The Spark Ignites (MacKenny Brothers #1)

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The Spark Ignites (MacKenny Brothers #1) Page 14

by Kathleen Kelly

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “No you fucking don’t,” replies Kyle in a deadly tone. “Let’s go! We need to be gone.”

  Shell-shocked I get into the car, as does Cherie. We drive in silence for a while. Cherie reaches across and links her fingers with mine.

  “Maddock, where are we going?”


  “And where is home?”

  “For now, Breckenridge. We need to see your grandfather and get some things settled. I need to heal and we need to find out what our next step is.”

  “I had no idea Sean was going to do that.”

  “None of us did. Sean has his own brand of justice and truthfully I’m glad the fucker’s dead. I know one thing, I can’t go back to my old life and I have no idea what I want to do now that I can do whatever I want. Does that make sense?”

  “Yes, love, it does.”

  “I know one thing, whatever happens, I want you by my side. Are you down with that?”

  Without hesitation, Cherie answers, “Yes.”


  I WAITED A DAY BEFORE I leaked the story to the news. Making sure Maddock is safe from all persecution from the authorities was first and foremost in my mind. The press are so gullible. Most of them don’t even bother to check the facts before they run the story. He’s been portrayed as a hero going up against the bad guy who got taken out by the very people he was supplying. I’m grinning as I walk into the clubhouse.

  Kyle lets out a whistle that gets my attention and I walk toward him, holding up the newspaper.

  “You see this?” Kyle nods. “We have a bonafide hero in our family!” I laugh and Kyle joins in.

  “You did good, little brother.”

  “Yeah. Has Sean showed up yet?”

  Kyle’s face clouds over and he shakes his head. I’m not sure what he’s going to do to Sean but I know he’s not happy with him.

  “It all worked out,” I state.

  “Yeah, it did. But what if Lamond had put Mad and Cherie into his car? What if—”

  “It all worked out,” I repeat more forcefully.

  “He got lucky.”

  “Yeah, but it worked.” I shrug and ask, “Does Mad know what I’ve done?”

  “With the press? Nah, figured when he finally gets back to Breckenridge they’d be waiting for him.”

  “Why haven’t you told him?”

  “I’m glad Mad is back but he needs to figure out where he’ll end up. Of course I want him here but he’s a grown man, he’ll find his own way.”

  “It’d be nice if he stayed with us for a while. Seems like Jamie and Loch are going to stay for a bit.”

  “And you?”

  “Yeah, I’m keeping close to home until this thing blows over. I don’t need my face out in the media. All the attention makes it hard for me to do what I do.”

  “And what exactly is that, brother?”

  I grin at Kyle. “A bit of this and a bit of that.”


  WE TAKE OUR TIME ON the trip, perfectly happy in our bubble. No distractions, just Cherie and me. If I’m honest with myself, I’d keep driving and not face what’s coming. I don’t want to deal with the authorities or Mr. Lake or even my family that I was so desperate to get back to.

  It’s taken over a week to get here, I’m about to pull into the driveway of Mr. Lake’s property, time to face the music. As we pass the barn, I see a whole bunch of cars and vans parked out front of the main house.

  When we pull up and they all come running, I realize it’s the press. I lock eyes with Cherie.

  “Shit, babe, I’m sorry.”

  At the last gas station Cherie purchased a newspaper that had my face and story splashed on the front page.

  She shakes her head and smiles. “It’s cool. But you need to get them off our land. I’m surprised granddaddy hasn’t shot any of them.”

  As if he can sense his granddaughter’s arrival, Mr. Lake appears on the porch looking disgruntled.

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Cherie hooks a hand around my neck and pulls me in, she kisses me chastely, pulls back and runs her hand up and down my neck.

  “Be nice.”

  “Babe, I’m always nice.”

  Cherie’s smile broadens and she laughs. “Yeah, right.”

  With a sigh, she opens the car door and steps out. The press flock around her, taking photos, yelling out questions. I wait till she reaches Mr. Lake, even from here the love he has for her shines out.

