In the Ruins (Metahuman Files Book 2)

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In the Ruins (Metahuman Files Book 2) Page 7

by Hailey Turner

  Jamie didn’t stop, and Kyle didn’t ask him to, wanting this as badly as Jamie needed it, trusting him to know where the line was. The rough slide of Jamie’s cock inside him, the way Jamie ground in so deep every time, set his nerves on fire, his skin growing prickly and sensitive from the overstimulation. His cock was growing harder again, having never quite softened all the way, and Kyle nearly bit his tongue when Jamie wrapped a hand around it and began to stroke him off.

  “Fuck, fuck!” Kyle gasped out, turning his head to press his face against his bicep. “Jamie, fuck—oh!”

  “Want me to stop?”

  Dazedly, Kyle shook his head, trying to find enough breath to speak. “Don’t stop!”

  “Can’t ever tell you no,” Jamie bit out, like a confession, as if Kyle would ever punish him for it.

  Kyle sobbed wordlessly as Jamie worked his ass over good and hard, hitting his prostate every time in a relentless rhythm that left him aching from it. The bed shook beneath them as Jamie did his absolute best to fuck Kyle into it. Pleasure mixed tantalizingly with pain, whiting everything out as his body finally tipped over the edge. Kyle came with a scream, writhing on Jamie’s cock as Jamie stroked him through his short release, weak spurts of cum splattering across his stomach.

  It was too much and not enough all at once, the burning slide of Jamie’s cock inescapable. Kyle couldn’t catch his breath, sweaty hands sliding against the headboard as his elbows lost the rigid line he’d held them at. He slid up the bed, but didn’t get very far. Jamie gripped him by the hip and dragged him back down on the thick cock splitting him open. Kyle cried out from the extra pressure, bright spots flickering at the edge of his vision.

  Everything narrowed down to the sharp smack of their bodies coming together, the rough way Jamie fucked into him. The choking pressure from coming twice already in a short timeframe while Jamie worked his prostate over so hard left Kyle nearly in tears.

  “Oh, oh, please,” Kyle practically sobbed.

  Jamie thrust in hard a few more times before snarling out a yell as he finally came, his cock pulsing inside Kyle, hands gripping bruises into Kyle’s skin. Kyle whimpered as Jamie sloppily lost his rhythm, finally slowing to stillness between his legs. Breathing heavily, flushed from his exertions, Jamie loosened his grip on Kyle’s body and carefully pulled out. Kyle hissed as the slow slide left behind a soreness that sent little shocks running up his spine, his ass an entire throbbing ache that hurt so good.

  The bruises Kyle could feel scattered over his skin were warm and distantly sore, already in the process of healing. Cum and lube was slipping out of his hole, running down his ass and thighs in slow sticky rivulets. Jamie carefully rubbed a finger over his hole and Kyle couldn’t help but twitch away from the touch, still so oversensitive, despite how much he liked it.

  “Did I hurt you?” Jamie asked in a low voice.

  It took a moment for Kyle to find his voice, mouth dry, feeling like he’d run for miles. Kyle shook his head slowly and reached between his legs to grab Jamie’s hand, guiding that finger into his hole with a shivery little sigh. “I liked it.”


  The gentle touch of Jamie’s finger inside him was such a difference from the roughness before. The bruises and the soreness were leaving him, never staying longer than this. All Kyle could think was that he wouldn’t mind if Jamie used just a little more of his strength next time.

  “Feels good,” Kyle confessed. “You always make it so good.”

  Before Jamie could get too wrapped up in his head again, Kyle made a lazy grabbing motion with his other hand in Jamie’s direction. The wordless plea seemed to get across, because Jamie carefully pulled his finger free and settled on top of Kyle, kissing him slow and deep until his lips were numb. He fit his hands against Jamie’s back and dragged them upward to splay across broad shoulders.

  “Thank you,” Jamie murmured against his mouth when they finally parted.

  “Should be thanking you,” Kyle muttered. “You did all the work.”

  “Someone needs to.” Jamie nosed over Kyle’s cheek, moving to suck a bruise against the pulse point on his throat. “Thought maybe I’d gone too far.”

