Murder at Police Station

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Murder at Police Station Page 10

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  I woke up feeling someone's hands on my breasts. I looked up and here was the husband fondling me. I screamed and his wife came running in. She suspected immediately what her husband had done. She told me that she was sorry, and gave me a hundred dollars to not say anything to anyone. I took the money and kept the secret until they suddenly moved away after only one year. I still can feel his hands on me. Now when my husband and I make love, I really don’t' like him to touch my boobs."

  "Thanks for the story Easy. Rory and I have a relationship together and I'm not sure how I'll react when he touches me. I hope it doesn't bother me, but I'm afraid it will take some time before I become relaxed with my love making," said a happier Stacy.

  "How about showing me around the 'Bandon by the Sea' tourist town?"

  "I can do that. I don't drive much and with both Rory and Ben gone, I'll borrow one of the patrol cars. James is here and when my father is out, he runs the place. He's been in love with me for years now. He's really a sweet guy, but sadly, he doesn't do much for me. I guess he's almost too nice."

  As it turned out they took James SUV which was almost new and pristine. He turned a shade of red when Stacy asked for a car to show her new friend around town. They went out in the parking lot to show her how to adjust the seat and steering wheel. Soon they were cruising down to Old Town.

  After a ride around the Beach Loop Road, they stopped at the Assisted Living Residence. They found Rory and Ron huddled around the reception area. Ron looked at Easy and Stacy could see he was extremely attracted to her. She had his dark brown eyes and straight black hair complimenting her light brown skin. He assumed correctly that she was part Native American.

  After the introduction was made, Rory said, "Ms. Lewis has agreed to have Ron as a body guard for the time being.

  Ron said, "From what has happened prior to this time, I'm wondering if a body guard would be able to prevent the killer from doing anybody harm. I'm game to be her watch dog, but I don't want to be held responsible if something happens to her. This guy is good, way good, and maybe almost impossible to stop him from doing what he wants."

  "I understand," said Easy, "But remember that the power of concentration will heighten anybody's metal awareness. Just be aware and alert at all times. Just a momentary lull could be fatal."

  "We've a room for her to sleep in tonight, with only one door in or out. None of the windows can be opened. If the killer wants her bad enough, he must come through an outside door to her room. Her room has a double deadbolt lock. Not sure if that's enough, but best we can for now."

  "I'll stay with Ron till midnight, and then Ben will take over the midnight to daylight shift. I wonder for how long we'll have to this type of duty," said Rory.

  "Until we catch the guy or he disappears from the area. I think, if he wants to harm any others he'll do it within the next day or two," said Stacy.

  They left to check on Connie, and possibly have dinner with her. Stacy, was beginning to feel much better, and some talk around a dinner table with Connie and Easy would be reassuring to her much needed ego.

  A text to Connie from the motel parking lot found her on the beach having a stroll. She told Stacy to come back in an hour and she would be ready. Next, they went to Stacy's house where they found her father and Ben, along with the other three security men, discussing the night's activities.

  They dodged the men and went inside to find Fran. Fran, as usual, was cooking up a storm to feed a small crew of soon to be hungry agents. Stacy introduced Easy and soon all three were doing what they could to help prepare dinner. Stacy said, "No need to include us Fran. We're going out with my boss to have dinner tonight. But Easy will be with me all night long. She'll be my guardian tonight."

  "I wish this event would be over Stacy. I can see by looking at your father he's extremely worried something will happen to you. I don't see him recovering if he lost you just after losing his lovely wife. I'm sorry to have to say it, but it felt it better for me to talk about it. I don't feel any doom or gloom coming, but I sure hope you guys can close the books on these murders."

  Stacy gave Fran a big hug and then said, "I'll be fine, and don't worry about father He'll feel much better when the place is as secure as technology and guards can make it. Well, we'll be back early around nine or so."

  Stacy called for a reservation at the golf resort restaurant. It was still too early for summer tourists, but they insisted on reservations no matter what time of year. Easy offered to drive and that took some pressure off of Stacy. Easy drove right to the motel without needing any directions. They picked Connie up and Stacy told Easy to follow Highway 101 north and then follow the signs to the resort.

