The Steps Of Eleutherian

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The Steps Of Eleutherian Page 3

by Jason R. Hemmings

  Eleutherian’s face gave a soft expression of understanding and wisdom, as they pre-empted my question, by stating I was probably wondering who they were and what this place was? When I asked how they knew that, they said they knew many things. The time had come to furnish me with an explanation.

  Eleutherian was the last of the ‘Medea.’ They were the race who lived here for thousands of years. Only a few hundred in numbers, they lived peacefully alongside the natural beauty this world had to offer. They were a vastly intelligent race, with advanced technology, light years ahead of others. The Medea were in essence, guardians of everything in the universe. They had taken it upon themselves to ensure it remained unblemished from any destructive forces; to ensure its beauty survived. As Eleutherian gave their lucid explanation, I became fascinated with every word.

  The sunlight left long shadows on the floor as it arced slowly behind the city. The water from the fountain trickled in a soothing tone, like Eleutherian’s voice, as they continued. They introduced the statues surrounding the fountain as the Pegasi. Only a few remained though these days. I asked where all the others were, including everyone from the city. Eleutherian explained they were all lost a hundred years ago, in the great wave. Eleutherian lowered their head for a few moments, as though it were in sympathy for their memory. I asked what the great wave was.

  One day, a century ago, the Medea celebrated with a festival here outside the city. Unbeknown to them, a stray uncharted meteor collided with the third moon unexpectedly. It caused a magnetic wave so strong that led to a huge wave on the planet hundreds of feet high, which rose from the ocean and walked across the land. All in its path perished. Many tried to flee on the Pegasi, but only the one Eleutherian was on escaped. One of the Pegasi flew Eleutherian high enough above the wave, onto the floating city. Eleutherian had to watch while all below were lost. No one was ever found after the wave passed by. As Eleutherian paused, the sadness I watched through their expression, made me feel very sorry for their loss. I put my hand on their shoulder in an empathetic way, trying to convey my understanding. Eleutherian looked at me and smiled. They stood up and invited me to walk with them. I agreed and let them lead the way.

  As we walked, I asked who the Guardian was. They belonged to Eleutherian, from when they were young. He was a gift from Cirio and Palmii, who were as close as I could establish, the equivalent of their parents. Eleutherian paused for a moment, reaching up to the branch of the tree, which was tall, like so many things here. It bore large fruit, which were egg shaped and pale blue in colour. They were called ‘Noon.’ They had a delicate, sweet taste, combined with a fragrant scent. They were surprisingly delicious, despite their odd appearance. Eleutherian explained the fruit was shared as a symbol of friendship here.

  Eleutherian wanted to show me another place of importance to them. They called the rings, as the ocean glistened from the silvery sunlight in the distance. The rings dissolved to leave us standing by the Colonnadeii on the upper level of the floating city. It was a long walkway on the edge of the structure, with slender pillars which glowed from pale golden light; each with the face of key members of the Medea. Cirio and Palmii were amongst them. Eleutherian recited the names of some others to me. It was a memorial to those lost from the great wave. Eleutherian explained they had followed in the Medea’s footsteps, protecting the galaxies alone for the last century. Now, the time had come for another to take their place. Eleutherian was growing old.

  I politely asked why I was here? Eleutherian explained I had a part to play in all of this. There was someone very special they had chosen and they needed my help to convince them to believe their place was here. I started smiling, realising that was why I had been spared the same fate as Cirinus and the countless others before me. When I asked why me, Eleutherian said I had something no other person had that they needed. When I asked what, they said I would find out soon enough.

  So I changed tact and enquired where Loren was? Eleutherian looked down at me, then replied she was somewhere safe like myself. She too was a part of the greater scheme of things here. I asked if I could see her. Eleutherian calmly said they would take me to her, but first they needed my help and to follow them. They reassured me I was in no danger here; quite the reverse. I should consider myself their friend. I was not to worry about the Guardian, either. It was just their way. They were here to protect the city.

  I began to realise, as I looked out at the ocean, while the sun reflected on the large sail like structure, that Eleutherian was the real Guardian here. Their importance would become more evident with each moment I was with them from now on. The wind blustered around us as the rings instantaneously transported us to another section of the city.

  We stood, side by side, in a large room with a high ceiling. The mysterious humming noise became present again. There were gold coloured rings embossed on the floor, which reflected our shadows across them. Symbols of many shapes and designs were etched around their edges, almost like controls or gauges of some description. Eleutherian explained this was the Chaatu. From this room, Eleutherian could observe the entire universe.

  They raised their arms and the symbols began to light up, as the area around them filled with the holographic imagery of galaxies; all in miniature. Eleutherian demonstrated by sliding the galaxies along choosing the Milky Way, then enlarged a solar system close enough until a planet I knew very well, formed a few steps in front of us. The Earth shone in perfect miniature and detail, as I gasped in amazement. Eleutherian said this was merely a taste of the advanced technology the Medea had created. Eleutherian panned out a little to show Mars beside the Earth. There was a reason for this. They needed my help to prevent a war which was about to ensue between the two worlds, because of a misunderstanding. Eleutherian wanted me to travel with them to ensure both worlds were not destroyed. If I helped them with this matter, they would take me to Loren after.

