New Beginnings

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New Beginnings Page 10

by KC Richardson

  The fire in Kirsten’s body was raging out of control. She wrapped her other arm behind Jordan’s back and pulled her closer until their bodies melded together. She let out a moan, and Jordan broke the kiss, leaving her panting.

  “Kirsten.” At first, it was a whisper, but when Jordan said her name again, it sounded a little louder. Kirsten startled then opened her eyes. She looked up at Jordan, who was kneeling beside her with one hand on her shoulder.

  “Wha—what’s going on?”

  “I’m not sure. I came in after my last ride, and you were lying on your tummy, sleeping. You started to moan, and I was afraid you were having a bad dream, so I woke you.”

  Kirsten felt herself start to blush when she realized she really had moaned. That kiss, that marvelous kiss, had been just a dream. She sat up and scrubbed her face with her hands as though the action would erase her disappointment. “I guess I did fall asleep.”

  “Were you having a bad dream?”

  Her face got even warmer. “No, it wasn’t a bad dream. Um, do you mind if I don’t talk about it?”

  Jordan looked at her with concern in her eyes. “Of course not. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  Kirsten placed her hand on Jordan’s arm, touched that she had been so concerned. “Thank you. Did you have fun out there?”

  Jordan grinned and settled into her beach chair. “Oh, yeah. The waves were pretty good, and I had some nice rides.”

  “You looked like you were enjoying yourself. Every time you caught a wave, you got this huge smile on your face.”

  “Yep. This is one of my favorite things to do. It helps me unwind after a long week at work. It makes me feel like a small fish in that very big pond. Keeps things in perspective, you know what I mean?”

  Kirsten contemplated what Jordan had said and nodded her understanding. Jordan must have removed her wet suit before she’d woken Kirsten because she was now dressed in her board shorts and bikini top. When Kirsten realized she had been staring at Jordan’s breasts, she quickly turned away and started busying herself in the ice chest.

  “Do you want to eat now?”

  As if in response to the question, Jordan’s stomach growled loudly, and they both started laughing. “I think that would be yes. I worked up quite the appetite, I guess, because all of a sudden, I’m starving.”

  Kirsten handed her a turkey and Swiss cheese sandwich and a bottle of water while Jordan located a couple of small bags of chips and handed one to her. They ate their lunch hurriedly, trying to ward off the seagulls that were attempting to dive-bomb their sandwiches. When Jordan finished her last bite, she chugged the rest of her water and placed her trash in the beach bag. Jordan stretched her legs out in front of her and leaned back in her chair, letting out a massive sigh.

  “I’m so full you may have to carry me back to the car.” Jordan smirked as she patted her tanned, flat abdomen.

  Kirsten laughed. “Yeah, that would be quite the scene, wouldn’t it?” She pictured herself carrying Jordan piggyback to the car, those long legs wrapped around her waist, Jordan’s hot center pressed against the small of her back. The heat rose in her face again, as well as a couple of feet south. “Are you ready to go?”

  “No, not unless you need to get back home. I was hoping we could lie out a little longer and relax.”

  “Sure.” It was going to take a valiant effort to rein in her newfound lust—she seriously considered running into the ocean to cool off her overheated body—but she was happy that she would get to spend more time with Jordan.

  They shook the sand off the blanket, then spread it back out. She’d almost finished reapplying her sunscreen when Jordan handed her a bottle and turned her back to her. Looking back over her shoulder, she asked, “Would you mind getting my back?”

  “Um, sure.” Kirsten squeezed some lotion into her shaking hand and started applying it to Jordan’s back, her breath catching in her throat when Jordan shivered. Kirsten took her time, making sure she didn’t leave an inch of skin exposed, and at the same time, luxuriating in the way Jordan’s muscles felt under her fingertips. Down, girl. You’re enjoying this way too much. Maybe a dip in the ocean wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all.

  Her face flushed for what seemed like the millionth time that day, and she stepped back from Jordan and cleared her throat. “Okay, all done.”