  Sitting at the table, looking over the menu, Connie asked, "Stacy, do you come here often?"

  Stacy was a little taken aback with the question. First thought, does she want to know if I pad my expense account or maybe flaunt my social status? She realized the best answer would be an honest one. "I haven't been here since the case of the organized crime murder. I usually eat at the restaurant across the street from our police station."

  ''I was just curious as the staff here didn't recognize you. I would imagine that everywhere else you go in Bandon you're recognized."

  Easy smiled lowering her head pretending to read the menu. Stacy saw her and then grinned and said, "I'm basically a small town girl with both of my feet on the ground."

  "Well, let's order and have a glass of wine, shall we," asked Connie.

  With wine in hand, Connie asked, "How are you doing now that a while has passed since the last night's ordeal?"

  "Much better and with the addition of Easy it's been very helpful. I feel safer now, but also know if this guy wants to get me, he can. While on the subject, I'm completely perplex about how to catch this killer.

  "Indeed this is one for the archives once it's finished, if it's ever finished. It's not likely he'll make a mistake, but if he does, we need to jump on it with both feet. It seems to me he's seeking revenge for others who have discriminated against Native Americans. It also seems to me that the number two in authority at the assisted living facility is vulnerable. What have you done about that end of things?"

  "We've placed her in a single room with only one door in or out. The windows can't be opened at all. We've Ron guarding her and with Rory as a second until midnight. After midnight, Ben will replace Rory. It seems to me that's the best we can do at this point in time."

  "Sounds good and so does the fresh salmon on the menu," said Connie.

  After dinner, with a snifter of brandy, Stacy asked, "Any news on a replacement for the Chief of Police?"

  "Yes, as a matter of fact there's about to be retired Marshall from Maine who desires the position. He's an avid fisherman and loves the sound of fishing the Pacific Ocean. He and his wife will move out here soonest they put their affairs in order. During the interim I'll leave Able, who has the expertise to cover the job. Your father can retire in peace now."

  "That's a relief. I can see how being older small things seem to matter more than when we're young. We younger folks roll with the times, but older people desire a smoother daily life. "

  "Easy, what's your plan for the coming night to see that our Super Sleuth remains unharmed?"

  "I'll guard her door all night without nodding off. I'm trained, as you know Connie, to stay alert for a minimum of ten hours regardless of the prior time awake. I know it sounds rather like boasting, but we, our team, were trained by an oriental master how to use our mind as a tool to control our bodies. He taught us pressure points to stimulate our minds to block the neurons that make us sleep. I found it very interesting," said Easy.

  "Well, let go put it to practice. I for one want to sleep and let's get after it tomorrow morning. Thanks for the lovely dinner Stacy. The salmon was good. The company even better," said a tired looking Connie.


  Rory and Ron had dinner in the cafeteria. It was a meager serving for the perpetually hungry Rory, b
ut he said nothing. Ron smiled thinking his boss would suffer a little tonight without a full, over extended belly. Afterwards they walked Ms. Lewis to her room and she locked herself in saying, without pleasantries, "Good night, gentlemen."

  Rory and Ron sat side by side watching mostly staff coming and going. By nine pm things were mostly quiet with few staff around. Most of the staff was at the nurses' station monitoring patient calls. Rory was beginning to get a little sleepy, so he took a short walk and returned. Ron, on the other hand, was wide awake. He did wish for a cup of coffee, but decided to wait until later for that rush of caffeine. Rory came back and sat down with his long legs sticking out crossed at the ankles. Rory looked at his watch seeing it was going on half past ten. About then, a staff member came with a tray holding two pieces of cake and two mugs of steaming coffee.

  Rory sat up straight and gave a big smile. Ron however, gave him a suspicious look and said, "I've not seen you around before. Who are you and where do you work?"