  “Mr. MacKenny! How does it feel to be alive and have everyone know?”

  A ripple of laughter goes through the crowd, I smile and make my way up onto the porch.

  “You two go inside,” I say quietly to Cherie and Mr. Lake. Turning around I face the hungry pack of people, screaming out questions. I raise my hands, motioning them to quiet down.

  “Hello! If you could all calm down?” I pause and look out at them, when they become quiet I continue, “Yes, I will answer your questions but not here.” As a whole their voices rise up. “Enough!” I yell.

  I look out over the crowd and see a police cruiser making its way toward us. It pulls up and the local sheriff gets out and so does U.S. Marshall Maria Lovett.

  All eyes go to the sheriff and Maria makes a beeline toward me.

  “Folks, last time I checked, you all are on private land and I’m pretty sure the owner didn’t invite you. So, please, pack up all your gear and clear out. Mr. MacKenny here is scheduled to give you all an interview in the town hall tomorrow at noon. Now, get!” orders the sheriff.

  “How about we go inside Maddock and let the sheriff handle this while you answer a few questions?” I look into Maria’s eyes and see anger.

  Great. Just what I need a U.S. Marshall pissed at me. I grin at her, open the front door and motion for her to go inside. I stalk past her and head toward the voices further into the house.

  I find Cherie in the kitchen, apron on, laughing with her grandfather. The smile falls off her face as she sees Maria behind me. I place my arm around Cherie and pull her into my side.

  “Cherie, Mr. Lake meet U.S. Marshall Maria Lovett, my handler.”

  Cherie breaks away from me, holding out her hand. “Welcome to Breckenridge and my Granddaddy’s home.”

  Maria gives Cherie a cursey nod, shakes her hand and fixes me with a death stare.

  “Where the hell have you been?” demands Maria. Cherie backs away and into my arms. Instinctively I wrap them around her.

  “U.S. Marshall Lovett, how are you?”

  “MacKenny, I swear if you had—”

  “Calm down. Cherie and I went on a road trip, that’s all. How the fuck did the reporters know who I am?” I ask feigning innocence and going on the defense.

  “Wait, you had nothing to do with Lamond’s death?”

  “Lamond is dead?”

  “Come on Maddock! Your little girlfriend there was seen is a club that Lamond frequents! Are you trying to tell me you know nothing about this?”

  I turn to face Cherie. “You went to Washington?”

  “Yes, honey, I told you about that modeling gig and Colton Anders. You remember?”

  With my back to Maria, I wink at Cherie.

  “The Colton Anders thing?” I turn around and stare at Maria. “Yeah, she told me about that, what does that have to do with Lamond?”

  “You seriously don’t know?” asks Maria skeptically.

  I let out a frustrated sigh, scrub my hand over my face and glare back at Maria who quirks an eyebrow at me in disbelief then shakes her head slowly.

  “Lamond is dead. It looks like a terrorist bombing and we found enough evidence at his home to go after the people he was selling parts to.” Maria pauses. “You really don’t know anything?”

  “Would I be here in the middle of fucking nowhere if I did?”

  “Language!” shouts Mr. Lake.

  Suppressing a grin, I nod at Mr. Lake. “No, Maria, I have no idea what you are t
alking about.”

  Maria throws her hands up in the air and taps her foot.

  There’s a knock at the front door followed by, “Anyone home? Samuel?”

  “In the kitchen, sheriff!” yells out Mr. Lake.

  The sheriff takes off his hat as he comes into the room.

  “Coffee?” asks Mr. Lake.

  “That’d be good, Sam. Got those reporters to move on. Sorry it took me so long to get out here but Ms. Lovett wanted to come talk to you.”

  Cherie pours the sheriff a cup and holds up an empty mug to me, I nod.

  “That’d be Marshall Lovett and yes, I wanted to ask you about Maddock, but here he is in the flesh.”

  Maria looks me up and down, discord and unhappiness etched into her features. I smile at the sheriff and hold out my hand.

