Finding Strength (Silver Creek Shifters Book 4)

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Finding Strength (Silver Creek Shifters Book 4) Page 10

by Jules Tyler

  He chuckled. “It almost sounded like you said ‘Mr. Right’ there for a second.”

  She smiled. Normally that was something she would laugh at and play along with, but she was flat out pooped. As they pulled up in front of the cabin, she saw that the lights on the front porch had been changed out to one pink bulb and one blue one.

  “Wow, you really went all out,” Jasmine remarked as she slid out of the cart and made her way up the stairs of the porch.

  “The girls said the cheesier, the better. I’ll change them back tomorrow. I had Brady swap out the bulbs when he brought the gifts over.”

  Tyson took her hand and lead her toward the guest room, making Jasmine even more confused. Why would Tyson be taking her to the guest room? She figured the surprise would be in the living room or in their bedroom.

  “Why are we going to the guest room?” Jasmine asked right before her eyes locked onto a bright blue and pink bow that had been strategically placed on the door. Her eyes flicked to Tyson, who was waiting to the side of the door for her to open it. “What am I going to find in there?”

  Grinning like a naughty four-year-old, Tyson said, “Why don’t you open the door and see for yourself?”

  Whatever tired feeling Jasmine had previously melted away, and the door had her full attention. He’d peaked her curiosity, but damn, she was nervous about opening that door. Staring at the doorknob, Jasmine carefully took it in her hand and turned it. Pushing the door open, she could feel the air escape her lungs as Tyson flicked on the light. The room held a single giant log crib, the matching dresser and changing station set, and a gorgeous pine-tree-green glider was situated in the corner. Even more amazing, though, was the mural that was painted on the walls. It looked like a replica of the resort, only there were animals painted throughout the room. One animal in particular captured her attention, and she drifted to the far wall and touched her fingers to the white and brown bear with blue and brown eyes.

  She traced her fingers over the painted fur before touching the gray and white wolf that stood next to it. After a moment, she them trailed over to the two cubs that were running in front of the pair. The whole scene that took place in front of her made her heart swell with happiness she had never known before. She truly was lucky to have Tyson in her life. He’d done all of this, not just for her, but for the babies too, even though he didn’t have to.

  “I can’t believe you did all of this for us,” she said softly as she turned to face him, still standing at the door, watching her as she took in her surroundings.

  “These cubs deserved the very best. Just because they aren’t biologically mine doesn’t mean I don’t want the world for them. They’re going to grow up knowing what real love is and what it’s like to not be constantly looking over their shoulders.”

  Those final words hit Jasmine square in the chest. Those were the words that meant the most to her.

  Closing the space between them, Jasmine pulled Tyson’s face to hers and kissed him with so much passion it had them both coming up to gasp for air before going back for more. Without breaking the kiss, Tyson scooped her up into his arms and carried her to their bedroom. As Tyson set her down on the bed, Jasmine was tugging her dress over her head and tossing it to the floor.

  “What are you—” his words broke off as he gazed at Jasmine’s body with a hunger that she had seen in his eyes only once before.

  “Shh.” Jasmine held a finger to her lips before sliding to her knees on the floor and nimbly using her fingers to undo the front of Tyson’s jeans.

  “Are you sure?” he asked softly, his hard cock springing from his jeans as she pulled them down onto the floor.

  “I need to feel you inside of me but first, I want to taste you,” Jasmine purred up at him, her eyes filled with desire.

  “Fuck,” Tyson groaned as Jasmine wrapped her lips around the swollen head of his member.

  She took as much of him into her mouth as she could, making sure to keep her eyes locked with his as she slid him into the back of her throat. Giving into the pleasure she was giving him, Tyson laced his fingers through her hair and guided her mouth into the rhythm he wanted. Jasmine could feel arousal pooling in her middle, so she slid her hand into the front of her panties and rubbed her clit as she continued to work his cock, swirling her tongue around the tip each time her head came back toward it.

  As she let out a muffled moan, she knew he could see her touching herself. An aroused growl ripped through him as he pulled her head away from his dick and he lifted her to her feet.