  “Thanks. Do you need me to put lotion on your back?” Jordan turned to face her. “Your face looks a little red. Make sure you get some sunscreen on.”

  Kirsten was rightly embarrassed that Jordan had noticed her blush, but there was no possible way Jordan could know what had put that there. “I got it already, but thanks. And, no, I don’t need any on my back, since I’ll be lying on it.”

  They took their places on the blanket, Kirsten on her back and Jordan on her stomach. Jordan turned to the left and looked at her. “How are you doing with the separation?”

  Kirsten was pleased that Jordan seemed to care how she was feeling. “I’m doing okay. I mean, when I married John, I never expected that we would be at this point. He came by the house yesterday, and I had thought he’d wanted to talk about separating our belongings, but he said he misses me and wants to give things another try. He wants to move back home.”

  It still made her sad to think of her marriage breaking up. The more she thought of her conversation with John the previous day and the new attraction she was feeling toward Jordan, the more twisted she felt inside. It was almost as if her guts were caught in the vortex of a tornado.

  “Wow. So, how did you leave it?”

  “I told him I had to think about it.”

  Jordan nodded. “I get it. Are you considering it?”

  Kirsten gave the question the time it deserved and considered her answer. “I don’t think so. I had been feeling for quite some time that something was missing in our marriage. I mean, I miss him, and I love him, but I’m not sure I’m still in love with him. Does that sound terrible?”

  Jordan placed a hand on her arm and shook her head. “No, of course it doesn’t. It’s good that you recognize this and that you’re not jumping back into anything without giving it considerable thought.”

  Kirsten placed her other hand on top of Jordan’s and squeezed. “Thank you for listening. I’m just so confused right now.”

  “Okay, new topic. Where did you grow up?”

  Kirsten smiled, appreciating the not-so-subtle change in subjects. “Sacramento. My family moved there when I was six years old because my dad got a job at the university. He’s a professor in the English department. He’ll be ready to retire in another year or two. My mom stayed home when my brother and I were younger, but once we were both in school, she got a job as a school secretary. She’ll retire when my dad does because they want to start traveling a bit. They’ll probably spend some time in Lake Tahoe, too. Our family has a cabin, and we used to spend our holidays up there.”

  “That sounds nice. I love Tahoe, but I’ve only been a few times, and it was always in the summer. I’m not sure I’d do well in the snow.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve never been in the snow. I’m a warm climate kind of girl,” Jordan said with a grin.

  That grin set off a swarm of butterflies in Kirsten’s stomach. “Well, we may have to remedy that sometime.”

  Jordan chuckled. “You said you have a brother. Younger or older?”

  “Steven is three years younger. He’s engaged to a great woman, and they live in the Bay Area. He followed our dad into academia. He and his fiancée are both professors at UC San Francisco, which is where they met. How about your family?” Kirsten realized that she knew nothing about Jordan other than she was a physical therapist and used to play college basketball.

  “Well, my parents and older sister still live in Phoenix, where I grew up. My dad is a physical therapist and owned his own clinic, but he sold it a few years ago, and now he just works per diem. He likes it better that way because he can work a cou
ple of days a week to earn enough money to support his golf habit.”

  “Golf habit? Oh, my. Does he play often?”

  “Oh, yeah. He plays a couple of times a week with his friends and once a week with my mom. Mom figured if she was going to get any quality time with him, she’d better learn how to play. She took lessons about ten years ago, and they enjoy playing together.”

  “Your mom learned golf to spend time with your dad? That’s priceless. Do as the Romans do, huh?”

  Jordan chuckled, which made Kirsten laugh, too, and she was struck by the notion that spending time with Jordan was so easy. Jordan was quickly making her way into her life and her heart. But there was still so much more she wanted to learn.

  “So, do you excel at golf like you do at basketball?” Kirsten asked.

  “Hardly. I dabble a little, but the only time I really play is when I’m home visiting my family. I like being outdoors, but I need something a little faster paced.”