  “Maddock MacKenny formerly Eric Hill. I don’t think we’ve ever had the pleasure,” I say with a grin as we shake hands.


  HIS MUSCLES RIPPLE EVERY TIME he raises the ax over his head as he cuts the wood in two. It’s colder here now, Maddock has worked up a sweat and removed his T-shirt. I’m sitting on a window seat, soft blue blanket wrapped me, coffee in hand as I watch him work outside. My shiny red Mustang glistens in the sun at the front of the house. I had no idea my grandfather was having it restored for me. He is the only one in my family who has ever given a damn about me.

  The press hail Maddock as a hero. The one who stood up against big business and although he lost everything has come out on top. There were so many questions from the press, about me and about Heather. The five MacKenny boys were pursued relentlessly until another big scandal erupted. Occasionally, a reporter will approach us and although Maddock is polite, he’s no longer doing interviews or discussing it further.

  Maddock takes one last swing, embedding the ax into the block and walks toward the house. We are at my Granddaddy’s home. It’s funny, I never wanted to live with my Granddaddy but Maddock has made it work. The hospital bills were paid for and even though we’ve never talked about it, I know Maddock paid for them. He’s stopped working at the garage, Theo was pissed at first then offered him twice his normal pay if he’d stay. Maddock politely declined but he did offer his services as an account and financial adviser.

  Today we are leaving for London, the first stop on a very long tour of the world. Maddock is in no hurry to go back to his life and he understands I have to make sure my Granddaddy is safe and well. So we’ve planned for him to travel with us until he has had enough then Maddock’s brothers are going to check up on him while we are gone.

  “Hey beautiful, is there any more coffee?”

  “Yes, just made a pot.”

  The T-shirt is back on and I watch as he quickly pours himself a cup, drags a chair next to me and pulls me in for a quick kiss.

  “You been watching me?”

  “Yeah, nice view,” I purr.

  Maddock smiles, eyes sparkling, cupping my face with one hand. “Wanna go back to bed?

  My body responds, like it always does, nerve endings already on fire. “You could persuade me…”

  Maddock stands, takes my cup from me and places both mugs on the kitchen table then he bends, picks me up and takes me into our bedroom.

  His touch elicits a wonderous heat that spreads throughout my being. Our lovemaking has turned slow and deliberate, we enjoy taking our time and exploring each other but this morning I have other ideas.

  Maddock lays me on the bed and strips off, the sight of him naked fuelling my desire. I’m only wearing socks, and a big jumper, both of which come off quickly. His mouth finds mine as he lays down, covering my body with his own.

  “You’re all sweaty!” I giggle.

  “Promise to make you the same,” Maddock teases back.

  The kiss turns from soft and sweet to a passionate burning fire. Tongues entwined, I groan as his hand moves down my body and when his fingers find my sweet spot I twist my head, arch up and beg for more.

  “Don’t stop!”

  Maddock kisses down my throat, making his way to my nipple where he sucks and flicks it with his tongue.

  “I need you, now.”

  Maddock chuckles. “I aim to please.”

  His fingers torment me for a moment longer then I’m flipped over, pulled up on my knees as his cock impales me to the hilt in one fluid movement.

  That first penetration is always the best, always a shock to my system and I always gasp.

  Maddock stays still, I rock forward and back, enjoying the feel of his cock as it goes in and out of me. His hands stroke my back then grip my hips, fingers digging in pleasantly as he moves me faster.

  “Fuck you feel good…made for me,” groans Maddock.

  I reach down and work myself, feeling that electricity build between my legs. I know I’m close.

  “Cum for me, baby,” orders Maddock.

  And I do as I’m told. The orgasm washes over me as I buck against him wantonly. His fingers dig deeper into me, heightening my experience.

  Maddock groans, thrusting into me one more time as he too reaches his orgasm. Slowly his fingers release their hold and he strokes up and down the backs of my legs.

  “I could do that to you for the rest of my life.”

  A warmth that starts in my chest and ends up with me getting all emotional. Tears fall and I make a hiccuping sound. Maddock pulls out and lays down beside me, pulling me onto his chest.