  “As long as I’m around, you’ll never have to take care of those needs yourself, beautiful. Go lay down on the edge of the bed,” he commanded.

  The way he growled out orders sent an electric spark through her and straight to her middle. Reaching behind her, she undid the clasp on her bra and dropped it into the pile of clothes on the floor. Lowering herself onto the bed, she felt another wave of pleasure wash over her as he dropped to his knees in front of her and ripped the panties she was wearing off of her. Hooking her legs over his shoulders, she let out a drawn-out moan as his lips traced down the inside of her thigh. Kissing and nibbling his way to her sensitive center, Tyson pressed his tongue firmly against her sensitive nub and sucked down on it.

  “Ahhh, yeees,” Jasmine moaned out, her eyes rolling back into her head as he slid a finger inside of her.

  “You like that?” Tyson asked, his eyes glowing, showing Jasmine that his wolf was here too.

  “Mmm, yes please.”

  He resumed his assault on her clit as he continued to work her with his fingers. She couldn’t think of a time when a man paid any attention to her needs, so she certainly wasn’t going to complain. She rocked her hips to meet his hand with every thrust, grinding herself against Tyson’s tongue as he brought her screaming to the edge of release and then granted it to her. Jasmine exploded around his fingers and collapsed back into the bed.

  “More, Tyson. I need more of you.” Jasmine writhed on the bed beneath him as he stood between her legs.

  He wrapped his hand around his throbbing cock and hovered near her entry. “Are you sure you need more? Do you know what you do to me, Jasmine?”

  “Yes, yes, I need more. I need you,” she begged.

  Pressing himself against her, but not yet pushing inside of her, he groaned. “I’m going to give you more. I’m going to fill you with my scent, and then I’m going to mark you as mine.”

  “Yes, yours, Tyson. Yours. I’m yours.”

  That was all she needed to say before he buried himself inside of her, making her scream out in pleasure again and again as he thrusted inside of her. He reached up and tweaked her sensitive nipples between his fingers, and Jasmine felt herself teetering on the edge of coming undone again.

  Digging his fingers into her hips, he quickly flipped her onto her hands and knees. Thankful that her pregnant body complied, she screamed out in pleasure as he thrust back inside of her and she orgasmed around him. His movements quickly became more erratic, and he lifted up on her shoulders just enough that he could clamp his jaw down around the nape of her neck as he kept pumping inside of her. A fierce growl ripped through him as he filled her with his seed, biting down on her neck at the same time. He rocked his hips as the last waves of orgasm rocked through both of them before he finally withdrew from inside of her.

  Jasmine pulled herself up onto her pillows as she waited for Tyson to come back with something to clean her up with. Touching her fingers to the mating mark on her neck, she smiled to herself. She was claimed.

  Chapter 19

  Tyson laid with his naked body pressed up against Jasmine’s as he thought back over the day’s events. When he got out of bed to get everything finished in the nursery, he certainly hadn’t imagined he would be placing his mating mark on Jasmine that night. Kaylene told him the other day that women could get hornier in their last trimester, but he didn’t think that would happen with Jasmine. He planned that their first time together that
way wouldn’t be until after the babies were here.

  After a few moments of silence, Tyson felt Jasmine shift and he opened his eyes as he watched her get out of the bed. “What’s wrong, love?”

  She turned to face him, fear written all over her face as she looked down between her legs. “You need to call Kaylene.”

  “Why, what’s wrong?” Tyson sat up, scooting to the edge of the bed to try and see what she was looking at.

  “I think my water just broke,” Jasmine said, voice laced with concern.

  “What? No way! Kaylene said you should feel some contractions before that happens.”

  “Fuck, Tyson. I’m serious! My water just broke! Go get Kaylene!” Jasmine shouted.

  Tyson ripped through the clothes in the dresser, urgency spurring him on as he quicklygrabbed a pair of athletic shorts to throw on and a nightgown for Jasmine to put on. “You lay back down on my side of the bed. Do not move until I get back, do you hear me?”

  “Tyson! NOW!” Jasmine screamed at him.

  Sprinting from the room, Tyson threw open the front door and shouted at Kaylene and Landon’s cabin. “Kaylene! Kaylene wake up!”

