Scent of Danger (Texas K-9 Unit)

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Scent of Danger (Texas K-9 Unit) Page 18

by Terri Reed

  Parker’s cell phone chirped. A quick glance at the caller ID sent his heart rate into triple time. He hit the answer button. “Melody?”


  The barely audible whisper came through the line and grabbed him by the throat, cutting off his air supply.

  She was in trouble. Everything inside of him twisted with terror. He couldn’t let her down.

  “I’m coming!” he ground out.

  * * *

  Melody closed her hand over the phone with equal parts relief and terror. Parker was on his way. He would defeat this monster. But would he arrive in time?

  She wasn’t sure how much longer she would be able to avoid capture. She was trapped under the bed, her legs tucked up as much as the shallow space would allow. She’d managed to kick her attacker hard enough to make him release her ankle.

  Each time he stretched his arm under the bed, trying to grab her, she scooted out of reach. As long as she stayed in the center and remained aware of where he was so she could move, she’d be able to keep from harm until Parker arrived.

  Her attacker’s growl of frustration echoed through her. The primal rage in that deep roar sent a shiver of dread racing down her spine.

  For whatever reason, this man wanted her dead. If he caught her...the future flashed in her mind. A future with Parker, something she’d never imagined before, something she couldn’t imagine living without now.

  Lord, I beg You, please...

  She heard his footsteps retreating to the living room.

  She scooted to the head of the bed, her knees and elbows scraping on the rug. Her gun was on the dresser. That was her only hope if Parker didn’t show up soon. She inched to the edge of the bed frame.

  The sound of something dragging on the carpet sent a fresh wave of fear through her. What was he doing?

  “Come out or I’ll kill this officer,” the harsh voice jolted through the room.

  Oh, no. Officer Truman. Melody couldn’t let anything happen to her. Without hesitation, she scrambled out from beneath the bed. The intruder held a gun to Officer Truman’s head.

  “Let her go,” Melody demanded.

  “Not until you give me it!”

  She spread her hands out. “What do you want?”

  “Your nephew’s watch. Where is it?”

  So not what she was expecting. Not that she’d ever been in a situation like this. Not even during training at the police academy. But she knew she needed to remain in control. Unemotional. She took a calming breath. “Daniel’s watch? It’s a cheap knockoff. Worthless. I don’t understand why anyone would want that.”

  “You don’t have to understand. Where is it?”

  She needed to buy time for Parker to arrive. “In my purse. Under the bed.”

  “Get it!”

  Dropping back down she wiggled under the bedframe and stretched her arm for her bag. Slow down, her mind screamed.

  Though her fingers closed around the strap of her purse, she made a show of trying to reach farther.

  “Hurry up!”

  “I’m trying.”

  A thump echoed in the room. Thundering steps shook the floor. He yanked her out from under the bed. Officer Truman lay in an unconscious heap near the door.

  Jumping to her feet, Melody faced the masked man. A plan formed. It was now or never.

  She threw the bag at his face.

  He ducked.

  She scrambled over the bed, trying to get around him. She needed to get out of the suite. Get help for Truman.

  His big hand closed over her arm, jerking her backward.

  She tumbled off the bed and landed on her back with a thud on the floor, her head snapping with the impact. Bells rang in her ears. Stars exploded behind her eyes. For a split second, the world dimmed.

  She fought to stay conscious. She forced herself upright.

  The masked gunman blocked her way to the door. He ripped open her purse and dumped the contents on the bed. He snatched the watch and quickly dissembled the timepiece, pulling the back off. A small, folded piece of paper fell out. He gently undid the folds and held the paper up so the overhead light could shine across it.

  Melody squinted to see what was written on the tiny scrap of paper. She could make out a set of numbers. She had no idea what they meant.

  “Finally, the code,” the masked gunman exclaimed.

  Surprise washed through her. This man must be The Boss. And she’d unknowingly had the code all along. Her nephew must have been the one to steal it. But why? What had he planned to do with the code? Why hide it in his watch? What did it lead to?

  The Boss pocketed the paper and raised his weapon, aiming at her head. “Thank you. You’ve served your purpose.”

  Melody’s heart pitched. Parker. She didn’t want to die and leave him. She loved him. But now it was too late. She flinched, bracing herself for the deadly shot that would take her life.

  Lord, spare me.

  An eruption of barking splintered the air. Sherlock raced into the room, positioning himself between her and the gunman.

  Parker blasted through the doorway, his weapon drawn. “Drop your weapon.”

  Melody’s heart leaped.

  The Boss spun around. His weapon discharged. The loud bang rocked the room. Parker jerked backward, a red stain spreading from his shoulder and across his chest. He crumpled to the ground.

  Horror filled Melody. The bullet missed his vest.

  Sherlock barked and snarled.

  The gunman vaulted over Parker and raced out of the suite. Sherlock chased after him.

  Choked with fear, Melody crawled to Parker’s side.

  He lay still. His eyes closed.

