Murder at Police Station

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Murder at Police Station Page 5

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  After a half hour or so he felt bored, but was up about fifty bucks! Ben took his winnings to watch the crap table which at this time was full of excitement surrounding the green felt table.

  Ben spotted Rory who was a head taller than most of card players. From where he stood it looked like Rory was animated with the game and players. Ben almost got scared he would be hooked on gambling, but then realized Stacy would put the kibosh on that end of things. He went back concentrating on trying to understand how the game was played.

  Rory had decided on a table with one empty chair on the dealer's right side. Besides the fact she was the best looking dealer in the house. He flashed her one of his best white tooth smiles. She actually blushed a bit and as he was the newest to arrive at the table, got to cut the cards. Rory was fully aware of the odds playing blackjack. It was the house's advantage, but he was not there to break the house. He looked around at his playing companions and none looked out of the ordinary.

  A half hour later he was up a few hundred and had caught the attention of the, or, a floor boss. He immediately changed dealers with a person that did not suit Rory at all. He picked up his chips and moved around for a look see. He saw Ben at the crap table and smiled a little knowing he was studying how the game was played.

  It was a while later he spotted his former dealer who had apparently taken a break. She was just setting up her table when he sat down with his stack of chips. He said, "Hi I'm back."

  "That's nice," she said. "Want to go one on one?"

  "Fine with me. I think I've got your number tonight," he said rather coyly.

  Rory bet a hundred at a crack. He must have had her number because it was not long and he was up five hundred. By then two more players sat down to try their luck. Rory was expecting the floor boss to show up with a change in dealers, but it never happened. While a new deck was introduced, Rory decided to gamble a little by showing her the Chief Lance picture.

  She glanced at it while the new player cut the deck. She placed the deck in its holder and dealt out the hands. Rory waited and pocketed the picture. He busted on the hand and she said, "Yes, he's here a lot. Haven't seen him lately. He and a guy he called doctor were regulars."

  "Thanks and this is for you," he said leaving two chips worth a hundred each on the table. "I'll be back later. I need to see the restroom."

  He found Ben and nodded to the bar. Ben followed and both ordered soda water with a lemon twist. Rory told Ben what he discovered and both were surprised to hear that the Alzheimer's doctor was a regular here with Chief Lance. "What do you make of that partner," asked Rory.

  "Well his wife has the disease, so why not spend some time having fun. However, you did say they were 'regular' customers means something else entirely."

  "I'm going to see if that dealer will talk to us outside of work. Do you like that idea Ben?"

  "Sure why not. Nobody needs to know she's talking to us."

  "I'll see what she says later on. I'll keep an eye on her," said Rory

  It was nearing midnight when it appeared that the dealer was taking her last break. Rory had found out that an eight hour shift began at six pm and ended at two thirty am. During that time they'd shown the picture to two bartenders and they nodded knowing the chief's picture. A waitress did also. The only thing left to do was make a date with the dealer for the next day.

  Rory waited until she returned after her last break. She took over from another dealer and Rory sat down after she had begun dealing to two other players. She gave him a slight nod and he played his usual one hundred chips. Rory was still hot and was up another six hundred in a short while. The other two players left and he went head to head with her again. After he was dealt a pair of tens and the dealer had a seven showing, he decided to double down. His first car was a nine and then second was an ace. The dealer rolled her eyes and flipped up a face card for seventeen. Rory said, "Sorry bout that, but please believe me when I tell you I'm a US Marshall. We're investigating a homicide down in Bandon. Would you be willing to meet my boss and I tomorrow at your convenience?"

  She looked shocked and scared, but realized he was not out to make trouble for her, but she realized that if the establishment found out her job might be in jeopardy. He read her thoughts and said, "Nobody needs to know about meeting us. We can keep it confidential for sure. Please trust me."

  So it was arranged for one pm tomorrow at a pizza restaurant known to both of them. They left satisfied and felt they had made some headway in the case. On the way home, or back to Bandon, Rory had to have a burger and shake while Ben drove.

  Rory left a note to be woken up at seven would be fine with him. He crashed hard and slept a dreamless sleep.