  She smiled. “Like surfing?”

  Jordan smiled back. “Yeah, like surfing. So, tell me about your job. What made you want to get into human resources?”

  “I guess I wanted to be in a career that wouldn’t have me sitting at a desk doing the same thing day after day. I mean, I do sit at a desk, but each day brings new problems to solve.”

  “So, there’s no typical day?”

  “Nope. Not even close. One day, I might conduct interviews. The next day might have me establishing new procedures and techniques to improve human resources management. I get to create and develop training programs for new employees. I manage budgets. You name it, I probably do it.”

  “Wow. That’s impressive.”

  Kirsten was proud of the work she did. She worked hard, and she was good at dealing with different personalities. “Thanks.”

  “What kind of degree did you have to get?”

  “I majored in human resources and minored in business. I started working at my company shortly after I graduated with my bachelor’s degree, and I took night courses for my master’s while I worked during the day. I’ve been with the company for twelve years and recently became vice president about four months ago.”

  “You’ve had a lot of changes in the past four months, huh?”

  Kirsten looked away, determined not to let the tears welling in her eyes escape. The sympathetic look Jordan gave her was nearly her undoing. When she had been promoted to vice president, she’d been so happy. She’d rushed home in hopes of going out to a fancy dinner with John to celebrate. Instead, she’d come home to an empty house. John hadn’t gotten home until late that night, and Kirsten hadn’t even told him about her promotion until the next day. Even when she’d told him, all she’d gotten was a kiss on her cheek and an “atta girl.” They never did have that celebratory dinner. In just this short time, Jordan had shown more pride in her than her husband had recently.

  She pushed those feelings aside. “Yeah, a lot of changes. Some good, some bad. But I believe there are lessons to be learned with everything that happens in life. I guess I’m where I’m supposed to be.”

  Jordan covered her hand and gave a little squeeze. Silence fell between them, and Jordan looked at her watch. “Wow. I can’t believe how late it’s become. Do you want to head home?”

  Kirsten felt the acute loss of Jordan’s hand leaving hers. “Sure, let’s get packed up. Do you want to stay for dinner? We could grill some steaks.”

  Jordan began to fidget and avoided looking at her. “Um, I can’t. I have other plans.”

  Kirsten was surprised by the disappointment that had risen within her. “Oh, well then, maybe some other time.”

  “Yeah, some other time.”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  After dropping Kirsten off, Jordan drove home reflecting on their day together. The more she learned about Kirsten, the more she realized that the attraction she felt was not just a simple case of lust. Kirsten was leaving a lasting impression on her soul, a tattoo printed indelibly upon her heart. And that could not happen. That door was closed and locked, and the key had been lost in a jar marked “unwanted” a long time ago. She was determined that was not going to happen. Not now. Not again. Not ever. She would go to the bar tonight and find a woman to make her forget Kirsten. Well, maybe not forget, but at least put her in the far recesses of her mind. Jordan needed to put some distance between herself and Kirsten.

  She selected her go-to outfit for when she was looking for a few hours of companionship. After she’d showered, she dried her hair and noticed the pink hue making its way past the normal tan on her face, evidence of a little too much time in the water earlier. She donned her tight black silk T-shirt, her skin-hugging black jeans, and her black cowboy boots. Then she stood in front of the full-length mirror and assessed her style. After placing her black cowboy hat on, she decided that her look was complete.

  Jordan arrived at the country bar, paid her cover charge, and headed inside to order a beer. The DJ was in the middle of giving a line dance lesson, and the women on the dance floor were all laughing and having a good time. Jordan stood off to the side and observed the crowd while she nursed her beer.

  Once the lesson was over, and the dancing had resumed, Jordan scanned the crowd, looking for a woman to dance with. She spotted an attractive blonde a few tables over who was laughing with a group of friends. She had a pretty smile and looked like she was thoroughly enjoying herself. Jordan hoped that she’d like to have an even better time later.