  "I’m Eric Mint. I work the graveyard shift in the kitchen. I’m here early because a swing shift guy never showed up. Here is a cup of coffee and some homemade muffins. The coffee is French Roast and the muffins are apple cinnamon. I heard you guys were watching our new director. I hope you enjoy the snack," said a young looking dark skinned man with gleaming dark eyes.

  Ron relaxed as Rory dug in with pleasure the delicious looking snack the kitchen guy brought. Ron sipped the coffee and he too found the brew excellent. He relaxed and consumed the muffin and delighted in its taste. However, the next day he realized his eating habits needed more attention to where they came from.

  Eric scurried back towards the kitchen area. But instead of joining his fellow workers, he ducked into a storage room. He stripped down and put on his camo clothes. After that he put on his kitchen uniform over the top of everything. Then he sat down in the dark corner and waited. He knew if the two detectives ate the muffins and drank the coffee in thirty minutes or so they would be sleeping. Eric waited patiently.

  Rory was happy with the snack, and with the hit of caffeine should be fully alert until Ben arrived at midnight. Ron too finished his snack. Both sat back and waited for time to pass by. It was about thirty minutes later, after Rory had nodded off, that Ron fought to stay awake. In his foggy brain he realized that the two of them had been drugged by the phony kitchen man named Eric. His last thoughts were of revenge as he fell into a deep sleep.

  Eric stood up and made ready for the job at hand. It was just that, a job. He had been told that these three people had stolen from the Coquille Tribe much needed money. They had to be eliminated. He went to work. At the guarded door, both detectives were sound asleep. He took out his lock kit and soon was in the room. He went through the door careful to not let in much light. It was not a problem, as his target was sleeping on her back. She was slightly snoring, but soon it would be the last sound she ever made.

  Eric took his hunting knife, slowly pulled down the covers, and said some silent chant to himself while he plunged the knife into her heart. She died instantly. He took out his scalping knife and took his trophy with him in a zip lock bag. The trophy would be put into a glass case many miles from here in a special room. He felt proud to be an Indian. His only small worry now was that pesky girl Marshall, who he hoped took the hint to leave him alone. The military called it ''collateral damage". The Ghost Dancer left the scene, locked the door and disappeared into the night leaving his kitchen uniform neatly folded on the receptionist counter.

  Ben arrived at midnight thinking what a boring late night it was going to be. He'd been instructed to come through the back door, through the kitchen, to enter the building. He did as instructed. Two of the kitchen staff was prepping for the day's menu. They did not pay him any attention as he went through not looking left or right. From there he walked down the hall while hearing his own footsteps to where the sleeping quarters were located. As he approached Rory and Ron, he could see and sensed trouble was just ahead of him.

  Ben first shook Rory, but could not wake him. He felt his pulse and he was alive but probably knocked out on some drug. He moved to Ron and found the same thing had happened to him. He called the police station. Surprisingly, Sharon answered the phone. She was doing double duty to help out. He told her what he had found and to call a police officer to come immediately. Then he said, "Call Stacy or the agent Easy to inform them we've got trouble. The door is locked and I'm afraid of what is behind the locked door. I'll wait for their arrival. Also we've got two drugged Marshalls here. Call a doctor please and I'll try and find a nurse who can provide medical attention."

  Ben went back to wait and help put two knocked out agents onto a gurney. At the same time, Easy was talking to Sharon quietly so as not to awake the house. She told Sharon that they would be on the scene as soon as they could. Easy, quietly opened the door. Stacy was sleeping soundly and what appeared peacefully. Easy hated to wake her, but that was her job. She gently shook her arm and said, "Wake up Stacy. We're needed at the assisted living facility." She waited while Stacy slowly opened her eyes. She sat up and said, "Something happen at the facility?"

  "Yes, Ben found Rory and Ron drugged and sleeping at the door where Ms. Lewis was sleeping. It's locked and Ben is waiting for us to arrive."

  "Okay, but tell Ben to get a key or be ready to break the door down. Let me get dressed and brush my teeth. I'll be read in a jiffy. I'll wake my father too. We don't need him but he needs to know what is happening."

