who did it. It was James. He was angry that Jasmine left their date early last night. I have spoken to some friends who were at the scene shortly before Jasmine was hit and they all mentioned seeing James.”

  ‘What are you doing? You know it wasn’t him,’ I shouted at him in my head because I needed him to explain. As much as I hated James I didn’t want those guilty to get away with it either.

  ‘Just trust me,’ he snapped, ‘I’ll explain later.’

  I was beginning to get confused and dizzy from the talking in my head and the talking in the room. I leaned back on my pillow, breathing shortly through my mouth. My eyes closed and I tried to block out everyone in the room.

  Eventually everyone turned to leave.

  “Nathan, I want you to stay with Jasmine in case James tries to come and find her,” came the voice of Mrs Stevenson for the first time.

  “Of course, Mother. I will not leave her side,” he answered.

  “And I should like a police officer outside of the door if you don’t mind Frank. I’m not happy with this situation at all.”

  The door to the room opened and closed softly. As soon as a few moments had passed Nathan kissed me gently on the forehead saying out loud,

  “Sleep baby, there will be time for answers when you are feeling better.”

  The next few days at the hospital passed very quickly and all too soon I was released back into the Stevenson family. I was told by the hospital that I should take it easy for one week, then I could head back to school after that.

  Nathan hadn’t been with me since the first night in the hospital, but he couldn’t avoid me at home, at least that was what I was hoping because I needed some answers.

  When I was released he was there with his father and mother and I was collected and taken home. The police had taken my official statement regarding what happened, although it was a short statement because I couldn’t remember anything. Well I could, but Nathan wanted to blame James and I was reeling over the events of the previous few days. As we went to the car all was quiet until Mr Stevenson spoke,

  “Jasmine, you will go to your room and remain there. We don’t want you moving around.” Ah yes, have to protect my lumthingy. I wondered again why I was lying about James. I didn’t like it and was more than annoyed at Nathan for refusing to explain.

  “Jasmine are you listening to me?” Mr Stevenson’s voice broke through my musings.

  “What, sorry. I was miles away.” His gaze turned glacial and he leaned round until his face was right beside my own. His eyes turned back and my stomach flipped over.

  “When I speak I expect you to listen. Do you understand me?” Taloned fingers gripped my arm and I wanted to cry. I hated them and they all hated me. My body vibrated with the implied threat in his tone and his touch. Mrs Stevenson continued driving, acting as though nothing had happened and I glanced out of the window as a tear rolled down my cheek.

  “Now where was I? “ My gaze swung back to him as I listened. “Food will be brought to you and a selection of your school work has been placed in your room for you to attend to.”

  I just nodded and glanced back out of the window. My eyes teared up because he was speaking to me as if he blamed me for being hit by the car which was ludicrous. I had no control over what had happened.

  Getting back to the house took a while, but for the whole journey no-one spoke at all. We eventually made it back and Nathan helped me out of the car. His finger stroked my palm and we managed to share a tender glance when his parents had gone inside.

  “Don’t!” he warned in my head as I opened my mouth to speak to him. We walked inside until we got just inside the door then he walked down the hall to the kitchen. I was stunned as he sauntered away. “Nathan.” I screamed his name in my head, but
he continued leaving me. His body emitted tension, but he walked through the door to the kitchen and I moved slowly towards the stairs on my own. After twenty minutes I finally made it to the top of the stairs. It was agony. My ankle and ribs were burning as lick after lick of flames raced through me. I stopped and hunched over, out of breath and so exhausted. Breathing was agonising and I gasped as the pain radiated through me.

  Jenny came out of her room making sure to bump into me on the way past. The bump sent shockwaves through my body and my legs started shaking. “Nathan,” I thought, “help me. Please, I can’t . . .” I broke off at the sound of footsteps and my eyes swung round as concerned filled eyes met my own. He straightened up and marched past me leaving me leaning on the banister. As his room door closed my eyes filled with tears.