  Jordan confidently walked over and gave the woman a broad smile. “Would you like to dance?”

  The woman looked her up and down, and she felt the appraisal as though it were a caress. The woman smiled back. “Sure.”

  She placed her beer on the table, reached for the woman’s hand, and led her to the dance floor. The DJ started up an energetic Texas two-step, and Jordan was pleased when the woman followed her lead perfectly. One dance led to another until a few songs later, a line dance came up.

  Jordan led her partner off the floor and toward the bar. She leaned down closely to the woman’s ear and introduced herself. “I’m Jordan.”


  “Nice to meet you, Annie. May I buy you a drink?”

  “That would be nice. I’ll take a beer.”

  Jordan ordered two beers and led Annie to a quiet corner. She took a seat on a stool, and Annie stepped between her legs. She took a drink from her beer and pulled Annie closer. “You’re a really good dancer.”

  Annie smiled. “And you’re a very good leader. Tell me…” Annie paused to nibble on her neck. “Do you lead well in everything?”

  Jordan shivered and smiled. “I think I’m a natural born leader. Do you want to dance some more?”

  Annie took a couple of gulps of her beer then placed it on the table. “I’d love to.”

  They moved back to the dance floor. This time when they took their positions, Jordan pulled Annie closer to her body, and they moved around like they were one. This was just what she needed, to hold a beautiful woman in her arms.

  As they moved around the floor, Jordan’s thoughts took her back to the night she’d fantasized about Kirsten dancing with her. If the few hugs they’d shared were anything to go on, she imagined Kirsten would fit better against her, that she would be soft in all the right places, and that Kirsten’s luscious curves would fit perfectly against her body.

  Damn it. Pay attention to Annie. This was the whole reason you went out tonight, to meet a woman that would take your mind off Kirsten.

  They danced a few more songs until thirst drove them back to the bar, where they ordered some water. Then they went back to the table in the corner and resumed their previous positions with Annie standing between her legs, pressing up against her center.

  Jordan could feel her clit start to pulse and swell, and she had to fight hard not to thrust herself into Annie’s thigh. The corner was dark, and nobody else was around. Annie put a hand behind her neck and leaned in to kiss her.
Annie’s tongue slipped into her mouth and began to duel. She lifted her hand and pressed it under Annie’s left breast and started to squeeze, gently at first, until Annie placed a hand over hers and squeezed harder.

  Annie leaned further into her, continuing to kiss her deeper until they were both breathless. She kissed her way to Annie’s ear and began to nibble. Fuck, she smells so good. What is this scent she’s wearing, and where have I smelled it before? Kirsten’s smiling face flashed through her mind, reminding her why the scent smelled so familiar—it was the scent Kirsten wore.

  Jordan blew out a breath and pulled back. All she’d wanted was a night free of thoughts of Kirsten, but she couldn’t even do that right. She was upset with herself for comparing Annie to Kirsten. Annie seemed like a nice woman and was sexy as fuck. She didn’t deserve this type of treatment.

  “I’m sorry, Annie, but I have to go.”

  “What? Why? I thought we were getting along so well.” Annie sounded a little hurt, rejected, and unsure.

  “I know. I’m sorry. But it’s getting late, and I have to get up early tomorrow morning. Maybe I’ll see you around?”

  She didn’t wait for Annie’s answer. She simply slid past her and headed to the door. Well, that’s just fucking great. I’m rock hard and left Annie in a state. Way to go, Roberts.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Kirsten walked two blocks to her favorite deli. She was looking forward to a little time away from the office. She had been in meetings with her bosses all week to try to figure out a way to keep the satellite office from closing and some of the employees from being let go. With all her problem-solving skills, it was exasperating that they couldn’t come up with an alternative solution. She needed to find a way to increase their profits.

  The smells of deli meats and cheeses and fresh-baked bread brought her mind back to the present. She was standing in line to order when she spotted Jordan sitting at a small table eating her lunch. Jordan seemed to be deep in thought; she never once looked her way.


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