The Fed Sex Man: Hot Contemporary Romance

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The Fed Sex Man: Hot Contemporary Romance Page 12

by Scott Hildreth

  His body pressed against mine, pinning me to the wall. One of his hands tweaked my right nipple. The other lifted the hem of my dress.

  Receiving no objection on my part, he grabbed my ass and hoisted me from my feet. His stiff dick pressed against my wetness. I wanted to feel him inside if me.

  Every inch of him.

  I ground my pussy against his swollen shaft. Desire ran through me so deeply I shook. I sank my teeth into his lower lip. The sound of a horn honking brought me to my senses.

  I pulled my mouth away from his and sucked a choppy breath.

  Mentally prepared to tell him that I wasn’t about to fuck him in the open hallway, I parted my lips. No one word escaped me.

  Instead, I simply looked him in the eyes and waited for him to do it.

  The pressure increased. My jaw tensed. My eyes widened as he pushed the length of his massive girth into me, inch by inch. Unlike the first time we had sex, the pain was very pleasurable.

  The impromptu visit. Grabbing his cock while we stood at my desk. The smell of his cologne. The kiss. Being pressed against the wall. Forcing himself into me. Everything rushed together, consuming me completely. In response, I gripped his face in my hands and kissed him as if it was the last time we’d ever have an opportunity to do it.

  With our lips pressed against one another’s and our tongues tangled in a feverish kiss, he began fucking me like he was mad at me.

  Every inch of angry dick he shoved into me was welcomed by my warmth. With each powerful thrust, my back slammed against the wall. The impact was marked by carnal grunts that shot from my lungs.

  I eagerly accepted each stroke without opposition or complaint. My vaginal canal had somehow conformed to his massive size, leaving the sex nothing short of the most pleasurable event I’d ever had the opportunity to experience.

  While I became lost in what was surely the most passionate kiss to ever exist, he fucked me like a man possessed.

  It felt so much different than the first time. I’d never imagined sex could feel like heaven, but it was just that, and nothing less. Hovering above the ground in a blissful state of being, I continued to accept all he had to offer until we were both breathless.

  He pulled his mouth from mine.

  His eyes were filled with energy. I gazed into his magnificent orbs, not knowing what to say, but feeling that I should say something.

  “I love fucking you,” he said beneath his breath.

  “Thank you,” I said, and then felt like an inexperienced fool for saying it.

  With our eyes locked, he pressed me to the wall using nothing more than his hips. Holding me in place with his stiff cock, he slipped his hands under my dress. His fingers quickly found my aching nipples. While he rolled them between his thumb and forefinger, he began to fuck me slowly.

  The rhythmic nature of his thrusts combined with the twisting of my nipples brought me to the brink of climax. I tightened around his shaft. He withdrew half his length and paused.

  “I want to watch you come,” he breathed.

  His expressed desire to watch me reach climax was all it took to push me over the edge. Tension mounted, and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. In one more stroke, I was going to explode.

  Before I could respond, he pushed what remained of his cock into me, slowly.

  That was it. I was officially done.

  “Ohmygod,” I stammered. “It’s happening.”

  Upon hearing my declaration, his pace increased. Feeling strangely guilty, I looked him in the eyes. On the heel of one of his thrusts, a tingling sensation ran through me, taking with it my ability to resist any further.

  My inner walls contracted around his shaft.

  His cock swelled.

  In unison, while gazing into each other’s eyes, we reached climax. There was no sound. There were no surroundings. There was Tyson, and there was me. For that period of time, nothing else existed.

  I came so hard my entire body shook from the inside out. When the orgasm ended, I was in his arms, still suspended above the floor. After regaining my wits, I glanced toward the front of the store.

  Jenny was nowhere in sight

  “That was amazing,” I breathed.

  He kissed me softly. “We’re not stopping.”

  “Stopping what?”

  He looked me up and down. “This.” He grinned and lowered me to my feet. “Just wanted to let you know.”