  I began to understand the importance of this place. Eleutherian was to be revered. The thought of Earth perishing in a conflict I could help prevent was a chilling one. Besides, it seemed the only way of finding Loren too. So I agreed to help. Eleutherian smiled and said I had made a wise decision.

  Suddenly, they magnified the Earth; so much so, the surface of the planet became evident, until the scene of a river beside picturesque countryside floated in mid air beside us. There was a young boy who appeared to be crying near the water’s edge, with a woman comforting them; their arm wrapped around the boy. Eleutherian enlightened me this was the person they believed would follow in their footsteps, one day and I should recognise the woman. They brought the image of the woman closer to reveal the face of Loren, silently trying to persuade the boy of something. I felt that sudden sense of abandonment again, as I gazed closely at her. As I reached out my hand to touch Loren, the image dissolved into a fine mist until it vanished, leaving the room empty like before. Eleutherian gave me some words of encouragement that Loren was safe and helping them in the same way I would be.

  With that, we left the Chaartu and returned to the fountain outside the city again. The sunlight remained as we walked slowly together towards the ocean's edge. My guilt made me return the piece of Corell to Eleutherian; along with an apology for taking it. Eleutherian thanked me, reminding me wealth came in many forms, not just possessions. The importance of appreciating beauty and the affection for someone expecting nothing in return, counted for far more; wherever you came from in the universe. I had already grown in wealth here since I arrived, by their estimation. My love of Loren was far more precious than Corell.

  We stood next to the shoreline, watching the few remaining Pegasi flying above the waves, as the silvery sunlight reflected on their white wings. They were beautiful creatures; elegant and mysterious. Eleutherian remarked it was pleasant to have company again, as they looked down at me.

  We spent the rest of the day, talking about the Medea; their fascinating world here, Loren and the young boy on Earth. By the evening, we had become good friend
s. Even the Guardian had warmed to me somewhat, when they spoke. It seemed my days of wandering in the universe were far from over, but my purpose may amount to so much more than it used to. I was still unsure as to why I had been chosen from the countless others. All I knew was the longer I stayed here, the more I had no desire to leave anymore. There was the slight matter of a war to prevent the next day, but for the rest of the evening, we dined together in the Archipelagaan as the sun set, leaving those familiar coloured tones across the sky. The memory of Loren was never far away.



  To begin with, the sun cast a pale green light onto the ocean, which soon spread across the buildings, then the pastoral landscape around me, at first light. Before long, as I watched, its silvery light burned brighter to enrich the colours of everything it touched. It was a pleasure to be close to the water's edge. I was growing very fond of being here. It was as though something told me I had found what I was searching for all these years; a place where I felt happy. Only one thing was missing; Loren.

  I noticed Eleutherian’s shadow appear beside me, so I turned to face them. They stood above me silently, with a look of understanding in their expression. They sat down next to me, studied the waves for a moment, then commented that I appeared to love the ocean. I agreed, by smiling and raising my eyebrows gently. I explained how it soothed and romanced me with caress. I remarked of my growing fondness for the place too. Eleutherian asked me about Loren. I started laughing, that somehow they knew I must be thinking of her. So I started telling Eleutherian about us.

  I had known Loren for some time, then one day our friendship suddenly became more than that, without invitation. We fell in love from that definitive moment and for the next few years, our affection for one another flourished, without question. As time went on, we found ourselves wanting different things. Loren wanted to settle down, whilst I wanted adventure. We drifted further apart, until one day I discovered how it felt to be abandoned; the day she left me. I had missed Loren, to this day.

  Eleutherian spoke softly, as they suggested my time with Loren was only about to begin. When I asked them what they meant by that, they smiled in a familiar way, then added I should believe in my feelings for Loren. They after all, were what brought me here. I frowned, as I tried to decipher what Eleutherian meant by that. Eleutherian stood up and reminded me we had another matter to resolve.

  They called the rings and invited me to follow them. As we emerged from the rings, we stood in an empty bay on the floating city. Eleutherian said we would take their spacecraft to travel to Earth. But there was nothing else in the bay, as I asked them where their ship was. Eleutherian reached out their arm and brought my attention to the centre of the room. From nowhere, the outline of something began to shimmer, like a mirage on a desert dune. The opaque body of the craft became more defined from its transparency, until it stood complete and real in front of us. Eleutherian said this was the ‘Pegasi.’ It was named after the creatures who lived on the plains here. My eyes studied the craft in astoundment of its beautiful appearance. It floated effortlessly above the ground, glistening in pearlescent cream tones, like a mother-of-pearl shell. A long slender body extended gradually curving wings either side which tapered to the stern. An open ring shaped sail stood pronounced in the midsection, which I presumed was an additional engine to the ones at the rear of the wings. It was like the Pegasi themselves; mysterious, exceptionally beautiful and the most elegant craft in existence. I expressed my delight to Eleutherian, asking them how fast the Pegasi could fly. They began smiling again and invited me to come aboard.