  Kyle sighed softly, holding Jamie tight. “Never. I’d tell you to stop before that.”

  The way Jamie shuddered in his arms told Kyle it was the right answer to give. For all his strength and control, Jamie needed to know that Kyle could and would stop him if it became too much.

  They lay like that for a little while, taking comfort in each other after an emotionally draining day. Eventually, Jamie climbed off him, their skin sticking together in places that itched once they separated. Jamie got off the bed and padded to the bathroom, returning with a damp, warm washcloth which he used to clean them both up. Tossing it aside when he finished, Jamie got them both under the covers and turned off the lights with a quiet command to the computer that controlled the condo’s integrated system. The room plunged into darkness and Kyle shifted beneath the blankets, sliding an arm over Jamie’s chest.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” he finally asked.

  Jamie was quiet for a good few minutes, his silence an answer Kyle was fine with, before he finally spoke. “My parents want something I’m not prepared to give.”

  Kyle turned his head a little, pressing a kiss to Jamie’s chest, but didn’t say anything more. He hadn’t met any of Jamie’s family yet and wasn’t sure how he would react when he did. His biological family had made ends meet by breaking the law and his adoptive family was barely middle class, attaining that goal only through sheer hard work. Jamie had been born into a family that could be considered the 0.01 percent of the 1 percent. He was the outlier in his peer group, heir to billions, a man who preferred the rigors of service over a pampered life of never wanting for anything.

  Jamie’s dedication was something Kyle was in quiet awe of. He couldn’t say he would’ve made the same choices if he were in Jamie’s shoes. Coming from a poorer background where money could literally buy happiness when you barely had any of it in an account, he used to dream about being rich. Now, living in the shadow of Jamie’s civilian life, Kyle was aware of what Jamie was giving up by staying in uniform.

  That only made him respect Jamie more.

  Kyle was quick to skirt away from thoughts that delved too deeply into how he really felt about Jamie. Nearly seven months of being together was enough to prove he wanted to stay with Jamie, but neither of them had talked much about the future beyond where Alpha Team was concerned. Their entwined personal lives were still lived in shadows, and Kyle was fine with that. But an insecure part of him, buried deep in a childhood of abuse, wondered if who he was would be enough to hold onto Jamie.

  That fear stemming from his early years of knowing love couldn’t last long under stress kept Kyle from giving voice to the tangle of words that always seemed to be on the tip of his tongue these days.

  “None of us would think less of you for choosing your family over the team,” Kyle said quietly.

  Jamie’s arm tightened where it was curled around Kyle. “I won’t give up what I’ve fought so hard for just to give my father another pillar to stand on.”

  Kyle closed his eyes and curled in close. He didn’t know how else to comfort Jamie outside of the physical in this situation. Jamie’s family was a problem only Jamie could fix. The rest of the team could only watch from the sidelines, no matter how much they may want to voice their opinion. Kyle may have only been part of Alpha Team for less than a year, but he knew, given the choice, he wouldn’t want to give Jamie up.

  It was no surprise his family felt the same way.

  Kyle wanted to tell Jamie that he wouldn’t lose them, that he wouldn’t lose Kyle unless Jamie was the one to walk away, but they’d all lost too many on the front lines of a seemingly never-ending war against shifting ideologies and politics. In some sense, Jamie lost more, being a commander who’d had to bury far too many Recon Marines after the mission in Tripoli. Life
was full of changes and not all of them were good.

  Jamie sighed deeply and didn’t continue the conversation. Kyle counted Jamie’s heart beats under his ear until he fell asleep.

  Jamie woke slowly, rising out of sleep without the jarring suddenness that happened while in the field. Blinking lazily up at the bedroom ceiling, he stretched a little beneath the covers, chuckling softly at the sleepy, irritated noise Kyle let out beside him on the bed. Kyle had stolen half of Jamie’s pillow during the night when he’d curled up close while asleep, one of his arms slung across Jamie’s chest.