  The next morning found Bandon under sunny skies with very little wind. Stacy woke Rory up and told him to come to the kitchen when he was ready. He jumped up and hurried a quick shower cussing that the water heater was not installed yet. He passed through the wood shop, but it was cold and empty. Rory knew Chief Ray would be getting ready for work at the station.

  Inside the warm kitchen Stacy was cooking some eggs for breakfast. She also had a slab of ham being steamed next to the pan with a half dozen eggs being scrambled with onions and other spices. The toaster sat on the table with bread at the ready for toasting.

  Rory said, "Good news Super. We struck gold last night. Our victim was a regular at the casino and so was his friend the director of the assisted living home. It seemed the good Doctor Oday and Chief Lance were gambling friends. My source is bona fide and I've an appointment to interview her at one pm today up in Coos Bay. Now, I'm famished and ready to eat half a pig if available. Gambling is hard work you know. I more than doubled my money you gave us. Remind me to call that contractor about our water heater," he said while buttering two slices of toast.

  "Good work Tall Man and this gives us something to chew on for awhile. It's a beginning and we need some more information to stoke our fires of investigation. I called Sam and he said to pick him up when we're ready. I think there's more to all of this than meets the eye. Here's your breakfast and don't blame me if this raises your blood pressure."

  ''Hey take it easy Super. We did a good job last night and I deserve some good tasting grub in the early mornings. Are we going to insert Ron into the 'Forgetful Palace' today?"

  "I think so. Let's do it while there's an opening. You can drop me off at the station and go pick up Ron. Take Ron to the golf resort for breakfast. There's little chance he'll be remembered being there and then entering the assisted living place."

  "Remember we go to Coos Bay at about eleven thirty this morning," he said lapping up the last of the eggs with his toast as a pusher.

  "I'm meeting Sam this morning. Ben can pick him up. I think he needs to dig deeper into this Indian business. Somebody must know something there not saying anything about. What we need is an old Indian woman who knows the past very well. I'm going to have Sam on that project. Okay, let's go Tall Man."

  Ben was at the station talking to Chief Ray when Stacy walked in. Stacy said good morning and then asked if he would go and pick up Sam. "He's waiting for you now, but make sure he has his Deputy Marshall's badge. He's going snooping today."

  Ben left and Stacy sat with her father. Flo brought some tea and coffee for the new Chief of Police. Flo said, "We have a new night shift dispatcher. She's the mayor's secretary. Let me tell you she wasn't happy at all. When I got here this morning, she had her coat on and dashed out the door."

  Chief Ray even had a smile for that one. Stacy thanked her for the tea and she left to man the phones and direct traffic with the staff that were on duty. Stacy said, "Father, do you happen to know any old woman who is Native American and knows the history of her tribe?"

  "Let me think about that. I seem to recall that during the Cranberry Festival a group of Indians selling some nice stuff. I think the mayor's office would have sales permit on record. Let me call and see what I can dig up for you. The secretary will not refuse the Chief o
f Police," he said with a nasty grin.

  Stacy went to her office and waited for Ben and Sam to come. She took the opportunity to call her Boss Connie back in DC. As usual she answered on the second ring. "Hello Stacy. We've a nice spring day coming I'm told. What's up?"

  Stacy related what she had learned and what they were about to do with an interview with a person who knew both the Chief and the Director of the assisted living home. She went on to tell her about the Indian connection that might prove relevant later on. The last thing she told her was Ron would be entering the assisted home this morning late.

  "You're making some headway I see. Let's hope more information becomes relevant soon. Oh, by the way, I've got a line on a new chief for the Bandon vacancy. I'll tell you more at a later time. Have a good day Super," she said joyfully.

  Ben and Sam came in after she had hung up the phone. Sam was smiling as usual. He was proudly showing her his badge. He said, "What do we need to do Stacy?"

  "Here's my plan Sam. Let's move to the conference table and have a sit down. She said, "I'd like you to snoop around and see what rumors you can glean about the Alzheimer's Assisted Living place. It's rumored that some fake book keeping is being done. None of this is substantiated Sam. We do know for a fact that Director Oday is a regular at the casino up in North Bend. He had a friend, Chief Lance as his companion. We'll interview a dealer who will or has confirmed those regular visits. It's probably not a good idea Sam to flash your badge around."

