Try Me On for Size

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Try Me On for Size Page 13

by Stephanie Haefner

  The woman looked to one poster, spouting details about the release party and meet and greet. “So, they’ll be here? The men? Posing for photos and selling their, um, toys?”


  Mia, Bryn, and Penny waited for a reply. Mia’s heart raced and she was pretty sure she could hear Bryn’s, too. Would the woman love it, hate it, run screaming from the shop?

  “I’ll have to mark that date on my calendar.”

  Mia tried not to look as relieved as she felt.

  “Great!” Bryn said. “So are you here for a bra fitting?”

  When Bryn had disappeared into the fitting room with the woman, Penny let loose a sigh. “Oh my God. I thought I was gonna have a heart attack.”

  “Me, too. So far so good, though.”

  “Good afternoon, ladies.” The door chimed as the mailman stepped into the shop. “Whoa. What’s going on in here?”

  “Big things coming,” Mia said, and Penny snorted.

  “I get that from the posters.” The young mailman winked.

  Mia’s face warmed to a thousand degrees. “Oh . . . no. I meant changes. Big changes are happening.”

  “Your original statement wasn’t wrong.” Penny giggled again.

  The mailman set a pile of envelopes on the counter. “Good luck with your big things.”

  Mia sorted through the various pieces of mail, most of which were junk. She slid her thumb under the flap of the electric bill, Past Due in glaring red across the top.

  Bryn came out of the fitting room, grabbing a few different bras for her customer. She looked up at Mia. “What’s wrong?”

  “Electric bill.” She held it up. “It hasn’t been paid in two months. What the hell were we paying Grant to do?”

  Bryn sighed and walked over. “I told him not to pay it.”


  “I only meant to do it for one month. They don’t say anything if it’s only one. But then we still couldn’t pay it.”

  “You should have used my salary.”

  “You know I would never do that. It will be fine. By next month, we’ll be rolling in dildo profits.”

  “I still have the two-fifty food budget for the party,” Mia told her. “I can pay that to the electric company and it will take care of a portion of the bill.”

  “We can’t have our party without penis-topped cupcakes. I already bought the candies. It will all work out.” Bryn was always the cheery optimist. “By this time next month we’ll be able to pay the electric bill with money to spare. These guys are hot. There’s no way the product won’t sell. It’s a gold mine.”

  Sometimes Mia let Bryn talk and rolled her eyes at her positivity, knowing better. But this day, she really wanted Bryn to be right. She needed Bryn to be right.

  Bryn went back to her customer and Penny back to her posters. The quiet of the shop left Mia with nothing but her thoughts. Was this the only bill Bryn had told Grant to ignore? How many more past due notices would they receive?

  Mia’s cell phone rang in her purse, Riley’s number on the caller ID. “What’s up?”

  Baby Nico’s wail made it almost impossible for her to hear her sister. “You told me you’d help, so get your ass over here.”

  CHAPTER Fourteen

  Mia rang Riley’s doorbell. Nothing. She knocked. Still nothing. Should she just go in? The door was unlocked, so she peeked her head in. “Hello?”

  A shrill scream, then the blur of a naked little body with dark curly hair whizzed past, then retracted.

  “Mi Mi!” Gianna giggled and threw her arms around Mia’s legs.

  She picked up the little girl and hugged her. Please don’t pee on me. “Where’s your mommy?”

  She pointed toward the hall. “Baby.”

  Mia found Riley in the nursery, head back, hair straggly, dark bags under her eyes. Baby Nico was attached to her breast, but it appeared that both of them were asleep.

  “Let’s go get you dressed,” she whispered to Gianna and took the little girl to her bedroom.

  She diapered her and pulled out a random pair of cotton pants and a long-sleeve T-shirt. Riley would never let her daughter be seen dead in an outfit so mismatched, but oh well. Aunt Mi Mi was in charge now. She plopped Gianna in front of the TV with a bowl of Cheerios and what looked to be a semieducational cartoon.