  From this angle, Jamie could see the freckles scattered over the bridge of Kyle’s nose and one cheek. Kyle wasn’t as tall or as broad as Jamie, which made it easy for him to fit against Jaime like this. He squirmed his own arm beneath Kyle, tugging the other man closer. Kyle shifted position a little, letting his head rest on Jamie’s shoulder. The scorched ends of his longer-than-regulation hair rubbed roughly against Jamie’s skin, a silent reminder of yesterday’s mission.

  “Sleep okay?” Kyle asked through a yawn.

  “Yeah,” Jamie admitted.

  Considering how tense yesterday was, he’d expected to wake up angry, but Kyle’s efforts last night had proven effective in helping Jamie burn through his anger. The lingering issues with his father would always be there, but the fight last night no longer colored his mindset.

  “Good.” Kyle levered himself up onto his elbow for a kiss marred by morning breath, but Jamie didn’t let that stop him from responding. He had Kyle with him, in his bed, and that would always be worth waking up to. “I’m hungry. Feed me.”

  Jamie laughed. “There goes the romance.”

  Kyle smacked Jamie on the chest, glaring half-heartedly at him. “I’ll romance you again later so long as you feed me now.”

  “I thought your mission would run longer while I was away. I pushed back the food delivery for a few days, so there’s not much left.”

  Kyle rolled his eyes and crawled off the bed, evading Jamie’s wandering hands with deft ease, and headed for the bathroom. “Then you’re paying for breakfast.”

  “I see how it is. You only like being with me for my money.”

  “And your dick,” Kyle shouted.

  Jamie laughed a little at that, well aware of how much Kyle liked his cock. Last night was just further proof of that. Climbing off the bed, Jamie stretched a bit before following Kyle into the bathroom. Kyle was spitting toothpaste into the sink, having already finished brushing his teeth. Jamie brushed his own teeth before joining Kyle in the steamy shower, the glass wall and door already fogging up.

  The multiple shower heads and wide space meant they had a lot of elbow room they ignored in favor of washing each other up. Not being in a rush or showering in the communal showers on base was a nice change. They took their time cleaning up before getting out and drying off. They dressed for a warm winter day, with Jamie opting for dark jeans and a button-down shirt beneath a gray blazer, while Kyle went with slim black jeans with holes in the knees and a long-sleeved shirt under an old Army hoodie that had seen better days.

  “Drive or walk?” Jamie asked as they left the condo for the private elevator outside in the foyer.

  “Walk. I’m too hungry to deal with traffic.”

  Jamie figured he knew where Kyle wanted to go. One of their favorite breakfast spots when they had the time to spare was only a few blocks away. The walk there on a sunny Monday morning was nice. Kyle kept his hands tucked into the pocket of his hoodie, their conversation light and easy. Jamie enjoyed the sound of Kyle’s laughter when he found something funny, and Jamie couldn’t stop his own smile from forming. Being with Kyle outside of work always grounded him in a way that was becoming more and more obvious with every week that passed. At this point, he honestly couldn’t imagine his life without the other man and didn’t want to.

  The French-inspired café that was their destination was located on the ground-floor level of a residential skyscraper and had an outdoor seating area stretching into a pedestrian plaza. The weather was warm enough that people were being seated outside, but Jamie and Kyle preferred a wall at their back and a clear line of sight of the exit. Since it was Monday, and most people were already at work at 0900, they didn’t have to wait long for a table. A hostess eventually led them to a table and Jamie let Kyle take the seat facing the door without a fight. The unease Jamie usually felt with his back to a room full of people was eased by knowing Kyle had his six.

  Kyle picked up the thin tablet where it sat on the table and scrolled through the menu, ordering their usual. They rarely picked something different at this place and Kyle knew what Jamie liked. When he finished ordering, Kyle leaned back and quirked an eyebrow at Jamie.

  “Feel better?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” Jamie admitted.

  His answer stemmed as much from being with Kyle as the fact he was no longer in his family’s presence. Jamie would feel guilty about that if he didn’t know his father was more interested in using him rather than supporting him right now.


  Kyle smiled a little crookedly, but the warmth in his green eyes was for Jamie alone. He wasn’t drop-dead gorgeous—no one was these days except with enhancements or genetic luck—but he was definitely nice to look at, especially his full mouth. Jamie had to kill the urge to reach across the table and take Kyle’s hand in his. Some days he hated needing to hide their relationship so nothing got back to their superior officers.