  "No, certainly not. If I did that nobody would talk to me. However, now that the word is out that Chief Lance was murdered, well, tongues will waggle a little more than usual. Let me hit the streets and I'll report back later this late afternoon."

  After Sam left to meet up with some old friends down town, Rory called to say they were ready to deposit Ron into the assisted facility. "Ron will say he flew in and a taxi from the North Bend Airport drove him down. He's go all his paperwork and a check for a twelve month stay. We're outside in the parking lot behind the station. You want to come out and say good bye?"

  "On my way," said Stacy. Outside it was not a bad day out. A light windbreaker was all one needed to stay comfortable. Stacy went to the SUV and jumped into the back. Ron turned around smiling waiting for her to give him some last minute instructions. Stacy said, "Don't snoop around too much Ron. Usually a woman is always looking for someone to gossip with. Try and see if they've cut costs anywhere that have had a direct bearing on the patients. Such as, food, or outings and or shopping trips. I'm sure you'll be able to text us a message. Well, that's about it Ron. Good luck."

  "I'm the sole of discretion Stacy. I can tell if something is wrong or folks are not happy with the accommodations. I'll keep you informed. Give me a day or so and let's see what develops. I'm ready anytime you guys are."

  Rory had arranged for the State Police office to have barrowed a taxi and it was not driven by a police officer. Ron got in with his meager bags and his undercover work was in motion. Stacy and Rory watched him ride away with hope that something would break in this case very soon.

  Ben earlier that morning had gone to the Indian Museum up in North Bend. It was adjacent to the casino. He was looking for some information on the subject of Ghost Dancing and about a Ghost Dancer. Ben had left word with Flo where he was going. He told her that Stacy and Rory could meet him there before they interviewed the dealer.

  Stacy went back inside to get her bag and let Flo know where she was going. Stacy noticed that Flo seemed flooded with work with from this case. Stacy made a note to call Sharon up in Eugene to see if Emma could handle the desk for awhile. Stacy thought Sharon would take some pressure off Flo. With that in mind, she and Rory drove up to the casino and museum.

  As they entered Coos Bay, Stacy's phone rang. It was Rhonda reporting concerning the background check on Dr. Oday. "Sorry it took so long Stacy. I had some trouble with the bank and had to pull some strings to get them to release his information. It appears he's over extended his account. He's from a wealthy back east family. They supported him through his educational years and up until he reached about thirty years old. His wife divorced him for reasons that were not clear, but suffice to say, the family quit backing is gambling habit. Right now he is in debt to the tune of almost a quarter of a million to the bank. His salary is one hundred fifty thousand a year plus a bonus if the occupancy is over ninety percent. I hope that helps Stacy."

  "I'll say it does Rhonda and thanks for that vital information. Ron's in situ as we speak. Let's see if we can bust this case wide open soon."

  Rory had been listening as she had her phone on speaker. He said, "The plot thickens, but we still lack a suspect. Do you have any ideas Super?"

  "Not really. Let's just keep digging and sooner or later we'll turn over a rock with something rotten under it. The more I think about it the scalping has a meaning that eludes me at this point in time."

  Rory pulled into the parking lot of the museum next to Ben's car. They found Ben studying some Indian artifacts with a serious demeanor. Rory said, "Find any dried scalps Kemo Sabe."

  "Very funny Rory. Hi Stacy and good morning," said Ben. "I've some things to show you over there," he pointed towards a glass case of a warrior dressed in full Indian apparel. They followed him over and pointed at the belt of rawhide that went around his middle.

  Stacy frowned and then said, "I guess that could be scalps hanging from his middle?"

  "It sure looks like it to me," said Rory. "I'm not sure of the hunting knife being a replica as it looks store bought to me."