  A little while later, Sergeant James knocked on the door. He knew Stacy would need a ride to the scene of the crime. It was already a foregone conclusion that the killer had murdered Ms. Lewis. Stacy was pleased he was there and said so, as they climbed in his police cruiser. Stacy asked, "What do you know, James, about the situation at the facility?"

  "Not much except that I've one officer on the scene now. A doctor has been called in to see about Rory and Ron. They're both alive, but heavily drugged. And of course Ben is on the scene taking command of everything."

  "Sounds good and thanks for giving us a ride. By the way James, this is Easy, my new guardian."

  James acknowledged the introduction, but had already seen her earlier that day, yet was never formally introduced. The introduction made him feel important. At the same time Stacy called Connie's cell phone. As usual, after two rings she answered fully awake. Stacy quickly told her the situation and said James would be over to pick her up in thirty minutes or so. She said that would be just fine and hung up.

  After talking to Connie, Stacy remained silent and thoughtful. Being on site of the crime meant she was still active on the case. Therefore, she was fair game for the killer to make good on his promise. That thought, was first and foremost on her mind. She felt Easy thinking the same thing. She felt Easy's hand reach over and pat her thigh for comfort. Stacy placed her ice cold hand over hers. For some reason, she felt the two had become close since their meeting.

  By the time her thoughts ended on that subject, they were at the scene of the potential crime. Ben met them at the reception counter, as he was closely examining the folded up white kitchen staff uniform that he found on the counter. He nodded and then said, "I found a few black hairs on the uniform that I think was used by an imposter to trick Rory and Ron into drinking some drug laced coffee. I found the tray in a storage room. There was also some cake crumbs. I wonder if he laced the cake, he must have baked the cake himself. That would mean access to an oven. I know that sounds simple to deduce, but he must be staying with somebody who has a kitchen or he's rented a house?"

  "Interesting Detective Razor," said Connie, as she overheard while walking in to the clinic. "Now where can we find the room of the alleged victim?"

  "Follow me please," said Ben. Their walking echoed off the sterile walls as they strode down the hall to the living quarters. Stacy felt a cold chill run up and down her spine. Easy must have seen her shudder, as she took her arm for comfort. It was amazing to Stacy, that this strang
er knew her feelings so well.

  At the door stood a Bandon Police Officer named Richard Strongarm. He was a rookie, but he appeared poised for one so young. He stood back against the wall awaiting instructions. Ben took the key and opened the door. All knew murder was serious business and if you looked at Marshall Foreham now you would see nothing but serious intention on the task at hand.

  While he was opening the door, Stacy asked, "Ben, how are Rory and Ron doing?"

  "Sleeping like babies according to the nurse. She says their vital signs are fine and in time they'll wake up with a serious hangover."

  The double lock was quickly opened and so was the door. The light from the hall way barely illuminated the person in the bed. Ben located the light switch, and soon the room was bathed in light revealing Ms. Lewis with a hunting knife in her chest. A second look made stomachs turn as a patch of scalp that once held her hair was missing. There was no doubt she was dead. Ben went to his knees with his pads and miners hat showing extra light onto the floor.

  It did not take him long to cover the short distance to the body. Meanwhile, Stacy called the county morgue and afterwards called the CSI State Police team. She turned back and looked at Connie who was peering into the room. Stacy saw intense eyes that had seen more than one dead body before. However, she would say later that she had never seen a scalped person. It made her blood run cold. She turned and sat down in the same chair Rory had been sitting on when he drank his drugged coffee. There was nothing for Connie to do but give the case another go over in her mind. She had yet to discuss Chief Lance's background with Stacy. That would require first priority. His connection to the corruption at the casino on the east coast could be construed as him being part of the recipients. Indeed, only a few knew he did not testify to become free of the crime. He truly was innocent.

  Stacy having seen the crime scene decided to take a walk and find Rory and Ron. Easy went with her. Stacy did not mind the shadow. In fact she rather enjoyed it. It would be sad when she left. But, in the meantime there was a killer to catch.


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