  As he ran up the porch to pound on their door,, Kaylene pulled it open, looking a tad disheveled. “What’s wrong, Tyson?”

  Tyson panted as he waved for her to follow him. “Jasmine’s water broke. I think the babies are coming!”

  “Fuck, okay. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Landon! We’ve gotta get Jasmine to the clinic. NOW!” Kaylene shouted over her shoulder at him as she raced after Tyson.

  They sprinted for Tyson’s cabin and through the front door. He lead Kaylene to the bedroom and stopped in the doorway as he saw Jasmine gripping the side of the bed, swaying side to side as she grit her teeth.

  “You didn’t warn me they would hurt this bad,” Jasmine moaned in pain.

  “You’ve got babies with heads the size of cantaloupes trying to escape through a teeny tiny hole between your legs, babe. It’s gonna fucking hurt,” Kaylene said without missing a beat. “We need to move you to the clinic. Do you think you can walk or do you need Landon and Tyson to carry you?”

  A pain filled scream ripped through Jasmine as a contraction rippled through her body. Tyson looked to Kaylene for guidance and saw that her expression shifted from worry for her friend to a one that said she was ready for war. Kaylene nodded to Landon as he entered the room and as though they were all communicating telepathically, Kaylene turned to run to the clinic ahead of them and the men gingerly lifted Jasmine into a fireman’s carry.

  Tyson leaned in close to Jasmine’s ear and whispered, “I know nothing I say can make this better, but I want you to know I’m here and I’m going to do whatever I can to help you get through this.”

  Jasmine whimpered as she nodded in acknowledgement.

  Kaylene was standing on the porch when they got to the clinic and motioned for them to follow her. Tyson thought they would detour to the main room where he knew Kaylene did all of her exams, but instead, they walked past the kitchen to the bedroom at the back of the house. The light was already on, and he could see that Kaylene had converted the room into a birthing suite.

  Setting Jasmine down onto the bed, Tyson felt his heart began to hammer in his chest. This was happening, these babies were coming whether he and Jasmine were ready for them or not. He didn’t know whether to be excited, scared, or angry that she didn’t get more time to let them grow inside of her. They were coming earlier than they anticipated.

  “Landon, go gather everyone and have them wait outside. The only people allowed in the house until these babies are here are Liz and Jesse and that’s because they’re family,” Kaylene instructed. “Alright, Jasmine, how are we feeling?”

  Jasmine labored most of the night and into the early hours of the morning before both twins made their appearances. Kaylene had Tyson help her carry the twins to the little baby scale so she could take their measurements and vitals, then moved them to the oversized changing station for the rest of her examinations. Tyson walked back to the bed and sat down next to Jasmine, looking at her as pride welled up inside him over what she’d done.. Her face looked tired, but her eyes never left her babies where Kaylene had them lying side by side as she cleaned them up before she could hand them off to Jasmine to hold. Quickly, Kaylene wrapped them both in white cloth and motioned for Tyson to come help her. Rushing to her side, Tyson was met with Kaylene's smile as she scooped up the little girl and placed her in his arms.

  As Tyson looked down at the beautiful, squishy pink face of the newborn, an entirely new emotion washed over him. He couldn’t find the words for what he was feeling if he tried. All he knew was that he didn’t want to let her go, and he would do anything to keep her and her brother safe. He and Kaylene walked to Jasmine’s side and gingerly placed each baby down in her arms.

  “They’re little, but that’s to be expected with them being a little early. All in all, two very healthy babies. Good job mama bear,” Kaylene praised.

  Tyson and Jasmine exchanged a teary look right before the rest of the crew slowly filed in to see the newest additions. Jesse stepped closer to the bed, his eyes melting from their usual tough expression to a softer look. His eyes moved from each of the babies’ faces to Jasmine’s and back several times before he made an effort to speak.