  "Let's not get picky here and just look at the symbolism that is obvious," said Ben. "I read about taking scalps. It seems it was a show of prowess for a warrior to show off his kills. It might be a little more gory than a fast draw cowboy putting notches on his shooting iron. Besides White men did the same with the Indian scalps. Anyway, scalping has been going on for hundreds of years here and in the Old World too."

  "What do we know about a Ghost Dancer Ben?"

  "Stacy, it would seem that there's an old woman that comes here in the late afternoon to spin tales of the old days. An Indian woman was here awhile ago and told me that she brings her kids here sometimes to listen to the old woman weave tales of yesteryear. I suggest we come back later after interviewing the Black Jack dealer."

  "Rory while you call her I'll look around beings I'm here. It'll help me get a better feel for the original people of North America."

  "I'll go with you," said Ben. They read the story of the Coquille Tribe fishing for Salmon in the Coquille River. "My father used to fish the Coquille River for steelhead mostly up the river towards Powers, Oregon. He told me seals sometimes could be found forty miles upstream from Bandon munching on returning salmon. I never did get much interested in fishing," said Ben.

  "Me either," said Stacy admiring a Native American buckskin dress on a pretty mannequin.

  Rory came up and said, "We're set to go right now. We'll meet her in Charleston. She says there's nice little restaurant just off main street. I know where it is."

  Roberta Lissten was waiting for them at a table for four. Stacy noticed she was dark skinned and very pretty with glistening black hair. She wore little makeup only highlighted with an off pink lip gloss. Rory made the introductions as they all sat down to a nervous looking young woman of about thirty.

  Stacy said gently, "Don't worry Roberta your story is confidential and would only need substantiating if things got really messy. However, we don't think it will become messy at all. Now, what can you tell us about Lance and Dr. Oday gambling together."

  "I can tell you they were regulars and always together. Lance was not a drinker or heavy gambler at all. He was there I think to enjoy the atmosphere away from his family and work. That's what I think he was doing there. Maybe I'm wrong but my intuition tells me I'm close to being right. Dr. Oday, on the other hand, was a serious player who most of the time lost heavily. Lance stuck with the card tables and Dr. Oday played dice mostly. H
e's one guy who should never gamble."

  "Thanks for that information Roberta and now let's order lunch. I've a few more questions and that doesn't have anything to do with the two aforementioned people," said Stacy.

  The restaurant was similar to a deli, but had lunch specials with soup. A waitress came by to take their orders. She began with the two girls and then her eyebrows rose with Rory's order. She smiled at Ben who just had the lunch special.

  "As you might know Roberta, we're investigating the murder of Bandon's Chief of Police. You probably do know he was a Native American Indian. Are you part Native American Roberta?"

  "Yes, Marshall Stacy, I am. I'm about one fourth Coquille Indian. Lance was a good guy and he always showed respect to me and the others."

  "Here's a secret for you to carry around for the time being Roberta. We found Lance stabbed in the heart with a large hunting knife. Also, he was scalped."

  Stacy let that news hit home before she continued. Roberta threw a hand to the mouth to stifle a gasp, but a slight one escaped regardless. Her eyes widened along with her mouth. She looked on the verge of tears, which Stacy and the others hoped she would not have a crying spell. "I'm shocked. Are you suspecting it might be another Indian who killed him," she said rather too loudly. Stacy glanced around but everyone was either busy serving or eating to notice.

  "We don't know and wondered if you might know of any Indians who come to the casino who are or act violent?"

  Ben watched her carefully and decided to give her both barrels to see if she flinched or looked bewildered. "Roberta, excuse me but what do you know of a Ghost Dancer in the Coquille Tribe?" Her head swung around to face Ben. She did looked shocked but said"

  "There're a couple of younger Indians who come in swaggering and talking a bit tough. But whether or not they're violent or just showing is beyond me. Yes, in our traditions we have a 'Ghost Dancer or Ghost Walker', she said recovering quite nicely Rory thought.

  Lunch came and they set to eating, especially Rory who managed to consume two orders and finished before anyone else. Roberta looked amazed. She also liked the looks of Rory as well. Just a flicker of jealousy rippled up Stacy's spine. She said, "Can you expand on the two young warriors just a little more?"


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