  Mia headed back toward the nursery and crept inside. She gently pulled Nico from Riley’s chest, her eyes popping open with the release of his suction.

  She jumped with alarm. “What are you doing?”

  “Let me lay him down so you can take a real nap.”

  Riley breathed deep, her eyes closing for a second. “Okay.”

  Mia laid the baby in his crib then helped her sister to bed, covering her and flipping off the light.

  She spent the next hour playing with Gianna, dressing her when she ripped her clothes off, and having a nice talk with her about how it is not appropriate for girls to run around naked. The one-and-a-half-year-old just stared at her, then blew a raspberry.

  “Okay. Good talk. Try and remember this advice when you’re eighteen and going off to college.”

  The baby began to wail and Mia ran back to the nursery to calm him before he woke Riley. She changed his exploded outhouse of a diaper, using about a hundred powder-scented baby wipes, and brought him to the living room. He seemed content, not hungry. She settled into the couch and snuggled him close. He fell right asleep.

  Mia gazed at his angelic face. I might want one of you someday. But a woman kind of needed a man to make that happen. Sperm banks were an option, but she already knew from watching Bryn how hard it was to be a single mother. No way would she volunteer for that kind of life.

  Mia’s mind drifted. Oliver would probably make a great dad one day. Between the both of them, they’d have awesome kids, both having learned how not to be a parent.

  Whoa! You and Oliver being parents . . . together? Where had that come from? Okay, time to put the baby back. Holding him was kicking her ovaries into overdrive and making her think crazy thoughts.

  Mia laid Nico in his crib as the shower started up. Riley must have woken from her nap. Mia walked back to the living room and Gianna, still fully clothed, engrossed with the colorful English- and Spanish-speaking characters on screen. Heading to the kitchen, she tidied up, filling the dishwasher. She pulled out the little electric floor sweeper and vacuumed the crumbs and dust. When she turned it off, the baby was crying again.

  Damn it! She went to the nursery and Riley was there.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think that little kitchen vacuum would wake him.”

  She turned, looking somewhat rested, her damp hair pulled into a looped ponytail. “It probably didn’t. He’s due to eat now.”

  Mia followed Riley to the living room.

  “What is she watching?”

  “Some kid show. She seems to like it.”

  “I don’t let her watch TV. It’s bad for little kids.”

  “Oh. Sorry.”

  Riley sat down, the baby still fussing and whining. She opened her shirt and positioned him for his feeding. “I guess it’s fine once in a while.”

  They sat in silence for a minute, watching the animation on the screen. Mia looked over to her sister, her eyes glossy.

  “Are you okay?”

  A tear trailed down her cheek. “It’s so much harder than I thought it would be. Gianna was a breeze. It was just us and I did whatever she needed. But now. I have to do so much for Nico Junior and Gianna still needs me, too. I can’t nap when the baby naps like I did when Gianna was born. I can hardly even shower. By the time Nico gets home from work, I’m so exhausted I fall right onto the bed. But as soon as the baby cries, I have to get up.”

  “Why can’t Nico take care of the baby?”

  “He can only do so much. He
can’t feed him.”

  “Don’t you have a pump so he can feed him with a bottle?” Mia asked.

  “The lactation consultant told me not to do that till Nico is at least a month or two. We don’t want him to take the bottle and then not want my breast anymore.”

  Showed what Mia knew. She’d had no clue that could even happen.

  Riley’s tears continued, escalating into a sob. “I’m such a bad mom.”

  Mia moved closer to her sister, hesitating as she put her arm around her, remembering what Riley had said about Mia’s relationship with Bryn. She never would have hesitated to comfort Bryn and hug her, hold her. She’d done it for months after Johnny died. She’d always treated Bryn like a sister, but it wasn’t until that moment she’d realized just how much she didn’t treat Riley like one.

  “You’re not a bad mom. This is probably the hardest thing a woman can go through, juggling so much. I know I haven’t been around, but I promise I’ll do my best to help whenever I can.”