  I had my first quasi-assurance of recurring sex. I did a mental fist pump and smiled in return. “I was getting ready to tell you the exact same thing.”



  I often wondered if I worked on my car to relax, or as a means of escape. For all practical purposes, the vehicle was perfect. Even so, I found myself doing something to it two or three nights a week.

  Shawn handed me the ratchet. “What do you mean, ‘my shit was like a piece of spaghetti?’”

  “Imagine holding a piece of cooked spaghetti and trying to poke it through a keyhole,” I explained. “That was my cock.”

  He looked at me as if I’d taken a shit on his dining room table. “You were completely limp?”

  I leaned under the hood. “As limp as a noodle.”

  “Jesus, dude. So, you just left?”

  “Not exactly. I had her poke a dildo in her twat. Told her to have six or eight orgasms, I don’t remember. I said when she was done, she could get up. Then, I just walked out. She didn’t know I couldn’t get hard. I acted like the dildo was her punishment for being a dirty whore.”

  “Go back to the I had her poke a dildo in her twat part of that story,” he said. “How’d you wrangle that?”

  “Acted like a Dom. I think she liked it.”

  “What do you know about Doms?”

  I tightened the supercharger pulley bolts. “Not much. More than you, I imagine.”

  “Doubt it. Been reading that chick’s books. It’s pretty interesting shit.”

  I paused and glanced over my shoudler. “What chick?”

  “CD Reiss. I’m on one now called Marriage Games. They’ve got a place like a bar, and you go in there and hang out. All the chicks are submissive, and the dudes are Doms. If the chick’s hang-ups are in tune with the dude’s desires, they work out the details, go to a room upstairs, and sign a contract. Then, it’s ‘go time’. Shit’s crazy.”

  “Doubt places like that exist in the real world.”

  He shrugged. “Shows what you know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Already checked. There’s places like that in Dallas. Shit they’re everywhere. And, there’s munches that people go to. If they’re in the scene, that is.”

  “Munches? They have muff-diving contests?”

  He laughed. “A munch is when people that are into that type of shit all get together. Might be couples, might be single people. It’s a way to meet other people in the scene. That’s what they call their lifestyle. The scene. It’s like a party or a mixer. Might be dinner, or whatever. But it’s a way to meet one another. New people that are just as fucked up as you are.”

  I handed him the wrench. “You think people with those desires are ‘fucked up’?”

  “I think it’s cool, but they’re not normal, no.”

  I took exception to his position. “What the fuck is normal? Poking shit up chicks’ butts isn’t normal. You like to poke shit up girl’s asses. So, I guess you’re fucked up.”

  “Never said I wasn’t.”

  I took off my rubber gloves and set them on top of the radiator support. “I think different people get off on different shit. When someone’s fantasy isn’t in line with yours, that doesn’t make them abnormal.”

  He picked up the gloves and turned away. “Good point.” He tossed the gloves in the trash can and faced me. “Back to mister noodle dick. What are you going to do about that? That’s serious shit.”

  “It’s subconscious. There’s nothing I can do about it. Live with it, I guess.”

nbsp; His eyes narrowed. “Be limited to one chick?”

  “For now, I guess.”

  “What’s the world become?” He crossed his arms and looked me over. “T. J. Neese is spoken for.”

  “I’m not spoken for.”

  “Sounds like you are.”

  “I’m choosing to slow down a little. Until my cock recovers.”

  “You can’t perform with anyone else. You’re impotent.” His brows shot up. “Might be the onset of love.”

  The words impotent and love caused me to cringe. “Fuck you,” I spat. “I’m not impotent, and it’s not love. For right now, I’m enjoying fucking Jo. It’s that simple.”

  “It’s much more complicated than that.”

  “No, it isn’t.”

  “That chick with the tits. The one you told to stick the dildo in her twat.” He folded his arms over his chest. “How hot was she?”

  Before I could respond, he shook his head. “Strike that, counselor. If you hadn’t met Jo, how hot would you say she was? If you met the platinum-haired seductress three months ago, what would you be telling me about her?”