  Tears ran down her face. Anguish seared her heart.

  “Halt!” Melody heard Slade’s voice. Another shot rang out. She could only pray the K-9 captain had stopped the crime lord.

  Hands shaking, she gingerly lifted Parker’s head to her lap. She smoothed his hair back from his dear face. “Please don’t die,” she whispered. “I need you.”

  Sherlock raced back into the room. He nudged his way under her arm and licked Parker’s face.

  “I love you, Parker.” The words broke on a sob. She buried her face against Sherlock’s velvety coat.

  Within minutes, law enforcement and paramedics filled the hotel suite. Officer Truman was taken out on a gurney. Slade drew her away from Parker to allow the paramedics to tend to him.

  “Did you get him?” she asked.

  Grim faced, Slade shook his head. “No. He got away. But I’ll take him down if it’s the last thing I do.”

  “He—” she broke off when the paramedics lifted Parker onto a gurney. She stepped forward to follow but Slade captured her elbow.

  “Melody, I need you here,” Slade insisted. “You have to tell me everything that happened.”

  She knew it was standard procedure for her to give a statement now while the events were fresh in her memory, but her heart didn’t want to follow protocol. “Please, let me go with him. This can wait.”

  For a strained moment she thought he’d refuse. Then he nodded. “Go. I’ll take care of Sherlock then come to the hospital and talk to you there.”

  She hurried to catch up to the paramedics. She held Parker’s hand the whole way to the hospital. When they arrived at the E.R. entrance, she was brushed aside by doctors and nurses intent on saving his life. She was too anxious, too upset to sit. She paced the waiting room, praying the whole time beneath her breath.

  “Please, Lord, let him live. I’m trusting You to let him live.”

  “Melody!” Kaitlin rushed to her side and enveloped her in a hug.

  More tears pooled in Melody’s eyes. She clung to her friend. Soon Melody became aware that others joined them. The whole K-9 unit showed up.

  “We’re here for you and Parker,” Val whispered into her ear as she pulled her into a hug.

  Melody managed to croak out a “thank you.” These people loved Parker, too. They were a
family in a way that she’d never experienced. But today she was one of them.

  She belonged. Because of Parker.

  A fresh wave of love washed through her. Unknowingly, he’d fulfilled her heart’s desire.

  Slade arrived and pulled Melody to the side. She told him everything she remembered about the attack and The Boss.

  “The code was in Daniel’s watch all this time?”

  “Yes, sir.” She grimaced. “I had no idea.”

  “None of us did.”

  “I caught a glimpse of the numbers and letters on the paper,” Melody told him. She quickly recited them while Slade wrote them down on a notepad.

  “I’ll give this to the forensics team and see if they can decode it.”

  “Sir, I’m sure this has something to do with the Lost Woods.”

  He nodded. “You’re right. Everything keeps coming back to the Lost Woods.”

  Finally, a doctor in green scrubs entered the waiting room. “You all are here about Detective Adams?”

  “Yes,” came a resounding chorus of male and female voices.

  The doctor broke out in a smile. “I’m happy to say your friend will be fine. The bullet went through his shoulder and didn’t hit any vital organs. He’ll recover nicely.”

  Melody sagged with relief. “When can I—we—see him?”

  “He’s awake now, but a bit groggy. You can go in one at a time. But limit your visit to a minute or two.”

  “Melody, you go first,” Slade said.

  Grateful to the captain, she hurried to Parker’s room with every intention of telling him she loved him and wanted nothing more in life than to be with him.

  She only hoped he’d give her a second chance.

  * * *

  Parker blinked. He was sure the medication was making him hallucinate. He blinked again.

  Nope. Melody stood beside his bed, looking disheveled yet remarkably pretty. Tears streaked down her pale cheeks. Her big blue eyes held so much emotion in their swirling depths, he found himself happily growing dizzy staring into her gaze.

  “You’re safe,” he said as his chest expanded with love for her. When he’d walked in and saw that monster aiming at her, it had taken all his self-control not to drop the masked gunman on the spot. His hesitation cost him, but it had saved Melody. No regrets. The price had been well worth paying.

  She clutched his hand, her fingers entwining with his. “I’m safe. Thanks to you.” She gave him a watery smile. “And Sherlock.”

  His face darkened with concern. When he tried to sit up, pain shot through him. “Where is he?” he asked between gritted teeth.

  She laid a gentle hand on his chest. “Slade took him to the training yard.”

  Relieved, he sagged back against the pillows. “That’s good.”

  Her gaze caressed him. “I was so scared we’d lose you.”

  “Not half as much as I was,” he countered and suppressed a shudder at the horror of thinking the worst had happened to her. The thought of losing her... “I was afraid I wouldn’t make it in time.”

  “You did.” She lifted his hand to her cheek. “I owe you so much.”

  He winced. He didn’t want her here out of gratitude. He wanted her love. “You don’t owe me anything.”