  IT WAS Mia’s turn for the late shift at the shop. In at one, close at nine. It was pretty busy for a Wednesday, and that was good. The more women who came into the shop, the more who saw the posters and hopefully would tell all their friends. The response was pretty positive. A few older women scoffed, but that was expected.

  Later in the afternoon, after Penny had left, one younger woman approached Mia at the front desk and asked if they’d consider loaning their men out for a bachelorette party.

  “Oh, they’re not exotic dancers,” Mia said.

  “Okay. But what about a private party at the shop? Would you stay open on a Saturday night so me and my friends could have a little party, flirt with your cute models?”

  “I don’t know about—”

  “Let us get back to you,” Bryn interrupted. “Did you have a date in mind?”

  She steered her toward the display of toys, her mouth flapping. What was she getting them into now?

  Mia took a woman in back for a bra fitting, then helped an older gentleman looking for a gift for his wife. It was their forty-fifth wedding anniversary. Mia thought about her parents, married over thirty years. Her father would rather die than step foot in a lingerie store to buy her mother something sexy. Mia sure didn’t want a marriage like that.

  Finally alone, Bryn stepped to the front desk. “I think we’re going into the bachelorette party business.”

  “What did you do?”

  “Well, I kinda booked a party here. It would be after hours, starting at nine. Food and wine or whatever drink they want. The women get to shop, I was thinking at a discount, maybe with a toy demonstration.”


  “No, not an actual demonstration! I’m not suggesting a porn show here. I would stand there and do what I did for you and Penny that one day. Show them the toys and talk about how they work and which ones are good.”

  “And the guys?”

  The right side of Bryn’s lip curled in a sneer. “They’ll be here. Maybe in those cute Classy ’n’ Sassy undies, a hot pink bow tie to match. They can serve drinks from silver trays, pose for photos, maybe dance a little.”

  “Bryn! We’re not running a strip club.”

  “No parts will be exposed. And I said maybe. What do you think?”

  “I don’t know. Legally, can we do that? The liquor and all?”

  “I’ll look into it. But won’t it be fun? We’ll sell product and make some extra cash. I told her a flat fee of three hundred, but that would get them 30 percent off anything they buy. And if they want the guys, it’s an extra three hundred. Food and beverage would be their responsibility. She was all for it.”

  Mia shook her head. “What am I gonna do with you?”

  “Celebrate with me when we’re rolling in dough.” She removed her name tag. “I’m gonna go now, if you don’t mind. It’s dress rehearsal at Cammie’s dance school and I really want to see her in her costume.”

  “Yes. Go. Enjoy.”

  As Bryn headed out the back, a customer came through the front.

  “Hello. Can I help you find something?”

  She smiled, a bit uneasily. “First weekend away with my boyfriend. I kinda want it to be special. Can you suggest something sexy, but not too slutty?”

  “Sure.” Mia led her to the classy section of the store and the items she had picked out to stock on their racks.

  “Oh, what’s that?” She asked and pointed at the poster on the wall.

  “We’re branching out in a new direction,” she said, her prearranged spiel rolling off her tongue. “We’ve started a custom toy line and these are our models.”

  “Oh, how fun. And you’re having a party?”

  “Yes. The guys will be here and we’ll have cupcakes.” Sweets were always a good way to lure women in.

  “I’ll have to try and come. I have two girlfriends who would love this.”

  “Great. So did you want to try something on?”

  After cashing the woman out—a pink satin camisole with a matching satin and lace thong—it was seven o’clock and Mia’s stomach rumbled for the first time that day. She ordered a sub from the nearby sandwich shop and sank into her desk chair to tackle some business-related stuff. She groaned as she rummaged through the bills. It had been awhile since she or Bryn had dealt with paying them.

  A couple were past due. Guess she’d send what she could. With that done, it was time to move on to payroll. She opened the program that Grant had used. It would have been easier to figure out how to launch the space shuttle.

  The back door chime sounded.

  “In here,” Mia yelled. Thank God. She was starving.