  “She’s okay.”

  “Okay?” He laughed. “Just okay, huh?”

  “Yeah. She’s alright.”

  “Compare her to someone. Alright like Katy Perry, or alright like Emily Ratajkowski?”

  “I think Katy Perry looks like a weasel. Who the fuck’s Emily Ratajkowski?”

  “Baddest bitch on the planet. Did that video with Robin Thicke.”

  “Who the fuck’s Robin Thicke?”

  He pulled his phone from his pocket, tapped his finger against the screen, and then shoved the phone in my face.

  “Blurred Lines,” he said. “I know you’ve danced to this motherfucker in private.”

  The song was familiar. The woman dancing naked in the video reminded me more of Jo than anyone else. “That’s the Ratajkowski chick?”

  He nodded. “Yep.”

  “Reminds me of Jo.”

  “Dude, you need medical attention. Your problems aren’t limited to your cock, Jo’s got your eyesight fucked up, too. You’re a goddamned mess.”

  In my eyes, the resemblance was uncanny. “If her hair was darker and she was wearing glasses, she’d look just like her.”

  He rewound the video, played a few seconds of it repeatedly, and then turned it off. “I can see that. So, which one is it? Katy Perry, or Em-Rat?”

  “She’s built like that Sofia Vergara chick, and looks like Christina Aguilera, if Aguilera is having a good day and her hair isn’t one of those shades of weird orange.”

  He went bug-eyed. “And you couldn’t get it up?”

  It seemed strange the more I thought about it. “Maybe I was dehydrated, or something.”

  “You didn’t just get done fucking Jo, did you?”


  “No, dumbass. When you were at Christina Aguilera’s place.”

  “No, I fucked her afterward.”

  “Who? Jo?”


  “You fucked her after you couldn’t get it up for the Aguilera chick?”

  “Right after. Yeah. I was worried my shit was broken, so I hot-footed it over there and fucked her in the hallway.”

  “Which hallway?”

  “Back of the bookstore.”

  “Remote hallway, or visible?”


  “You been reading those books? From her store?”


  “Just felt like fuckin’ in the hallway while the dirty cowgirl watched?”

  “She wasn’t watching.”

  “I bet she was.”

  “She wasn’t.”

  He sighed. “Got bad news, Kemosabe. If you couldn’t get it up for Aguilera, and you got it up for Jo, it wasn’t dehydration. It’s much deeper than that. I think you’re falling in love.”

  I knew better than to allow myself to fall into the false belief that love existed. Love was a farce, and I knew that from first-hand information.

  “There’s two things you need to understand,” I said adamantly. “It isn’t love, and the cowgirl wasn’t watching.”



  Facing one another with our ears pressed against the wall, Jenny and I listened as the city manager tried to negotiate with the masseuse.

  “Forty dollah hand job. Happy ending,” she explained. “Feel good. You like for sure.”

  “What about a blowjob?” he asked.

  “Blowjob?” she screeched. “You find skanky girl for blowjob. No blowjob here. This respectable place. Massage parlor, not whorehouse.”

  “I want a blowjob.”

  “You police? Mistah blowjob police man?”

  He chuckled. “I’m not the police.”

  “I see you on TV. You mistah big time. You police, mistah big time?”

  “I’m not the police.”

  “Blowjob one hundred dollah, mistah big time.”

  “Can I come in your mouth?”

  “For one hundred dollah? What, you think I’m a whore, muthahfuck? You come on washcloth. Feel good for you. Wipe you clean when we done. Nice and warm.”

  “I want to come in your mouth.”

  Jenny leaned away from the wall. “This is freaking hilarious,” she whispered. “Think she’ll let him come in her mouth?”

  I shrugged.

  She leaned against the wall and grinned.

  “Come in mouth, two hundred dollah. No swallow.”

  “Two hundred dollars?” he bellowed. “That’s crazy.”

  “Not crazy. You like. Come in mouth. Two hundred dollah.”

  “Two hundred dollars, and you swallow.”