  “I owe you an apology.”

  “Why?” he asked gruffly.

  “Because I was a coward.”

  “Not true,” he said. “You were brave and found a way to call for help. That’s not the actions of a coward.”

  “I trusted God to save me. He sent you.”

  It made his heart glad to know she’d clung to her faith. “God will never let you down.”

  “Neither will you. I trust you, Parker. You’ll never let me down.”

  He looked away. “You can’t be sure.”

  She brushed her hand over his forehead. “I’m sure.”

  Her touch seared him, made him ache in a peculiar way. He met her eyes. “I’m very flawed.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “What flaws?”

  Her trust meant the world to him. But he wanted her love. “But you don’t love me.”

  Dropping her gaze, she tugged at her bottom lip with her teeth. “That’s why I owe you the apology.”

  “I don’t understand?”

  Lifting her eyes to his, she said, “I wasn’t honest with you about how I felt.”


  Her expression turned sheepish. “I was too afraid to admit that I love you, too.”

  Hope ballooned in his chest. “You do?”

  She nodded. “I do. And I can’t imagine my life without you. I don’t want to imagine it.”

  Her words sent his heart spinning. Fierce emotion pushed any physical pain he felt aside until he was filled with a deep abiding happiness. “I can’t imagine my life without you. You’ve become my whole world.”

  Delight lit up her face. “Me and Sherlock, you mean.”

  He laughed. “You and Sherlock and maybe one day a couple of kids?”

  Her eyes widened, then a soft joyous smile spread across her face. “That sounds like the perfect plan.”

  He tugged her closer until her lips hovered over his. “Kiss me then and show me you mean it.”


  Their lips met. And Parker felt like he was flying on the wings of her love guided by God’s hand. And he never wanted to land.

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Tracking Justice by Shirlee McCoy.

  Dear Reader,

  Writing a story featuring a dog was new to me. But I fell in love with the beagle Sherlock. He and his handler, Parker Adams made an excellent team. Pairing them up with cold-case detective Melody Zachary was a good fit. Both Parker and Melody had trust issues stemming from their pasts. Using what they learned from each other and drawing on their faith helped them overcome their hurts.

  As part of the Texas K-9 Unit, Parker and Sherlock were hot on the trail of the crime syndicate and the mysterious Boss, who had Melody in his sights. Thankfully, they uncovered a part of the mystery revolving around Melody’s nephew’s death. But the crime lord is still at large. To discover the identity of the villain, read next month’s conclusion to the Texas K-9 series in Lone Star Protector written by Lenora Worth.

  Until we meet again, may God bless you.

  Questions for Discussion

  What made you pick up this book to read? In what ways did it live up to your expectations?

  What was your first impression of Parker Adams? How would you describe his character?

  What did you think of Sherlock? Do you own a dog? If so, can you put into words what your pet means to you? If you don’t own a pet, why not?

  What was your first impression of Melody Zachary? How would you describe her? Would she be someone you would want to be friends with? Why?

  If you read the preceding books in the Texas K-9 series, in what ways did this book surprise you?

  As Parker and Melody worked together, how did the romance build?

  Melody had trust issues. Where did those issues stem from? Have you ever had someone break your trust? How did you overcome your hurt?

  Parker was afraid of letting people down. What was at the core of his fear? Is trusting others to love us despite our flaws hard? Why or why not?

  The scripture in the middle of the book taught Melody her faith had to be active. What does that mean? How can we demonstrate an active faith?

  What about the setting was clear and appealing? What did you like most about the setting?

  When did Melody start to realize she had feelings for Parker? Why did she fight her feelings?

  Parker wanted to maintain a professional distance. Was he able to do so? Why not? When did his feelings change?

  Melody wanted to belong. In what ways did Parker make her feel like she belonged? In what ways do you belong in your world?

  Did you notice the scripture in the beginning of the book? What do you think God means by these words? W
hat application does the scripture have to your life?

  How did the author’s use of language/writing style make this an enjoyable read?

  We hope you enjoyed this Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense story.

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  Police detective Austin Black glanced at the illuminated numbers on the dashboard clock as he raced up Oak Drive. Two in the morning. Not a good time to get a call about a missing child.

  Then again, there was never a good time for that; never a good time to look in the eyes of a mother or father and see terror and worry or to follow a scent trail and know that it might lead to a joyful reunion or a sorrowful goodbye.

  If it led anywhere.

  Sometimes trails went cold, scents were lost and the missing were never found.

  Knowing that didn’t make it any easier to accept.

  Austin wanted to find them all. Bring them all home safe.

  Hopefully, this time, he would.

  He pulled into the driveway of a small, bungalow-style house, its white porch gleaming in exterior lights that glowed on either side of the door. Just four houses down from the scene of a violent crime and the theft of a trained police dog the previous afternoon. An odd coincidence.

  Or maybe not.

  Two calls to the same street within nine hours? Not something that happened often in a place like Sagebrush, Texas.


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