  Oliver appeared in her doorway, her sub sandwich in one hand, Styrofoam box of fries in the other.

  “Hey.” She smiled at him. “Did you mug my delivery guy on your way in?”

  “We both pulled into the lot at the same time, so I paid him for you.”

  “Oh. Let me give you the money.”

  “Not necessary. Consider it the meal you wouldn’t let me treat you to the other night.”

  “Okay. But this means you have to have half.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Depends. You into girly stuff like tofu?”

  “Uh, no. That’s an Italian sausage sub you got there.”


  Oliver set the food on the desk as Mia cleared some space. She pulled napkins from her desk drawer and laid them out. After unwrapping the sandwich, the aromatic scent of sausage and peppers filling her soul, she separated the halves and tore the deli paper. “Who needs plates, right?”

  “Right.” Oliver opened the box of fries and ripped the lid off, dumping a serving of fries into it. He held up his sandwich. “Cheers.”

  Mia giggled and tapped her sub to his. “Cheers.” She then took a big bite. Heaven.

  “This is so good.”

  He took another bite, mayo smearing across his upper lip. Right away he reached for a napkin and wiped it. Good to know there was one guy in this world who used decent table manners.

  “Any chance you got ranch dressing in the break room refrigerator?” Oliver asked.

  “What for?”

  “The fries.” His amused smirk said, “Duh.”

  “It’s the only thing I eat on my fries.”

  “Seriously? I thought I was the only weirdo. And my nanny, when I was a kid. It was our secret.”

  “I’ll go get it then.” Mia left and came back with the bottle and a small bowl. “No double-dipping.”

  “Yuck. I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  Uses napkins, loves ranch on fries, hates double-dipping. Where have you been all my life? But just because he seemed perfect right now didn’t mean there wasn’t something hidden.

  Mia pushed the thoughts away. “I really need to get back to work. If I d
on’t, I’ll be here all night figuring out this payroll software.”

  “Really? What program is it?”

  Mia looked at her screen for a name. “Easy Pay.”

  “Simple program.” He stood and wiped his mouth and hands. “Let me take a look.”

  As he leaned over her, Oliver’s cologne surrounded her, completely drowning out the scent of grease and sausage. She wanted to sink her nose into his neck.

  “Hmm. Looks like this is pretty screwed up.”


  He tapped at her keyboard then went to a different screen. “Yeah. It’s gonna take some time to straighten this all out.”

  “You think Grant did it on purpose? He’d been pretty ornery the last few weeks he was here.”

  “It’s possible. But I can show you how to fix it. Or, if you want, I can just do it. I can help with accounting and payroll now that’s he’s gone. I’ll come in every day after I finish up at my other job.”

  “I don’t know.” Should she admit that she couldn’t afford to pay him for services in addition to his modeling?

  “I know money is tight around here.” He eyed the past due bill on the desk. “So I’ll do it for free.”

  “No. Absolutely not. I can’t let you do that.”

  “Okay, then how about this: I work for you and keep track of my hours. When you’re back on your feet, you can pay me. I want to help.”

  “I’m not sure I like that.” And it wasn’t just because of the money. Could she handle being around him even more than she already was?

  “What other choice do you have?”

  He had her there. It was either say no and risk screwing up the finances even further, or hire him and risk succumbing to his charms. Again. Mia could control her urges. She hoped. But the finances, not so much.

  “Okay, but you better document every minute you’re here. I mean it.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He mocked a salute.

  “We’ll set you up in Grant’s old office.” Right next to hers. He’d be there, every day, only a few feet away from her. This “controlling her urges” thing might be harder than she thought.

  CHAPTER Fifteen

  Oliver walked into the condo past nine, after setting himself up in Grant’s old office and familiarizing himself with the shop’s computer system. The evening had been nice, relaxing. Being with Mia was always fun and made him forget the stress and drama filling the rest of his life. She enjoyed simple pleasures, like a good greasy sandwich and french fries with ranch. The last time he’d seen Alexiana eat something with more than a hundred calories, she was ten years old.


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