  What had happened to him while I was in hospital? He was like a bloody robot. A few seconds passed and his door opened, but I refused to even glance in his direction. My whole being was focused on pushing myself the short few metres into my room.

  A gentle arm touched my own and I glanced over him in time to see him shake his head before continuing down the stairs. A gasp escaped me as I realised he wasn’t going to help me. He was leaving me. The front door opened and closed as I gained enough energy to hobble over to the room. I moved gingerly as I lowered myself onto the bed, using my good arm to move the pillows into comfortable position. I made a deal with myself as I lowered myself onto the pillows. I wouldn’t think and I wouldn’t cry, but as soon as my body hit the pillow I began crying. My heart hurt. I missed Nathan and I had no idea what he was doing or why he wouldn’t speak to me.

  Eventually I drifted into a light sleep. The feeling of someone watching me prickled my senses and I woke up, smelling the perfume of roses. I felt safe as I opened my eyes to see Nathan standing in the doorway with a water jug. My heart beat quickened as he moved into the room, but there was something off with his eyes. A moment later I understood why had ignored me and why when he walked in his eyes tightened as his gaze touched upon my own. His father followed him into the room and I closed my eyes listening to their conversation.

  “James has been caught. He will not bother her again. Thank you son, for finding out who broke against my orders. I know how you feel about James after Swinson, so at least this will be some form of justice. ”

  My eyes flickered to Nathan as I wondered who Swinson was and why James wanted to hurt me. Was it really because Nathan loved me? A sharp intake of breath told me Nathan had heard my thoughts. ‘I don’t love you.’ His voice in my head admonished me. His words consumed me until they left my room. All I could hear was him saying it over and over again, ‘I don’t love you,’ repeating in my thoughts as I lay there trying not to move.

  I was looking at Nathan through a small gap in my eyes and his face darkened,

  “It was no problem. He should never have disobeyed you.”

  I closed my eyes, unwilling to acknowledge him as he said something else which made my stomach roll and guilt writhe in my blood.

  “Has he been punished father?” Nathan asked. As soon as he spoke I realised that he was using me to get back at James. He was using what had happened to me to punish him and I hated it. I hated him for it, and since he didn’t love me I was done. Another sharp intake of breath told me I had hurt him, but I didn’t react. I forced myself to lay there and stay still.

  “Yes, he was called up in front of the council. He has been sentenced to a three day slot in the cliff stocks. This will be followed by a few days in the cliff dungeon which should straighten him out. If it doesn’t then more drastic action will need to be taken. “

  “What drastic action?” Nathan asked sounding greedy. My stomach revolted, but I kept my eyes closed. Neither of them were looking at me, but my instincts told me Nathan was watching me.

  “I have not decided yet. I was thinking perhaps of removing his essence if he doesn’t respond properly.”

  “Father, can you do that? Wouldn’t that strip him of his powers and his demon side?”

  “Perhaps, but he will learn that when I give an edict it is law and if you disobey me the consequences are severe. I could easily just have him killed, but I would rather not do that if I can avoid it. Plus, I think losing his demon side would be more of a punishment.”

  As I listened disgust crept up on me. He used me to get revenge. I was so done with all this shit. As soon as I was better I was leaving. I forced my eyes to stay closed as Nathan and his dad left the room. Being killed was less of punishment than losing their demon side. I didn’t understand how that worked, but it was disgusting, especially when he wasn’t the one who had knocked me down.

  The thoughts of it all raced through my head and I drifted off again. I woke up in the pitch black of night. Agonising pains surged through me and I was struggling for breath. My eyes shot open and as they adjusted to the darkness I could have sworn Nathan was there watching me, but it was my imagination. He didn’t love me. I had to keep telling myself those words because my heart still loved him and wanted him, but hearing him say I don’t love you had broken something inside me.

  For three days I didn’t see a single person, but there was food delivered, though it always seemed to be delivered when I was asleep. I needed to speak to Nathan, but he was avoiding me. His words repeated over and over and, although the food kept appearing, I had little appetite. He cemented the fact he didn’t love me when I had hobbled over to the window for some air and my skin prickled like it often did when Nathan was watching me.