  “Why the tears?” Maddock asks.

  “Happy tears,” I whisper.

  “You sure?”

  I nod and push up on one elbow to look down at him. “Yes, lover. You’re making a lot of my dreams come true.”

  “But not all?”

  I twist and sit up with my back against the headboard, Maddock does the same.

  “I have things I’d like to do and although I appreciate everything you’re doing, I’m going to need to pay you back.”

  “Need to pay me back?” I nod at him and he frowns. “Cherie, you don’t need to pay me back. I don’t care if you never pay me back.”

  “No, you don’t get it I—”

  Maddock holds a finger to my lips. “No, beautiful, it’s you that doesn’t get it. I have a lot of money. I have no idea what I’m going to do but I’ve made some wise investments and might just play the stock market for a while. And, babe, we are a team. Your goals are my goals, we’re in this together.”

  My stomach does a flip and more tears well in my eyes threatening to fall.

  “T-together?” I blubber.

  “Yeah, babe. For as long as you want me.”

  My tears fall. “Forever.”


  The End


  I SHADOWED MADDOCK AND CHERIE all the way back to Breckenridge. Slept rough and stayed out of sight but I needed to make sure he was okay and out of danger. Now, that the story has broken, he’ll be safe. Angus is good at making people look in one direction when the truth can be under your nose.

  It’s been a month since I’ve seen Kyle. I know he’s angry so I need for him to calm down before I go back. And I am going back, well, I keep telling myself I am.

  I’m sitting on Maddock’s front porch waiting for him to come home. He’s mostly been staying with Cherie at her Grandfathers. No one has come to town, apart from the reporters that harrassed him. I took photos of all the people he came into contact with and sent them to Angus, everyone checked out.

  I hear the sound of a Harley and look up, Mad is on his way up the hill. He’s alone and I’m glad. I need to talk to him without Cherie around.

  I’m watching his face as he climbs off his bike, he looks grim. I stand as he

  mounts the steps two at a time. When he reaches me, he engulfs me in a hug, holding tight to the back of my neck.

  “Thank God you’re okay.”

  “Mad, I’m sorry.”

  Maddock releases me and steps back. “That’s something you never have to say to me, brother. You di
d what you felt you needed to do and I can’t say I’m sorry he’s dead.” I nod. “The others are worried, you need to call in.”

  “Kyle, will be disappointed.”

  “Yes, he will, but he’ll get over it.”

  I nod and place my hands in my pockets. “Got a beer?”

  Maddock grins. “I think so.” He opens his front door. “Come in, take a load off.”

  I follow him inside and sit at his kitchen table.

  “What are you going to do now?”

  Mad smiles. “They’ve finally released my money back to me. I’m going to take Cherie on a very long holiday, with her grandfather. It should be…interesting.”

  I chuckle. “Whipped.”

  “In the best possible way. What about you?”

  “Going to visit an old army buddy in Texas. I need to put some space between me and Kyle, just for a while.”

  “You’re family, he’ll get over it.”

  “He might forgive me as his brother but as his VP?” I shake my head. “Probably not.”

  “You’re not going to know unless you talk to him.”

  “Did you have a beer or not?”

  Maddock nods and opens his fridge, pulling out two cold ones. He hands me one and sits down next to me.

  “To family.”

  We both twist off our tops.

  “To family.”

  The ride to my old Sargeants house takes me the better part of a month. I feel like a coward but I can’t face Kyle. We’ve spoken on the phone and he asked me to come back in but I used my old Sargeant as a bullshit excuse, said he needed some help on his farm. Truth is, he doesn’t even know I’m coming.

  Last I heard from Sargeant Thomas Trent was that he was running cattle on his family’s ranch. We were close when we were both in, I saved his life and he saved mine on numerous occasions.

  I pull into the local gas station and an older guy comes out.

  “Fill ‘er up?”

  “Sure man, you good to do it?” I ask.


  I wait until he’s finished and we both walk back into the gas station.

  “You know where I can find the Trent Ranch?”


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