  Before we did though, Eleutherian gave me a small device the size of a button. It was grey in colour; triangular in shape. When I asked what is was, Eleutherian explained it was a device to compensate for atmosphere and gravity. In my case, it would make any planet atmosphere appear similar to Earth, so that I could walk on Mars without an environment suit. The device also acted as an interstellar translator. All I needed to do was attach it to my body; they suggested the back of my palm. That way I would know it was there. It was called an ‘Ormuu.’ I placed the device on the back of my hand and it attached itself, without any need for further persuasion from me. After a few moments, I barely noticed it was there. The technology of the Medea left me speechless at times.

  It was time to step aboard the Pegasi. A long ramp unfolded from beneath the ship, allowing us to enter. Once inside, the Pegasi hummed mysteriously, not unlike the humming which resided through parts of the floating city. It was almost like the craft was alive in a way, as we continued through the sparse white interiors. To the bow of the Pegasi was the bridge. It was oval shaped, with sumptuous seating areas, minimal instrumentation and a clear dome above which encased it, so that you could see in every direction. The large disc arced over and beyond us, as Eleutherian politely invited me to sit down. They began touching the main instrument panel, which was transparent with unusual shapes and insignia. It was fascinating to watch, as the ship began to rise and edge forwards to the bay doors which were now open. We glided through without a sound, into the daylight then slowly climbed away from the city. Eleutherian pressed one of the larger symbols and I felt the ship increase in speed, powering its path through the outer rim of the atmosphere, then on into the night of space.

  There was still no noise coming from the engines; just the low humming in the interior. Eleutherian advised me we would be taking the Bubble nebula through the constellation Cassiopeia, which would mean we would arrive in a few hours to the Milky Way. In essence, it was a shortcut from one galaxy to another, saving light years off our journey there. These nebulas were scattered all over the universe. You just had to know where to find them; that was the difficult part.

  The Pegasi went to light drive, leaving a trail of creamy white stardust from its wake, as it raced towards the Milky Way. Eleutherian let the Pegasi continue the journey by itself, then invited me for a tour of the ship. As the coloured bands of the nebula illuminated the passing scenery outside, we left the bridge and explored the Pegasi. It was fascinating, learning about the ship's capability. It made my old craft seem an embarrassment to me in comparison. The Pegasi was even apparently capable of time travel, Eleutherian revealed. That was the reason for the large disc shaped section of the ship. We would need this to travel back to the year 1905 on Earth and meet up with Loren and the young boy, where they currently resided.

  After we left the nebula we continued on, until we neared the red planet of Mars, in a solar system I knew all too well. It had been twenty years since I was last here. I wondered how much it had changed. We returned to the bridge, as the Pegasi slowed to glide speed and the small red planet lay off to the starboard side of the ship. It sat there curiously silent, like the Pegasi. Eleutherian explained we needed to jump three days into the future and bought the time drive online. Instantaneously, the humming noise became more noticeable, as the large disc above the Pegasi started to shine from pale white light. It grew in brightness, until it began to consume the craft with its incandescent glare. Eleutherian said the light would diminish momentarily and to look away if it became too bright. Then suddenly, the pulse of light vanished and the night of space returned, along with the conclusion of the battle between the Martians and Earthlings.

  Eleutherian reassured me we were safe onboard the Pegasi, shielded and invisible to all which went on around us. Battle cruisers and countless thousands of spaceships were engaged in a fierce battle with one another. Laser beams flickered across the emptiness of space, interrupted by large explosions which I flinched from, as enormous craft were destroyed one after another on both sides. It was a devastating conflict between the two worlds, which Eleutherian insisted we must prevent or both planets could be destroyed. Just then, one of the large battle cruisers blew apart, with such magnitude an energy wave rippled out, damaging many of the craft fleeing from its wake. The battle would resume on from this point for a few more hours until the Martians had almost elimina
ted all of the Earth's fleet. The planet had flames and explosions that could be seen from space caused by the Martian’s ships. As a last resort Earth would fire fusion pulses at Mars, with the Martians retaliating resulting in the devastation of both planets.

  I had seen enough, as I asked Eleutherian to return us the present day. They obliged, engaging the time drive sending us back to the tranquillity of a few days before the conflict. I let out a long sigh of relief to be free of the battle, expressing my disbelief at what we had witnessed and were hopefully about to defuse.

  Eleutherian set a course for the surface of Mars and before long, the Pegasi silently approached. We descended with a sweeping long turn, before touching down stylishly on the red surface of the planet. Directly in front of us was a small craft, which Eleutherian informed me was from Earth. Aboard were a small crew sent to investigate the recently discovered possibilities that there were signs of life on the planet.

  Eleutherian handed me three more Ormuu devices to give to the crew of the Earth ship, then instructed me to persuade them to rendezvous near the Pegasi in one hour from now; they were to be unarmed too. In the meantime, Eleutherian would speak with Envyse, the Martian principle of their race, to prepare them for their debut meeting with the people from Earth. I nodded my agreement and said I would do my best. Eleutherian smiled and added that was the most you could hope from anyone.


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