  “You know, I remember the night you and Jennifer were born,” Jesse said softly as he moved closer to the side of the bed and pulled up a chair. “It was storming outside, and Dad and I had just come back from a camping trip. He’d been teaching me how to control my shifts. We knew Mom was getting close to having you two, but we thought we had a few more weeks. Instead Mom had to call in the midwife right as we were pulling in the yard. The rest of the night was a blur right up until you made your entrance to the world. The power had gone out because the wind knocked a tree into a powerline down the road, and Dad had to get a ton of candles and lanterns going so the midwife could see what she was doing. As Dad lit the last lantern in the living room for me, I could hear your tiny cry announcing you were here in the world and you wanted your presence known.”

  Tyson looked at his mate and squeezed her arm before reaching for a tissue, dabbing at the silent tears that were running down her face. She stared at the newborns in her arms while Jesse continued telling his story.

  “I remember Mom and Dad wouldn’t let me see you two for what felt like the longest time to a six-year-old boy, but finally Dad came to get me as the midwife was leaving. I walked into their bedroom and my eyes locked onto you first and then Jennifer. Both of you were in Mom’s arms, just like these two are right now, and I walked up next to the bed and made you both a promise. I promised to be the best big brother you would ever have. I promised I would share my trucks with you and that I would teach your bears how to fish in the stream. I promised many other silly things like how I would always sing you a song if you were sad or scared. And I also promised you that no matter what, because I was your big brother, I would always protect you and love you. Now I’m promising the same thing to these beautiful babies you’ve brought into this world.

  “I love you, Jazzy. Shit may be scary right now, but Tyson, and me, and the boys? We’re gonna find this guy and take care of business. Because these little ones, they’re my blood, they’re my crew, and we always protect what’s ours.”

  “Do you want to know their names?” Jasmine whispered to him as she smiled down at the babies and back up to them.

  Jesse nodded, and Tyson felt like the whole room froze as they waited eagerly for Jasmine to tell them.

  “Everyone, meet Aidan and Piper.”

  Chapter 20

  Jasmine swayed back and forth with Aidan in her arms as she tried to rock him to sleep. Piper was already passed out cold in the crib, and now Aidan was fighting sleep. A week had passed since the babies were born, and they were getting stronger by the minute. Piper’s little head was covered in sweet blonde curls with the exception of one tiny brown curl at the front o
f her forehead. Aidan, on the other hand, had a head full of dark brown curls but his eyes matched Jasmine’s. One eye was blue and the other was brown. What this meant for their animals, Jasmine didn’t know, but she was praying they didn’t look like hers. They would be safe if they weren’t.

  Looking down at Aidan, finally asleep in her arms, she smiled and nestled him into the crib next to Piper. She watched as the two stretched out their little arms and touched their fingers together, as though they were reassuring them they were still there.

  Quietly, Jasmine slipped from the room and walked across the hall to where Tyson and Jesse were pouring over security film from the camp. Since the night the twins made their appearance, this was all they’d been doing. They worked in shifts of snuggling and helping with the twins and reviewing tapes. They were searching for the needle in a gigantic haystack. And making it even more impossible was that they didn’t even know what the needle looked like.

  “Any luck?” Jasmine asked tiredly. She hadn’t slept much in the passing days, either. Between late night feedings and the fear of the unknown, she was finding it incredibly difficult to fall asleep and stay that way for more than a few minutes at a time.

  Tyson craned his neck away the computer screen to look at her, his face covered in a short stubbly beard and dark circles surrounded his eyes. Neither of them were getting much sleep.

  “Not yet, Jaz, but we’ll find him,” he promised for what was probably the millionth time since they began their search.

  Jasmine pulled the thin shawl she was wearing around her shoulders closer to her, as though she was trying to keep the cold out. Shifters didn’t get cold, but the feeling of someone watching her was definitely there. Padding through the house to the front room, Jasmine spotted Dane through the window. He was walking toward the cabin, carrying a pan of something. She’d run into him again after Tyson introduced her as his wife a few days ago. Tyson had given her a break and told her to go sit with Liz for a while, so she could put her feet up and rest. Something about Dane didn’t sit right with her, but Liz said that Brady seemed to like him alright, so she tolerated him. He must’ve been asked by Liz to bring food over for them. She’d been doing that the last couple of days, sending someone over with food. Dane must’ve been the only one at the restaurant if he got roped into it.


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