  “Should probably get an order of groceries delivered if you’re staying here rather than in Manhattan for the next few days,” Kyle said.

  “You can access my food account just like everyone else on the team. Feel free to pick out what you want.”

  Since his condo was an unofficial hangout for the team on certain days, Jamie had long ago appointed himself the team’s food provider. The private catering service his mother had set him up with years ago was used to filling large orders for him. He didn’t care about the price of the food, so long as it was eaten.

  Their breakfast eventually arrived, carried to their table by two servers. A ham and leek tartine was set in front of Jamie while a sizzling bowl of shakshuka was placed before Kyle. A basket of warm croissants and tiny French baguettes along with small dishes of cloned fruit jam and butter were set in the middle. One of the servers poured them both two cups of synthcaf before departing. While Jamie could afford the luxury of real coffee on the regular if he so chose, he’d been drinking synthcaf for his entire military career and saw no reason to stop.

  They dove into their food with gusto, talking blandly about current news stories and Madison’s latest television show obsession. Her pop culture consumption was a little on the terrifying side and she inevitably managed to drag someone on the team into her binge-watching activities. She and Kyle were currently watching some historical drama set at the turn of the last century in Canada about the melting Arctic ice and its impact on the First Nations of that country. Apparently it had won a couple of Emmys last year, despite it being ridiculously depressing.

  Kyle was trying to bribe Jamie into watching it when his gaze shifted a little to the right. Jamie tensed up a little at the subtle changes he could read in Kyle’s expression.

  “Problem?” Jamie asked in a low voice, careful to keep his tone calm and easy.

  “Maybe. Your eight o’clock. Guy was seated after we were and won’t stop looking our way.”

  Jamie knew better than to turn around and look. “Any tech in use?”

  “Tablet is out on the table. He keeps picking it up and putting it back down. Odds of him taking a picture are high.”

  Jamie grimaced, careful to keep his face averted from their watcher. Since they were off duty right now, accessing the team’s encrypted comms was inadvisable. Instead, Jamie called Katie through a private, similarly secured line. She answered almost immediately.

  “How’s Manhattan treating you?” she asked.

  “I would
n’t know since I’m not there.”

  “Well, shit. I owe Donovan a hundred dollars now. I told him you’d at least make it to the second day.”

  “His lack of faith in me would be terrible if he wasn’t right. That’s not what I’m calling about. I need a favor.”

  “Small or big?”


  “Who am I hacking?”

  Favor was the team’s code word for needing Katie’s skill with computers when it wasn’t authorized by the MDF. Most of the time their requests fell within legal parameters, but not always. Katie was their communications specialist for a reason and most of that stemmed from her hacking abilities.

  “Kyle and I are at Café Eloise. We’re being watched.”

  “Jamie’s eight o’clock. Male, late thirties, M-pattern baldness and terrible taste in clothes,” Kyle quietly added.

  “Since when are you an expert in clothes?” Katie wanted to know.

  “Since Jamie.”

  “Too much information.”

  “You asked.”

  “And I’m regretting it already.”

  CCTV saturated all fifty states, especially in megacities. Privacy outside the home was non-existent these days. That didn’t necessarily mean crime kept to a low threshold. Any dedicated hacker could bypass the firewalls protecting the maze-like security systems authorities controlled. Crime didn’t stop merely because people were being watched.

  “I’m in and I see him. You’re right, Kyle. Who thinks orange and blue paisley print is a good idea?” Katie said after a minute or two of silence. “Running facial recognition now.”

  Jamie continued to eat his breakfast in an unhurried manner as Katie worked her magic from a different location in D.C.

  “Got it.” She paused, humming a bit. “You’re not going to like this, Jamie. Your admirer is Adam Dixon. He’s an investigative reporter for The New York Times.”

  Jamie’s breakfast churned uncomfortably in his stomach. He was careful to keep his expression blandly neutral as he picked up a croissant and broke a piece off. “Thanks, Katie.”


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