  I was leaning on the window sill and as my skin prickled I glanced out of the open door to see Nathan and Lisa going into his room. His body turned towards me as he closed the door and his eyes turned to flint as he stared at me. It hit me with the force of a bullet. He had used me. He didn’t love me or want me. He just needed me to punish James. My heart crumpled and tears stung my eyes.

  My heart was crushed and tears formed in my eyes. I looked about for something, anything to do and my eyes lit upon my sketch pad. It was a crisp clear day, so I decided I would venture outside. I wouldn’t go far. I wouldn’t even leave the grounds, but there was no way I could stay in the house when I knew they were across the hall. As though to emphasise that fact a high pitched giggle reached my ears and my body instinctively responded, “Nathan, stop it. That tickles.”

  I hobbled over to the wardrobe and picked out a loose cardigan and jogging bottoms. Pulling them on was difficult, but I managed it and hobbled into the bathroom. My reflection showed a girl who almost looked like me. Her face was drawn and pale and her eyes were dull. Her hair was a mess so she brushed through it and threw it up one handed into a loose pony tail before heading back to the door of the room.

  It was cooler than I expected and the wind was bitter which caught my breath and made my ribs ache. I decided to move into the tree line to get out of the wind. Something made me glance back at the house and I saw Nathan standing at his window watching me. He was shaking his head at me.

  After a few minutes the house was no longer visible. I sat down on a boulder. I didn’t realise that I was in one of Nathan’s protected circles. I sat there for a while sheltered from the wind, but unable to shake the pain of him being with Lisa and saying he didn’t love me. It was as though he had crushed me.

  I brought some food and my IPod out with me. I put on some slushy songs about heartbreak and closed my eyes, shimmying down the rock leaning my head back. I sat there listening for an age and ignored the stabs in my ribs and ache in my heart.

  After I while my skin started prickling and I opened my eyes. Nathan was standing a few feet from me. His eyes touched upon mine but he immediately moved on. Tugging out my earphone I could hear him softly calling my name. I didn’t want to answer him, even though he sounded worried. I opened my mouth to call out, but saw something following him in the shadows. It looked like a wisp of smoke and was shadowy. It caused the hair on my arms to rise and a shiver to run down my spine.

My thoughts turned to Nathan and because I was worried about him I must have lowered whatever was keeping him out of my head. An instant after I thought about how worried I was his voice sounded in my head. Relief coloured his tone as he spoke to me.

  “Oh thank god. Jasmine where are you?”

  “You walked by me,” I answered quickly, “something is following you, but I’m not sure what it is.”

  “What does it look like?” he asked me sounding unnerved.

  I was picturing it, trying to describe it, when his voice came back at me in panic,

  “Stay where you are. Please don’t move. He won’t be alone. There will be more of them about and I think I’ll need to fight them. “

  My head swam and I struggled to stand wanting to go to him but his voice spoke and his tone was clipped. “Jas, baby please. They will kill you, so please trust me and stay where you are.”

  “What are they?” I asked hoping he would answer and he did but he sounded terrified,

  His answer was “Black Eyed Beings.” I could somehow feel the connection close and my terror increased. Questions raced through my head as I wondered what they were, if they were powerful, could they hurt him? All these questions went round and round in my mind, but as I stared out more and more of them arrived until they were all standing around the circle. They stared at me in longing and with eyes as dark as night. Darker even than Nathan’s when he was angry and their faces were more evil and cruel than I could have ever imagined.

  They all swayed there staring in at me. I wondered where Nathan was when Mr Stevenson arrived with Mrs Stevenson. They couldn’t see me, but they all began fighting and Mr Stevenson was ripping the heads off of these creatures and throwing them at a lantern. Mrs Stevenson was cutting their heads off with a sword that glowed bright red when it touched one of these creatures. It must have hurt them because they shrieked with pain and vanished as soon as it touched them.


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