  “No swallow for two hundred dollah. Swallow two-fifty.”


  “Two-fifty, mistah big time. You like for sure. Come back next week, two hundred. You ask for Linda.”

  “It’s the one that drives the BMW,” Jenny whispered. “Linda, the thick one. She’s funny.”

  I pressed my finger against my lips. “Shhh.”

  “Okay,” he agreed. “Two-fifty. But, you’ve got to call me Spanky, and I’ll need you to tell me I’ve got a huge cock while you’re sucking it.”

  “You fuckin’ crazy, mistah big time. Role play fifty dollah. Three hundred dollah, I tell you anything you like.”

  “Three hundred?” he wailed. “That’s crazy.”

  “Crazy good. Linda suck you long time.”

  “Fine. Three hundred. But you’re going to call me Spanky, and you’re going to tell me my cock is huge.”

  “Three hundred dollah for massage. Put money under lamp. No check. No credit card. You like for sure.”

  “But you’re going to—”

  “Three hundred dollah. For massage. You like.”

  “Ohhh. For the massage. I gotcha.”

  The room fell silent for a moment, and then he began to moan.

  “Oh, Sparky, you so big,” she cooed. “Hard for little girl to fit in mouth.”

  The moaning sounds became more visceral. A light thumping sound followed, and then the paper-thin wall began to shake.

  “Sparky, your cock so big. You come in little girl mouth, Sparky? Me want you come in mouth.”

  “Spanky,” he groaned. “Spanky!”

  “Spanky extra fifty dollah,” she demanded. “I use special paddle. You like.”

  Jenny covered her mouth with her clenched fist. While mistah big time re-reminded Linda of his preferred nickname, Jenny sprinted toward the bookshelf and then let out a laugh.

  “You couldn’t make this shit up.” She giggled. “We ought to write a book.”


  “I can’t listen to any more of it,” she whispered. “I’m going to pee my pants. It’s almost as entertaining as you and FedSex going at by the storage room yesterday.”

  I pushed myself away from the wall and tip-toed to where she stood. “Oh my God. You heard us?”

  Her face wa
shed with guilt. “I watched you.”

  “You watched?”

  “Fuck yeah. It was hot as fuck.”

  “You watched? Like, you watched us?”

  “From right here.”

  “For how long?”

  “All of it. He’s hung like a freaking donkey. That shit’s crazy.”

  My face went flush. I covered my cheeks with my open palms. “Oh. My. God.”

  “What did you expect? He lifted your dress up, slammed you against the wall, and shoved you full of dick. There wasn’t much else going on here, so I watched.”

  I found it strangely sexy that she watched us have sex without my knowledge. It was almost like I was the star in one of the porn videos I’d spent so many evenings masturbating to.

  I lowered my hands. “I didn’t look stupid, did I?”

  “You looked sexy as fuck.”

  “Really?” I asked.


  “Have you ever watched porn?” I asked sheepishly.

  She spit out a laugh. “Are you being serious?”

  My shoulders slumped. “Sorry.”

  “Fuck yes, I watch porn.” She laughed. “Who doesn’t?”

  “Oh.” I let out a sigh. “I thought you were thinking I was, I don’t know, a weirdo.”

  “I’d think you were a weirdo if you didn’t watch it.”

  “Did we look, I don’t know. Did we look as good as the people in the porn videos?”

  “Pfft.” She waved her hand in my direction. “Better. You two looked sexy as fuck.”


  “Some people have chemistry, and some people don’t. In those videos, the people look like they’re just getting paid to fuck. You two? You were fucking because you had to.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If you wouldn’t have fucked right then and there, both of you two would have spontaneously combusted into flames.” She threw her hands in the air. “Poof. Up in flames.”

  I grinned at the thought of looking like I had such chemistry with Tyson. “Why do you say that?”

  She gave me a worried look. “Don’t get mad, okay?’


  “Yeah. Don’t get mad.”

  “I’m not going to get mad,” I said. “Why would I get mad?”


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